R. J.
C. J.
I. W.
c and
aSchool of Chemistry, Food Biosciences and Pharmacy, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AD, UK. E-mail: I.W.Hamley@reading.ac.uk
bDepartment of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
cDiamond Light Source Ltd, Harwell Science and Innovation campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK
First published on 29th January 2014
The self-assembly of the alanine-rich amphiphilic peptides Lys(Ala)6Lys (KA6K) and Lys(Ala)6Glu (KA6E) with homotelechelic or heterotelechelic charged termini respectively has been investigated in aqueous solution. These peptides contain hexa-alanine sequences designed to serve as substrates for the enzyme elastase. Electrostatic repulsion of the lysine termini in KA6K prevents self-assembly, whereas in contrast KA6E is observed, through electron microscopy, to form tape-like fibrils, which based on X-ray scattering contain layers of thickness equal to the molecular length. The alanine residues enable efficient packing of the side-chains in a beta-sheet structure, as revealed by circular dichroism, FTIR and X-ray diffraction experiments. In buffer, KA6E is able to form hydrogels at sufficiently high concentration. These were used as substrates for elastase, and enzyme-induced de-gelation was observed due to the disruption of the beta-sheet fibrillar network. We propose that hydrogels of the simple designed amphiphilic peptide KA6E may serve as model substrates for elastase and this could ultimately lead to applications in biomedicine and regenerative medicine.
Surfactant-like peptides based on linked sequences of hydrophobic residues attached to shorter charged residue “headgroups” were introduced by Zhang and co-workers.9 Stupp and co-workers examined the self-assembly of a lipopeptide C16-A6E3 incorporating an A6 sequence, and observed X-ray induced ordering of filaments into ordered bundles.10 We recently examined the self-assembly of the mono-capped alanine-rich peptide A6K into nanotubes,11 following earlier work on the self-assembly of this peptide.12 In an initial model, based on (what we now believe to be incorrect) constraints from prior SAXS studies, we presented a model in which peptide β-strands were aligned parallel to the nanotube walls.11 Based on data obtained from solid-state NMR experiments along with FTIR on isotope-labelled peptides, we have now shown that the peptides are in fact aligned perpendicular to the nanotube walls.13 We reasoned that analogous peptides capped at both ends with oppositely charged termini would be likely to form hydrogels due to favorable electrostatic interactions and here we report on the self-assembly of KA6E which has oppositely charged residues at the termini as well as the “homo-telechelic” peptide KA6K. These short model peptides undergo distinct self-assembly behaviour, including, in the case of KA6E, hydrogelation. In addition, we examine the response of the hydrogel to degradation by elastase.
Oligo-alanine peptides containing fewer than nine alanine residues are observed to form β-sheet structures, whereas longer sequences (in the range 9–19 studied) leads to the formation of a mixed α-helical/β-sheet structure.14 Therefore, KA6E is expected to adopt a β-sheet conformation. On the other hand, other groups report that alanine-rich peptides with charged terminal residues can adopt folded conformations such as polyproline II.15 The secondary structure of the KA6E peptide will be analyzed here, along with elastase-induced degradation of hydrogels.
CD spectra for KA6E/elastase mixtures were measured at the synchrotron CD beamline B23 (Diamond Light Source, UK).16 For these experiments, the sample was loaded into a CaF2 demountable cuvette cell with a 0.01 mm pathlength. The spectra were measured at 20 °C in the far-UV region (260–180 nm) with a 0.5 nm step and 1 second integration time. The CD spectrum of the solvent/buffer was subtracted from the CD spectra of the peptide solutions.
The Caillé structure factor for lamellar systems depends on the total number of layers N, the layer spacing d and the Caillé parameter η, which is a measure for the bilayer fluctuations. The fitting parameters of the model are the total bilayer thickness lT = 2(σH + zH) ± ΔzH, ρH, ρC, σC, ρcyl, N, d and η.
The SAXS data for the elastase was modelled using the software Crysol (Version 2.8 © ATSAS team 1995–2011).18 Crysol evaluates the solution scattering from macromolecules with known atomic structure. In this work, we used the atomic coordinates for the structure of porcine pancreatic elastase listed in the Protein Databank File pdb file 2V0B.19
The form factor for the KA6E/elastase mixture was modelled using the form factor for generalized flexible Gaussian coils.20 The parameters of the model are the coil radius of gyration, RG, the excluded volume parameter from the Flory mean field theory, ν, and a forward scattering at q = 0, Io.
The background for all the SAXS data was fitted according to the modified Porod law , where C1, C2 and C3 are constants.
The isoelectric point of KA6E and KA6K were calculated to be 10.6 and 6.94 respectively. The pH values for KA6E and KA6K in Fig. 1 were 4 and 1 respectively, with a net charge at pH 7 of 0 (KA6E) and +2 (KA6K).23 The increased electrostatic repulsion between KA6K molecules does not allow for the peptide to form self-assembled fibrils. We will therefore focus in the remainder of this paper on KA6E which forms β-sheet based fibrils and which undergoes hydrogels. We were motivated to develop enzyme-responsive hydrogels based on KA6E. We used elastase as enzyme since the alanine-repeat domain in KA6E is a substrate for this enzyme. Because the proteolytic activity of elastase has an optimum pH of 8.0–8.5,24 thus further studies were performed in Trizma buffer at pH 8.
KA6E in Trizma buffer at pH 8 formed solutions at concentrations lower than 42.8 mM and free-standing gels for higher concentrations. The pH of the samples was around 8 for KA6E concentrations decreasing from 7 to 85.5 mM.
X-ray diffraction was performed to investigate the secondary structure of KA6E. Similar profiles were obtained from stalks and gels, a representative intensity profile being shown in Fig. 2. As discussed recently for the related peptides A6R25 and A12R2,26 the observed 5.4 Å peak is assigned to the stacking distance of alanine-rich β-sheets (these can pack with a much smaller β-sheet spacing than typical for amyloid-forming peptides with other residues in the core β-sheet forming domain27). The 4.4 Å peak arises from the peptide strand spacing within the β-sheets25,26 and the 3.7 Å spacing is associated with diffraction from planes containing the Cα unit.26 An additional sharp peak is observed with d = 13.8 Å. This is the second order reflection from a layer structure observed by SAXS (vide infra). The layer spacing d = 27 Å is consistent with the estimated length of the peptide (8 × 3.4 Å = 27 Å) in an antiparallel β-sheet.28 This spacing is consistent with an up-down arrangement of the molecules (with no stagger) which is expected to be favoured based on electrostatics (i.e. oppositely charged termini are side-by-side).
Fig. 3 shows that KA6E forms free-standing gels at sufficiently high concentration in Trizma buffer. Upon addition of enzyme at a molar ratio MrE = 2.3 × 103, de-gelation was observed. MrE = 2.3 × 103 was selected because under these conditions macroscopic evidence of the gel breakup was observed. This is ascribed to the breakup of the physically entangled fibrillar network, as evidenced shortly through a combination of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques.
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Fig. 3 Free standing gel containing 42.8 mM KA6E in Trizma pH 8, and solution obtained after adding elastase to a 42.8 mM KA6E gel at a molar ratio MrE = 2.3 × 103. |
CD spectra under similar conditions to those for Fig. 3 are presented in Fig. 4. Similarly to the spectrum in water (Fig. 1), the spectrum for KA6E in buffer shows β-sheet features, however these are eliminated upon addition of elastase and a spectrum of a disordered peptide conformation is observed. This is consistent with the breakup of the KA6E fibrils (the CD spectrum of elastase in water itself does not show strong secondary structure characteristics,29 and we found the same for elastase in Trizma buffer, data not shown).
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Fig. 4 CD results measured for 0.5 wt% KA6E Trizma pH 8, and samples containing (0.30–0.5) wt% KA6E with MrE ∼ (180–57000). |
FTIR spectra in the amide I′ region shown in Fig. 5 support these conclusions, since the 1617/1686 cm−1 β-sheet features disappear on addition of elastase. Elastase itself has predominantly β-sheet structure (e.g. PDB file: 3EST),30 although the FTIR spectrum at 0.02 mM is very weak (Fig. 5).
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Fig. 5 FTIR data for 42.8 mM KA6E, 0.02 mM elastase and a mixture (42.8 mM KA6E; MrE = 2.3 × 103), in Trizma pH 8. |
A fluorescamine fluorescence assay was performed to confirm the existence of free amide groups in the solution. The emission fluorescence spectrum of the fluorescamine was characterised by a broad maxima centred at 475 nm (results not shown). Fig. 6 shows the emission intensity at 475 nm measured for samples containing only KA6E with 0.45 μM fluorescamine. The results show the existence of free amine groups in the solution, probably because the fluorescamine interacts with the peptide terminus. Fig. 6 also shows the fluorescence for the same KA6E with 0.45 μM fluorescamine samples, ∼30 minutes after adding 1 × 10−3 wt% elastase to them (KA6E + Elastase, circles). The presence of elastase in solution increases the fluorescence emission at 475 nm, denoting the cleavage of the peptide by the enzyme.31 The fluorescence measured for control solutions containing 0.45 μM fluorescamine or 1 × 10−3 wt% elastase + 0.45 μM fluorescamine is very weak, and therefore has been omitted in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 6 Fluorescamine assay. Plot of fluorescence emission of fluorescamine at 475 nm versus KA6K concentration with (circle) and without (square) elastase. |
Electron microscopy was used to image nanostructures, and the influence of elastase. Fig. 7 shows TEM and separate cryo-TEM images. TEM image in Fig. 7a and b shows that (32.1 ± 8.2) nm thick tapes formed for 7 mM KA6E (Fig. 7a), are destroyed for 7 mM KA6E, MrE = 2.3 × 103 solutions in Trizma pH 8 (Fig. 7b). Similarly, while cryo-TEM images for 14 mM KA6E show (25 ± 5) nm thick tapes (Fig. 7c), cryo-TEM grids for 14 mM KA6E, MrE = 2.3 × 103 solutions were mostly empty (Fig. 7d).
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful in situ method to probe self-assembled nanostructures. Synchrotron SAXS was used to investigate the structure of KA6E in buffer with and without elastase. Fig. 8 shows the data along with model fits to the form factor intensity profiles. For KA6E, which forms β-sheets stacking into tape-like fibrils, we used a model of a Gaussian bilayer with a structure factor corresponding to the Caillé model of multi-layer systems. We have recently used this model to describe the SAXS profile from several peptide amphiphiles, and further details of the model can be found in these papers.32 The peak at q = 0.23−1 corresponds to a spacing d = 27 Å, as mentioned above a second order reflection associated with this spacing is identified by XRD. This periodicity is equal to the estimated length of the KA6E molecule and from this we infer up-down side-side stacking of the molecules within a layered structure. The parameters obtained from the fit of the SAXS data are listed in Table 1.
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Fig. 8 SAXS curves measured for 21 mM KA6E, MrE = 2.3 × 103, in Trizma pH 8 and the corresponding controls. The full lines represent the fitting to the data as described in the text. |
Sample | l T [Å] | ρ H [rel. units] | ρ C [rel. units] | σ C [Å] | N | d [Å] | η | R G [Å] | ν 1 | I o [rel. units] | C 2 [rel. units] | C 3 |
21 mM KA6E | 30.6 ± 4.58 | 2 × 10−4 | 3.5 × 10−4 | 5.3 | 4 | 27 | 0.1 | — | — | — | 8 | 2 |
21 mM KA6E; MrE = 2.3 × 103 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | 7 | 1 | 38.8 | 0.7 | 1.2 |
The form factor of elastase was computed from the published crystal structure (as described in the SAXS Theory section). It agrees very well with the data. Upon addition of elastase, the fibrils break up (as confirmed by TEM and spectroscopic techniques discussed above), therefore the form factor was fitted using a Gaussian coil model already described in the Experimental section. The parameters obtained from the SAXS fit are listed in Table 1.
The products of KA6E cleavage by elastase were analyzed using SDS-PAGE, a technique that separates molecules (peptides) according to their mass. Due to the fact that KA6E has a mass lower than 10 kDa, this technique only gives broad information on the mass of the PA and its cleaved fragments. In addition, gels with a high percentage of polyacrylamide (15%) were used (Fig. 9). The undigested peptide (lane 1) was not observed in the expected region of migration (∼1 kDa), probably due to limitations of the technique. In particular, we were not able to run molecular markers with masses comparable to those of the PA, whereas the front of sample migration (i.e., migration of bromophenol blue) is around 5 kDa. Despite this, bands were observed at 60 and 30 kDa (bands a and b) which may be due to peptide aggregates. These bands were not present for the peptide/elastase mixture in lane 2, but were detected in lane 3 (peptide/elastase with lower concentrations of both KA6E and elastase). The elastase enzyme (lane 4) appeared as three separate bands, one at ∼25 kDa (c) and what were probably autocleavage products of ∼15 + 8 + 5 kDa (d + e + f, respectively). The same pattern is also evident in lane 2, where a greater amount of elastase was added to the peptide. In summary, SDS-PAGE suggests that peptide aggregates seem to disappear after incubation with higher elastase concentrations, which provides indirect evidence of KA6E cleavage. Electrospray mass spectrometry data (not shown) also confirmed cleavage of the peptide, with a strong peak at m/z = 431 which is assigned to a fragment KA4 or A4E.
In complete contrast, favorable interactions between the termini in the catanionic peptide KA6E enable self-assembly into tape-like fibrils at low concentration. The fibrils comprise layers a single molecule thick of KA6E molecules, presumably arranged in an up-down side-to-side arrangement due to favorable electrostatic interactions between the oppositely charged termini as suggested by XRD data.
At a sufficiently high concentration, hydrogelation is observed for KA6E, which is driven by the formation of a fibrillar network structure. The enzymatic degradation of the hydrogel by elastase, for which alanine repeat sequences are substrates, was observed. SDS-PAGE and TEM indicate that peptide aggregates are disrupted in the presence of the enzyme whilst at a molecular level FTIR, CD and SAXS show the breakup of the self-assembled β-sheet fibrillar nanostructure.
Given its remarkably simple design and short peptide sequence, KA6E may serve as a useful model system for further studies of elastase degradation. In further work, we also plan to investigate the biocompatibility of the hydrogels and their use in topical applications. Potential applications in regenerative medicine, associated with the selective uptake of elastase (which disrupts collagen leading to tissue degeneration), will also be explored.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |