José I.
Carlos A.
e and
aDepartament d'Enginyeria Química, E. T. S. d'Enginyers Industrials, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Diagonal 647, 08028, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: carlos.aleman@upc.edu
bCenter for Research in Nano-Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Sud, Edifici C', C/Pasqual i Vila s/n, Barcelona, E-08028, Spain
cInstitute of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, CEP 91501-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. E-mail: denise@iq.ufrgs.br
dUnitat de Química Industrial, Escola Universitària d'Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Comte d'Urgell 187, 08036, Barcelona, Spain
eUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, DEMAT, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, setor 4, prédio 74, Cep. 91501-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
First published on 30th August 2011
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of octanethiol and dodecanethiol were used to modify the stainless steel substrates for electrodepositing poly(3,4-ethyledioxythiophene) (PEDOT), a well known polythiophene derivative. Although the influence of the alkanethiol monolayers on the morphology and topology of micrometric (thickness: 2.25–2.35 μm) PEDOT films is practically negligible, they increase significantly the ability to store charge and the adherence. In contrast, treated substrates not only enhance the electrochemical properties of ultra-thin PEDOT films (thickness: 150–350 nm) but also affect significantly the thickness, roughness, porosity, morphology and topology. Such changes depend on both the length of the alkyl chain in the alkanethiol and the incubation period used for the preparation of the SAMs. Finally, the protection against corrosion imparted by PEDOT films deposited on treated substrates has been examined and compared with that obtained using PEDOT deposited on bare stainless steel electrodes. Inhibition of the corrosion in a 3.5% NaCl solution was found to be considerably higher when PEDOT is deposited on treated electrodes, which has been attributed, in addition to the barrier effect produced by the SAMs, to the structural changes induced at the first stages of the electropolymerization.
A field that has received attention in the last fifteen years is the anodic polymerization of conjugated conducting polymers (CPs) on electrodes modified with SAMs to control surface properties and to form stable surface modifications. Specifically, electrochemical oxidation of the corresponding monomers on polycrystalline platinum or gold electrodes coated with long-chain alkanethiols has been used to prepare, among others, polyaniline and some of its derivatives,6–10polypyrrole,6,11,12 polybithiophene,13,14 poly(3-methylthiophene)15–17 and poly(3-octylthiophene).18 In general, results indicated that the preadsorption of alkanethiol monolayers improves the electrochemical and optical properties of the conducting polymers.
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), hereafter abbreviated PEDOT (Scheme 1), is one of the most important CPs due to its high conductivity (up to 500 S cm−1), good environmental and chemical stability, fast doping–dedoping processes and excellent biocompatibility.19–22 Moreover, PEDOT presents excellent electrochemical properties in terms of electroactivity and electrostability, explaining the high ability of this material to store charge (i.e. electrical energy).23–25 In spite of the impressive properties of this CP, to the best of our knowledge, there is a unique study combining both PEDOT and SAMs, even though the latter were not used to modify the electrodes before electropolymerization but the films once generated.26 Specifically, electrochemically grown films of PEDOT and other CPs were treated with alkane- and fluoroalkane-thiols for incubation periods ranging from 1 to 24 h.26 Treatment of the investigated CPs resulted in covalent bonding of the thiol groups to the polymer backbone, even though this effect was to a lesser extent in PEDOT than in PPy and PAni. Furthermore, SAMs deposited onto the PEDOT and PPy films induced a reduction in the electroactivity, while coated PAni retained the electroactivity.
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Scheme 1 Chemical structures of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and alkanethiols. |
The aim of this work is to examine the properties of PEDOT electrodeposited on alkanethiol-coated electrodes. Specifically, the surface of stainless steel substrates, which were successfully used to produce micrometric and nanometric PEDOT films with excellent electrical and electrochemical properties,24,25,27 was treated with octanethiol (C8SH) and dodecanethiol (C12SH). The influence of the two alkanethiols on structural and electrochemical properties of PEDOT films has been examined in detail using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Furthermore, the impact of the SAMs on the corrosion resistance imparted by PEDOT films has been examined using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and SEM. For this purpose, PEDOT coatings electrodeposited on treated and untreated steel sheets were immersed in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution, electrochemical and morphological changes at the surface of the barrier films being analyzed.
Chronoamperometric measurements during the anodic polymerization process were controlled using a VersaStat II potentiostat–galvanostat connected to a computer controlled through a Power Suite Princenton Applied Research program. After electropolymerization, all coated electrodes were cleaned with acetonitrile (generation medium) and dried with nitrogen.
EIS measurements were performed using an AUTOLAB PGSTAT 30/FRA 2 system in potenciostatic mode at the open circuit potential (OCP). The amplitude of the EIS perturbation signal was 50 mV, and the studied frequency ranged from 103 to 10−3 Hz. Corrosion tests were performed using a 3.5% NaCl solution. All experiments were carried out in air at 25 °C.
The thickness of the nanometric PEDOT films generated on the C8SH- and C12SH-steel electrodes was determined using AFM scratch technique. This method is based on the use of AFM topographic measurements to determine the height at the step defined by the substrate–PEDOT interface of films scratched without penetrating the substrate.
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Fig. 1 AFM height image and transversal section profile of the substrates used in this work for electrochemical polymerization: (a) untreated-, (b) C8SH- and (c) C12SH-steel. |
To characterize the covalent attachment of the thiols to the surface of stainless steel, XPS analyses were performed. Fig. 2a shows the high resolution spectra of the sulfur 2p region for C12SH-steel prepared using τ = 2 h. The S 2p binding energy ranges from 155 to 168 eV. The component at 162.87 eV (S 2p3/2) corresponds to the steel-bound thiolate (S–Fe), whereas the component at 163.90 eV (S 2p1/2) can be assigned to unbound thiol (–SH) or disulfide bonds (S–S).2a,32,33 The formation of SAMs on steel sheets is schematically depicted in Fig. 3.
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Fig. 2 High resolution XPS spectra of the: (a) sulfur 2p region for the C12SH-steel (τ = 2 h) substrate; carbon 1s (b) oxygen 1s (c) and sulfur 2p (d) regions for the PEDOT film deposited on C12SH-steel (τ = 2 h). |
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Fig. 3 Scheme illustrating the formation of SAMs of alkanethiols and the electropolymerization of PEDOT on modified electrodes. |
AFM and SEM images of micrometric PEDOT films (θ = 300 s) deposited on untreated- and C8SH-steel, where the SAMs of the latter substrate were prepared considering τ = 2 h, are displayed in Fig. 4. The resemblance between the images obtained for the two systems, which in addition are very similar to those recorded from films deposited on C12SH-steel and on modified substrates prepared using τ = 10 and 24 h (data not shown), indicates that influence of the SAMs' interface on the globular morphology is practically negligible when the thickness of the film is within the micrometric scale. Similarly, electrochemical measures indicate that the influence of SAMs on the thickness is negligible, the values obtained for films deposited on C8SH- and C12SH-steel (Fig. 4c) being practically identical to those reported for films on untreated-steel (2.25–2.35 μm),29 independent of τ. In spite of this, the roughness of the films obtained using C8SH- and C12SH-steel increases by ∼22% and ∼30%, respectively, with respect to those generated using untreated steel [e.g. the average RMS roughness for films on untreated-, C8SH- and C12SH-steel (τ = 2 h) is 393, 488 and 524 nm, respectively].
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Fig. 4 SEM (top) and AFM height (bottom) images of micrometric PEDOT films deposited on (a) untreated- and (b) C8SH-steel substrates. (c) SEM image showing the thickness of the micrometric PEDOT film deposited on C8SH-steel. Films were prepared considering a polymerization time of 300 s (thickness: 2.25–2.35 μm) and the modified substrate was obtained by immersing the steel electrode into 50 mL of octanethiol by τ = 24 h. |
High resolution XPS spectra of the C 1s, O 1s, S 2p and Cl 2p regions for PEDOT films obtained using untreated- and C12SH-steel (τ = 2 h) electrodes were carried out to characterize the structure, counterion bonding and composition. The position of the peaks in the spectra was practically identical for both systems, the latter being the only one displayed in Fig. 2. Analysis of the C 1s region (Fig. 2b) evidences four types of carbon, C–C/C–H (285.0 eV), C–S (285.3 eV) in the α position, CC–O (286.3 eV) in the β position, and C–O–C (287.2 eV) in the ethylene bridge, which is in agreement with the values previously reported.34,35 The carbon spectra also show an asymmetrical tail that resulted from a combination of π–π* shake-up transition and possibly positively polarized or charged carbon.34,36–38 The PEDOT characteristic C–O–C (533.3 eV) bonding is present in the O 1s region (Fig. 2c) as well as a perchlorate (531.9 eV) contribution.39 The PEDOT spin–split sulfur coupling, S 2p3/2 (164.1 eV) and S 2p1/2 (165.3 eV), with a separation of 1.18 eV,40 also presents a higher energy broad tail arising from positively charged sulfur within the thiophene ring (Fig. 2d).41–43 Another sulfur species observed at 166–167 eV have been attributed to oxidized S species, which may be due to fact that samples were repeatedly exposed to the atmosphere since their generation.33
Fig. 5 compares the control voltammograms of micrometric PEDOT films deposited on untreated-, C8SH- and C12SH-steel, the latter two being prepared considering τ = 2, 10 and 24 h. As it can be seen, the electroactivity of films obtained using electrodes pre-treated with alkanethiols was significantly higher than that of PEDOT deposited on untreated-steel. Thus, the ability to store charge increases by ∼20% and ∼30% for C8SH- and C12SH-steel, respectively, even though such enhancement is practically independent of τ. On the other hand, the loss of electroactivity upon 30 consecutive oxidation–reduction cycles is of only 14% for PEDOT films deposited on untreated-steel, whereas the electrostability of films on C8SH- and C12SH-steel largely depends on τ. This is reflected in Fig. 6, which displays the variation of the loss of electroactivity against τ for the two types of pre-treated substrates. In both cases, the loss of electroactivity increases with τ, even though films deposited on C12SH-steel using τ = 2 and 10 h are more electrostable than those on untreated-steel.
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Fig. 5 Control voltammograms for the oxidation of micrometric PEDOT films deposited on untreated- (black line in both (a) and (b)), C8SH- (a) and C12SH-steel (b) substrates, the latter two being prepared considering τ = 2 h (blue line), 10 h (green line) and 24 h (red line). Voltammograms were recorded using a 4 cm2 steel electrode in acetonitrile with 0.1 M LiClO4, at 100 mV s−1 and 25 °C. Initial and final potentials: −0.50 V; reversal potential: 1.60 V. The absence of electrochemical activity of uncoated C8SH- and C12SH-steel substrates (blank samples) is evidenced in the insets of (a) and (b), respectively. |
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Fig. 6 Variation of the loss of electrostability of micrometric PEDOT films after 25 consecutive oxidation–reduction cycles against the period of time in which steel substrates were immersed in alkanethiol solutions (τ). The dashed line indicates the loss of electroactivity for PEDOT deposited on untreated-steel. |
The adherence was estimated using a normalized sellotape test, which gives a measure ranging from 0 to 100%. Electrodes modified with SAMs improve the adherence of micrometric PEDOT films. Thus, adherence of PEDOT to the untreated-steel surface is 68% ± 1%, while that of films deposited on C8SH- and C12SH-steel is 75% ± 1% and 83% ± 2%, respectively, independent of τ.
Substrate | τ |
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r |
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Steel | — | 153 ± 12 | 67 | 2.3 |
Steel-C8SH | 2 h | 178 ± 23 | 78 | 2.3 |
10 h | 185 ± 28 | 109 | 1.7 | |
24 h | 236 ± 19 | 87 | 2.7 | |
Steel-C12SH | 2 h | 267 ± 31 | 100 | 2.7 |
10 h | 308 ± 20 | 91 | 3.4 | |
24 h | 343 ± 18 | 93 | 3.7 |
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Fig. 7 AFM height images of nanometric PEDOT films deposited on untreated-, C8SH-steel and C12SH-steel substrates. Films were prepared considering a polymerization time of 10 s. Pre-treated substrates were obtained by immersing the steel electrodes into 50 mL of alkanethiol by τ = 2 and 24 h. |
The influence of the two alkanethiols on both the roughness and the topology is apparently different. Thus, although τ affects considerably both the roughness and topology of the films deposited on C8SH-steel, this effect is less pronounced (topology) or almost inexistent (roughness) in films deposited on C12SH-steel. The high density of small aggregates detected on porous films deposited on untreated-steel transforms into a distribution involving a few compact aggregates upon the pretreatment of the substrate. The dimension (both height and diameter) and the density of such aggregates increases and decreases, respectively, with the size of the alkanethiol and, in the case of the C8SH-steel electrode, with τ. This behavior should be attributed to the fact that SAMs of C12SH are more regular and well-packed than those of C8SH, the influence of the incubation time τ on the structure being much less relevant in the former than in the latter.
Similar features are evidenced in Fig. 8, which shows high- and low-resolution images of PEDOT films deposited on untreated-, C8SH- and C12SH-steel (τ = 2 h). Thus, the porosity of the films clearly grows in the following order: steel ≪ C8SH-steel ≪ C12SH-steel, evidencing that the pre-treatment of the substrates with alkanethiols significantly affects the morphology of the surface.
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Fig. 8 High- and low-resolution SEM micrographs (left and right, respectively) of PEDOT films deposited untreated-, C8SH- and C12SH-steel substrates. Films were prepared considering a polymerization time of 10 s. Pre-treated substrates were obtained by immersing the steel electrodes into 50 mL of octanethiol by τ = 2 h. |
The electroactivity and electrostability of nanometric films deposited on C8SH- and C12SH-steel electrodes have been determined, results being expressed in Table 2 relative to those obtained for PEDOT generated on untreated-steel. As it can be seen, the electroactivity and electrostability of PEDOT films produced on the modified substrates are significantly higher than those of the material electropolymerized on untreated-steel. The electroactivity grows with the length of the alkanethiol, the maximum enhancement being achieved with the smallest incubation time in both cases. In contrast, the electrostability is relatively similar in all cases, independent of both the alkanethiol and τ. It should be emphasized that the electroactivity of nanometric and micrometric PEDOT films deposited on modified electrodes is ∼40% and ∼25%, respectively, higher than that of the films generated using untreated-steel. This feature evidences that the role of the alkanethiols is significantly more important in the nanometric scale than in the micrometric one. On the other hand, it should be noted that adherence measurements on films produced using θ = 10 s are not representative due to their ultra-thin nature.
Substrate | Incubation time (τ) | Electroactivity | Electrostability |
Steel-C8SH | 2 h | 39 | 8 |
10 h | 36 | 8 | |
24 h | 35 | 9 | |
Steel-C12SH | 2 h | 45 | 6 |
10 h | 43 | 7 | |
24 h | 41 | 7 |
The EIS plots obtained for PEDOT films (θ = 300 s) deposited on untreated- and C8SH-steel (τ = 2 h) after 24, 168 and 480 h of immersion in a 3.5% NaCl solution are provided in Fig. 9. The EIS diagrams obtained for the films deposited on C8SH- and C12SH-steel were very similar and, therefore, the latter are not reported here for the sake of simplicity. In all cases, spectra show three well-characterized regions. At high frequencies (f > 25 Hz), a capacitive semi-circle related with the polymer–electrolyte interface is observed, its diameter determining the charge transfer resistance (RCT) in parallel with the double layer capacitance (CDL). At intermediate frequencies (25 Hz < f < 1.5 Hz), the spectra show a linear line with a slope around 45°, which corresponds to a Warburg diffusion region and should be attributed to the semi-infinite diffusion of protons at the polymer–electrolyte interface. Finally, at the low frequency range (f < 1 Hz), a nearly vertical line is found due to the faradaic pseudocapacitance of the PEDOT film, as previously described.49,50 Thus, at higher frequencies the process is charge-transfer controlled while at lower frequencies the diffusion of charges in the CP film determines the impedance response. According to Hunter et al.,51 the frequency range of the diffusion behavior is controlled by the diffusion coefficient and the film thickness. Thus, thick films show diffusion over a large frequency range while no diffusion region is detected in ultra-thin films.
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Fig. 9 Nyquist plots of PEDOT films deposited on (a) untreated- and (b) C8SH-steel after immersion in a 3.5% NaCl solution for 24 (black symbols), 168 (grey symbols) and 480 h (empty symbols). Films were prepared considering a polymerization time of 300 s. Modified substrates were obtained by immersing the steel electrodes into 50 mL of alkanethiol by τ = 2 h. (c) Equivalent circuit used to simulate the experimental spectra displayed in (a) and (b). |
EIS diagrams were analyzed using the equivalent circuit (EC) displayed in Fig. 9c, which was previously proposed for CP coatings.50,52 The proposed EC is given by Rs[CPEDL(RCTW)]CPEPC, where Rs is the ohmic resistance between the working and the reference electrodes; CPEDL is the double layer capacitance; RCT is the charge-transfer resistance in serial connection with a Warburg element, W, that accounts for diffusion; and CPEPC is the pseudo-capacitance at lower frequencies. The capacitances were replaced by a constant phase element (CPE) that describes a non-ideal capacitor when the phase angle is different from −90°. The CPE impedance is attributed to the distributed surface reactivity, surface heterogeneity, and roughness of the current and potential distribution, which are, in turn, related with the electrode geometry and the electrode porosity.53 It should be noted that elements associated with the proposed EC, which was selected considering software limitations and the minimum number of circuit elements, are probably involved on both treated and untreated metal surface. The fitting with experimental data provided error percentage smaller than 5% for each circuit component, indicating a satisfactory behavior.
Table 3 shows the simulated values derived from the fitting of the EIS plots represented in Fig. 9a and b to the EC displayed in Fig. 9c. As it can be seen, the impedance is larger for samples deposited on the C8SH-steel than for those generated on untreated steel. The observed increase of the RCT values at the thiol modified samples was associated with the inhibition effect of thiol layer, decreasing the metal dissolution rate. Moreover, the capacitance associated with this feature (CPEDL) is lower than that of the sample deposited on untreated-steel, remaining practically unchanged during the immersion time, probably due to surface smoothing.54 The Warburg impedance increases with the immersion time, assuming higher values at the samples deposited on C8SH-steel. Additionally, the pores and/or defects of the CP coating can be blocked by corrosion products, making diffusion more difficult and hindering the access of the aggressive electrolyte to the metal surface, which led to an increase of the overall resistance.
Substrate | Immersion time/h | R S/Ω cm2 | CPEDL/μF cm−2sn−1 | n | R CT/Ω cm2 | W/Ω cm−2 | CPEPC/mF cm−2sn−1 | n |
Untreated-steel | 24 | 7.02 | 15.40 | 0.94 | 33.6 | 12.04 | 20.60 | 0.85 |
168 | 9.14 | 20.39 | 0.89 | 68.48 | 22.02 | 20.72 | 0.81 | |
480 | 10.41 | 21.73 | 0.86 | 104.4 | 20.53 | 21.05 | 0.95 | |
C8SH-steel | 24 | 7.96 | 16.81 | 0.91 | 102.1 | 22.17 | 6.17 | 0.80 |
168 | 8.16 | 14.70 | 0.88 | 172.9 | 33.26 | 6.79 | 0.79 | |
480 | 11.02 | 19.26 | 0.96 | 240.7 | 45.51 | 7.76 | 0.91 |
Fig. 10a shows the surface of the PEDOT film deposited on C8SH-steel after 168 h of immersion in a 3.5% NaCl solution. As it can be seen, aggregates tend to fill the pores at the surface of the CP, making the access of the anions to the substrate difficult. However, the same protection mechanism was also observed in PEDOT films generated on untreated-steel (data not shown). Fig. 10b shows the morphology of both the external and internal sides of the PEDOT film electropolymerized on the C8SH-steel substrate after 480 h of exposure to the 3.5% NaCl solution. The film was washed with distilled water before to obtain the SEM micrographs. As it can be seen, the NaCl does not affect the morphology of the CP, the aspect of the external side being very similar to that displayed in Fig. 4. However, a detailed inspection of Fig. 10b reveals that the morphology of the internal side is more compact than that of the external side. This observation is fully consistent with the results obtained for PEDOT films with nanometric thickness (Fig. 7 and 8). Accordingly, the corrosion protection showed by EIS diagrams (Fig. 9) should be attributed not only to the barrier effect produced by the SAMs of alkanethiol but also to their influence on morphology of the CP at the first stages of the electropolymerization process.
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Fig. 10 SEM micrographs of the PEDOT film deposited on C8SH-steel: (a) high (right) and low (left) resolution images of the surface after 7 days of exposure to a 3.5% NaCl solution; and (b) the internal and external sides washed with distilled water after 20 days of exposure to a 3.5% NaCl solution. Films were prepared considering a polymerization time of 300 s and the treated substrate was obtained by immersing the steel electrode into 50 mL of octanethiol by τ = 2 h. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 |