Hydrogen compounds formation of calcium in an ICP-DRC-MS
7th January 2011
, Accepted 25th October 2011
First published on 18th November 2011
Isobaric ions overlap an isotope of interest in mass spectrometry, and an inductively coupled plasma-dynamic reaction cell-mass spectrometry (ICP-DRC-MS) analysis also bears the same problem. In this research, processes of 40CaH+ formation and decreasing methods were studied. Plasma power was swept from 1300 W to 600 W to investigate 40CaH+ formation in the plasma. 1.90 × 10−4 of 40CaH+/40Ca+ with 1300 W decreased to 1.27 × 10−4 when 750 W of plasma power was applied. Deionized water of samples was replaced with heavy water to verify if 40CaH+ is formed in the interface part of the equipment. Normally NH3 gas is injected into the DRC to remove argide ions for a measurement of calcium samples in an ICP-DRC-MS, but we found NH3 contributes to form hydrogen compounds in the DRC by introducing a strontium sample, which is the same alkaline earth metal as calcium. 1.59 × 10−4 of 40CaH+/40Ca+ at 0.8 ml min−1 of NH3 cell gas decreased to 1.72 × 10−5 with 0.85 ml min−1 of additional O2cell gas injection. Results verify that hydrogen compounds made from NH3 in an ICP-DRC-MS could affect ultra trace isotope ratio analysis.
1. Introduction
Isobaric ion interference is a troublesome issue in ICP-MS analysis. One of the critical problems is an overlap of hydrogen compound ions on analyte ions because the mass shift due to the hydrogen formation is just one, where another isotope of the same element often exists. For example, 235UH+ overlaps on 236U+ when measuring 236U/238U.1240Pu/239Pu determination also has the same kind of problems because of 238UH+ and 238UH2+.2127IH2+ formation can become critical for 129I/127I detection.3 High Resolution ICP-MS, such as double focusing sector-field ICP-MS can be utilized to avoid these isobaric effects but equipment sensitivity is greatly decreased. We are developing a novel apparatus combining an inductively coupled plasma-dynamic reaction cell-mass spectrometry (ICP-DRC-MS) and ion trap-laser cooling technique to analyze trace isotopes. ICP-DRC-MS will be adopted here as an ion source because it enables liquid sample introduction. Laser based isotope selection technique4 will be adopted to raise isotope selectivity and sensitivity, and avoid isobaric interferences. ICP-MS requires only simple modifications. A detector of ICP-MS can be replaced with an ion guide to drag ions to trap segments in our apparatus. In the case of double focusing sector field ICP-MS, for example, ion guides have to deal with all trajectories from a magnetic sector. However, only one trajectory should be considered in the case of ICP-MS.
One of our goals is to develop this apparatus to measure a long-lived radioactive ultra trace isotope, such as 41Ca. Since Raisbeck and Yiou5 proposed the use of 41Ca as a radiometric dating tool because of its low isotope abundance ratio (41Ca/Ca = 10−12 − 10−16) and long half-life (1.04 × 105 yr),6 it has been used in a biomedical study7 to perform research on calcium metabolism inside a human body, in a planetary science8 investigation using 41Ca to date a meteorite or speculate a composition of early solar system. 41Ca has also been proposed as a dating tool in archeology9 since calcium is a major element of a bone and its half-life is applicable to date geological features. While Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) and Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) can be used to measure and analyze ultra trace isotopes,10–12 low decay energy (3.3 keV)6 and natural abundance of 41Ca makes the measurement difficult. Although only AMS is routinely utilized for 41Ca analysis, it requires large facilities and complicated pretreatments13 of analyte samples. Our apparatus will be able to become one of the candidates to measure trace isotopes such as 41Ca. Isobars can be avoided with the apparatus since ions of interest are selectively detected with our laser technique,14 but the amount of isobars is undoubtedly better to be small to raise sensitivity even with the laser technique. We found that with 40CaH+, the hydrogen compound of calcium ion is formed in the ICP-DRC-MS. Although this can possibly decrease the sensitivity of the apparatus by overlapping on 41Ca counts, there is no report investigating 40CaH+ formation in an ICP-MS equipped with a dynamic reaction cell (DRC) as far as we know. Accordingly the 40CaH+ formation in commercial ICP-DRC-MS should be investigated before modifying the equipment.
In this article, 40CaH+ formation will be studied under various experimental conditions of the ICP-DRC-MS with calcium and strontium samples. First, we will investigate the dependence of 40CaH+ formation in the plasma on plasma rf power because low energy states of calcium ions form less 40CaH+ than higher energy states of them. Secondly we will replace the solvent of the samples from deionized water to heavy water to examine 40CaH+ formation in the interface region. The amount of 40CaH+ will be expected to decrease because of formation of 40CaD+. Finally, we will investigate the effect of NH3 cell gas on hydrogen compounds formation in the DRC using calcium and strontium samples, both of which are alkaline earth metals. Various combinations of NH3 and O2cell gases will be analyzed to study 40CaH+ formation in the DRC.
2. Experiment
Measurements were performed with an ELAN DRC II (PerkinElmer Sciex, Concord, Ontario, Canada) equipped with a PFA-50 Microflow Nebulizer and Cyclonic Spray Chamber. We warmed up the ICP-MS for 45 min before experiments following the manufacturer's instruction. Dwell time was set to 1 ms to reduce a low frequency noise15–17 such as a plasma flicker noise, peristaltic pump noise and 1/f noise. Two kinds of cell gases were prepared to inject into the DRC separately or simultaneously. Gas flow unit for the cell gases is Ar-equivalent sccm. All other instrumental parameters to maximize 40Ca+ intensities according to the ELAN DRC II optimization process are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Instrumental parameters
rf power |
1100 W |
Nebulizer gas flow rate |
0.99 L min−1 |
Auxiliary gas flow rate |
1.2 L min−1 |
Plasma gas flow rate |
15 L min−1 |
Lens voltage |
Optimized daily for maximum signal |
Rpa |
0 |
Rpq |
0.25 |
Cell rod offset |
−2 V |
Quadrupole rod offset |
−7.5 V |
Cell path voltage |
−19 V |
Axial field voltage |
275 V |
Detector dead time |
60 ns |
Dwell time |
1 ms |
Number of sweeps |
1000 |
Number of readings |
1 |
Number of replicates per sample |
10 |
Materials and reagents
Purities of argon for a plasma gas, ammonia and oxygen gas for a DRC were all higher than 99.999% (Air Liquide Japan). 100 mg L−1 of AccuTrace reference standard calcium for ICP-MS (Accustandard Inc, New Haven, CT) was diluted ten times (10 mg L−1) and acidified with 1% v/v nitric acid for ultratrace analysis (Wako Chemical, Ltd., Osaka, Japan) to make a calcium solution sample. Strontium solution was prepared along the same step but diluted one hundred times (1 mg L−1) because of its low background scale. All the water used in the experiments was doubly distilled and passed through a Millipore Reagent Water System (18.2 MΩcm). Glass distilled deuterium oxide of 99.9 atom% D was obtained from ISOTEC (Isotec Inc., Miamisburg, OH). Synthetic resin containers were washed with 5% v/v nitric acid to remove residual contaminations. More than two minutes of measurement gap was maintained between each measurement to avoid memory effect.
3. Results and discussions
Isobaric ions of 41Ca+ at mass 41
Various isobaric ions of 41Ca+ can appear in ICP-MS18 such as 40ArH+, 40CaH+, 41K+, 29Si12C+, 28Si13C+ and 23Na18O+ at m/z = 41. Based on our measurement of Si and Na, the total amount of three isobars which are 29Si12C+, 28Si13C+ and 23Na18O+ was estimated to be less than 1% of m/z = 41 count even with an assumption that 100% of minor isotopes contribution is from their composition. Therefore they were considered here negligibly small. 40ArH+ is removed with NH3 cell gas, which can be confirmed with slope change of the analyte ion19 and we affirmed the ArH+ suppression was successful by using a blank sample. 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio fluctuated within error bars between 1 mg L−1 to 10 mg L−1 of sample concentration, but its fluctuation became larger at less than 1 mg L−1 of concentration because backgrounds from experimental environment might affect the result. Since 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio is so small (10−4 − 10−6) and several ppt orders of backgrounds are difficult to avoid even with clean room facility,17 we used highly concentrated (10 mg L−1) samples to observe 40CaH+ formation as a function of experimental parameters clearly. We confirmed 40CaH+/40Ca+ had no noticeable dependence on concentration of sample. Low concentration samples could be used by increasing integration time but backgrounds or count fluctuations from analyte samples could become a critical issue in our case. Backgrounds from deionized water and resins could be neglected because they were comparatively smaller than the counts of highly concentrated samples. Then the rest of the main candidates at m/z = 41 can be 41K+ and 40CaH+. The amount of 41K+ can be estimated from the natural abundance ratio of potassium and we made an assumption that m/z = 39 was wholly 39K+. After 41K+ subtraction from the count at m/z = 41, all the experiments were conducted under the assumption that 40CaH+ was dominant at m/z = 41. Two ways of 40CaH+ formation can be considered as follows, | Ca+ + H(D) ↔ CaH+(CaD)+ | (1) |
| Ca + H+(D+) ↔ CaH+(CaD)+ | (2) |
Although the reaction (1) would be dominant in 40CaH+ formation since the degree of ionization of calcium in the plasma is over 95%,20 a small amount of the reaction (2) was also considered to occur since we are interested in measuring very low concentrations. We conducted experiments to investigate where 40CaH+ formation occurs inside the ICP-DRC-MS.
40CaH+ formation inside the plasma
Though plasma usually disintegrates molecules to atoms and then ionizes them in ICP, it also forms singly charged polyatomic molecular species.21 Since calcium ions of excited states transform into 40CaH+ at higher probability than those with ground energy states22 and plasma power of ICP affects the energy states of an ion,23 the 40CaH+ formation is expected to be varied as a function of the input plasma power. Fig. 1 shows the reaction profiles of 40Ca+ and 40CaH+. NH3 was maintained at 0.8 ml min−1 to suppress argide ions. The counts of the two ions decreased with lowering plasma power since the reduced plasma temperature affected the ionization rate in ICP. With decreasing plasma power from 1300 W, reduction of 40CaH+ became larger than that of 40Ca+ and it gave rise to decrease the ratio of 40CaH+/40Ca+ gradually. The ratio suddenly increased between 700 to 600 W of the plasma power due to abrupt increase of 40CaH+. This phenomenon is supposed to be caused by many metastable calcium ions, which are especially feasible to form 40CaH+, and are created at the specific plasma power. Despite the abrupt ratio increase between 700 to 600 W, a larger 40CaH+ reduction than 40Ca+ was maintained on lowering the plasma power. Consequently we could verify 40CaH+ formation occurs inside the plasma and can be suppressed to some extent by lowering the plasma temperature.
| Fig. 1 Normalized counts of 40Ca+, 40CaH+ (left axis) and the 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio (right axis) as a function of the rf power measured at optimum conditions (see Table 1). | |
40CaH+ formation inside the interface region
If hydrogen in analyte samples affects the composition, it would occur in the cooled interface region located next to the ICP part. In order to verify this, solvent of samples was replaced from deionized water to heavy water. 40CaH+ was expected to decrease here since several groups24,25 reported that replacement of H2O solvent to D2O showed the mass shift of the hydrogen compound in an ICP-MS. Argide ions were suppressed here by injecting 1 ml min−1 of NH3 in order to measure calcium compounds clearly.
Although the shift of the mass 40CaH+ to 40CaD+ was expected due to the solvent replacement, no evidence of the mass shift was found. Fig. 2(a) shows 40CaH+/40Ca+ grew as increasing the ratio of heavy water in the sample. The reason why the clear mass shift which as Vais and Zoriy showed24,25 did not appear is supposed to be due to the interferences from heavy water contributing to the formations of isobaric ions at m/z = 41. Fig. 2(b) shows that the amounts of Na and Si ions increases linearly as the amount of heavy water in the sample grows. They were possibly transformed into 23Na18O+, 28Si13C+ and 29Si12C+. So we could not evaluate if 40CaH+ formation occurs in the interface region. Furthermore, investigating 40CaD+ formation to find 40CaH+ variation indirectly was impossible since the amount of 40CaD+ composition is so small compared to 42Ca+. A D2O purification system adapted to the same process as deionized water might be required to remove this isobaric effect because there was no successful solution which removed the interferences completely as far as we tested (99.96 atom% D of Aldrich (Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and 99.9 atom% D of CIL (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Andover, MA) were also examined).
| Fig. 2 Reaction profiles of 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio (a) and the amount of Na ions and Si ions (b) as a function of the concentration of heavy water in the sample. Experiment (b) was exclusively conducted under the conditions of 100 ms of dwell time, 10 times of sweep, 5 times of replicate. | |
Hydride compound formation of Ca and Sr in the DRC
cell gas injection into the DRC is inevitable when analyzing calcium with an ICP-DRC-MS to remove argide ions, but NH3 could possibly offer hydrogen ions forming 40CaH+ in the DRC even though Ca+ and NH3 reacts endothermically.26 Thus 40CaH+ formation was examined as a function of NH3 gas flow. Fig. 3 shows the normalized counts of 40Ca+, 40CaH+ and 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio. 1.5 ml min−1 of NH3 gas flow achieved the lowest 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio of 3.9 × 10−5, possibly due to the physical scattering with gas molecules. Because an average energy of ions in ICP is between 5 and 30 eV,27 the collisional cross section between analyte ions and gas molecules will depend on their physical radii.19 So the amount of 40CaH+ which has bigger physical radii than 40Ca+ is expected to decrease faster than 40Ca+. Fig. 3 indeed shows the higher decreasing rate of 40CaH+. In Fig. 3, 40Ar+ starts to be removed from 0.2 ml min−1 of NH3 gas flow, and then a collisional focusing19 appears from the same gas flow rate. However 0.8 ml min−1 of NH3 was required to observe the pure count of 40CaH+ because of its small count scale. Thus it is difficult to observe count variation of 40Ca+ and 40CaH+ directly when the NH3 injection was indeed started in order to evaluate the NH3 contribution to the 40CaH+ formation.
| Fig. 3 Normalized counts of 40Ca+, 40CaH+ (left axis) and 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio (right axis) as a function of the NH3 gas flow. | |
Because direct measurement of NH3 effect on hydrogen compound formation was impossible due to argide ions, a strontium sample was introduced. Strontium is expected to show a similar reaction profile compared to that of calcium since both of them are the same alkaline earth metals. Therefore, the reaction profiles of calcium and strontium samples with O2cell gas were investigated. O2 was used to form OH compounds of each sample. Fig. 4 shows OH compound reaction profiles of the calcium and strontium with O2cell gas. OH compound formation was saturated at 0.8 ml min−1 of the gas and decreased by scattering with gas molecules in both experiments. The reason why 40Ca+ count was larger than that of 88Sr+ when O2 gas flow was small is 40Ar+ at the same m/z. 40Ar+ was gradually removed by O2, which is capable of removing argide ions the same as NH319 since the ionization energy28 of oxygen (12.07 eV) is located between those of argon (15.76 eV) and calcium (6.11 eV), the same as ammonia (10.07 eV). However, because the reaction coefficient between O2 and argon ions (k = 2.3 − 9.00 × 10−11) is lower than that of NH3 (k = 1.60 − 1.84 × 10−9),29 1 ml min−1 of gas flow was needed to remove 40Ar+ and 40ArH+ though 0.8 ml min−1 was enough in the case of NH3.88Sr+ showed pure counts without O2 since no argide ions interfered on the count. The count was increased by collisional focusing, and decreased from 0.6 ml min−1 of gas flow rate since scattering with gas molecules became dominant. We concluded that the calcium and strontium show similar reaction aspects from this result and investigated reaction profiles of strontium as a function of each cell gas to evaluate that of calcium.
| Fig. 4
OH compounds reaction profiles of the calcium and strontium samples as a function of O2cell gas. Concentration of both samples is 1 mg L−1. | |
Fig. 5 shows the reaction profiles of strontium with two different gases. Increase of all analyte ions at small gas flow rate here is due to the collisional focusing. 88SrH+ notably increased with the NH3 cell gas injection compared to O2. If the same chemical reaction occurs in the case of calcium, it can be assumed that NH3 might contribute to form hydrogen compounds in the DRC. Although calcium ions and NH3 are not considered to react because the reaction is known to be endothermic, 40CaH+ formation cannot be neglected in our experiments. We suppose metastable calcium ions formed in the plasma drifted into the DRC and formed 40CaH+. 40CaH+ formation in the DRC was further investigated to look for the possibility of suppression by injecting two cell gases simultaneously.
| Fig. 5 Reaction profiles of 88Sr+, 88SrH+ in the ICP-DRC-MS as a function of O2 and NH3 gas flow rate respectively. Concentration of the sample is 1 mg L−1. | |
40CaH+ formation in the DRC
Complicated chemical reactions occur inside the DRC.19 Two types of reaction were assumed to occur when O2 was additionally injected into the DRC which already created 40CaH+ inside with NH3. First is hydrogen reduction. The amount of hydrogen which reacts with calcium ions is supposed to decrease since the reaction constant of oxygen with hydrogen (k = 1.00 × 10−9) is much higher than that of calcium (k = 2.00 × 10−14).29 Therefore O2 reacts with hydrogen before calcium ions react with it. For example, the following reaction29 can be considered,
Second is decomposition or transformation of 40CaH+. O2 injection is expected to make 40Ca+ by stealing hydrogen ions from 40CaH+ or form 40CaOH+ by offering oxygen ions to 40CaH+. For example, the following reaction can be considered,
| 40CaH+ + O2 → 40Ca+ + Products | (4) |
| 40CaH+ + O2 → 40CaOH+ + Products | (5) |
In any case, 40CaH+ is reduced if the reaction successfully occurs.
In this experiment, only O2 gas flow rate was swept in the DRC but NH3 was not since investigation of O2 effect was more important here. Two NH3 gas flow rates explained in Fig. 3 were chosen. One is 0.8 ml min−1, which is the lowest flow rate for removing both 40Ar+ and 40ArH+. Another is 1.5 ml min−1, which realizes the largest 40CaH+ suppression by the physical scattering. Fig. 6 shows both 40Ca+ and 40CaH+ ions decreased with increasing O2 flow in all cases, because the scattering between ions and gas molecules increased. However the decreasing slopes of the 40CaH+ when 0.8 ml min−1 of NH3 injection was steeper than the case of 1.5 ml min−1 of NH3. O2 gas ratio in the cell when NH3 was maintained at 0.8 ml min−1 is higher than the case of 1.5 ml min−1. So the ion's axial energy damping is expected to be more active when NH3 was maintained at 0.8 ml min−1 since heavier collisional gas is more effective at damping ion's energy.19 As 40CaH+ damping increases, their residence time in the cell becomes longer and the chemical reaction probability increases. Therefore, a steeper slope of 40CaH+ reduction is expected at 0.8 ml min−1 of NH3 with O2cell gas. Whereas 40Ca+ was reduced at constant speed regardless of NH3 flow rate, 40CaH+ slope depended on the cell gas ratio combinations. We assume the 40CaH+ reduction reactions occurred here.
| Fig. 6 Reaction profiles of 40Ca+, 40CaH+ as a function of O2 gas flow rate in the ICP-DRC-MS. NH3 gas flow was fixed at 0.8 and 1.5 ml min−1 respectively. | |
Fig. 7 is a reproduction of Fig. 6 to show 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio as a function of the total cell gas flow rate. O2 flow was swept with fixed NH3 gas flows at 0.8 and 1.5 ml min−1, respectively. The ratio depending on the gas combinations was observed. The lowest ratio was achieved at 0.8 ml min−1 of NH3 and 0.85 ml min−1 of O2 flow rate combination. We are convinced this achievement benefits from the maximal use of multiple collision and selective reaction mechanism23 of the DRC. 0.8 ml min−1 of NH3 successfully removed interfering argide ions but prevented 40Ca+, 40CaH+ from extra physical scattering. Additionally injected O2 made the residence time of 40CaH+ longer in the cell by collision and chemically reacted with 40CaH+. 0.85 ml min−1 was verified as the most effective O2 flow rate. The fact that simultaneous multiple cell gas injection could alter hydrogen compound formation in the DRC was realized from these results.
| Fig. 7 Reaction profiles of the 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio as a function of the combination of cell gas flow rate. Traces adopting triangle markers start from fixed NH3 flow rate because O2 was added from the flow rate. | |
Bandura3 could decrease 127IH2+/127I+ by increasing post-cell energy barriers and in-cell retarding field strength but we could not. We suppose that the collision effect is dominant in their experiment but additional hydrogen compound formation by chemical reaction with NH3 was dominant in our case.
4. Conclusions
In this paper 40CaH+ formation in the ICP-DRC-MS was studied. 40CaH+ formation depends on the plasma power and could be suppressed by decreasing plasma power to some extent. The solvent of samples was replaced from deionized water to heavy water to find 40CaH+ variation in the interface region. However it was not able to observe the reactions since too many impurities from heavy water had interfered calcium analysis. Highly purified D2O may be needed to investigate the reactions properly. Although the reactions of calcium ions with NH3 are not usually considered, we found NH3 can possibly affect the reaction of hydrogen compound with calcium and strontium in the DRC when determining isotope ratio of 10−4 to 10−5 from the experiment. Hydrogen compound formation in the DRC was varied according to the cell gas combination even at the same total cell gas flow rate. Furthermore, additional injection of O2 into the cell could achieve the lowest 40CaH+/40Ca+ ratio.
The authors appreciate the technical assistance with ICP-DRC-MS of K. Kobayashi, the pure deionized water supplied by D. Hiroishi and valuable discussions with M. Kitaoka.
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |
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