Prediction of structural, lattice dynamical, and mechanical properties of CaB2

P. Vajeeston *ab, P. Ravindran ac and H. Fjellvåg a
aCenter of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
bCenter for Materials Sciences and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway. E-mail:
cDepartment of Physics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur 610 004, Tamil Nadu, India

Received 16th June 2012 , Accepted 20th September 2012

First published on 25th September 2012


The structural phase stability of CaB2 at ground state and high pressures was investigated using state-of-the-art ab initio calculations based on density functional theory. The calculations predicted that at equilibrium conditions CaB2 crystallizes in an orthorhombic structure (α-phase; space group Cmmm) and at high pressure it transforms into hexagonal structure (β-phase; space group P6/mmm). From lattice dynamics simulation and studies on mechanical properties we have found that the predicted phases are dynamically as well as mechanically stable. The character of chemical bonding in CaB2 is discussed on the basis of electronic structures, charge density, charge transfer, and bond overlap population analyses. The band structures and density of states reveal that both α- and β-CaB2 polymorphs have metallic behaviour.


The discovery of unexpected superconductivity with high transition temperature (TC) in MgB21 has initiated many experimental2–10 as well as theoretical11–18 investigations on metallic diborides. The transition temperature for MgB2 (TC ≈ 39 K) exceeds by almost twice the record values of TC for conventional B1- and A15-type intermetallic superconductors (SC).19 Compared to high-temperature SC, MgB2 has an exclusively simple composition and crystal structure (it belongs to a large group of p-, d-, and f-metal diborides with the AlB2-type structure; space group P6/mmm and Z = 1).20 This finding triggered many investigations of related materials including various binary and ternary phases. One of the interesting candidates expected to have higher TC is the hypothetical simple hexagonal CaB2,21–25 with the same crystal symmetry as MgB2, with all Mg atoms being replaced by Ca atoms. First-principles calculations predicted that the simple hexagonal CaB2 should have a greater unit cell volume (both a and c lattice constants are longer) and a much larger value for the density of states at the Fermi energy (EF) than MgB2.21,22,25,26 Both these features are favorable for a higher TC, since MgB2 is found to have a positive dependence of TC on the unit-cell volume,27 and more generally a larger density of states at EF can result in a greater electron–phonon coupling constant. Although CaB2 is an attractive candidate for superconductivity, it has not yet been synthesized and hence its equilibrium geometry is not yet known. Furthermore, it has not been extensively studied theoretically in the perspective of structural stability and superconductivity. A recent theoretical study by Choi et al.24 demonstrated that CaB2 in the AlB2-type structure is dynamically stable. In the present study we have investigated the structural phase stability, electronic, mechanical, and lattice dynamical properties of the hitherto experimentally unexplored CaB2 phase.

Computational details

The first-principles calculations were performed based on density functional theory and the pseudo-potential method implemented in the CASTEP code.28 Ultrasoft pseudo-potentials were employed to describe the electron–ion interactions with the plane-wave cutoff energy of 500 eV. The exchange and correlation terms were described with generalized gradient approximations in the scheme of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof.29 The geometric optimization of the unit cell was carried out with the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) minimization algorithm provided in this code. For each structure the lattice parameters and atomic positions were fully optimized using the force and stress minimization. The k-points were generated using the Monkhorst–Pack method with a grid size of 8 × 8 × 6 for structural optimization of the AlB2 structure. A similar density of k-points and energy cut-off were used to estimate total energy as a function of volume for all the structures considered in the present study. Iterative relaxation of atomic positions was stopped when the change in total energy between successive steps was less than 1 meV/cell. With this criterion, the forces generally acting on the atoms were found to be less than 10−3 eV Å−1.

Density functional perturbation theory (DFPT)30 was used for phonon calculations. For the phonon calculation we have used norm-conserving pseudo-potentials with 850 eV energy cut-off for all atoms together with a 16 × 16 × 12 mesh of k points, with the energy conversion threshold of 0.01 meV/atom, maximum displacement of 0.001 Å and maximum force of 0.03 eV Å−1, yielding a high accuracy for the energy and atomic displacements. For B and Ca atoms the valence states were modelled using the 2s2, 2p1 and 4s2 electrons, respectively.

Structure models considered

In general, at ambient conditions most of the di-borides (AB2 family) crystalize in AlB2-type (P6/mmm; space group 191) structure. In addition to that, a few of them also crystalize in RuB2-type (PmmnZ; space group 59), CaSi2-type (example: MoB2; R3-mH; space group 166), and ReB2-type (P63/mmc; space group 194) structures. Experimentally one can generally find the crystal structure of the system from X-ray diffraction, powder neutron diffraction, and Raman spectra studies. On the other hand no unique method is available to identify the ground state structure on a theoretical basis. The equilibrium crystal structures predicted based on first principles calculations using the structural inputs from inorganic crystal structure data base (ICSD)31 mostly agree well with experimental structures. In our long experience on predicting structural properties of hydrides and oxides we found that the ICSD approach is more reliable when more existing structural information (within similar chemical formula; e.g., for the present case AB2; A and B are elements in the periodic table) is used as a starting point. The reliability of the calculation depends upon the number of input structures considered in the calculations. It is a tedious process to select input structures from the 3035 entries for the AX2 composition in the ICSD database, which also involves tremendous computations. Several compounds/phases have the same structure type and some cases have only a small variation in the positional parameters (for certain atoms). Even though we used different positional parameters, these structures mostly converted to a similar type of structural arrangement during the full geometry optimization and hence these possibilities are omitted. In this particular composition almost 30 structure types have unique structural arrangements. The involved structure types are BeH2 (IBAM), XeF2 (I4/mmm), α-SnF2 (C2/c), PdF2 (Pa[3 with combining macron]), HfH2 (I4/m), TiO2 (I41/AMDS), TiO2 (Pbca), TiO2 (P42/MNM), α-PbO2 (Pbcn), PbF2 (Pnma), InNi2 (P63/mmc), CaF2 (Fm-3m), AuSn2 (Pbca), GeS2 (P1c1), SiO2 (C1c1), VO2 (C12/m1), FeS2 (P1), BeF2 (P6222), CdI2 (P3-m1), SiS2 (I4-2d), α-TeO2 (P41212), Ag2S (IM3-m), ZrOS (P213), CaCl2 (Pnnm), BS2 (P121/c1), WB2 (P63/mmc), CaSi2 (R3-mH), AlB2 (P6/mmm), SiO2 (P3221) and RuB2 (PmmnZ).31

Among the considered structures for our structural optimization, the calculated total energy at the equilibrium volume for the RuB2-derived atomic arrangements occur at the lowest total energy (see Fig. 1), and in particular, the starting structure is transformed into another structure. This type of situation sometimes arises when we carry out the full geometry optimization. Hence, we performed the symmetry analysis for the optimized structural data for all the phases with low total energies. Our symmetry analysis shows that during the structural relaxation process the low symmetry RuB2-type (orthorhombic; PmmnZ) phase of CaB2 transforms into a somewhat high-symmetry proto-type (orthorhombic; Cmmm; Table 1) phase (hereafter this phase is referred as α-CaB2). It is well known that, instead of relaxing to the local minimum, the system sometimes relaxes to the global minima as is the case here. It should be noted that the recent work of Ozisik et al.32 demonstrated that at ambient conditions CaB2 stabilizes in the OsB2 structure. On the other hand in the present study we found that during the structural relaxation process the low symmetric RuB2-type (orthorhombic; PmmnZ) phase of CaB2 transforms into a somewhat high-symmetry proto-type (orthorhombic; Cmmm) phase. It is important to note that CaB2 is the first compound in the AX2 series that is stabilized in Cmmm space group, while both RuB2 and OsB2 compounds crystalize in PmmnZ space group (space group number 59). Our calculated lattice parameters for the CaB2 phase are in good agreement with those reported in ref. 33, thus indicating that during the structural relaxation process Ozisik et al. may also end up with the Cmmm space group. However, this information was not given in ref. 32.

Calculated unit cell volume vs. total energy for α- and β-variations of CaB2. For more clarity we have presented only the total energy vs. volume curve for α- and β-CaB2 variations.
Fig. 1 Calculated unit cell volume vs. total energy for α- and β-variations of CaB2. For more clarity we have presented only the total energy vs. volume curve for α- and β-CaB2 variations.
Table 1 The calculated equilibrium structural parameters (a, b, and c are in Å) and heat of formation (ΔH; in kJ mol−1) for the CaB2 phases
Compound space group Cell parameters (Å) Atom Site Position H)
α-CaB2 a = 7.410 Ca 2b 0, ½, 0 −49.6
Cmmm (65) b = 3.135 B 4h −0.2662, ½, ½  
  c = 3.716  
β-CaB2 a = 3.264 Ca 1a 0,0,0 −38.8
P6/mmm (191) c = 4.137 B 2d 1/3, 2/3, ½  

The α-CaB2 structure consists of linear chains of B atoms along the y-axis (see Fig. 2a). This is one of the distinct features of the α-CaB2 phase compared with the other di-borides known in the literature to date. In general, in the diboride family (AB2), the B atoms are formed as a hexagonal lattice in which close-packed alternate A layers are present with graphite-like B layers. In the α-phase, at the equilibrium volume the calculated B–B distance along the linear chain is 1.588 Å and the average Ca–B distance is 2.891 Å. The next energetically favorable phase is an AlB2-type derived structure model, which occurs at a reduced volume i.e. at high pressures. It is interesting to note that during the structural optimizations many of the initially assumed trial structures (for example: CaCl2, CdI2, PbF2, InNi2, AuSn2) relaxed towards the AlB2-type structure (AlB2-type; named β-CaB2). This finding strongly emphasizes that this particular atomic arrangement is one of the more favorable structures for the CaB2 phase at high pressures. The crystal structure of AlB2-type transition-metal diborides is designated as C32 with the space group symmetry P6/mmm. It is simply a hexagonal lattice in which close-packed Ca layers are arranged alternately to the graphite-like B layers (see Fig. 2b). However, these diborides cannot be seen exactly as layered compounds because the interlayer interaction is strong (see the chemical bonding section). The boron atoms are placed at the corners of hexagons with three nearest neighbor boron atoms in each plane. The Ca atoms are present directly in the centers of each boron hexagon, but midway between adjacent boron layers; each Ca atom has 12 nearest-neighbor B atoms and six nearest-neighbor in-plane Ca atoms. There is one formula unit per primitive cell and the crystal has simple hexagonal symmetry (D6h).

Theoretically predicted crystal structures for CaB2: (a) orthorhombic α-phase at ambient conditions and (b) hexagonal β-phase at high pressure. The legends for the different kinds of atoms are given in the illustration.
Fig. 2 Theoretically predicted crystal structures for CaB2: (a) orthorhombic α-phase at ambient conditions and (b) hexagonal β-phase at high pressure. The legends for the different kinds of atoms are given in the illustration.

The calculated transition pressure for the α- to β-CaB2 conversion is 8.2 GPa and the involved energy difference between these two variations is 0.11 eV/f.u. at their equilibrium volumes. At the α-to-β phase transition point for CaB2 the estimated difference in cell volume is ∼6.70 Å3/f.u. The pressure induced α-to-β transition involves reconstructive rearrangements of the Ca and B lattices with breaking and reconstruction of bonds. Usually, application of pressure reduces the covalency in solids and makes the valence electrons more diffuse than at ambient conditions. Due to the reduction in the covalency, this lower symmetry α-phase of CaB2 transforms into the highly symmetric β-phase. It is interesting to note that when we calculate the total energy as a function of cell volume without any constraint to the geometry and atom positions, the α-phase automatically transformed into the β-phase at the volume ∼38 Å3/f.u., (i.e. the volume versus total energy curve for the α-phase has two minima). From Fig. 3 it is evident that the a/b ratio is reduced when we reduce the cell volume. The a/b ratio becomes 1 close to the volume of ∼38 Å3/f.u. and this is the region where the system transforms into the β-phase.

Calculated a/b ratio as a function of unit cell volume/f.u. in α-CaB2.
Fig. 3 Calculated a/b ratio as a function of unit cell volume/f.u. in α-CaB2.

In order to understand the dynamical stability of the predicted α- and β-phases, we have also calculated the phonon density of states (DOS) at the equilibrium volume for these two variations, which are shown in Fig. 4. From this figure it is clear that both α- and β-phases have no imaginary frequency, which indicates that the predicted crystal structures for these compositions are either ground-state and stable within the thermodynamical conditions, or at least dynamically stable phases.33 As the predicted phases are found to be dynamically stable, experimental verification is needed to confirm our results. Owing to the differences in the atomic arrangement of the crystal structure of these two phases (Fig. 2), the α- and β-phases have quite different phonon DOS. The calculated phonon DOS for the α-phase is very narrow owing to the one dimensional B chains along y-direction. Since the mass of B atom is much smaller than that of Ca atom, the phonon frequencies originating from B atoms have a higher value. Hence, for the α-and β-phases, the high frequency modes above 10 THz are dominated by B atoms. In both phases the low frequency modes below 10 THz are mainly dominated by Ca atoms.

Calculated total phonon density of states for α- and β-phases of CaB2. The variations are noted in the corresponding panel.
Fig. 4 Calculated total phonon density of states for α- and β-phases of CaB2. The variations are noted in the corresponding panel.

In general, the prepared samples from various methods often contain more than one phase (mixed phases) if the enthalpy difference between the phases is small. In such situations it is very difficult to characterize these samples experimentally where we can use the theoretically-simulated phonon spectra. The calculated frequencies of Raman and IR spectra can be used to distinguish different phases within a sample. So, the theoretical studies on spectroscopic properties of materials will be complementary to experimental studies to characterize contaminated or multiphase samples. In connection with this we have calculated the Raman and IR active modes for the predicted α- and β-variations of CaB2. The obtained Raman and IR frequencies for α- and β-CaB2 are given along with the available literature values for β-variation in Table 2. Due to the symmetry changes both α- and β-phases have considerably different Raman and IR modes. The lower symmetry α-phase has several Raman and IR modes and the corresponding phonon frequencies for all these peaks are listed in Table 2. However, the high symmetry β-phase has only one Raman (E2g) and two IR (Eu and A2u) active modes due to very simple crystal structure. In order to understand the stability we have calculated the formation energy (ΔH) using the following equation: ΔHCaB2 = ECaB2 − (ECa + 2EB) where, ECaB2, ECa, and EB are the optimized total energy (with respect to stress and strain) of α-/β-CaB2, Ca (cubic; Fm-3m), and B (hexagonal; R-3m) respectively. The calculated negative value of the formation energies (Table 1) for the α- and β-phases indicate that these phases are stable and might exist in certain conditions. To verify our prediction, more careful experimental efforts are needed.

Table 2 The calculated Raman and IR frequency (in cm−1) for the modes at the Γ point of the Brillouin zone for CaB2 phases. The Mulliken-population charge density analysis for CaB2 polymorphs are given in terms of bond overlap population (denoted as BOP) and Mulliken-effective charges (MEC) (given in e)
Compound Raman active modes IR active modes Atom MEC BOP
a From ref. 24.
α-CaB2 Ag: 165, 502, 529 B1u: 281, 314 Ca −0.79 2.83 (B–B)
B1g: 1202 B2u: 123 B +1.59 0.05 (Ca–B)
B2g: 255, 533, 561 B3u: 231, 289  
B3g: 96, 1204  
β-CaB2 E2g: 588 (664)a A2u: 305 (290)a Ca −0.71 0.89 (B–B)
  E1u: 263 B +1.42 0.16 (Ca–B)

The total DOS of both α- and β-CaB2 phases given in Fig. 5 show that these two phases have metallic character with finite electrons at the Fermi level (EF). The calculated site projected electronic DOS for α- and β-CaB2 are given in Fig. 6. The energies in this figure are shifted so that the Fermi energies are aligned with zero (shown by a dotted line). The electronic structures of CaB2 polymorphs exhibit well-localized peaks compared to superconducting MgB2 (which has a broad valence band) due to the smaller lattice constants of MgB2. The predicted α- and β-CaB2 phases have a larger total electronic DOS value at the Fermi energy than MgB2. The more localized electronic band feature of CaB2 is associated with a large interatomic distance between the constituents, which reduces the overlap interactions between electronic states leading to narrow bands. The expanded volume as well as large DOS at the EF are favorable for a higher superconducting transition temperature, since the isoelectronic MgB2 is found to have a positive dependence of TC on the unit-cell volume. In general, within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) mechanism for superconductivity, a larger electronic DOS at EF can result in a higher value of electron–phonon coupling constant. In this aspect both α- and β-CaB2 have a larger electronic DOS at EF and one can expect higher TC. This finding is consistent with previous findings (only for the β-CaB2) from theoretical studies.21,22,25,26 However, our calculated electronic structure of both phases (shown in Fig. 7) do not exhibit the distinct doubly-degenerate flat band feature in the vicinity of EF which is believed to bring higher TC in superconducting MgB2.25 Hence, even if superconductivity is observed in the polymorphs of CaB2, the superconducting TC may not be as high as that in MgB2.

Comparison of the calculated total electronic density of states for MgB2, α- and β-variations of CaB2.
Fig. 5 Comparison of the calculated total electronic density of states for MgB2, α- and β-variations of CaB2.

Calculated total site projected electronic DOS for α- and β-variations of CaB2. The Fermi level is set at zero energy and marked by the vertical dotted line.
Fig. 6 Calculated total site projected electronic DOS for α- and β-variations of CaB2. The Fermi level is set at zero energy and marked by the vertical dotted line.

Electronic band structure of (a) α- and (b) β-CaB2. The Fermi level is set to zero.
Fig. 7 Electronic band structure of (a) α- and (b) β-CaB2. The Fermi level is set to zero.

In order to understand the origin of metallic behavior of the CaB2 polymorphs, we have conducted an orbital-decomposed electronic structure analysis of both the phases. As shown in Fig. 6 we found that for the α-phase the metallic nature mainly originates from the B py and pz states due to the one-dimensional character of the crystal structure. However, for the β-phase the metallic nature mainly originates from the px, py and pz states of B atoms (see Fig. 6). The broad band feature of the p-states suggests that pp σ bonding is present between the B atoms. The stronger covalent interaction between B–B within the linear chain and the large separation between chains localize the px states in the α-phase. In both cases the Ca s-electrons contribute very little to the valence band and are mainly reflected in the unoccupied state. Hence one can conclude that the Ca atoms donate their valence electrons to the boron chains/layers. The B 2s electrons are well localized and hence their contribution at EF is found to be minimum. The B px in α-phase and pz states in the β-phase are present in a wide energy range and dominate the bottom of the valence band. In contrast, the B p states are dominant in the valence band and are mainly responsible for the metallic behaviour.

Single crystal elastic constants and mechanical stability

In order to understand the mechanical stability of the predicted phases, we have computed single crystal elastic constants from linear response DFPT calculations.34 The elastic constants of a material describe its response to an applied stress or, conversely, the stress required to maintain a given deformation. Both stress and strain have three tensile and three shear components, giving six components in total. The linear elastic constants in a crystal form a 6 × 6 symmetric matrix, having 27 different components and 21 of which are independent. However, any symmetry presented in the structure may reduce the number of these components. For an orthorhombic crystal, the independent elastic stiffness tensor reduces to nine components C11, C22, C33, C44, C55, C66, C12, C13 and C23 in the Voigt notation.35 The well-known Born stability criteria36 for an orthorhombic system are:
B1 = C11 + C22 + C33 + 2(C12 + C13 + C23) > 0,(1)
B2 = C11 + C222C12 > 0(2)
B3 = C11 + C332C13 > 0, and(3)
B4 = C22 + C332C23 > 0.(4)

All the nine calculated independent single crystalline elastic stiffness constants for α-CaB2 are given in Table 3. The computed B1, B2, B3, and B4 values for α-CaB2 are 714, 659, 174, and 675 GPa, respectively. All the four conditions for mechanical stability given in eqn (1)–(4) are simultaneously satisfied and this clearly indicates that the predicted α-phase is a mechanically stable phase.

Table 3 The calculated single crystal elastic constants Cij (in GPa), bulk modulus (in GPa), Youngs modulus (in GPa), and compressibility (GPa−1) for CaB2 polymorphs
Properties α-CaB2 β-CaB2
Elastic constants (Cij) C 11 = 119 C 11 = 269
C 12 = −25 C 12 = 65
C 13 = 35 C 13 = 38
C 22 = 490 C 33 = 269
C 23 = −30 C 44 = 93
C 33 = 125  
C 44 = 1
C 55 = 38
C 66 = 19
Bulk modulus 61 121
Young's modulus 109 (along x) 250(along x and y)
479 (along y) 260 (along z)
114 (along z)  
Compressibility 0.017 0.0083

For a stable hexagonal structure, Cij should satisfy the well known Born stability criteria:36

C12 > 0 , C33 > 0 , C44 > 0,
B5 = (C11C12)/2 > 0, and(5)
B6 = (C11+C12)C33−2C132 > 0(6)

The computed B5 and B6 values for β-CaB2 in its equilibrium volume are 102, and 86[thin space (1/6-em)]958 GPa, respectively. All the conditions given in eqn (5)–(6) are simultaneously satisfied and this clearly indicates that, similar to the α-phase, the predicted β-phase is also mechanically stable. Like the elastic constant tensor, the bulk and shear moduli contain information regarding the hardness of a material with respect to various types of deformation. Properties such as bulk moduli, shear moduli, Young's moduli and Poisson's ratio can be computed from the values of elastic constants and the calculated values are tabulated in Table 3. There is strong anisotropy in the calculated Young's modulus (more than four times larger along the y direction compared with the x and z directions) in the α-phase and this is associated with the presence of one-dimensional borohydride chains in this phase. In general, most of the borides are reasonably hard materials and also having higher bulk modulus value. This is partially due to the strong bonding interaction between B–B. On the other hand the present α-CaB2 phase has a much lower bulk modulus and higher compressibility than the β-CaB2 and other di-borides. The possible reason for such lower hardness can be explained by the formation of one dimensional B chains along the (010) direction along with the relatively higher equilibrium volume.

Chemical bonding

The α- and β-CaB2 exhibit similar bonding characteristics, but, the magnitude of the interaction is different. Fig. 8 shows the charge-density distribution at the Ca and B sites, from which it is evident that the highest charge density resides in the immediate vicinity of the nuclei. Furthermore, the spherical charge distribution shows that the bonding interactions between Ca–B have predominantly ionic character. On the other hand, the non-spherical distribution of charge at the B sites and the presence of charge density between B atoms indicate that the interactions between B–B have mainly a directional character (see Fig. 8). The substantial difference in the electro-negativity between Ca and B suggests the presence of strong ionic character (i.e., the Ca valence electrons are transferred to the B sites). From charge-transfer plots in Fig. 8 we found that finite numbers of electrons are present between B–B, which means that there is a significant degree of covalent interaction between B and B in the chain/layers. Furthermore, the charge-transfer plot shows that charges are depleted from Ca (not shown in Fig. 8) and the depletion is spherically symmetric at the Ca site, which implies that the bonding interaction between Ca and B can be regarded as ionic.
The calculated valence electron charge density distribution (a, c, d, and f) and charge difference plot (b and e) for the α- (top panel) and β-CaB2 (bottom panel) phases.
Fig. 8 The calculated valence electron charge density distribution (a, c, d, and f) and charge difference plot (b and e) for the α- (top panel) and β-CaB2 (bottom panel) phases.

In order to quantify the bonding and estimate the amount of electrons on and between the participating atoms, we have conducted a Mulliken-population analysis.37 Although there is no unique definition to identify how many electrons are associated with an atom in a molecule or an atomic grouping in a solid, it has nevertheless proved useful in many cases to perform population analyses. Due to its simplicity, the Mulliken-population scheme has become the most popular approach. However, the method is more qualitative than quantitative, providing results that are sensitive to the atomic basis. The calculated Mulliken charges are reported in Table 2 for CaB2 polymorphs. The Mulliken effective charge (MEC) value for Ca varies from +1.42 to +1.59e (minimum in β-phase and maximum in α-phase). This finding is consistent with the charge density analyses and the magnitude of the MEC shows that Ca does not completely donate its two valence electrons to the B atoms, which is much smaller than in a pure ionic picture.

To understand the bonding interaction between the constituents the bond overlap population (BOP) values are also calculated on the basis of Mulliken population analysis. The BOP values can provide useful information about the bonding property between atoms. A high BOP value indicates a strong covalent bond, while a low BOP value indicates an ionic/non-bonding interaction. The calculated BOP values for the CaB2 polymorphs are listed in Table 2. The BOP values for the Ca–B bonds in the calculated two structures vary between 0.05 and 0.16. Similarly, the calculated BOP values for the B–B bonds vary between 0.89 and 2.83. Therefore, the Ca–B bonds in these borides can be regarded as having dominant ionic character, whereas the B–B interactions have a strong covalent character. When we compare the BOP values for the different bonding interactions between atoms in α- and β-phases, overall the bonding interactions are much stronger in α-CaB2 and relatively weaker in β-CaB2. This finding is in contrast to the bulk modulus calculation where the calculated bulk modulus is much higher in β-phase and at a minimum in the α-phase. The possible reason is that, in the α-phase, even though the B–B interactions are relatively stronger, the basic structure is one dimensional. This results in weaker interaction between the chains and brings the equilibrium volume higher than that in the β-phase. On the other hand, in the β-phase, the B atoms are arranged in a stronger 6 ring configuration. Moreover, the equilibrium volume for the β-phase is much smaller than that of α-CaB2 and this could explain the higher value of the bulk modulus in the β-phase.


We have performed first-principles DFT calculations to predict the phase stability of CaB2 and the potential ground state crystal structure was identified. The elastic, mechanical, and lattice dynamical properties of CaB2 in two different polymorphs were studied using state-of-the-art density functional calculations. The ground-state crystal structures have been identified from structural optimization of a number of structures using force as well as stress minimizations. At ambient conditions CaB2 crystallizes in an orthorhombic phase, which has a fascinating one dimensional B chain along the y-axis. This is the first compound in the AX2 series (including, borides, oxides, fluorides, etc) to stabilize in the Cmmm space group. At 8.2 GPa pressure the ground state orthorhombic structure transforms into an AlB2-type hexagonal structure. Furthermore, the predicted polymorphs of CaB2 have been found to be mechanically and dynamically stable. The chemical bonding character of these phases was analysed using DOS, charge density, charge transfer, and Mulliken population and found that the interaction between B–B is highly covalent and that between B–Ca is dominantly ionic.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Research Council of Norway 460829 and European Union seventh frame work program under the “NanoHy” (Grant agreement no.: 210092) project for financial support. PV acknowledges the Research Council of Norway for providing computer time at the Norwegian supercomputer (


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