J. J.
a and
aLAPA SIS2M UMR3299 CEA/CNRS and IRAMAT UMR5060 CNRS, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France. E-mail: philippe.dillmann@cea.fr
bCanadian Light Source, 101 Perimeter road, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X4, Canada
First published on 26th October 2012
For the first time, corrosion products of a 450 year old archaeological iron nail were investigated at the nanometer level using STXM. NEXAFS acquisitions at the Fe L-edge were performed on a thin film taken of the metal–corrosion products including the interface. Comparison with Fe L-edge reference spectra gathered on maghemite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), siderite (FeCO3), chukanovite (Fe2(OH)2CO3) and metallic iron (Fe) showed the presence of an interfacial layer of about 100 nm at the metal–corrosion product interface consisting of maghemite and magnetite. Further from this interface, corrosion products are mainly constituted of Fe-carbonates, as well as smaller quantities of iron oxides, probably maghemite. These results support the hypothesis of the presence of a nanolayer controlling the corrosion processes at the metal–corrosion product interface, proposed during former studies at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. They also bring important new insights for the prediction of very long term corrosion of steels, especially into the fields of cultural heritage conservation and storage of nuclear wastes.
On both systems, the characterization of corrosion products at the microscale were previously conducted using analytical tools such as μX-ray Diffraction, μRaman spectroscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to EDX. The corrosion products were mainly composed of siderite (FeCO3) and/or chukanovite (Fe2(OH)2CO3),14,22,24–26 sometimes locally mixed with microsized unconnected islets of iron oxides such as magnetite (Fe3O4). The total thickness of the corrosion layer reached several μm after a few years in simulated systems, while in archaeological analogues it was several hundred μm after a few hundred years of corrosion. Actually crucial issues remain to understand the behavior of this system. The micrometer thick corrosion layers are porous, allowing water to penetrate through a network of micro and nanopores toward the metal surface.27 Some authors propose that this thick corrosion layer plays a protective role by slowing down the transport of dissolved ions, to and away from the metal surface, through the water saturated nanoporous network.20 One of the main questions yet to be answered is what phenomenon controls the rate of the reactions (i.e., kinetics). In contrast, some electrochemical studies on simulated systems28,29 suggest the presence of a nonporous and compact interfacial nanometric corrosion layer located between the metal and the rest of the corrosion products, which may consequently control the kinetics. This assertion is also based on the fact that the passive electrochemical behavior was observed on mild steel coupons immersed in water saturated with CO2 over a very short term (64 hours).30 Some Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction coupled to EDX-TEM observations suggested that the nanolayer could be an iron oxide. The same kind of passive films was studied on iron corroded during short periods in anaerobic borate buffer solutions (neutral or slightly alkaline pH). In situ XRD Synchrotron Radiation experiments31,32 and XPS studies33 suggested that the iron was covered with a spinel iron oxide layer (Fe3−δO4) intermediate between magnetite (δ = 0) and maghemite (δ = 1/3).29 Nevertheless, this nanolayer has never been observed using physico-chemical characterization methods on very long term systems. One of the reasons is because the presence of the thick corrosion layer separating the interfacial nanolayer from the outer part of the artefacts could not be detected using the surface/macrobeam techniques mentioned above (GXRD, XPS, …).
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) can provide information on the atomic and molecular structure of materials, such as on the oxidation state, ligand type and coordination geometry.34 Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM), which uses the near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), can map the speciation of metals (e.g., oxidation state) with a spatial resolution near 25 nm.35 Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate, especially at the metal–corrosion products interface, the corrosion layers formed on an archeological nail corroded in anoxic carbonated water for 450 years20,22,36 using STXM at the Fe L-edge. Moreover, Dynes et al.35 proposed a methodology to perform a semi-quantitative evaluation of the proportion of different phases constituting a thin film. The same approaches were attempted here. To our knowledge this is the first time that STXM has been used to study corrosion and these first results will lead to new insight into the corrosion processes.
All the preparation stages were performed under N2 atmosphere in a glove box. The nail was embedded in epoxy resin and transverse sections using a diamond saw and non-aqueous lubricant were taken perpendicular to the corrosion system (including metal and corrosion products). For more details see Saheb et al.21,26 Observations and structural analyses at the micrometre scale were performed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman microspectroscopy to identify and locate precisely the phases inside the corrosion layer. It also allowed us to select a representative zone for the present study. This microscopic description of the corrosion system is not questioned here and can be found in ref. 22. It corresponds to the one evocated in the introduction part (i.e. a layer chiefly made of iron carbonates as chukanovite and siderite embedding unconnected islets of magnetite oxides).
In order to investigate the corrosion at the nanometre level, a thin film was taken using the Focused ion beam (FIB) in situ lift-out method37 on the transverse section, at the metal–corrosion layer interface (Fig. 1). Milling was performed with a FEI Strata 235 Dual Beam FIB system at the Institute of Electronics Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) of Lille. A thin protection layer of platinum was deposited onto the interface metal–corrosion layer of interest. A 5 kV Ga+ beam operating at the 300 pA current was used to obtain a slice of about 100 nm thick. The in situ lift-out technique allows the sample to be fixed to a TEM-grid inside the Dual beam Instrument without exposure to the atmosphere. Moreover, once the sample is fixed to the grid, it can be thinned further and an additional plasma cleaning can be applied to improve the quality of the foil. Finally a ∼15 μm × 12 μm × ∼80 nm thin film is obtained.
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Fig. 1 (a) SEM microphotograph of the transverse section of the nail. The rectangle shows the location of the FIB milling zone. (b) SEM microphotograph of the metal–oxide interface where the FIB section was taken. |
Spectra were normalized to an absolute linear absorbance scale. Absolute linear absorbance is the optical density (OD) per unit path length of a pure material of defined density. An absolute linear absorbance scale is established by adjusting the intensity scale of the reference spectrum to that of the computed elemental response outside the structured near edge region.35 This expected elemental response was calculated from the elemental composition and densities: 3.70, 3.96, 4.9, 5.15 and 7.9 g cm−3 for chukanovite, siderite, maghemite, magnetite and metal (Fe), respectively. Singular value decomposition was used to derive quantitative maps from the Fe 2p image sequences by fitting the spectrum at each pixel to a linear combination of the reference spectra suspected to be present.35
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Fig. 2 X-ray absorption spectra at the Fe 2p edge of metallic iron (Fe0), chukanovite (FeII2(OH)2CO3), magnetite (FeII,III304), siderite (FeIICO3), maghemite (FeIII2O3) reference compounds. Spectra obtained at CLS 10-ID1 beamline. |
In addition to the coordination and crystal field strength, the L2,3-edges from the 3d transition elements exhibit structures that are very sensitive to the valence state of the investigated atom. Generally, the Fe L3-edge of Fe species exhibit a double peak shape. For divalent Fe the first peak of the doublet (e.g., siderite, chukanovite, ∼708 eV) is higher than the second peak, while for trivalent Fe the second peak of the doublet (e.g., maghemite, ∼710) is higher than the first peak.46 Magnetite is a mixed valence 1/3 Fe(II)–2/3 Fe(III) compound, its Fe 2p L3-edge spectra doublet is more like that of an Fe3+ species. The Fe L2-edge exhibits three peaks for divalent Fe species, while only 2 for the trivalent Fe species, and the L2 peaks of the Fe2+ species occur at a lower energy than that of the Fe3+ species. There is also variation in the peak position and shapes of the Fe species presented here that enable them to be differentiated from each other.
Several stacks of the metal–corrosion products interface were gathered at various locations on the thin film made of the archaeological nail. The image sequences (i.e., stacks) were fitted by singular value decomposition (SVD) linear regression using siderite, maghemite and metallic iron, which have Fe 2p line shapes characteristic of Fe(II), Fe(III) and Fe(0) species, respectively. The derived composite maps for one of the stacks show the Fe(II), Fe(III) and Fe(0) component maps in the thin film (Fig. 3a). The color-coded composite maps for all the stacks taken from the thin film are reported on a global SEM view of the thin film (Fig. 3b). This approach gives a first rough interpretation of the variation of the degree of Fe oxidation on the thin film.
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Fig. 3 (a) Component maps of the Fe(III), Fe(II) and Fe(0) species derived by fitting the Fe 2p image sequences with the siderite, maghemite and metal reference spectra using singular value decomposition (SVD). The gray scales for the Fe(II), Fe(III) and Fe(0) component maps indicate the equivalent thickness (nm), while for the residual map optical density. (b) Overlay of the color-coded composite map of the Fe(0), Fe(II) and Fe(III) component maps for the image sequences from different regions of the thin film on the SEM microphotograph. |
The outer part of the corrosion products are chiefly composed of Fe(II) species as showed by former observations using Raman spectroscopy at the micrometer level, which detected siderite and/or chukanovite as the main phases at this location.22 Another very interesting fact is the presence of a zone with a higher Fe(III) concentration at the metal–corrosion product interface. This layer has a thickness (measured perpendicularly to the metal–corrosion product interface) of about 100 nm but can be locally thicker reaching hundreds of nanometers.
In order to obtain more detailed information on the Fe species of the different zones, threshold masking used to extract representative spectra from various regions of the component maps based on the pixel intensity. In the metallic zone (red zone on the color map), the extracted spectra were often saturated, due to the high absorbance of the sample, however, it was possible, in some thinner zones, to obtain data in good agreement with the Fe(0) iron reference spectra (Fig. 4). This observation verifies that the thin film was not oxidized during the preparation of the FIB section.
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Fig. 4 The Fe 2p spectrum extracted from the thinner regions of the Fe(0) component map compared to the metallic iron reference spectrum. |
Fig. 5 presents the spectrum extracted at the metal–corrosion interface on the area corresponding to the “Fe(III)” zone on the color-coded composite map presented in Fig. 3. This extracted spectrum verifies that the Fe species at the metal–corrosion interface is predominantly an Fe3+ species. A curve fit35 of the extracted spectrum, using different combinations of the reference compounds (i.e. iron, maghemite, magnetite, chukanovite and siderite), was used to determine the Fe species. Table 1 presents the results for different simulations. The best fit obtained, with positive contribution of the reference phases corresponds to a mix of maghemite and magnetite. Compared to the pure reference spectra of maghemite and magnetite, the peak of the L3 contribution of the experimental spectrum is in-between that of the references. Moreover, on the obtained fit, the resolution of the double peaks of the L3 band is not apparent, confirming that the spectra of interest is a combination of the two references. This result suggests that a spinel oxide intermediate between magnetite and maghemite constitutes the interface layer, as suggested in the literature.29,31,32 The proportion between magnetite and maghemite is about 1/3.
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Fig. 5 The spectrum extracted from the Fe(III) zone of the thin film, and the magnetite and maghemite reference spectra. The linear fit of using maghemite and magnetite reference spectra to the extract Fe(III) spectrum. |
Combination of reference phases | Equivalent thicknesses (nm) | R 2 | F-test |
Maghemite/magnetite | 30/13 | 0.7 | 4860 |
Maghemite/magnetite/iron | 33/13/−4 | 0.56 | 4030 |
Magnetite/siderite | 31/−2 | 3.5 | 892 |
Maghemite/iron | 28/4 | 3.5 | 923 |
Siderite/iron | −20/54 | 5.4 | 100 |
Maghemite/magnetite/siderite | 31/13/−5 | 0.4 | 5460 |
Maghemite/magnetite/chukanovite | 33/15/−10 | 0.45 | 4940 |
Maghemite/magnetite/siderite/iron | 30/14/−7/2 | 0.4 | 4190 |
Spectra were extracted from the Fe(II) component maps (Fig. 3) using threshold masking, at about 50 nm intervals, parallel to the Fe(III)/Fe(II) interface (Fig. 6). The general features for the spectra obtained are similar, with the major L3 peak located at 708 eV and L2 containing 3 peaks, indicating the presence of Fe(II) species. None of these spectra correspond to a pure carbonate phase (i.e., siderite nor chukanovite). Moreover, several small relative intensity variations can also be observed especially in the L3 contribution of the different spectra. The same curve fitting procedure used for the spectrum extracted at the metal–corrosion interface was followed to gain insight into the Fe(II) species. Table 2 shows the fit results for different combinations of reference compounds that are used for modeling the spectrum extracted at 300 nm from the interfacial layer (Fig. 7). For all the spectra, the best combination without negative contribution corresponds to a mix of maghemite, chukanovite and siderite. An important observation is that magnetite never appears to be necessary to model the experimental spectra as negative values are always calculated when it is used.
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Fig. 6 The spectra extracted from the Fe(II) component maps (50 nm mask parallel to the interface – see RGB map), at specific distances from the “Fe(III)” zone. |
Combination of reference phases | Equivalent thicknesses (nm) | R 2 | F-test |
Siderite/maghemite | 51/21 | 1.27 | 3550 |
Siderite/magnetite | 50/12 | 2.28 | 1950 |
Chukanovite/siderite/magnetite | 59/26/−1 | 0.87 | 3450 |
Chukanovite/siderite/maghemite | 37/34/9 | 0.61 | 4960 |
Chukanovite/siderite/maghemite/magnetite | 46/39/12/−4 | 0.51 | 4400 |
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Fig. 7 Spectrum extracted at 300 nm from the interfacial layer in the “Fe(II)” zone of the thin film and linear fit using chukanovite, siderite and maghemite. Pure reference spectra used to fit the experimental spectra. |
Fig. 8 presents the equivalent thicknesses of siderite, chukanovite and maghemite calculated for each spectra extracted at 50 nm intervals from the Fe(III)/Fe(II) interface. The thickness of chukanovite remains relatively constant while the thickness of siderite increases with the distance from the interfacial zone. This trend was also observed at the microscopic level by former studies and can be explained by carbonate ion concentration gradient in the corrosion layer, influencing the equilibriums between the two phases.22,49 The presence of maghemite is observed all along the profile with equivalent thicknesses between 10 and 18 nm.
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Fig. 8 Equivalent thicknesses of the different phases obtained from the fit of the extracted spectra. |
These observations lead to several important deductions. First, at several hundred nanometers from the interface, it seems that the corrosion products are not only constituted of iron(II) carbonates (siderite and chukanovite) but also of smaller quantities of Fe(III) containing species, such as maghemite. This mix seems to occur at a very fine scale because it was not possible to discriminate any single phase at the STXM resolution operating in transmission mode (volume of about 20 × 20 × 80 nm). The presence of Fe(II)/Fe(III) phase mixes at the nanoscale was previously proposed by the authors50 to explain the relatively low resistivity of the corrosion layer that is mainly composed of carbonates. The present study seems to exclude the presence of magnetite, a phase with a very low resistivity (ρ = 3 × 10−3 Ω m). More likely, the presence of maghemite, which also has a relatively low resistivity (ρ = 5 × 10−3 Ω m),51 mixed with Fe(II) carbonate species at the nano-level, could explain the low resistivity of the layer observed at the microscopic and macroscopic levels by constituting a conductive network inside an insulating matrix of carbonates.
The other crucial observation is the presence of a specific layer, of about 100 nm thick at the interface between metal and corrosion products, which separates the outer carbonate layer from the metal. The fit of the spectrum extracted at this location shows that this layer is composed of iron oxides, magnetite and maghemite. This first direct observation using physico-chemical analytical methods confirms the presence of a specific layer at this location, proposed by several authors for the long term systems.14,15,24,28 The phase proportion observed here based on the curve fit analysis is 1/3 magnetite and 2/3 maghemite. The interfacial layer could also be composed of an intermediate between magnetite and maghemite as proposed by Davenport.31 It is therefore very similar to the passive film observed on low alloy steel coupons in the same environment at very short terms.30 This layer is proposed by these authors to control the corrosion kinetics because of its specific physical properties (very low porosity, conductivity, etc.). For that reason, in the case of the presence of such a barrier layer, a specific model (i.e. the point defect model)29,52,53 is used to describe the system behavior. Nevertheless, it has to be stressed that the thickness of the interfacial passive layer developed at very short term and evocated in the model is at least one order of magnitude thinner than the one observed here. Thus, in further steps of the research, the exact properties of this long term interfacial layer have to be studied (especially its porosity, homogeneity and conductivity) to decipher if this 100 nm layer observed after 450 years of corrosion is directly derived of the initial passive layer of several nanometers that forms on such systems on short terms, or is linked to a relatively different corrosion and formation mechanism. These objectives will be crucial in the next years for modeling very long term anoxic corrosion.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |