Oscar A. Douglas
Micaela A.
Jorge A.
Manuel A.
Eduardo A.
Vicente A.
INFIQC—Departamento de Fisicoquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Ciudad Universitaria, 5000, Córdoba, Argentina. E-mail: mperez@fcq.unc.edu.ar; Fax: +54 351 4334188; Tel: +54 351 4334180
First published on 13th February 2012
The thermal stability of the silver oxide particles (Ag2O)/metallic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) system in aqueous and gaseous environments is investigated with UV-Visible spectroscopy, TEM, SEM and DLS as characterisation techniques, and with calculations using electromagnetic theory. Thermal decomposition of aqueous Ag2O colloids to produce AgNPs is conclusively demonstrated and used as a base reaction to produce clean AgNPs without any external reducing agent. Such a spontaneous character of Ag2O decomposition in alkaline aqueous/water-enriched environments at room temperature makes the formation of silver oxide films on silver nanoparticles/nanostructures unlikely, keeping the silver surface oxide-free, a crucial feature in determining the silver catalytic and Raman enhancing properties. The synthetic suitability of this reaction to develop new routes to produce AgNPs is explored by analyzing the effect of temperature, complexing agents, and environment polarity on the AgNPs size/shape control. Thermal decomposition of Ag2O colloids in aqueous/water-enriched environments offers the possibility to produce AgNPs at low cost, with easy, clean, safe and green chemistry procedures.
In such a context we have come across a simple fact that seems to have gone unnoticed for a very long time: aqueous colloids of Ag2O undergo decomposition to give AgNPs at room temperature. On the one hand, the relevance of such a finding lies on the importance of silver oxide as a material itself, but also on the synthetic use of this reaction for AgNPs production. On the other hand, due to the role AgNPs play in many areas such as catalysis, optolectronics, plasmonics, etc.,10 it is nowadays of topmost importance to have clean methods to produce them. Better synthesis routes involving low cost, easy, clean, safe and green chemistry procedure is a topic under constant development.11
In the present work, we demonstrate for the first time that aqueous Ag2O colloids undergo thermal decomposition at room temperature to give AgNPs. This new evidence is discussed in formulating a more general reaction scheme, which considers silver oxidation and Ag2O thermal decomposition from a unified viewpoint. In light of this scheme, the stability of silver oxide-free surface is analysed, given the key role in catalysis and enhanced Raman spectroscopy that having a clean silver nanoparticle/nanostructure surface plays.8,9 Finally, the potential application of the Ag2O thermal decomposition as base reaction to develop new synthetic routes to produce AgNPs is analysed.
2Ag+(aq) + 2OH−(aq) → Ag2O(s) + H2O(l) | (1) |
Two cases of interest were investigated, namely: either the ions concentration product is slightly greater than Ksp ([Ag+] × [OH−] > Ksp) or it largely exceeds Ksp ([Ag+] × [OH−] ≫…> Ksp). In accordance with the concept of chemical equilibrium, the amount of Ag2O colloid is directly related to the difference between the species initial concentration values (i.e. [Ag+] × [OH−]) and those equilibrium concentration values, let us say [Ag+]e and [OH−]e, that satisfy Ksp = [Ag+]e × [OH−]e. Thus, in the last case, the formation of the colloid in the silver (I)/alkali solution is evident since silver oxide microparticles (Ag2O–MPs) exhibit a characteristic brown color. In the first case, the amount of Ag2O–MPs formed is very low and no remarkable extinction is observed in the visible range. As it will be shown later the decomposition takes place almost irrespective of the amount of Ag2O–MPs and, consequently, all Ag+/OH− solutions with [Ag+] × [OH−] over Ksp will be referred to as silver (I)/alkali solutions. Therefore, to study the aqueous Ag2O thermal stability, silver (I)/alkali solutions containing different amounts of Ag2O–MPs were aged in darkness at 2 °C and at 25 °C.
Selected experimental samples were characterized with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM, JEM-JEOL 1120 microscope), preparing samples without any purification treatment by seeding many drops of the colloidal solutions onto a Formvar-covered cooper grid and evaporating it in air at room temperature. Samples for characterization with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM, Carl Zeiss-Σigma, Field Emission) were prepared with the already described deposition procedure by driving the complete dry-up of silver (I)/alkali solutions.
An additional source of information on size distribution of Ag2O–MPs and AgNPs was obtained from Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) by using a Beckman Coulter-Delsa Nano C to perform measurements with a laser light source at 658 nm and a detection angle of 165°. A digital correlator was used to develop an autocorrelation function, analysed with the method of cumulants resulting in a z-averaged diameter, dz (intensity-weighted mean hydrodynamic diameter). Results are referred to in the discussion but included only in the Electronic Supplementary Information material.†
Ag2O(s) + 4NH3(aq) + H2O(l) →2[Ag(NH3)2]+(aq) + 2OH−(aq) | (2) |
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Fig. 1 (a) UV-Vis extinction spectra for 0.1 mM AgNO3, 1 mM NaOH solutions: (---) after 30 days of aging at 2 °C, and during 30 days of aging at 25 °C: (green) 1, (pink) 6, (blue) 9, (red) 15, and (black) 30 days. (b) UV-Vis extinction spectra of (black) 30 days-aged 0.1 mM AgNO3, 1 mM NaOH solution after its reaction with: (red) NH3 and (blue) HNO3. (c) TEM image of AgNPs produced in a 0.1 mM AgNO3, 1 mM NaOH solution aged 30 days at 25 °C (scale bar: 50 nm). (d) Extinction profiles obtained with Mie theory for silver spheres with diameter of: (blue) 30 and (red) 60 nm. (black) UV-Vis spectrum of a 30 days-aged 0.1 mM AgNO3, 1 mM NaOH solution. |
The peak at 413 nm must be, instead, associated with the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of silver metallic nanoparticles generated by the decomposition of the aqueous Ag2O colloids. This interpretation can be easily corroborated with the addition of concentrated HNO3, which drives the oxidation of AgNPs, according to
3Ag(s) + 4HNO3(aq) →3Ag+(aq) + 3NO−3(aq) + NO(g) + 2H2O(l) | (3) |
Of course, the oxidation of the AgNPs causes the complete vanishing of the peak at 413 nm (Fig. 1b, blue line). This evidence and its interpretation are consistent with TEM photographs obtained from a sample of the silver (I)/alkali solution aged 30 days at room temperature, where metallic AgNPs can be observed (Fig. 1c). Sizes representative of those in the TEM image were used to perform calculations with Mie theory for silver spheres. The simulations are in qualitative agreement with the peak observed experimentally at ca. 413 nm (Fig. 1d, black and red lines), providing additional support to the interpretation that associates this optical feature with the SPR of metallic AgNPs.13,15 With the presence of metallic AgNPs unambiguously proven only after an aging period at 25 °C of silver (I)/alkali solutions, which do not contain any reducing agent, the only consistent explanation is to acknowledge the existence of a thermal decomposition of Ag2O colloids.
The decomposition process of colloidal Ag2O at 25 °C is also observed for silver (I)/alkali solutions containing microparticles (Ag2O–MPs). Setting [Ag+] × [OH−] to largely exceed Ksp leads to silver (I)/alkali solutions containing Ag2O–MPs, which appear as brown suspensions. These silver (I)/alkali solutions exhibit an extinction spectrum with a broad maximum at 650 nm (Fig. 2a, black line), associated with Ag2O–MPs. This interpretation is easily corroborated with the addition of concentrated NH3 that leads to the complete vanishing of this broad band, according to eqn (2). Sizes of Ag2O–MPs were estimated to be around 200 nm using DLS (ESI-Fig. 1†), however, a detailed size characterization is a task that involves methodological limitations (ESI-B†).
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Fig. 2 (a) UV-Vis extinction spectra evolution of a silver (I)/alkali solution containing Ag2O–MPs during its aging at 25 °C, for: (black) 0 (freshly prepared), (cyan) 3, (green) 10, (red) 24, (blue) 33, and (pink) 38 days. (b) Extinction spectra of metallic AgNPs produced by the decomposition at 25 °C of a Ag2O–MPs containing silver (I)/alkali solution, revealed with concentrated ammonia addition for increasing reaction time: (green) 17, (red) 24, (blue) 38, and (pink) 50 days. |
As the aging time at 25 °C elapses, an extinction peak at ca. 420 nm is gradually resolved, indicating the formation of metallic AgNPs (Fig. 2a, arrow in the color line series). Since the extinction band of Ag2O–MPs (ca. 650 nm) remains during the aging, spectra correspond to the contribution of both, Ag2O–MPs and metallic AgNPs. The addition of concentrated NH3 into aliquots extracted for increasing reaction times allows us to selectively dissolve the remaining Ag2O–MPs and reveal the contribution to spectra coming only from AgNPs. Spectra obtained following this procedure, quite impressively, provide a clear picture of how the formation and growth of metallic AgNPs evolves with time (Fig. 2b). The increase of the SPR peak at ca. 420 nm (Fig. 2b, pointed by the arrow) indicates a growing number of AgNPs with sizes below 50 nm. The extinction tail that follows the peak for longer wavelength values could be associated with particles larger than 50 nm and/or with non spherical shapes.16 This evidence is consistent with a reaction scheme involving continuous nucleation and growth processes taking place simultaneously.16
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Fig. 3 UV-Vis extinction profile for (black) deposits on glass obtained from a silver (I)/alkali solution drying at 2 °C. (a) (red) after two minutes immersion in concentrated NH3 solution. (b) (grey) after annealing for 2 min. at ca. 200 °C, and after the subsequent immersion in: (red) concentrated NH3 solution, and (blue) concentrated HNO3 solution. |
Ag2O deposits undergo thermal decomposition by annealing and the characteristic AgNPs' SPR profile is obtained (Fig. 3b, grey line). The treatment with ammonia of these annealed deposits leads to a small decrease of the extinction (Fig. 3b, red line), that might be associated with the dissolution of soluble electrolyte species co-deposited (NaNO3, NaOH). The profile shape remains unaffected, however, in consistency with the specificity of NH3 in dissolving Ag2O only. AgNPs are only dissolved by treatment with solutions containing oxidizing agents like HNO3 (Fig. 3b, blue line). SEM characterization helps us to corroborate the conclusions derived from spectral analysis (Fig. 4). Despite the variety of topological features observed at low magnification, the detection of electrons backscattered (Z-contrast) allows us to identify those regions in the sample that are enriched with elements heavier than the aluminum of the substrate (Fig. 4a and 4c). Thus, Ag2O particles can be chemically recognized (Fig. 4a, white structures) all over the substrate surface (dark grey background). Without covering the whole substrate surface, Ag2O deposition generates cluster structures with almost regular distribution. At higher magnification, the topography of these cluster structures are revealed to be formed by flake-like Ag2O particles arranged in a sort of micrometre flower-like shape (Fig. 4b). The thermal annealing over 200 °C of these deposits drives Ag2O decomposition to form AgNPs in a distribution pattern (Fig. 4c, Z-contrast) similar to that of the original Ag2O deposit (Fig. 4a). AgNPs produced by the Ag2O decomposition have sizes that scale up to 200 nm and are mainly of near spheroidal shapes (Fig. 4d). These drastic morphological differences allow Ag2O particles and AgNPs to be clearly distinguished.
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Fig. 4 SEM photographs of deposits obtained at 2 °C: (a) Z-contrast (backscattered electrons). Scale bar 2 μm. (b) Topographical contrast (secondary electron scattering). Scale bar 500 nm. Photographs of deposits post-annealing: (c) Z-contrast. Scale bar 1 μm. (d) Topographical contrast. Scale bar 500 nm. |
Extinction spectra calculations performed by assuming Ag2O deposits (prepared at 2 °C) as a thin slab produce the shape of smooth decreasing profiles like those obtained experimentally (Fig. 3, black line), only for slab thickness below 50 nm and for very small values of Ag2O volume fraction (<0.01) (more details in ESI-B†). A Ag2O volume fraction at such a low value indicates that the slab dielectric properties are mainly determined by those corresponding to the host material (glass). This low value is also consistent with SEM images where flower-like cluster structures of Ag2O can be seen sparsely distributed all over the substrate surface (Fig. 4a). Beyond the simplicity of the thin slab model, an accurate qualitative description for Ag2O deposits is obtained.
Deposits prepared at 25 °C exhibit the unmistakable trace of the thermal decomposition, that is the AgNPs SPR peak (Fig. 5a, black solid line), which takes place along the drying process. Such a distinctive extinction feature is absent in Ag2O deposits prepared at 2 °C (Fig. 5a, black dashed line) but can be easily generated by their thermal annealing at 200 °C (Fig. 5a, red line). The SPR peak obtained under such conditions is red-shifted in comparison to that of the deposits prepared at room temperature (Fig. 5a, black solid line), indicating the presence of AgNPs with larger sizes. Since it is well known that silver oxidation occurs at room temperature when the metal is exposed to atmospheric oxygen, AgNPs formed by thermal annealing of Ag2O deposits (Fig. 5b, red line) were expected to undergo oxidation, too. Such a process can be followed with the changes in the shape of the deposit extinction profile. As time elapses, the SPR peak extinction of the AgNPs decreases as the metal oxidation progresses to gradually re-shape the profile into that characteristic of Ag2O (Fig. 5b, black dashed line). Thus, the conclusions obtained so far can be summarized, in addition to previous knowledge, according to the following reaction scheme:
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Fig. 5 (a) UV-Vis extinction profile for deposits on glass obtained from silver (I)/alkali solutions drying: (---) at 2 °C and (black) at 25 °C. (red) deposit prepared at 2 °C after 2 min. annealing at 200 °C. (b) Evolution of the extinction profile of an annealed deposit during its re-oxidation with atmospheric oxygen at room-temperature: (red) 0 (blue) 1, (pink) 24, (green) 36, (cyan) 52 and (---) 63 days. |
Although the forward reaction of eqn (4) might involve the generation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an intermediary species, since H2O2 is thermodynamically unstable regarding the decomposition reaction to give molecular oxygen,17 its omission in eqn (4) is associated only with the purpose of presenting a simple reaction scheme rather than discussing a detailed reaction mechanism.
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Fig. 6 a) UV-Vis extinction spectra for AgNPs produced by thermal decomposition of silver (I)/alkali solutions (0.1 mM AgNO3, 1 mM NaOH): (black) 10 days at 25 °C, and (red) 1 h at 98 °C. b) TEM image of the AgNPs produced by the thermal decomposition of a 0.1 mM AgNO3, 0.2 mM NaOH, 1 mM NH3 solution at 98 °C for one hour. Scale bar = 200 nm. |
The decomposition of silver (I)/alkali solutions at room temperature over ten days and at 98 °C for one hour are compared (Fig. 6a, black and red lines, respectively). Both extinction profiles exhibit similar shape and SPR peak wavelength, although the smaller peak half-height width observed for the sample “aged” at 98 °C indicates a narrower size distribution.16 Since the height of both SPR peaks is almost identical, then the yields of AgNPs obtained are comparable. This is clearly indicating that the decomposition reaction is sped up by the temperature increase. The activation of Ag2O decomposition, however, can be alternatively performed by using microwave as it has been already proved effective in producing nanoparticles and nanostructures.18 In addition, the morphological control of AgNPs is noticeably improved by the use of NH3 as a co-reactant species during the oxide decomposition (Fig. 6b), conditions under which size distribution is narrowed down (ESI-Fig. 3†) to be centred around 25 nm average diameter, as DLS results indicate (ESI-Fig. 4†). It is worth noting that AgNPs produced by Ag2O decomposition are electrostatically stabilized by hydroxyl anions only, an aspect that makes further functionalization easy. Since the OH− adsorption is relatively weak, it can be considered that clean-surface AgNPs are produced with this reaction, an important aspect in catalysis9 as well as in SERS.8 The AgNPs are easily obtained with minor by-products generation and are stable over long periods of time. It is well known that control over NPs' morphology is more difficult to achieve for silver than for gold, even under similar reaction conditions.19 In such regard, the fact that AgNPs size distribution is improved only by rising the temperature and by addition of ammonia constitutes a very important result from the synthetic viewpoint since the surface properties of AgNPs are preserved.
Experiments performed in mixtures of water/acetone indicate that the dielectric properties of the environment constitute another important synthetic variable. Fig. 7 shows the spectral evolution for silver (I)/alkali solutions prepared with different volume relations between water and acetone. The spectral evolution obtained for a water/acetone mixture containing only 50% of volume of water (Fig. 7a) exhibits singly peaked extinction profiles, whose SPR peak extinction increases gradually as the aging time elapses, indicating that the amount of small AgNPs (diameter < 50 nm) increases as the reaction advances. Since the SPR peak wavelength values remain almost constant, this evolution corresponds to a reaction where the continuous nucleation is the most relevant process. Interestingly, a decrease of the water volume down to 25% of the total mixture volume produces remarkable changes in the reaction (Fig. 7b). During the first five days, the spectral evolution is similar to that of Fig. 7a and a continuous nucleation is the main process, producing AgNPs with sizes below 50 nm (Fig. 7b, green line). For longer times, a new SPR is defined, first as a shoulder and, later, resolved as a second peak at longer wavelength values (Fig. 7b, red, blue, and black lines). This second SPR peak also exhibits a gradual red shift as the reaction advances. Whereas the SPR peak around 430 nm is associated with small AgNPs (below 50 nm); the second SPR peak is associated to the presence of AgNPs with anisotropic shapes and/or with sizes over 50 nm and, certainly, constitutes a clear evidence of the influence of growth process on the shape/size of the AgNPs. It is also important to note that the rise and red shift of the second SPR peak take place simultaneously with the decrease of the SPR at ca. 430 nm. These spectral changes are interpreted as the overall effect of the interplay between a growth process that enlarges small AgNPs (below 50 nm) and a slowed-down nucleation which does not produce enough amounts of new AgNPs to restore those which have grown. Of course for such long times the reaction is mainly governed by the growth process. It is also important to highlight that AgNPs' SPR extinction values obtained in acetone/water 50:
50 (Fig. 7a) are between 5 and 10 times higher than those obtained in aqueous solutions (Fig. 6a), a feature indicative of higher reaction yields.
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Fig. 7 UV-Vis extinction spectra evolution during the aging at 25 °C of silver (I)/alkali solutions prepared with water/acetone mixtures having water volume percent fraction of: (a) 50% and (b) 25%. Reaction time: (pink) 1, (green) 5, (red) 15, (blue) 26, and (black) 102 days. Silver (I)/alkali solution 0.1 mM AgNO3, 0.2 mM NaOH, 1 mM NH3. |
In water/acetone, silver oxide colloids are unstable, as similarly occurs in aqueous environment at room temperature, where it was proved that they undergo thermal decomposition. It sounds reasonable to expect acetone to play no role as a reducing agent, given the inability of [Ag(NH3)2]+ to oxidise alcohol and ketone groups (negative Tollens' test). Therefore, evidence recently reported on the AgNPs production with silver oxide in acetone20 might have, by considering the silver oxide instability, an alternative explanation more consistent with the aqueous silver (I) chemical knowledge.
In light of some important synthetic aspects, like control over reaction rate, size, and shape of AgNPs produced; the reaction of thermal decomposition of silver oxide colloids was analysed and proved suitable as a base reaction to develop new synthetic routes in the production of AgNPs.
Footnote |
† Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: A) Ag2O-MPs: DLS and UV-Visible spectrum of aqueous Ag2O colloids containing microparticles (ESI-Fig. 1). B) Characterisation of Ag2O–MPs and films: about the “actual” optical properties of Ag2O (ESI-Fig. 2). C) Ag Nanoparticles: AgNPs produced by thermal decomposition of a 0.1 mM AgNO3, 0.2 mM NaOH, 1 mM NH3 solution at 98 °C for one hour (ESI-Fig. 3, ESI-Fig. 4). See DOI: 10.1039/c2ra01044e/ |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |