Investigation of Zr(iv) and 89Zr(iv) complexation with hydroxamates: progress towards designing a better chelator than desferrioxamine B for immuno-PET imaging†
* Corresponding authors
Radioimmune & Inorganic Chemistry Section, Radiation Oncology Branch, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA
Fax: +1 301-402-1923
Tel: +1 301-496-0591
b Center for Molecular Modeling, Division of Computational Bioscience, Center for Information Technology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
c CNRS, UMR 6521, Université de Brest, Laboratoire de Chimie, Electrochimie Moléculaires et Chimie Analytique, 6 Avenue Victor Le Gorgeu, 29200 Brest, France
d Positron Emission Tomography Department, Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
e Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Code 6900, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC,, USA
F. Guérard, Y. Lee, R. Tripier, L. P. Szajek, J. R. Deschamps and M. W. Brechbiel, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 1002 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC37549D
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