Karthik R.
Rae M.
Department of Physics and Biophysics, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110, USA. E-mail: randerson@sandiego.edu
First published on 28th October 2024
Blends of circular and linear polymers have fascinated researchers for decades, and the role of topology on their stress response and dynamics remains fervently debated. While linear polymers adopt larger coil sizes and form stronger, more pervasive entanglements than their circular counterparts, threading of circular polymers by linear chains can introduce persistent constraints that dramatically decrease mobility, leading to emergent rheological properties in blends. However, the complex interplay between topology-dependent polymer overlap and threading propensity, along with the large amounts of material required to sample many compositions, has limited the ability to experimentally map stress response to composition with high resolution. Moreover, the role of supercoiling on the response of circular-linear blends remains poorly understood. Here, we leverage in situ enzymatic topological conversion to map the deformation dynamics of DNA blends with over 70 fractions of linear, ring and supercoiled molecules that span the phase space of possible topological compositions. We use OpTiDDM (optical tweezers integrating differential dynamic microscopy) to map strain-induced deformation dynamics to composition, revealing that strain-coupling, quantified by superdiffusive dynamics that are aligned with the strain, is maximized for blends with comparable fractions of ring and linear polymers. Increasing the supercoiled fraction dramatically reduces strain-coupling, while converting rings to linear chains offers more modest coupling reduction. We demonstrate that these results are a direct consequence of the interplay between increasing polymer overlap and decreasing threading probability as circular molecules are converted to linear chains, with a careful balance achieved for blends with ample ring fractions but devoid of supercoiled molecules.
Moreover, previous studies have shown that polymeric blends and composites exhibit scale-dependent mechanical properties and dynamics, with the bulk rheological response not directly mapping to the microscale relaxation dynamics;28–33 as well as signatures of dynamic heterogeneities and glassiness.34–37 For example, previous particle-tracking microrheology studies showed that the viscosity of solutions of overlapping circular double-stranded DNA steadily increased as the polymers were enzymatically linearized (i.e., both strands were cleaved at a single location).20 This effect was shown to arise from increased polymer overlap due to the size of the random coil of a linear chain being substantially larger than that of a circular (ring or supercoiled) polymer of equal length. Namely, as the solution composition became a blend of increasing linear fraction, the degree of overlap and entanglements increased, restricting the polymer motion and increasing local viscosity. The rheological response at the bulk scale was shown to be highly distinct from the microscale, with the viscoelastic moduli exhibiting sharp transitions from fluid-like to elastic-like states, rather than steady increase,37 which was shown to arise from cooperative clustering of entangled linear chains.35 This cooperative clustering of the ‘slow’ population in the blend also gave rise to an unexpected decrease in ensemble-averaged DNA mobility as they were enzymatically fragmented into shorter constructs.28
The scale-dependent dynamics of ring-linear blends are further complicated by the ability of ring polymers to become threaded by neighboring linear chains and, to a lesser extent, ring and supercoiled chains.1,5,31,35,36,38–41 In both solutions and melts, threading drastically slows the motion of the rings by essentially pinning them in place until the penetrating linear chains can diffuse out of the ring center and release their constraint. At high enough polymer concentrations and lengths, threading dominates the rheological and dynamical fingerprint of ring-linear blends, leading to an emergent increase in the elastic plateau modulus, viscosity, and relaxation timescales compared to their pure linear and ring counterparts over a range of blend compositions.29,36,38–40,42–44 Threading has also been suggested to lead ring-linear blends to exhibit more pronounced entropic stretching and shear-thinning in response to strain, increased heterogeneities in transport modes, slower diffusion, and more pronounced subdiffusion compared to pure solutions of linear or ring polymers.36,38–40,42,45,46 However, the exact dependence of these effects on the blend composition (i.e., the fraction of each topology) is a topic of debate due to the difficulty in preparing enough different blend compositions to comprehensively map the effect of composition onto dynamics. Moreover, while some of these emergent properties have been observed in both solutions and melts, such as increased viscosity and extended relaxation times,40,46,47 other features, such as an extended rubbery regime,29,48 have only been reported in solutions. These challenges are further complicated by the inherent scale-dependence and heterogeneity of these properties, rendering results from different measurement techniques that probe different scales difficult to couple.
Here, we leverage the enzymatic topological conversion of concentrated solutions of DNA to map the deformation dynamics of DNA solutions with dozens of fractions of linear, ring and supercoiled molecules that span the phase space of possible compositions. We use OpTiDDM (Optical Tweezers integrating Differential Dynamic Microscopy) to measure the polymer dynamics induced by local strains imposed by optically trapped probes; and elucidate how both the alignment of the DNA motion with the imposed strain, as well as the DNA transport properties, depend on composition and distance from the local strain. To determine the deformation dynamics with high resolution in composition and across a range of spatiotemporal scales, we perform measurements during the active cleaving of DNA by enzymes at multiple stoichiometries, to measure dynamics of blends with over 70 different compositions that range from purely circular, with ∼65% rings and ∼35% supercoiled, to purely linear chains of the same length.
To vary the blend composition, we introduce a single-site restriction endonuclease, BamHI, that cuts both strands of the DNA in a single location to convert both supercoiled and ring constructs to linear form (Fig. 1a and b).49,50 By using a low stoichiometry of enzyme to DNA we allow digestion kinetics to be slow on the timescale of a single 50-s OpTiDDM measurement, so that the solution can be considered to be in quasi-steady-state,20 and so a high composition resolution can be achieved (Fig. 1b and c). However, to capture the full range of blend compositions, i.e., allowing the enzyme to fully digest (linearize) all of the DNA, we need digestion kinetics to be fast enough to complete digestion before potentially deleterious photobleaching effects or enzymatic star activity occur (after ∼6 hours). Due to the exponential Michaelis–Menten digestion kinetics,20 achieving complete digestion in a limited amount of time requires that the digestion rate is prohibitively high at early times to resolve closely spaced compositions and maintain the quasi-steady-state assumption (Fig. 1b). However, reducing the initial digestion rate to achieve this resolution prohibits reaching complete digestion in the limited time window. Therefore, to achieve these upper and lower bounds on kinetics, we perform measurements with two different stoichiometries that differ by 10-fold, 0.1 U μg−1 and 1 U μg−1. With these two stoichiometries, we are able to accurately capture the full range of compositions from initial to saturating (all linear) conditions while ensuring the quasi-steady-state assumption is valid over each 50-s experiment (Fig. 1a and b).
Fig. 1b shows the fraction of each topology over the course of 4 hours for each stoichiometry, determined from gel electrophoresis band intensity analysis (see Methods), showing thorough sampling of the full composition range. Because the radius of gyration of the DNA molecules are topology-dependent, with values of RG,S ≃ 103 nm, RG,R ≃ 113 nm, and RG,L ≃ 179 nm for supercoiled, ring and linear topologies,50–52 the coil overlap concentration c* = (3/4π)(M/NA)RG−3 varies in time as the fraction of each topology, ϕS,R,L = cS,R,L/c, changes. Specifically, c* decreases as ring and supercoiled constructs are converted to linear topology, according to the expression c* = (3/4π)(M/NA)/(ϕLRG,L3 + ϕRRG,R3 + ϕSRG,S3),20,41 such that the reduced concentration, = c/c*, which quantifies the degree of overlap, increases (Fig. 1c).
We expect the initial primarily circular blends (ϕL ≃ 0, ≃ 5) to be overlapping but not entangled due to the reduced concentration being below the nominal entanglement concentration e ≃ 6 (Fig. 1c).20,53 Several studies have also suggested that circular polymers display weaker and less persistent intermolecular interactions compared to canonical linear chain entanglements.35,54–56 Conversely, for the completely digested system, with ≃ 23, we expect the DNA to be classically entangled and their dynamics governed by entanglement tube confinement.20,57 We focus our discussion in the following sections on the compositions that lie between these bounds, for which the dynamics are still poorly understood and expected to be much richer.
Fig. 2c qualitatively depicts the strain-induced deformation field for the starting composition (Fig. 2a), showing more pronounced motion near the strain and reduced motion further from the strain. We note that the signal-to-noise is low and single molecules are not easily resolved. This effect is a consequence of including a relatively high fraction of labeled molecules in solution to ensure ample statistics within small spatially resolved region-of-interests (ROIs), and is one of our motivations for using differential dynamic microscopy (DDM), rather than, e.g., particle-tracking or particle-image-velocimetry, to quantify DNA dynamics.
Specifically, we divide the FOV into (16 μm)2 ROIs centered at 20 vertical positions from y0 = 8 μm to yf = 27 μm (Fig. 2d), and perform DDM on each ROI (Fig. 2e–h). As described in Methods, DDM converts a time-series into stacks of image differences which encode information about how correlated two images separated by a given lag time Δt are, which can be analyzed to extract dynamics.16,61–63 In practice, DDM transforms image differences to Fourier space to compute image structure functions (Fig. 2e and f) that quantify correlations in density fluctuations at a given spatial frequency, or wave vector , as a function of Δt (Fig. 2f). As described in the following sections, from we determine the (1) extent to which the direction of DNA motion aligns with the strain direction, which we quantify by the alignment factor AF(y, ) (Fig. 2g), and (2) type and rate of DNA motion, which we quantify by analyzing the q-dependent DDM decay time τ(q, y, ) (Fig. 2h). Fig. 2g and h shows these metrics measured near the beginning and end of each stoichiometric digestion (0.1 and 1 U μg−1), demonstrating that composition generally has a significant effect on the dynamics. We also observe that both metrics display a similar non-monotonic dependence on , with the strongest alignment and longest decay time occurring at intermediate values. In the absence of topological conversion, one may expect these metrics to increase monotonically with , insofar as stronger connectivity and increased steric hindrances are expected to slow motion (increasing τ) and enhance affine response to strain (increasing AF). We investigate the functional form of these non-monotonic dependences and their underlying mechanisms in the remaining sections. We choose to characterize composition primarily by rather than the mass fraction of linearized molecules ϕL because accounts for the fraction of all three topologies in a single quantity. Conversely, a single ϕL value could correspond to multiple compositions with varying relative fractions of ring and supercoiled molecules, which we expect to have a marked effect on dynamics due to their differing sizes and propensities for threading.28,64
As shown in Fig. 3a, AF(y0) initially increases as increases from the initial value of i ≃ 5.4 until ≃ 10 where AF reaches a maximum. As increases further, the alignment factor becomes largely independent of composition, with AF values remaining substantially higher than that for i. This behavior persists until the highest values ( ≳ 22), in which the solutions comprise nearly all linear chains (Fig. 1d), at which point we see a subsequent drop in AF. This general non-monotonic dependence of on AF holds for increasing y values until y ≃ 17 μm, at which point AF becomes increasingly insensitive to composition, and is essentially statistically insignificant for y > 20 μm.
This effect can also be seen clearly in Fig. 3b which shows AF as a function of y for different blend compositions, denoted by the rainbow colorscale. For y < 20 μm, the non-monotonic dependence is shown by the maximum and minimum values being green ( ≃ 10) and purple (i ≈ 5) while the red tones that denote ≳ 17 reside between these extrema. Two other features that are apparent are: the decrease in composition dependence for y > 20 μm, seen as a much smaller spread in the data compared to y < 20 μm; and the enhanced y dependence for ≃ 10 compared to higher or lower values, with AF dropping by a factor of ∼15 as y increases, versus ∼5 and ∼10 for i ≈ 5 and f ≈ 23.
These results suggest that interactions between linear and circular molecules, which are absent for i and f (Fig. 1d) provide more effective mechanisms for coupling to the strain compared to linear–linear and circular–circular interactions. As described in the Introduction, numerous previous studies have shown strong evidence of threading of rings by linear chains, which dramatically slows relaxation processes and enhances shear-thinning and viscosity. These features align with the enhanced stretching of threaded rings, as compared to entangled linear or ring polymers, reported by several studies.5,40,45,60 Likewise, we can understand the increased strain alignment at intermediate values as arising from threaded rings being maximally stretched along the strain direction due to the rigid constraints imposed by the threading chains that strongly resist strain-induced flow. In other words, as the ring is pulled along the strain path, the constraints (threadings) pull against the strain, thereby entropically stretching the threaded ring in the strain direction. A similar effect can occur for entangled linear polymers that are constrained by entanglements from neighboring chains. However, these constraints are expected to be less persistent than threadings, relaxing via reptation versus constraint release, rendering the entropic stretching weaker. We note that due to the nonlinear nature of the straining, we expect convective constraint release (CCR) to play a role in the dynamics for all entangled systems, regardless of the degree of threading.48,57 CCR, which reduces the local entanglement density, likely counteracts the propensity for chains to stretch along the strain direction, thereby dampening the strain-coupling we observe.
Collectively, this topological dependence on stretching is a plausible mechanism for the initial strong increase in alignment as increases from i ≃ 5.4 to max ≃ 10, followed by a modest decrease and greater spread as increases further to f ≃ 23. Namely, as the degree of overlap increases and supercoiled molecules are replaced with linear chains (Fig. 1d), the entanglement density increases substantially and threading events become more pervasive. However, further increases in the degree of overlap (beyond max ≃ 10), a result of rings being converted to linear chains, come at the cost of threading events, so serve to weaken alignment. It is important to note that if increased alignment was primarily a result of increased overlap/entanglement density, then AF should increase monotonically with . Instead, the non-monotonic dependence on is direct evidence of topological effects dictating the strength of strain coupling. This conjecture is further supported by the larger drop in alignment that only occurs at the very highest values ( ≳ 22) where the solutions comprise nearly all linear chains (Fig. 1d and 3a).
Finally, we note that the region of composition space in which the degree of alignment is maximized is that in which the fraction of linear chains ϕL surpasses that of supercoiled molecules ϕS (Fig. 1d, > 7.6) but remains lower than the fraction of rings ϕR ( < 14). We also note that the maximally aligned composition (max ≃ 10) occurs at the point at which supercoiled molecules are completely eliminated, at which point we expect that all molecules (rings and linear chains) likely participate in threading events.
We first examine dynamics closest to the strain (y0 = 8 μm), where we observe the most pronounced alignment (Fig. 4a and b). We find that τ(q) curves for all compositions obey power-law scaling that approximately aligns with diffusive behavior (β = 2). However, the magnitude of τ(q) is generally highest for ≈ 10–12 and lowest for i ≈ 5, following a similar non-monotonic trend as AF. These features can be seen more clearly by examining the functional form of τq2, which is a horizontal line for β = 2 and adopts increasingly positive slopes as β decreases to more superdiffusive exponents (Fig. 4b). The relative rate of motion can also be approximated as the inverse of τq2. All compositions appear to display modest superdiffusivity over at least some region of q space, which appears to be most extreme for intermediate compositions. The mobility also markedly slows as increases from its initial value to max ≃ 10.
Fig. 4 Digestion of supercoiled DNA enhances strain-coupled superdiffusivity while slowing transport. (a) DDM decay time τ(q) versus wave vector q, evaluated at y0 = 8 μm, for varying blend compositions, characterized by , represented as cool to warm colors for i ≃ 5 (purple) to f ≃ 23 (dark red). Green and yellow data points which are extremal for nearly all q values, correspond to ≈ 10. Dashed scaling bars denote diffusive (β = 2) scaling exponents associated with the expected power-law relation τ(q) = K−1q−β. (b) Data shown in (a) plotted as τq2versus q, which is independent of q for diffusive motion (β = 2) and displays an increasingly positive slope as motion becomes more superdiffusive, bounded above by ballistic scaling β = 1 (solid line). (c) and (d) Scaling exponent β versus (c) distance y and (d) blend composition , determined from fitting τ(q) for each blend composition and distance to τ(q) = K−1q−β. Dashed horizontal line denotes diffusive scaling and data that falls below is superdiffusive. (e) and (f) Transport coefficient K versus (e) distance y and (f) blend composition , determined from the same fits used for (c) and (d). K values are in units of μm2 s−α, where α = 2/β. Inset in (f) is zoom-in of high data enclosed in the main plot, showing increase in K when all circular DNA is digested (highest ). Note that lower scaling exponents β (more superdiffusive) generally correlate nonintuitively with lower transport coefficients K (slower motion). Colors, symbols and error bars are as in Fig. 3. |
To quantitatively examine these features and determine the extent to which they persist for molecules that are increasingly farther from the strain, we fit the data for each composition and distance to τ(q) = K−1q−β and evaluate β and K as functions of y (Fig. 4c–f). We observe that for all compositions, β increases with increasing distance y, extending from superdiffusive values as low as β ≈ 1.7 at y0 to diffusive scaling at the largest distance. Insofar as superdiffusivity can be taken as an indicator of strain-coupling, which adds a component of directed ballistic motion to the otherwise thermal diffusive motion of the DNA, this result is intuitive and corroborates our alignment factor analysis (Fig. 3). Moreover, β values display a similar non-monotonic dependence on composition, with ≈ 10 exhibiting the most pronounced superdiffusivity for nearly all y values, while i and f blends have higher (less superdiffusive) β values. Also mirroring the alignment factor analysis, we observe a significant uptick in β near f, where we expect blends to be nearly devoid of rings. This non-trivial composition dependence can also be seen clearly by examining β versus for the different distances (Fig. 4d), which display global minima at max ≈ 10 for distances out to y ≈ 20 μm, a feature that is most pronounced closest to the strain.
Perhaps less intuitive is the larger effect of composition on β at both small and large distances compared to intermediate y values, which can be seen by the larger spread in the data at the left and right edges (low and high y) of Fig. 4c compared to the middle values. Examination of Fig. 4d reveals that this large spread is due to distinct trends for close versus far distances. Namely, at small y values, the spread is due to the large decrease in β values as increases to ∼10, while for large distances this spread is from a larger increase in β values at the very highest values compared to the other distances. The spread in values extends to β > 2, indicative of subdiffusive motion, which has been reported for entangled linear DNA.45 This finding suggests that even a small number of rings in the blend may be sufficient to enhance strain coupling, in accord with recent observations that a small fraction of rings in synthetic ring-linear blends substantially increases the melt viscosity.46
To shed further light on these results, we also examine the dependence of transport coefficients K on and y (Fig. 4e and f). We observe similar non-monotonic dependence on as for the scaling exponents (Fig. 4c and d) and alignment factor (Fig. 3), with K decreasing substantially from i to max followed by a modest increase as increases to f (Fig. 4e and f). Also consistent with the trends of the other metrics, K generally decreases with increasing distance from the strain, and this decrease is more pronounced for higher values. Finally, at the highest values ( > 21), we observe a more substantial uptick in K values, similar to the trends observed for β and AF.
While the general trends are consistent across metrics, the relationship between K and β appears complex and perhaps counter to expectations. One may expect that increased superdiffusivity, manifested as lower β values (within the range 2 ≥ β ≥ 1), should result in generally faster motion, described by a higher transport coefficient K. This relation is indeed what we observe for the y dependence: β increases and K decreases with increasing y values (Fig. 4c and e). This dependence suggests that it is the strain-coupling that primarily dictates the expected inverse relationship, with molecules closer to the strain being more strongly stretched along the strain path, resulting in faster and more directed motion. This strain-coupling decays as we move further from the strain site. Conversely, the coupled dependence of K and β on displays an opposite trend, whereby increasing β values correlate with increasing K values. In other words, as motion becomes ostensibly more superdiffusive (strain-coupled) it actually appears to be slower, i.e., the rate of motion is smaller. This effect can be seen in Fig. 4c and e, where ≈ 10 blends have the lowest values of both β (Fig. 4c) and K (Fig. 4e) among the different compositions; and in Fig. 4d and f which shows that both values generally decrease from i to max, followed by a modest increase.
We conjecture that this positive correlation between β and K arises from the slowing of quiescent thermal relaxation modes due to threading events that likewise enhance strain-coupling. Stronger constraints lead to stronger strain-coupling, captured by increased alignment and superdiffusivity. However, they also more strongly suppress thermal motion, which contributes to the transport coefficient in a non-trivial way. When constraints are weaker and/or threading is limited, we expect faster thermal transport (higher K) but less strain-induced motion (higher β, lower AF). Thus, for low we expect K and β to be generally high and to display the weakest dependence on y, as we see in Fig. 4c–e.
To quantitatively verify this effect, we estimate the diffusion coefficients for the lowest and highest concentration cases as the transport coefficients at the largest y distance, where β values are near 2 (diffusive) and we expect little effect of the strain on dynamics. The values for ≈ 5 and ≈ 23 blends are K ≃ 0.65 μm2 s−1 and K ≃ 0.3 μm2 s−1, respectively. Closest to the strain, these transport coefficients increase to K ≃ 0.7 μm2 s−1.1 and K ≃ 0.45 μm2 s−1.2. The ∼50% increase in K for ≈ 23 is significantly higher than the ∼8% increase for ≈ 5. We can therefore conclude that the correlated decrease in K and β for high compared to low blends is a result of, respectively, suppressed diffusion and increased strain-coupling.
Moreover, the speed of the moving probe is v = 45 μm s−1 and the strain distance is s = 15 μm, so the resulting Peclet numbers are Pe ≈ vs/D ≈ 103. As such, if the polymers were completely coupled to the strain, then thermal motion would indeed be negligible. However, the extent to which the polymers couple to the strain depends on the degree to which the polymers are sterically constrained (e.g., entangled, threaded) and the extent to which CCR reduces the density of constraints. For less entangled blends, the coupling is weaker, so thermal motion contributes more to the dynamics on the timescale of the strain.
We also find that the deviation towards enhanced superdiffusivity is most pronounced for max ≃ 10 (Fig. 5b) and weakest for i ≃ 5 (Fig. 5a). This result is coupled with the slowest and fastest transport, respectively, which can be seen by examining τq2 for the three smallest q values (Fig. 5d–f), where lower/higher values indicate faster/slower transport. These data also clearly show that the maximally strain-coupled composition (max ≃ 10) is also the one with the largest dependence of mobility on distance from the strain site. Namely, τq2 displays the largest increase with increasing y, signifying the strongest strain-coupling; and this dependence is strongest for the smallest q value. This result corroborates the physical picture that strain-coupling is a many-polymer phenomena that requires numerous constraints and interactions to effectively propagate stress.
For concentrations above ≃ 10, the dependence on is much weaker due to competing effects of increasing overlap and entanglements and reducing threading probability. The latter appears to dominate the strain-coupling, resulting in metrics generally decreasing (AF) or increasing (β, K) for > 10. Again, highlighting the importance of threading, we observe a greater change in all metrics (AF, β, K) for ≳ 22 blends, which have immeasurably low ring content, compared to 10 ≲ < 22 blends that maintain a measurable fraction of rings. To summarize and more closely examine the correlations between the different metrics and their dependence on blend composition and distance, we evaluate pairings of scaling exponents and transport coefficients with their corresponding alignment factor for all distances (Fig. 6a) and compositions (Fig. 6b).
As shown in Fig. 6a, the scaling exponent and alignment factor are generally inversely correlated for all distances, with the highest β and lowest AF values occurring at the largest distance yf = 27 μm and the lowest/highest β/AF occurring at y0 = 8 μm. This relation is consistent with the results discussed above. Conversely, K does not appear to be strongly correlated with alignment, but rather exhibits a large spread in values with the highest ones occurring at intermediate alignment.
To understand these results, we examine the dependence of on correlations between these metrics (Fig. 6b). We find that the large spread in K values at intermediate alignment factors (Fig. 6a) appears to be a signature of low blends (blue and purple triangles) that are weakly constrained and exhibit the weakest strain-coupling. These compositions likewise generally display higher (less subdiffusive) scaling exponents compared to higher blends. This behavior is distinct from that for blends with ≳ 10, in which the transport coefficients generally increase and scaling exponents β decrease with increasing alignment. Additionally, we note that while all ≳ 10 blends display similar correlations of metrics, max ≈ 10 blends have lower values of β and K values than for blends with ≳ 15 across the full range of measured alignment factors. Finally, we find that the large cluster of data points that exhibit diffusive (β ≈ 2), isotropic (AF ≈ 0) motion, which occurs at the largest y values (Fig. 6a), are predominantly from the highest blends (dark red tones), which are comprised of primarily linear chains. This effect further corroborates our interpretation that the presence of rings, at even a very small fraction, substantially enhance long-range stress propagation and entropic stretching, in line with bulk rheology observations of even low fractions of rings enhancing viscosity of ring-linear blends.46
We visualize the dynamics of DNA comprising blends in response to local strains, and quantify the extent to which the strain fingerprints onto the DNA dynamics. We identify this coupling as deviations from isotropic Brownian motion, which manifest in our analysis as alignment of DNA motion along the strain path, superdiffusivity, and substantial dependence of metrics on the distance from the strain path. We observe robust non-monotonic dependences of all strain-coupling metrics on blend composition, which show extrema at ≈ 10, which comprises ϕR ≈ 68%, ϕL ≈ 32%, and ϕS ≈ 0. We rationalize this emergent behavior as arising from increased constraints imposed by threadings that facilitate entropic stretching of circular polymers along the strain path.5,43,60,70 Our findings reveal intriguing new information regarding the optimization of topological blend composition for specific performance metrics; and have important implications in the design of materials that can couple efficiently to manufacturing processes via ample stretching and distribution of imposed stresses.
For all measurements, we dilute the stock DNA solution to c ≃ 6 mg mL−1 to match concentrations used in previous works20,28,45 and achieve sufficient degree of polymer coil overlap (Fig. 1d). To determine the degree of overlap we compute the coil overlap concentration by modifying the expression for the overlap concentration for monodisperse polymer solutions, c* = (3/4π)(M/NA)RG−3 where M is the DNA molecular weight, to account for the different coil sizes of the different topologies: c* = (3/4π)(M/NA)/(ϕLRG,L3 + ϕRRG,R3 + ϕSRG,S3).20,41 Using previously reported radius of gyration values of RG,S ≃ 103 nm, RG,R ≃ 113 nm and RG,L ≃ 179 nm for ring, supercoiled and linear topologies (Fig. 1a),20,50,52 we determine an initial overlap concentration of . The initial reduced concentration which provides a measure of the degree of polymer overlap, is i ≈ 5.3.
At this initial concentration, we do not expect the DNA to be entangled, since it is below the nominal entanglement concentration i ≈ 6.20,53 The longest relaxation timescale in this semidilute unentangled regime is the Rouse time, which we compute to be τR ≈ 2NRG2/πD0 ≈ 261 ms, where N = 19.6 and D0 ≃ 1.53 μm2 s−1 is the tracer diffusion coefficient.50,57 At the highest concentration of i ≈ 23, in which the polymers are well entangled, the longest relaxation timescale is the disengagement time, which we compute to be τD ≈ 3ZτR ≈ 4.2 s, where Z ≃ (c/ce)5/4 ≃ 5 is the entanglement density.57,71
To image the blends during measurements, we fluorescent-label a small batch of the purified DNA with covalent dye MFP488 (MirusBio) that has excitation/emission peaks at 501/523 nm. We use the manufacturer-supplied Label IT Labeling Kit and corresponding protocols to label molecules at a dye to basepair ratio of 1:5.
We mix the solution by pipetting up and down with a wide-bore pipet tip, and add BamHI last, marking the time at which it is added as t = 0. The buffer conditions and temperature (20 °C) provide good solvent conditions for the DNA.71–75 We construct sample chambers, measuring 20 × 3 × 0.1 mm3, using a microscope glass slide and coverslip, both coated with BSA to prevent DNA adsorption, and separated by two layers of double-sided tape. We introduce DNA samples into chambers via capillary action, using a wide-bore pipette tip, after which we seal chambers with epoxy.
As shown in Fig. 2b, the microrheological strain program we apply consists of repeatedly sweeping the trapped bead back and forth horizontally (along the x-axis) at constant speed through a strain distance s = 15 μm. We pause between each 15 μm sweep for a fixed cessation time of 3 s to allow the polymers to relax. We perform all measurements at a speed of v = 40 μm s−1, which equates to a strain rate of = 42 s−1via the relation .45,76 We chose this speed based on our previous work that showed that this rate allowed for the most pronounced strain coupling in comparable DNA solutions.45 For reference, the corresponding Weissenberg numbers for the initial and final concentrations (i ≈ 5, i ≈ 23) are Wi ≈ τR ≈ 11 and Wi ≈ τD ≈ 176. Considering that the time for the probe to complete one 15 μm strain is tp = 0.33 s, the corresponding Deborah numbers for these two extremal concentrations are De = τR/tp ≈ 0.8 and De = τD/tp ≈ 12.6. Therefore, we expect to be in the nonlinear regime and to be probing the viscoelastic response of the polymers.
We perform each oscillatory strain measurement for 50 s, during which we capture a time-series of images of the labeled DNA in the sample at 60 fps (Fig. 2b–e). We perform measurements every ∼1–10 min, depending on the digestion rate, for 4 hours, resulting in >80 measurements that are each performed with a new particle in a new location in the sample chamber, separated by >200 μm from the previous location. All data shown is the average across at least two replicates and three consecutive measurements. Vertical and horizontal error bars are standard error from averaging across replicates and consecutive measurements, respectively.
We use custom-written scripts (Python) to perform DDM analysis, which takes two-dimensional Fourier transforms of differences between images, separated by a range of lag times Δt, to quantify how the correlation of density fluctuations decays with Δt.67 We quantify this correlation as a function of the 2D wave vector = (qx, qy) via the image structure function D(, Δt) (Fig. 2e and f).
To determine the extent to which the DNA dynamics are preferentially aligned along the strain path (x-axis) (Fig. 2 and 3), we compute an alignment factor AF with respect to the strain path (x-axis) by computing weighted azimuthal integrals of D(qx, qy, Δt), i.e., integrals over θ where θ = tan−1(qy/qx): (Fig. 2g).65,66 Here, θ is defined relative to the x-axis such that isotropic and completely x-aligned dynamics correspond to AF = 0 and AF = A(q)/(A(q) + 2B(q)), respectively, where A(q) and B(q) are amplitude and background terms that we determine from DDM analysis, as described below. Larger AF values indicate more alignment. To obtain a single AF value for each distance y, we average over Δt = 0.17–1 s and q = 1–7 μm−1, where there is no statistically significant dependence of AF on these parameters.
To determine the type and rate of motion of the DNA, we radially average each D(, Δt) (Fig. 2f) to get a 1D image structure function that can be described by D(q, Δt) = A(q)[1 − f(q, Δt)] + B(q), where f(q, Δt) is the intermediate scattering function (ISF). We model the ISF as a stretched exponential: f(q, Δt) = e−(Δt/τ(q))δ where τ(q) is the decay time and δ the stretching exponent.
By evaluating the functional form of τ(q) determined from fitting the ISF, we analyze the extent to which τ(q) can be described by power-law scaling τ(q) ∼ q−β where the scaling exponent β describes the type of motion (Fig. 2h, 4 and 5). Specifically, β = 2 and β = 1 are indicative of diffusive and ballistic motion, respectively, and 1 < β < 2 indicates superdiffusion.16,77,78
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4sm01065e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |