*a and
aHelmholtz Center Munich–German Research Center for Environmental Health, Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, 85764, Neuherberg, Germany. E-mail:
bDepartment of Neurology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, 81675, Munich, Germany
First published on 26th November 2010
The well known beneficial health effects of Se have demanded the development of speciation methods for providing deeper insight into Se-metabolism and transport. This is also of significant importance for healthy brain function. Thus, Se-speciation was performed in 15 individual cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples (a′3 replicates) from neurologically healthy persons. First size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) equipped with a dynamic reaction cell (DRC) was used for monitoring the most abundant 80Se isotope. SEC separation provided Se-species characterization distinguishing between seleno-proteins and Se- low molecular mass (LMM) compounds. However, for improved speciation information a method based on strong anion exchange (SAX) separation was employed and optimized for CSF samples. The analysis of CSF samples from different individuals revealed six Se-species comprising relative mean concentrations of 8.5% (range: 5–11%), 27% (range: 20–31%), 2.2% (1.7–3.9%), 17% (range: 11–19%), 26% (range: 24–31%) and 20% (range: 19–21%) of the total Se amount, which in average was 3.6 μg L−1 (range: 2.9–4.8 μg L−1). Single and mixed Se-standard compounds were analyzed for verifying respective retention times, using serial UV- and ICP-MS detection. Additionally, standard additions were made to CSF samples for further peak identifications. By means of standard matching selenate, thioredoxinreductase (TrxR) and Se-albumin (Se-HSA) were found. No matches for Se methionine (SeM), Se-cystine (SeC), glutathioneperoxidase (GPx) and selenite were seen. Since no standard for selenoprotein P (SePP) was commercially available, this compound was prepared freshly from human serum using a Heparin-affinity column. It turned out that this SePP fraction showed matched retention time with the first peak in SAX separation, but also with selenate when age of the prepared standard was increasing.
In the present paper, analysis of Se species in CSF of 15 individuals (a′3 replicates) was performed first with SEC coupled to ICP-DRC-MS, and in the main approach with SAX-ICP-DRC-MS. The DRC mode of the mass spectrometer was chosen for achieving highest sensitivity by monitoring the main Se isotope 80Se. In accordance with the manufacturer′s instruction manual and Jitmanee et al.16 methane was used as the DRC gas.
A previously developed SAX method from Xu et al.17 was used for separation of SePP, GPx and Se-albumin (HSA). The elutions of further seleno compounds such as thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), Se-methionine (SeM), Se-cystine (SeC), selenite and selenate were additionally checked.
With this method, Se speciation was analyzed in CSF samples from neurologically healthy humans as a first approach to gain information about Se-species behind the blood brain barrier.
Selenite and selenate stock solutions were prepared at a concentration of 1000 mg Se/L by appropriate weighing the substances and dissolving in Mili-Q water (18.2 MΩ cm) from a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). HSA was prepared accordingly at a concentration of 1000 mg L−1. Preparation of a Se-HSA was done by mixing 10 mg Se/L selenite to this stock solution and incubation for at least 14 days.
Working standards of Se-species were prepared daily from their stock standard solutions by appropriate dilution with Milli-Q H2O.
For quality control during total Se determination human serum and urine from Recipe, Munich, were reconstituted as indicated on the respective flask labels. The resulting solutions were diluted 1/50 (serum) and 1/10 (urine) with Milli-Q water before measurements. The manufacturer′s target mean values (62 μg L−1 for serum and 23 μg L−1 for urine) were found (60 ± 3.2 μg L−1 or 24 ± 2.1 μg L−1).
For estimating elution times, a simple mass calibration was performed with standard solutions of GPx, HSA, SeC and selenate. The proteins eluted around 9.6 min and SeC or selenate at 15.7–16 min.
Instrument | Perkin Elmer Sciex ELAN DRC II, Toronto, Canada |
Plasma conditions | |
Rf power/W | 1250 |
Plasma gas flow/L min−1 | 15 |
Auxiliary gas flow/L min−1 | 1.05 |
Nebulizer gas flow/L min−1 | 0.83, daily optimized |
Mass spectrometer settings | |
Dwell time/ms | 300 |
Sweeps per reading | 6 |
Readings per replicate | 1000 |
Autolens | On |
Ions monitored | 80Se, 32S, 103Rh |
Reaction gas | CH4 |
Reaction gas flow rate/ml min−1 | 0.6 |
Rejection parameter q | 0.6 |
Rejection parameter a | 0.0 |
Peak quantification from chromatograms was done by comparing peak areas with peak area calibration curves from FI-ICP-DRC-MS.
Data processing of FI-ICP-(DRC)-MS
Rh and Se data files were exported from the ELAN software and processed with the Knauer HPLC software “Clarity” for peak area integration. For each sample (or standard) a quotient of Se-peak area to Rh-peak area was calculated and taken as the result corrected for the internal standard (Rh). These values were used for the calibration curve (standards) or for calculating the concentration according to the calibration curve (samples).
With this optimized method the subsequent analysis of CSF samples and mixtures of Se- standard compounds for peak identification were performed. Fig. 1 shows typical chromatograms of three CSF samples as examples. Each of the chromatograms has six distinct Se-peaks at elution times of 2.91, 18.02, 19.48, 20.41, 27.45 and 33.70 min. These peaks comprised to (mean ± SD) 0.31 ± 0.14 μg Se/L (mean 8.1%), 1.1 ± 0.4 μg Se/L (mean 28.6%), 0.1 ± 0.04 μg Se/L (mean 2.6%), 0.61 ± 0.14 μg Se/L (mean 15.9%), 1.0 ± 0.16 μg Se/L (mean 26%), and 0.72 ± 0.1 μg Se/L (mean 18.8%), of the total eluting Se amount, which was 3.84 ± 0.59 μg Se/L. The mass balance (summed peaks/total Se) mounted to 105 ± 9%.
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Fig. 1 Examples of typical chromatograms from three individual CSF samples are seen. In total, samples from 15 individuals (a′3 replicates) were analyzed. Replicate measurements resulted in equal chromatograms. Elution times of Se-peaks are given representatively for the chromatogram CSF 3 and differed (if ever) insignificantly for the other chromatograms. |
Subsequently, single and mixed Se-standard compounds were analyzed for verifying respective retention times, using serial UV- and ICP-MS detection, the latter monitoring 80Se (and 16S isotopes, not shown in the figure). Fig. 2 shows a representative CSF sample (line A) compared to the chromatograms of several standard compounds (Fig. 2, lines B-D), either SeM, GPx, TrxR, Se-HSA, selenite and selenate (Fig. 2, line B) or SeM, SeC, selenite and selenate (Fig. 2, line C). It can be seen that TrxR, Se-HSA and selenate showed matched retention times with peaks at 19.48, 20.41 and 27.45 min. The match was further confirmed when (single-) standard additions of these compounds to CSF samples were performed (not shown). However, no retention time match was observed for standards (even not after standard addition to CSF sample) of SeM, SeC, GPx and selenite. Therefore, the presence of these Se-compounds in CSF could not be confirmed. An important observation was the variation in stability of the diluted (untreated) GPx standard when being chromatographed. The peak area reproducibility of the GPx standard was low and additional selenite and an even higher selenate peak appeared, the more the GPx peak at 17.12 min disappeared. After addition of selenite to the GPx standard solution, a sufficient reproducibility of GPx peak area at 17.12 min was observed. Apparently, the stability of the compound was low at low Se concentration.
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Fig. 2 Retention time match of peaks is shown. For comparison and peak matching or mismatching, the typical chromatogram of a CSF sample “A” is plotted. Elution times of Se-peaks are indicated at peak maxima. Grey lines: “B”: Chromatogram of SeM (3.95 min), GPx (17.12 min), TrxR (19.51 min), Se-HSA (20.40 min), selenite (21.39 min) and selenate (27.47 min). Se concentration was 1 μg Se/L each (for HSA/selenite mixture 1 μg L−1 selenite). A retention time match is observed for TrxR, Se-HSA and selenate. For TrxR and Se-HSA retention time was also confirmed by UV detection and 32S monitoring (not shown). “C”: Chromatogram of SeM (3.95 min), SeC (17.21 min), selenite (21.43 min) and selenate (27.40 min), each 1.5 μg Se/L. Retention time match is observed only for selenate. “D”: Chromatogram of SePP and selenate (27.40 min). SePP was prepared from human serum using Heparin-affinity chromatography. Retention time match is observed for both SePP and selenate. Aging of the SePP fraction at 4 °C resulted in a decreased SePP peak but an increase of selenate. |
Although, the first peak at 2.91 min eluted at the same time as the one from serum being asigned as SePP in the paper of Xu, an additional verification was essential. As no SePP standard was commercially available, SePP was prepared using a Heparin-affinity column. Fig. 2, line D shows the comparison of the SAX-ICP-MS chromatogram of this SePP fraction to the CSF sample (Fig. 2, line A). It gets obvious that the peak at 2.91 min from CSF coelutes with the SePP standard prepared from serum, but also selenate was seen. It should be noted that reproducing the SePP chromatogram immediately after the first run (SePP fraction standing at 4 °C in the refrigerator during the 40 min chromatographic separation of the first run) resulted in a decrease of SePP peak paralleled by an analogous increase of selenate. The third replicate (SePP fraction standing 80 min in the refrigerator) revealed no SePP but solely selenate. However, after a second Heparin-affinity preparation, aliquotation and immediate deep freezing of each aliquot until use, the prepared SePP standard showed longer stability. No significant difference between the first and second run was seen as each SePP aliquot was freshly thawed. A fast decomposition of SePP was also observed from Ulrich Schweizer (pers. comm.). This tendency for decomposition of SePP was taken first into consideration as an explanation for the contradiction between our first results from SEC- compared to SAX-ICP-DRC-MS: Selenate is eluting at around 15.85 min during SEC separation, where only 5% of total Se was found from CSF. Contrary, selenate amounted to 26% of total Se during SAX separation. However, the rapid loss of SePP during 4 °C storage seemed not to be causative, since a) CSF samples were frozen within minutes after drawing and kept entirely frozen until analysis, and b) this could not explain the different amounts of selenate/LMM compounds between SAX and SEC separations, each analysed directly after thawing. To clarify this issue both experiments (SEC and SAX) were repeated in turned sequence which did not influence the results. Besides, in a former, preliminary approach, Schweizer and co-workers (Ulrich Schweizer, J. Köhrle, B. Michalke, unpublished results) performed a targeted analysis on SePP in CSF using an assay developed by Hollenbach et al.25 They found a mean concentration of 15 μg L−1 SePP (as whole protein) in CSF, which contributes only to about 7% of total Se in CSF. This low contribution is in acceptable coincidence with our finding of ca. 8.5% from total Se in CSF.
Although eight Se-species were used for standard matching, the peaks at 18.02 and 33.70 min remained unidentified. Additional investigations with ESI-MS unfortunately were not successful due to the very low species concentrations below LoD of the instrument and the SAX-chromatographic eluents being not very suitable for ES ionization.
The finding of Se-HSA in CSF was not surprising. It is known, that HSA is crossing BBB in small extent and the HSA-quotient of CSF/serum is the standard mean to evaluate the intactness of the barrier. Since Se-HSA is generally accepted for serum e.g.17,24,26,27 Se-HSA aside from HSA is transported in some amount across BBB into CSF. Jitaru et al.27 presented Se-speciation in serum where Se-HSA amounted to about 22% of total Se (19 ng ml−1 Se-HSA of 86 ng ml−1 total Se). The presence of SePP in CSF should also be expected. SePP is even smaller than HSA. However, independent from SePP in serum, Scharpf et al.9 found SePP being locally expressed in the brain and both, SePP and SePP-mRNA were found in human CSF. Further, SePP seems to play an important role in neuronal survival by protection against reactive oxygen species (ROS).28 The presence of TrxR fits well to the supposed protective action against ROS.29 The primary defense line against oxidative stress is based on superoxide dismutase activity, which however, is resulting in H2O2 production. Subsequently peroxides are eliminated by the activity of the seleno-enzymes TrxR and GPx, both being known in brain.4 Arnér et al.,29 too, had found GPx in brain. Kühbacher et al.30 analyzed brain samples from Se deficient and Se supplemented mice and found glutathioneperoxidase specifically in those brain regions, which are in molecular exchange with ventricles and thus also with CSF. Walther et al.12 and Pyne-Geithman et al.31 analyzed GPx in CSF. Therefore, it was surprising that we could not find GPx in CSF. We carefully re-evaluated all data, specifically those of GPx addition to CSF. But this, too, confirmed that the GPx addition peak appeared at 17.12 min (in all cases clearly before the high non-identified peak) and did not match a detectable native peak from CSF. Furthermore, GPx from our reference serum appeared at 17.12 min retention time too, proving that GPx in biological matrix can be found at this elution time.
The observed chromatographic instability of GPx in the low μg Se/L range (see above) could be an explanation for both, the (seemingly) absence of GPx in CSF and for the contradiction between SEC- and SAX-ICP-DRC-MS. In analogy to the non-stabilized standard, CSF-GPx could have been degraded during SAX-separation, thus disappearing at its specific retention time (17.12 min) and mounting up as selenate. This assumption would explain both, the missing of GPx in CSF and the elevated selenate amount after SAX separation (but not after SEC separation). Temperature and chemically induced reduction of GPx stability has been observed previously,32–34 but presently, these findings are not completely explained and need further investigation.
Footnote |
† This article is part of a themed issue highlighting outstanding and emerging work in the area of speciation. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 |