Andrew D.
Liam D.
Ralf J. M.
ab and
Warwick B.
aSchool of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK. E-mail:
bPhenome Centre Birmingham, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
cInstitute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
First published on 29th July 2020
Clinical metabolic phenotyping employs metabolomics and lipidomics to detect and measure hundreds to thousands of metabolites and lipids within human samples. This approach aims to identify metabolite and lipid changes between phenotypes (e.g. disease status) that aid understanding of biochemical mechanisms driving the phenotype. Sample preparation is a critical step in clinical metabolic phenotyping: it must be reproducible and give a high extraction yield of metabolites and lipids, and in high-throughput studies it needs to be rapid. Here, we assessed the extraction of polar metabolites from human urine and polar metabolites and lipids from human plasma for analysis by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) metabolomics and lipidomics. We evaluated several monophasic (urine and plasma) and biphasic (plasma) extractions, and we also tested alterations to (a) solvent–biofluid incubation time and temperature during monophasic extraction, and (b) phase partitioning time during biphasic extraction. Extracts were analysed by three UHPLC-MS assays: (i) hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) for urine and plasma, (ii) C18 aqueous reversed phase for urine, and (iii) C18 reversed phase for plasma lipids, and the yield and reproducibility of each method was assessed. We measured UHPLC-MS injection reproducibility as well as sample preparation reproducibility to assess sample solvent composition compatibility with UHPLC-MS and to pinpoint the origin of variance within the methods. For HILIC UHPLC-MS plasma and urine analysis, monophasic 50:
50 methanol
acetonitrile had the most detected putatively-identified polar metabolites with high method reproducibility. This method had the highest lipid yield for plasma extracts analysed by the HILIC method. If lipid removal from the plasma polar HILIC extract is required, then the biphasic methanol/chloroform/water method is recommended. For C18 (aqueous) UHPLC-MS urine analysis, 50
50 methanol
water had high reproducibility and yield. For C18 UHPLC-MS plasma lipidomics, monophasic 100% isopropanol had the highest detection response of all annotated lipid classes with high reproducibility. Increasing monophasic incubation time and temperature had little benefit on metabolite and lipid yield and reproducibility for all methods.
Sample preparation is a critical step in metabolomics and lipidomics. It needs to be reproducible, sensitive (to maximise metabolite and lipid extraction recovery) and should efficiently and rapidly denature proteins to halt residual enzymatic activity.12–14 Methods which are high-throughput and lend themselves to automation provide opportunities to increase sample-throughput and the size of studies. Here we assess and subsequently recommend appropriate protocols of plasma (and serum by its association) and urine preparation for analysis by UHPLC-MS metabolomics (both sample types) and lipidomics (plasma only). Plasma (or serum) is a whole organism extracellular matrix containing cumulative levels of metabolites and lipids: (a) from bodily ingestion or excretion and (b) taken up and excreted by organs and cells within the body. Plasma or serum preparation methods should remove other biochemicals (proteins, RNA and DNA) and extract metabolites and lipids into a liquid solvent suitable for analysis. Such approaches can be: (i) monophasic – the addition of a water-miscible organic solvent to extract soluble compounds into a single phase;15 and (ii) biphasic – the addition of immiscible organic solvent(s) and water (water provided by the biofluid and/or added water) to simultaneously extract hydrophilic metabolites and lipophilic metabolites into two separate phases.13 Monophasic extracts can be immediately analysed (post-centrifugation) if the extraction solvents are compatible with UHPLC-MS.12,15 For biphasic extractions13 (and monophasic extractions using non-UHPLC-MS-compatible solvents16) samples are dried and reconstituted in an appropriate solvent before analysis, thus increasing sample preparation complexity and time. The extraction solvent(s) influences metabolite/lipid solubility and protein removal efficiency12,15 (sample stability is decreased if enzyme activity is not fully inactivated14).
For monophasic polar metabolite extraction from serum or plasma, methanol is highly regarded, giving good metabolite extraction yield, efficient deprotenisation and high reproducibility.15,17,18 Ethanol:
methanol (1
1) has shown positive results,18 but decreasing solvent polarity would limit highly polar compound recovery. Acetonitrile divides opinion: it has been shown as both good19 and bad17,20 in terms of reproducibility, extraction efficiency and protein denaturation. Monophasic serum or plasma lipid extraction solvents compatible with direct UHPLC-MS analysis include isopropanol, 1-butanol
methanol mix, methanol, ethanol and acetonitrile.12,20,21 Monophasic lipid extraction solvents that require drying and reconstitution before analysis include methanol
chloroform21,22 and methanol
methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
chloroform.16,22 Isopropanol is highly regarded for lipid recovery and method simplicity.12
Biphasic plasma and serum extractions simultaneously extract polar compounds and lipids into two separate phases. This is beneficial (i) where insufficient sample volume exists for two separate extractions, (ii) to remove salts and polar compounds from the lipid extract,23 and (iii) to remove glycerophospholipids from the polar extract which can cause matrix effects. The latter two points [(ii) and (iii)] reduce UHPLC-MS ionisation suppression24 and MS source fouling, which potentially can increase detection sensitivity. Biphasic extractions are longer protocols with more steps than monophasic preparations and often (but not always) extracts need drying and reconstitution before UHPLC-MS analysis. This reduces extraction speed and potentially increases technical variance. Chloroform/methanol/water,12,13,16,22 dichloromethane/methanol/water,12 dichloromethane/methanol/saline25 and MTBE/methanol/water12,13,16 have been applied. Dichloromethane/methanol/saline was comparable to chloroform/methanol/saline for serum lipid extraction efficiency,25 while MTBE/methanol/water plasma extraction using an optimised ratio of 2.6:
2.4 was more reproducible than chloroform/methanol/water (for lipid extracts) and had a higher polar metabolite yield.13 Biphasic serum and plasma extractions generally have lower polar metabolite26 and lipid12,16,22 yields compared to monophasic extractions.
Urine is a whole organism excretion matrix, which informs on whole body changes including gut microbial metabolism. Urine from patients with healthy kidneys contain very little protein, therefore the use of protein-denaturing organic solvents is not essential.27 Preparation protocols include: (i) urine dilution with water and centrifugation prior to UHPLC-MS analysis28 (using sodium azide28 or the sample filtering29 to prevent microorganism growth); and (ii) the addition of organic solvents including methanol or acetonitrile.30,31 Organic solvent use is beneficial for clinical metabolic phenotyping as it rapidly eliminates microorganisms and removes any residual protein from samples, which is important if patients have renal damage induced proteinuria – a side effect of some diseases (e.g. multiple myeloma32) and clinical treatments (e.g. chemotherapy33).
An important consideration for monophasic extraction methods is the time and temperature used during the incubation of biofluids with solvent to achieve the most efficient metabolite and lipid extraction. However, the limited available evidence suggests these factors are likely not important, e.g. varying time (10 or 120 min) and temperature (ice or −20 °C) during the monophasic extraction of plasma with methanol had little effect on peak areas.17 For biphasic extractions of tissue samples, increasing phase separation time can increase compounds reproducibility and yield.14
Several biofluid preparation studies exist; however, studies often have different conclusions which are sometimes conflicting.17,19 Published work rarely investigates lipids extracted by polar preparation methods (with few lipid species covered in the studies that exist34). Previous studies do not indicate the proportion of variance arising from (a) the sample preparation and (b) the detection method, which is key to understand where in the whole process improvements could be made to improve the methods. Such analysis would also allow an understanding of the compatibility of different sample solvent composition with UHPLC-MS methods. Few studies test changes in variance and yield in relation to key incubation preparation steps: we were only able to find a single study that tests changes to solvent–biofluid incubation17 and none that test the influence of phase partition incubation on yield and reproducibility for biofluid biphasic methods. In this current study we provide greater clarity on the above points. Here, we characterise several different solvents for the monophasic and biphasic extraction of polar metabolites and lipids from plasma, and the monophasic extraction of polar metabolites from urine. We test the influence of (i) monophasic solvent–biofluid incubation time and temperature and (ii) biphasic partition time. Methods were compared in terms of reproducibility (peak area relative standard deviation) and compound recovery (number and response of detected identified compounds – putative and MS/MS annotated). A key aim was to test methods that avoid sample drying and re-constitution (monophasic preparations where samples are directly analysed by UHPLC-MS after preparation). Thus, we also test solvent suitability for UHPLC-MS by assessing injection replicates. For polar sample preparations we also investigate the relative amounts and range of lipids that were extracted by each method.
Assay 1 was a HILIC method using an Accucore-150-Amide-HILIC column (100 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm, Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA) as used previously.35 Mobile phase A: 95% acetonitrile/water (10 mM ammonium formate, 0.1% formic acid); mobile phase B: 50% acetonitrile/water (10 mM ammonium formate, 0.1% formic acid). Gradient: t = 0.0, 1% B; t = 1.0, 1% B; t = 3.0, 15% B; t = 6.0, 50% B; t = 9.0, 95% B; t = 10.0, 95% B; t = 10.5, 1% B; t = 14.0, 1% B. All changes were linear (curve = 5) and the flow rate was 0.50 mL min−1. Column temperature was 35 °C and injection volume was 2 μL. Data were acquired in positive and negative ionisation modes separately (70–1050 m/z) with a resolution of 70000 (FWHM at m/z 200). Ion source parameters: sheath gas = 53 arbitrary units, aux. gas = 14 arbitrary units, sweep gas = 3 arbitrary units, spray voltage = 3.5 kV (positive ion)/2.7 kV (negative ion), capillary temp. = 269 °C (positive ion)/320 °C (negative ion), aux. gas heater temp. = 438 °C (positive ion)/320 °C (negative ion). Data dependent MS2 in ‘Discovery mode’ was applied to three QC samples over three mass ranges (70–200 m/z; 200–400 m/z; 400–1000 m/z) using following settings: resolution = 17
500; isolation width = 3.0 m/z; stepped normalised collision energies = 25, 60, 100%.
Assay 2 was an aqueous reversed phase method using a Hypersil GOLD C18 (aq.) column (100 × 2.1 mm, 1.9 μm; Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA). Mobile phase A: water (0.1% formic acid); mobile phase B: acetonitrile (0.1% formic acid). Gradient: t = 0.0, 1% B; t = 0.5, 1% B; t = 2.0, 50% B; t = 9.0, 99% B; t = 10.0, 99% B; t = 10.5, 1% B; t = 15.0, 1% B. All changes were linear (curve = 5) and the flow rate was 0.30 mL min−1. Column temperature was 45 °C and injection volume was 2 μL. Data were acquired in positive and negative ionisation modes separately (100–1500 m/z) with a resolution of 70000. Ion source parameters: sheath gas = 48 arbitrary units, aux. gas = 11 arbitrary units, sweep gas = 2 arbitrary units, spray voltage = 3.5 kV (positive ion)/2.5 kV (negative ion), capillary temp. = 256 °C, aux. gas heater temp. = 413 °C. Data dependent MS2 in ‘Discovery mode’ was applied to three QC samples over three mass ranges (100–300 m/z; 300–600 m/z; 600–1500 m/z) using following settings: resolution = 17
500; isolation width = 3.0 m/z; stepped normalised collision energies = 20, 50, 80%.
Assay 3 was a reversed phase lipid analysis method using a Hypersil GOLD C18 column (100 × 2.1 mm, 1.9 μm; Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA) as used previously.35 Mobile phase A: 60% acetonitrile/water (10 mM ammonium formate, 0.1% formic acid); mobile phase B: 85.5% propan-2-ol/9.5% acetonitrile/5% water (10 mM ammonium formate, 0.1% formic acid). Gradient: t = 0.0, 20% B; t = 0.5, 20% B, t = 8.5, 100% B; t = 9.5, 100% B; t = 11.5, 20% B; t = 14.0, 20% B. All changes were linear (curve = 5) and the flow rate was 0.40 mL min−1. Column temperature was 55 °C and injection volume was 2 μL. Data were acquired in positive and negative ionisation mode separately (150–2000 m/z) with a resolution 70000. Ion source parameters: sheath gas = 50 arbitrary units, aux. gas = 13 arbitrary units, sweep gas = 3 arbitrary units, spray voltage = 3.5 kV (positive ion)/2.5 kV (negative ion), capillary temp. = 263 °C, aux. gas heater temp. = 425 °C. Data dependent MS2 in ‘Discovery mode’ was applied to three QCs over three mass ranges (200–400 m/z; 400–700 m/z; 700–1500 m/z) using the following settings: resolution = 17
500; isolation width = 3.0 m/z; stepped normalised collision energies = 20, 50, 80%.
Thermo ExactiveTune (2.8 SP1, build 2806) software controlled the instrument. All data were acquired in profile mode. Quality control (QC) samples were analysed as the first ten injections and then every tenth injection with two at the end of the analytical batch. An extract blank sample was analysed as the 6th injection. Extract blank samples from all extraction methods were analysed at the end of the batch.
To generate more robust compound annotations, QC sample UHPLC-MS/MS data were matched to MS/MS databases using either LipidSearch software (lipid annotation; version 4.2.18, Thermo Fisher Scientific) or Compound Discoverer 3 software (polar compound and some lipid annotations; version 3, Thermo Fisher Scientific) (Fig. S1†). Lipid features within the UHPLC-MS/MS data were searched against the entire in silico HCD MS/MS database (5 ppm mass error). Only annotations graded A-C were used for annotation purposes (Grade A – all fatty acyl chains and class were completely identified; Grade B – some fatty acyl chains and the class were identified; Grade C – either the lipid class or some fatty acyls were identified). MS/MS annotations using Compound Discoverer were graded by HighChem HighRes algorithm within the Compound Discoverer software (annotations with a score >60 were retained for identification purposes). LipidSearch and Compound Discoverer annotations were aligned to the XCMS outputs using the R programming language (, using 5 ppm mass error and 20 s retention time tolerance window.
The four reproducible methods (i.e. excluding 100% ACN) had similar numbers of detected putative metabolites (Fig. 1; 74–78% putative metabolites were detected by all four methods, Fig. S6†). The UHPLC-MS chromatograms and many classes of metabolite showed similar detection responses across these methods (Fig. 2, Fig. S5 and Table S1†). These findings demonstrate much overlap between the four methods, however, the PCA scores plot highlights small differences in metabolite responses or detection between methods (Fig. S3†). Varying urine–solvent incubation time or temperature had minimal effect on reproducibility, putative metabolite count, metabolite response, or metabolic profile (Fig. 1, Fig. S3 and Table S2†) suggesting incubations have minimal effect on sample extraction (extraction being the removal of any residual protein present in urine from renal damage or bacterial infection). The biofluid–solvent incubation data can also be used to assess the stability of the sample post-extraction (given that protein content of normal urine samples is expected to be close to zero). For all urine sample preparation methods analysed by the C18 aqueous reversed-phase UHPLC-MS assay, extremely few features showed significant change after incubation with solvent (for all methods, <0.5% features were statistically altered with incubation, FDR < 5%; Table S3†). This demonstrated the high stability of all sample preparation methods post-preparation. We conclude that any tested method except 100% ACN is suitable for C18 aqueous reversed phase UHPLC-MS urine metabolomics and urine–solvent incubation is not required. We recommend 50:
50 MeOH
H2O as it avoids acetonitrile use which may mix poorly with water at the beginning of our C18 aqueous reversed phase UHPLC-MS assay.
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Fig. 2 Selected MS/MS-annotated metabolites detected by HILIC and C18 aqueous reversed phase analysis of polar metabolite preparations of plasma or urine. UHPLC-MS peak area for each annotated compound is shown as mean ± sd (n = 3 preparation replicates; no solvent incubation for monophasic and 1 min partition time for biphasic methods). Metabolites were annotated from QC UHPLC-MS/MS data using Compound Discoverer and Lipid Search software (m/z, retention times, MS/MS annotation grade, mean peak area and standard deviations for each compound shown here plus additional compounds are shown in Table S1†). All annotated acylcarnitines were summed. |
The four reproducible methods (100% ACN, 50:
50 MeOH
H2O, 100% MeOH, 50
50 ACN
MeOH) had similar putative metabolite counts in positive ion mode (Fig. 1): 100% ACN (2505 putatively identified metabolites), 100% MeOH (2468), 50
50 ACN
MeOH (2452) and 50
50 MeOH
H2O (2339). In negative ion mode, 50
50 ACN
MeOH had the highest putative metabolite count (2733) followed by 100% ACN (2369), MeOH
H2O (2369) and MeOH (2173) (Fig. 1). There was overlap between methods (62–67% [positive ion] and 52–66% [negative ion] of putative metabolites were detected by all four methods (Fig. S8†), however this was less overlap than for the urine C18 aqueous reversed phase UHPLC-MS assay (Fig. S6†). This is partly due to lower UHPLC-MS injection reproducibility of the urine HILIC assay compared to the urine C18 aqueous assay (Fig. S2†), which negatively affects putative metabolite counts with an RSD threshold. Consistent with this, 50
50 ACN
MeOH (HILIC negative ion) had the lowest RSD and highest putative metabolite count (RSD < 30%), demonstrating the importance of method reproducibility. UHPLC-MS chromatograms (Fig. S9†) and metabolite responses of the four reproducible methods were similar (Fig. 2). However, some differences between methods were apparent on the PCA scores plot (Fig. S7†). This was partly due to the acylcarnitine response (highest in 100% MeOH and 50
50 ACN
MeOH, and lowest in 100% ACN; Fig. 2), suggesting ACN is less effective for lipid recovery than MeOH. The 50
50 ACN
H2O had lower putative metabolite counts but higher total peak area than all other methods. This appears to be due to 50
50 ACN
H2O providing the best environment for very polar metabolites (in terms of solubility and/or ionisation efficiency, Fig. 2 and Table S1†). However, this method performs much poorer with less polar compounds, which is highlighted by high detection responses of very polar acylcarnitines but low detection responses of less polar acylcarnitines (Fig. S10†), which could account for the lower putative metabolite counts.
Varying the urine–solvent incubation time or temperature had little effect on reproducibility, putative metabolite count, metabolite response, or metabolic profile (Fig. 1, Fig. S7 and Table S2†). For all urine sample preparation methods analysed by the HILIC UHPLC-MS assay, extremely few features showed significant change after incubation with solvent (for all methods, <0.6% features were statistically altered with incubation, FDR < 5%; Table S3†). This is consistent with the C18 aqueous reversed-phase UHPLC-MS data and demonstrates the high stability of all sample preparation methods post-preparation. We conclude that, in terms of reproducibility and detected putative metabolites, 50:
50 ACN
MeOH with no urine–solvent incubation is recommended for both positive and negative ionisation HILIC analysis. Although 50
50 ACN
H2O appeared to provide a greater detection response for the eight chosen metabolites (Fig. 2), the reproducibility of replicate injections and the number of putative metabolites detected was not analytically appropriate.
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Fig. 4 MS/MS-annotated lipids detected in the HILIC UHPLC-MS analysis of polar metabolite extractions of plasma. UHPLC-MS positive ion total peak area for each annotated lipid class is shown as mean ± sd (n = 3 preparation replicates; no solvent incubation for monophasic and 1 min partition time for biphasic methods). Lipids were annotated from QC UHPLC-MS/MS data using Lipid Search software (m/z, retention times, MS/MS annotation grade, mean peak area and standard deviations for each lipid species is shown in Table S1†). |
Considering biphasic preparation methods, median sample preparation peak area RSDs (1 min partition time) were 8.9–9.2% and 7.9–8.2% for positive and negative ion, respectively (Fig. 3) and median UHPLC-MS injection peak area RSDs were 6.2–8.7% and 6.5–7.1% for positive and negative ion, respectively (Fig. S11†). Along with the PCA scores plot (Fig. S12†), this demonstrates low sample preparation and injection technical variance similar to the monophasic methods. The biphasic method (1 min partition time) with the most detected putative metabolites was MTBE:
H2O in positive (1136) and negative ion modes (736), followed by DCM
H2O (924 pos., 705 neg.) and CHCl3
H2O (852 pos., 707 neg.). With the exception of DCM
H2O and CHCl3
H2O in positive ion mode, these values were similar to the monophasic methods. The lower detection response of DCM
H2O and CHCl3
H2O in positive ion mode was attributed to decreased lipid detection response (Fig. 4; visible in the UHPLC-MS chromatogram, ∼RT 4.2 min, Fig. S13A†), indicating these methods are the best for lipid removal from the polar phase. This is noteworthy because phospholipid removal from polar extracts can lower ionisation suppression and ion competition during UHPLC-MS analysis.24 The high polar metabolite yield of MTBE
H2O relative to the other biphasic methods is consistent with previous observations,13 and may be due to the lower polarity of MTBE relative to chloroform and dichloromethane causing a greater number or concentration of polar compounds (and polar lipids, Fig. 4) to partition into the aqueous phase. Considering polar metabolites, there was a similar detection response across the three biphasic methods (Fig. 2 and Table S1†). Increasing CHCl3
H2O partition time increased the polar metabolite and very polar lipid (e.g. acyl carnitines) responses in the polar extract (Table S2†). Increasing partition time for MTBE
H2O and DCM
H2O methods, decreased the lipid detection response in the polar extract (Table S2†). These small changes indicate that the longer partition step allows phase-partition to get closer to equilibrium.
We conclude that monophasic 50:
50 ACN
MeOH is the optimal method in terms of reproducibility and number of detected putative metabolites. As a monophasic method it is a shorter, quicker and simpler procedure than biphasic methods. Plasma–solvent incubation is not recommended as (i) there is no reproducibility or yield improvement, and (ii) it can enhance lipid extraction, which is not necessarily desirable in polar sample preparations. CHCl3
H2O is the recommended biphasic method as it provides the best lipid removal from the polar extract, while also providing good reproducibility and detection sensitivity. A 20 min partition is recommended as it allows phase-partitioning to reach equilibrium.
Considering putative metabolite and lipid detection, 25:
75 ACN
IPA and 100% IPA had the highest for both positive (1680–1682 putative metabolites/lipids) and negative (839–845) ion modes (Fig. 3). The lipid detection response and number of detected putative metabolites/lipids increased with increasing IPA content (Fig. 3, Fig. 5 and Table S1;† also visible in the base peak chromatograms, Fig. S15†), consistent with previous findings.12 Incubation with extraction solvent had little effect on reproducibility or numbers of detected putative metabolites or lipids, except for 100% ACN where solvent incubation (60 min at 4 °C or 60 min at −20 °C) showed a small increase in reproducibility and numbers of detected putative metabolites/lipids (Fig. 3).
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Fig. 5 MS/MS-annotated lipids detected in the C18 UHPLC-MS analysis of lipid extractions of plasma. UHPLC-MS positive ion total peak area for each annotated lipid class is shown as mean ± sd (n = 3 preparation replicates; no solvent incubation for monophasic and 1 min partition time for biphasic methods). Lipids were annotated from QC UHPLC-MS/MS data using Lipid Search software (m/z, retention times, MS/MS annotation grade, mean peak area and standard deviations for each lipid species is shown in Table S1†). |
Biphasic methods (1 min partition time) had higher sample preparation variance than monophasic methods containing IPA: median sample preparation peak area RSDs were 8.5–21.5% and 7.4–24.6% (positive and negative ion, respectively; Fig. 3); and median UHPLC-MS injection peak area RSDs were 4.0–4.1% and 3.9–4.3% (positive and negative ion, respectively; Fig. S11†). The increased variance was likely caused by additional steps in biphasic extraction procedures (pipetting, drying and reconstitution) compared to monophasic procedures. Biphasic methods had a lower lipid detection response and detected fewer putatively annotated metabolites or lipids than monophasic methods (Fig. 3, 5 and Table S1†), consistent with previous observations.12,16 This is due to lower recovery of polar lipids which partition into both the polar and non-polar phases (Fig. 4 and 5) and potential loss of compounds during drying and reconstitution stages, steps that are not present in monophasic methods. Increasing CHCl3:
H2O biphasic partition time (20 min) improved method reproducibility and detection of putatively annotated metabolites/lipids (as observed with tissues previously14), but increasing partition time had no improvement for the other biphasic methods (Fig. 3).
We conclude that monophasic 100% IPA is the preferred method because (i) it is the most reproducible method, (ii) it has the highest yield for all lipid classes, including both polar (e.g. acyl carnitines) and non-polar (e.g. triglycerides), and (iii) it is a simple and rapid method (Fig. 5). Plasma–solvent incubation does not improve yield or reproducibility so is not recommended. Where the sample volume is insufficient for separate polar and non-polar preparations, we recommend CHCl3:
H2O biphasic (20 min partition) as it provides the highest lipid response for a biphasic method with an acceptable level of reproducibility (Fig. 3 and 5).
Considering the results from sections 3.3 and 3.4, biphasic methods had higher final extraction plasma:
solvent ratios compared to monophasic methods (monophasic 1
3, biphasic methods with CHCl3 or DCM 1
17.6, biphasic methods with MTBE 1
21.4). However, following drying and reconstitution of biphasic samples, all injected samples from all methods had an equivalent plasma dilution. The higher extraction solvent volumes would be expected to improve extraction efficiency (more solvent space for compounds to partition into) and reproducibility (easier to pipette large volumes reproducibly); however even with these proposed benefits, biphasic methods generally performed worse than monophasic methods in terms of yield and reproducibility.
UHPLC-MS | Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry |
HILIC | Hydrophilic interaction chromatography |
MTBE | Methyl tert-butyl ether |
MeOH | Methanol |
ACN | Acetonitrile |
IPA | Isopropanol |
CHCl3 | Chloroform |
DCM | Dichloromethane |
PCA | Principal components analysis |
QC | Quality control |
RSD | Relative standard deviation |
MS/MS | Tandem mass spectrometry |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (1) Supplementary tables and figures (PDF); (2) supplementary Table S1 (Microsoft Excel file); (3) supplementary Table S2 (Microsoft Excel file). All raw data is available on-line at MetaboLights using identifier MTBLS1465 ( See DOI: 10.1039/d0an01319f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |