Issue 14, 2022, Issue in Progress

Metal-free photoredox-catalyzed direct α-oxygenation of N,N-dibenzylanilines to imides under visible light


An efficient synthesis of imides using metal-free photoredox-catalyzed direct α-oxygenation of N,N′-disubstituted anilines in the presence of 9-mesityl-10-methylacridinium [Acr+-Mes]BF4 as a photoredox catalyst and molecular oxygen as a green oxidant under visible light was developed. This photochemical approach offered operational simplicity, high atom economy with a low E-factor, and functional group tolerance under mild reaction conditions. Control and quenching experiments confirmed the occurrence of a radical pathway and superoxide radical anion α-oxygenation reactions, and also provided strong evidence for the reductive quenching of [Acr+-Mes]BF4 based on a Stern–Volmer plot, which led to the proposed mechanism of this reaction.

Graphical abstract: Metal-free photoredox-catalyzed direct α-oxygenation of N,N-dibenzylanilines to imides under visible light

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Article information

Article type
27 Jan 2022
12 Feb 2022
First published
15 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 8368-8373

Metal-free photoredox-catalyzed direct α-oxygenation of N,N-dibenzylanilines to imides under visible light

N. Neerathilingam and R. Anandhan, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 8368 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA00585A

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