UCTM-Lab LNEG, Rua da Amieira – Apartado 1089, S. Mamede de Infesta, Portugal. E-mail:
First published on 9th October 2013
The addition of methane to nebulizer gas was assessed as a method for the reduction of polyatomic interferents in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The effects of nebulizer gas flow rate, RF power and methane flow were studied for a range of analytes and polyatomic ions. The analyte sensitivity, especially for Be, Br and I, was enhanced by a factor of 7–12 with methane addition. Polyatomic ions, such as ArCl+, ArO+, ClO+ and ArArH+, were reduced between 61 and 92% when compared to those of an unmodified plasma. Such reduction allowed better quantification limits for V, As, Se, Br and I, as well as 90% BaO+ polyatomic reduction. Finally, the optimized conditions were evaluated in successful recovery tests for As, Se and V in different matrices with high chloride content. The Fe accuracy was evaluated in several reference materials.
Some researchers use different gases and types of combinations, since the major advantage of mixed-gas plasmas for liquid sample introduction is the reduction of certain acid-related polyatomic interferents, such as ArCl+ and ClO+.12,13 A wide variety of additional gases for the Ar plasma gas supply, such as nitrogen,14–17 oxygen,18 hydrogen,17,19 helium20–22 and carbon-containing solvents, have been studied using solution nebulization ICP-MS. For example, Sheppard et al.22 found that addition of He produces a plasma capable of ionizing elements with high ionization potential more efficiently than pure Ar plasma. Evans and Ebdon23,24 reported the addition of nitrogen and oxygen to the nebulizer gas with a significant reduction of ArCl+. Lam and Horlick25 reported that polyatomic interferents can also be reduced and the sensitivity of analytes can be improved by adding nitrogen to the auxiliary gas flow. Lam and McLaren26 found that the UO+/U+ ratio and ArO+ intensities were reduced by adding 8% nitrogen to the auxiliary gas, and they also reported interferents reduction on Fe and Se. The optimization of nitrogen addition to the nebulizer and auxiliary gas flows, reported by Hill et al.,27 revealed a dramatic reduction of ArCl+ and ClO+ interferents on As and V, respectively.
More recently, most studies have focused on the addition of other gases. Smith et al.28 investigated the addition of Xe to the nebulizer gas and reported a reduction in polyatomic interferents. Allain et al.29 added methane to the nebulizer gas and verified improvement in the sensitivity of most analytes. However, addition of organic compounds to the ICP, either as admixtures to the gas phase or C-based additives to the sample solution, has a disadvantage: they will produce other kinds of polyatomic interferents, such as CN+, CO+, ArC+, etc., especially below m/z 53.
Since the first use of mixed gases, it has been observed that even small amounts of additives change significantly the Ar plasma properties.30 Among other effects, the shape or geometry of the plasma is affected in these mixed gas plasmas,13,25 which subsequently affects the ion extraction or sampling efficiency of ions through the sampler cone. It has also been reported that an increased amount of hydrogen in carbon containing plasmas, and its related plasma chemistry,19,27,31–34 might be responsible for the reduction of these interferents.19,32,34,35
This paper presents experiments for a range of polyatomic interferents and elements with different masses and ionization potentials with methane addition. Our results show that signal enhancement of analytes and polyatomic reduction, such as ArCl+, ClO+, ArO+, ArArH+ and BaO+, could be achieved through instrument parameter optimization, such as nebulizer gas flow and power, with different methane flows. After optimization of these parameters, the accuracy achieved in the determination of V, As, Se and Fe, through successful recovery tests, Reference Materials (RMs) and Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), and the quantification limits (LOQ) determination achieved, for all the elements tested, including the elements with high ionization potential, such as Br and I, were evaluated.
ICP-MS normal mode | |
R. F. Power | 1350 W |
Coolant gas | 13 L min−1 |
Auxiliary gas | 0.8 L min−1 |
Nebulizer gas | 0.8 L min−1 |
Sampling depth | 400 mm |
Sampling cone | 1.0 mm |
Skimmer cone | 0.7 mm |
Sample uptake time | 120 s |
Washout time | 180 s |
Extractor | −658 V |
Lens 1 | −5.5 V |
Lens 2 | −74.4 V |
Lens 3 | −57.7 V |
Focus | 18.0 V |
Deflector | −50.5 V |
Pole bias | 3.0 V |
Acquisition parameters | |
Settling time | 100 μs |
Channels per mass | 3 |
Sweeps number | 250 |
Total acquisition time | 60 s |
Dead time | 35 ns |
Detector | Electron multiplier |
Mass acquisition | Pulse/analog modes |
Methane addition | |
A | 1 mL min−1 |
B | 2 mL min−1 |
C | 3 mL min−1 |
Instrumental conditions | I | II | III |
Power | 1350 W | 1700 W | 1300 W |
Methane addition | 0 mL min−1 | 1 mL min−1 | 3 mL min−1 |
Nebulizer gas | 0.8 L min−1 | 0.8 L min−1 | 0.8 L min−1 |
The instrumental conditions defined for reducing ArCl+ and ClO+ interferents were tested in two standards, one with 2 μg L−1 of V and As and the other with 10 μg L−1 of Se, both in the presence of increasing chloride concentrations (0, 50, 250, 500 and 1000 mg L−1). Oxide species minimization, such as BaO+vs. Eu, CeO+vs. Gd and WO+vs. Hg, was tested in the presence of increasing concentrations of Ba, Ce and W (0, 50, 250, 500 and 1000 mg L−1) on 0.2 μg L−1 Eu, Gd and Hg standards. The evaluation of ArO+ reduction, after adjusting instrumental conditions, was tested using the accuracy achieved in the measurement of 54Fe and 56Fe isotopes on the five RMs and SRM NIST 1643d. Finally, the optimization of the ionization of elements with high ionization potential, like Br and I, was tested against ArArH+ interferent reduction but also with its ionization maximization. In fact, polyatomic reduction and ionization improvement led to a better LOQ of such elements.
Unlike Park et al.,36 who chose to add methane to the coolant or auxiliary gas, it was demonstrated that much higher flows are needed to produce similar effects to those observed with the addition of methane to the nebulizer gas. During this optimization, no carbon deposits were found on the surfaces of cones that were able to clog them.
The data illustrated in Fig. 2 show the nebulizer gas flow influence on (a) In+; (b) BaO+; (c) ArCl+; (d) ArO+; (e) ArArH+ and (f) ClO+ intensities (cps) with three CH4 additions: 1, 2 and 3 mL min−1. The influence of methane addition in all the scenarios tested was similar, although the intensity increase (%) was strongly dependent on the methane amount introduced.
All the analytes tested increased their ionization yield from 4 to 12 fold with the addition of 2 mL min−1 CH4 but only to a maximum nebulizer gas flow of 0.7 L min−1. After 0.8 L min−1 nebulizer gas flow all the analytes lost their intensity. In fact, the addition of 1 mL min−1 CH4 caused more than 25% loss of intensity for most elements if the nebulizer gas flow was higher than 0.8 L min−1.
The distribution of atomic and polyatomic species in plasma is not uniform due to different mobilities between ions and electrons and space charge effects. Another aspect to consider is a possible modification of the geometry of the plasma with methane addition, which could have significant influence on the sampling efficiency. When different methane amounts were added, more hydrogen atoms and electrons were delivered to the plasma, narrowing the central channel due to the electron density and the presence of hydrogen atoms around it, which could be one of the probable and reasonable explanations for this phenomenon leading to a better sampling efficiency. The equilibrium between methane addition and plasma stability reached below 0.8 L min−1 of nebulizer gas flow. In fact, some authors38,39 have suggested that a charge transfer reaction occurs between positively charged carbon species and elements in the central channel of the plasma, which could be another reason for ionization enhancement. This transfer mechanism, but not this mechanism alone, may also explain the tendency of a greater signal enhancement for elements with high ionization potential in the presence of carbon. Of course, elements with different masses and different ionization potentials felt these changes in different ways, especially those with higher ionization potential, like Be (9.32 eV), Br (11.81 eV) and I (10.45 eV), or with lower masses, like Be, which reached 12 fold in ionization yield. Another possible reason, linked to the ionization degree, could be the rise of peripheral plasma temperatures due to the change in the thermal conductivity of the plasma or the electron temperature19 as a consequence of the increased amount of hydrogen. In fact, the ionization yield still increased for higher power (Fig. 4a) as a consequence of the ICP higher temperature available.
There is no doubt that for a nebulizer gas flow higher than 0.7 L min−1 all the polyatomic interferent intensities dropped after methane addition (Fig. 2b–f). Some aspects mentioned in the literature, like ICP temperature, may also influence the vaporization efficiency; asymmetric charge transfer reactions between carbon and certain analyte atoms,38,39 dissociation of polyatomic species caused by concurrent reactions in the presence of methane12,40 and, finally, modification of the central channel plasma geometry tend to relate the influence of methane to polyatomic reduction and better ionization yields. However, in our opinion, none of the items listed above, individually, may be the only reasons for these effects, but a mix of them could be considered a reasonable possibility.
Fig. 2 shows clearly that the introduction of methane leads to a very significant oxide polyatomic reduction, such as BaO+, ArO+ and ClO+ (Fig. 2b, d and f), which had reductions of 90, 80 and 71%, respectively, for 3 mL min−1 CH4 at 0.8–0.9 L min−1 nebulizer gas flow. The reduction is proportional to the amount of methane added, and one of the possible reasons for this could be the polyatomic species dissociation, due to a likely concurrent formation of CO+ and a charge transfer reaction with carbon species, as has been shown in the literature.27,40
Regarding the effect of ArArH+ (Fig. 2e) on 81Br, a significant 87% reduction was noted, especially for higher nebulizer gas (0.9 L min−1) and with 3 mL min−1 of CH4 added, which would be expected to increase under these conditions. Methane additions in ICP mixed plasmas had direct influence on plasma chemical reactions. In fact, it was expected that polyatomic hydride formation could be favored, like ArArH+, because of the increased amount of H atoms due to methane (Fig. 3). However, the alteration of plasma chemistry and/or other interaction phenomena led to different behavior according to the methane amount introduced. Fig. 3 shows that ArAr+ decreased until a certain amount of methane was added (2.5 mL min−1), but with higher amounts of methane, its intensities became more pronounced when compared to the absence of methane. This behavior can be explained by the temperature change that occurs in the central channel of the plasma, since Ar ionization is very sensitive to temperature changes,39 and since the enhancement is not proportional to the amount of methane added. The carbon charge transfer reaction is also not applicable, because Ar and carbon have a considerable energy deviation (4.5 eV) and for that reason, this process is less favored to occur.41 The ArArH+ signal decreases faster than ArAr+ because a combination of three atoms is involved, instead of two. A possible explanation for this could be the higher electron temperature in hot plasma, which disfavors atom recombination. Another cause could be the influence of the sampling position as a consequence of the plasma geometry change.
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Fig. 3 Polyatomic behavior of ArAr+ and ArArH+ in 2% HNO3 for different methane additions: 0, 1.5, 2.5, 4.5 and 6 mL min−1. |
By contrast, and as predicted, the addition of methane ultimately caused a dramatic increase in ArC+, which became one of the most abundant polyatomic interferents in the mass spectrum at m/z 52, causing a partial overlap (tailing effect) in the mass 51V. The largest difference occurred at a gas flow rate of 0.7 L min−1, where the addition of 3 mL min−1 CH4 caused a response of 20 Mcps compared to just 6500 cps in the absence of methane.
The effect of power on the response of polyatomic interferents (Fig. 4b–f) shows, once again, the dramatic influence on all polyatomic formation. The addition of methane reduces 90% of the BaO+ formation, 90% for ArCl+, 80% for ArO+, 74% for ArArH+ and 61% for ClO+. In fact, as more methane was added more polyatomic reductions were achieved. However, with increasing plasma energy, even without methane addition, polyatomic intensities and power are directly proportional. In general, the minimum values for polyatomic intensities and oxide formation were achieved with 3 mL min−1 CH4 addition at 1300 W, except for ClO+ whose minimum formation was achieved with 1600 W. These values are comparable to those found with the variation of the nebulizer gas flow, which shows the direct influence of the applied power as a determinant factor on the amounts of interferents present in plasma.
One of the reasons mentioned in the literature for these effects is the dissociation of polyatomic species.35,40 In our opinion such a reason is unlikely, since the lower plasma energy and the cooling effect in the central channel are not ideal for polyatomic dissociation. Unfortunately, it was not possible to collect temperature data in different parts of the plasma with and without methane addition to clarify this issue clearly. Therefore, we believe that this phenomenon may not be the dominant process with power below 1400 W. Nonetheless, above 1400 W, and especially for methane amounts greater than 1 mL min−1, a possible reason for intensity enhancement could be a competitive reaction between free metal and carbon for oxygen free atoms,39 leading to carbon oxide polyatomic ions. We can suggest that the carbon charge transfer effect, mentioned before as one of the possible reasons for the ionization yield of elements with high ionization potential, is not related to polyatomic reduction. In fact, polyatomic species involving atoms like Ar (15.76 eV) and Cl (12.97 eV), with considerable energy deviation (1.7–4.5 eV) compared to carbon (11.26 eV), need at least two electrons involved in the charge transfer process, and for that reason, the occurrence of this process is less favorable.41 Considering an easily ionizable element, such as Ba (5.21 eV), the charge transfer effect is even less important, since the element is already fully ionized in the plasma,42 so it is possible that polyatomic dissociation caused by carbon competition could be the reason for the reduction of BaO+.
According to nebulizer gas flow and power with different methane additions, and after checking polyatomic interferent and ionization element behaviors, it was possible to define two different instrumental conditions: II – instrumental conditions for element ionization maximization (power of 1700 W/1 mL min−1 CH4/0.8 L min−1 nebulizer gas flow); III – instrumental conditions for polyatomic interferent minimization (power of 1300 W/3 mL min−1 CH4/0.8 L min−1 nebulizer gas flow). Both of these will be compared to the normal plasma instrumental conditions: I – 1350 W/0 mL min−1 CH4/0.8 L min−1 nebulizer gas flow.
The behavior of 51V and 75As (Fig. 5d and e) is similar to that of 77Se, since they had the same problem of polyatomic interferents. So the optimized instrumental conditions that need to be applied are number II. Despite the failure of complete polyatomic interferent elimination, the addition of methane improves not only the precision but also the accuracy of the results (Table 2).
Instrumental conditions | Concentration, μg L−1 | |||||||||
51V | %RSD | 75As | %RSD | 77Se | %RSD | 78Se | %RSD | 82Se | %RSD | |
a Mean values with one standard deviation (1δ) for in-run statistics (n = 3). | ||||||||||
I | 3.3 ± 0.8 | 23.7 | 2.2 ± 0.2 | 11.0 | 10.6 ± 0.8 | 8.0 | 8.9 ± 7.2 | 7.2 | 9.2 ± 0.7 | 7.6 |
II | 3.4 ± 1.2 | 36.6 | 2.2 ± 0.1 | 4.7 | 10.6 ± 0.4 | 3.6 | 9.8 ± 0.03 | 0.3 | 10.2 ± 0.08 | 0.8 |
III | 2.6 ± 0.6 | 21.2 | 2.2 ± 0.06 | 2.7 | 10.6 ± 0.2 | 1.8 | 12.8 ± 0.4 | 3.5 | 10.5 ± 0.12 | 1.1 |
The accuracy achieved for oxide minimization under the three instrumental conditions (I, II and III) was checked using the apparent concentration of Eu, Gd and Hg obtained with increments of Ba, Ce and W, respectively. It was found previously that instrumental condition III was the most suitable one for the reduction of BaO+ (Fig. 4b). Fig. 6a, c and e illustrate that only 3 mL min−1 CH4 causes significant Eu, Gd and Hg ionization yield reduction, unlike the addition of 1 mL min−1 CH4, which is innocuous to ionization elements. However, small methane additions, such as 1 mL min−1, could cause an immediate reduction of oxide formation, reaching residual values (Fig. 6b, d and f), when 3 mL min−1 CH4 was introduced in accordance with the instrumental conditions defined previously for polyatomic minimization (III).
Iron isotopes are affected severely by polyatomic interferents, such as ArO+ and ArOH+, leading to poor quantification of the element in ICP-MS. After optimized instrumental conditions were defined, it was checked if they could lead to better accuracy. Table 3 shows the performance achieved for Fe in the reference materials (SRM NIST 1643d) and five RMs of the proficiency testing scheme (LGC-Aquacheck). Only 54Fe could achieve a reasonable accuracy with the instrumental condition defined as I. Only an addition of 3 mL min−1 of CH4 allowed quantification of the 56Fe isotope, because of the drastic minimization of ArO+ polyatomic. However, the values obtained for 56Fe are still erroneous, except for NIST 1643d (Z-score of 2.4). In our opinion, despite the fact that addition of 3 mL min−1 CH4 allowed a significant reduction of ArO+ with 56Fe, it is more convenient to use the 54Fe isotope even with lower abundance for Fe quantification without methane addition.
Ref. | Instrumental conditions | Concentration, μg L−1 | Certified values, μg L−1 | Z-score | ||
54Fe | 56Fe | 54Fe | 56Fe | |||
a Mean values with one standard deviation (1δ) for in-run statistics (n = 3). | ||||||
NIST 1643d | I | 119 ± 3.2 | — | 91.2 ± 3.9 | 5.5 | — |
II | 251 ± 1.8 | — | 37.3 | — | ||
III | 132 ± 33.1 | 116 ± 9.7 | 1.2 | 2.4 | ||
AQ 380 | I | 450 ± 6.6 | — | 416 ± 42 | 0.79 | — |
II | 1363 ± 1.0 | — | 22.5 | — | ||
III | 1639 ± 94.0 | 715 ± 24.2 | 11.9 | 6.2 | ||
AQ 392 | I | 199 ± 5.5 | — | 201 ± 15 | −0.1 | — |
II | 510 ± 7.4 | — | 18.5 | — | ||
III | 524 ± 75.5 | 343 ± 18.1 | 4.2 | 18.9 | ||
AQ 396 | I | 314 ± 1.5 | — | 335 ± 25 | −0.9 | — |
II | 1573 ± 3.2 | — | 49.1 | — | ||
III | 1756 ± 181 | 685 ± 36.0 | 7.8 | 8.0 | ||
AQ 400 | I | 393 ± 5.8 | — | 404 ± 30 | −0.4 | — |
II | 1345 ± 2.1 | — | 31.3 | — | ||
III | 1924 ± 285 | 776 ± 53.6 | 5.3 | 6.1 | ||
AQ 404 | I | 674 ± 2.5 | — | 667 ± 50 | 0.1 | — |
II | 690 ± 6.4 | — | 0.5 | — | ||
III | 1889 ± 123 | 985 ± 23.8 | 9.2 | 5.7 |
Finally, methane addition improves the LOQ (LOQ = 10 × δ[blank concentration]) of elements with high ionization potential, such as V, As, Se, Br, and I. Using different approaches, and depending on the instrument set-up defined, minimizing polyatomic interferents, or by the ionization yield of elements with high ionization potential, LOQ improved from two to seven fold when compared with the absence of methane (Table 4).
Instrumental conditions | Concentration, μg L−1 | ||||||
51V | 75As | 77Se | 78Se | 81Br | 82Se | 127I | |
I | 2.6 | 0.57 | 2.8 | 2.4 | 12.1 | 1.7 | 2.7 |
II | 1.9 | 0.12 | 0.53 | 0.72 | 7.9 | 0.35 | 1.2 |
III | 0.38 | 0.71 | 4.7 | 7.1 | 8.3 | 0.15 | 6.3 |
High methane flow of 3 mL min−1 caused a 25% signal reduction of analytes and enabled the quantification on 56Fe by the polyatomic ArO+ reduction. Unfortunately, it was not possible to reach the Fe values of the reference materials tested, leading us to consider that the best option to quantify Fe is by using the isotope 54Fe in the absence of methane.
This study has clearly demonstrated the analytical potential of methane addition mixed with nebulizer gas flow to the central channel of the Ar plasma as a way to enhance ion signals and to reduce polyatomic interferents in ICP-MS. These improvements are very important for quantifying elements with high ionization potential, like Br and I, or elements affected by seriously polyatomic interferents, such as ClO+ and ArCl+, or in a general way, to reduce all oxide/hydroxide formation in Ar plasma, without the need for using more expensive and time consuming methods to avoid some of the quadrupole disadvantages, especially for those who have an old ICP-MS without collision/reaction cells.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |