Alexandre I.
Virender K.
a and
Dionysios D.
aDalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 457 Zhongshan Road, Dalian 116023, China. E-mail: wangjh@dicp.ac.cn; Fax: +86 411 84685940; Tel: +86 411 84379159
bUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
cDepartment of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University, 1266 TAMU, College Station, Texas 77843, USA
dEnvironmental Engineering and Science Program, Department of Biomedical, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 705 Engineering Research Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA
First published on 4th September 2014
Nowadays, a lot of research focuses on accelerating FeII/FeIII redox cycles to increase the pseudo first-order rates of the Fenton reaction. Here, Prussian blue/titanium dioxide nanocomposites (PB/TiO2 NPs) were designed as heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalysts to increase the FeII recovery in degrading organic contaminants in water for the first time. The PB/TiO2 NPs were characterized by various analytical techniques to obtain the optimum ratio of PB and TiO2 for efficient degradation of organics. The performance of the catalysts was tested by following the removal of rhodamine B dye, salicylic acid, m-cresol, and isophorone under various conditions (pH, ratios of PB and TiO2, H2O2, and temperature). Formation of the intermediates of iron (FeII/FeIII) in the studied system using Mössbauer spectroscopy was explored for the first time and presents important insights into the relevant catalytic phenomena. The generation of ˙OH radicals in the reaction system was identified using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. Results demonstrated that the developed PB/TiO2 NPs were stable and could degrade organic contaminants in water efficiently.
Fe2+ + H2O2 → Fe3+ + ˙OH + OH− | (1) |
Fe3+ + H2O + UV → Fe2+ + H+ + ˙OH | (2) |
Fe(OH)2+ + UV → Fe2+ + ˙OH | (3) |
The Fenton reaction is favorable at a pH of around 3 and needs a large amount of iron salts for complete degradation of the organic contaminants, which limits its use for treating wastewater.10 Furthermore, the presence of dissolved iron in the effluent and significant generation of ferric oxide sludge during neutralization of the acidic effluents further limit the application of Fenton reactions in treating contaminated water.
Heterogeneous processes have been proposed to overcome the drawbacks of homogeneous Fenton reactions.11–13 This paper focuses on the development of a novel heterogeneous photo-Fenton reaction system consisting of nanocomposites in combination with H2O2 and UV. The scheme given in Fig. 1 was hypothesized to utilise the advantages of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and Prussian blue (FeIII4[FeII(CN)6]3) nanocomposites (hereafter marked as PB/TiO2 NPs), which not only absorb light of wavelengths within most of the solar spectrum, but also have the capability to carry out electron-transfer processes (reaction (4)).14–17
FeIIIFeIII(CN)6 + e− → FeIIIFeII(CN)6− | (4) |
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Fig. 1 Proposed reaction scheme for the degradation of organic pollutants by the PB/TiO2–UV–H2O2 system. |
With the addition of H2O2, a Fenton reaction process can be performed in which regeneration of Fe(II) can be established at nearly neutral pH (Fig. 1). Furthermore, photo-Fenton reactions using UV light may also increase the efficiency of generating ˙OH by two processes: (i) PB captures the conduction band electron and therefore decreases the recombination of electron–hole pairs, and (ii) increase the reduction of FeIII to FeII in PB on the surface of TiO2, which facilitates the Fenton reaction. Understanding the efficient generation of ˙OH to degrade organic pollutants effectively was thus the main objective of this paper.
The aims of the paper are to: (i) synthesize and characterize PB/TiO2 NPs with an optimum loading of PB on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles by using different surface analytical techniques, (ii) unveil the mechanism of the coupling and explore any synergistic effects of TiO2 photocatalysis and PB Fenton systems mainly by Mössbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), (iii) evaluate the catalytic activity of synthesized material, based on the scheme given in Fig. 1, in the oxidation of selected organic pollutants (rhodamine B, m-cresol, isophorone, and salicylic acid) under various conditions and examine the roles of different process parameters, and (iv) determine the stability of PB/TiO2 NPs in the photo-Fenton process.
The room temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectra of the selected PB/TiO2 NPs with a molar ratio of 1:
60 were recorded under various simulated conditions by using a Topologic 500A spectrometer and a proportional counter. A 57Co(Rh), moving with a constant acceleration mode, was used as the γ-ray radioactive source. The velocity was calibrated by a standard α-iron foil. Fig. S1† shows the Mössbauer measurement setup in this study. A 27 W black light lamp (FPL27BLB, Sankyo Denki, Japan) was added between the γ-ray detector and the PB/TiO2 sample holder to perform Mössbauer measurements under UV irradiation. The PB/TiO2 sample was treated with 30% H2O2 aqueous solution and/or irradiated by UV lamp for these in situ Mössbauer measurements, respectively. The spectra were fitted with the appropriate superpositions of Lorentzian lines using the MossWinn 3.0i computer program. In this way, the 57Fe Mössbauer spectral parameters could be determined, including the isomer shift (IS), the electric quadrupole splitting (QS), the full width at half maximum, and the relative resonance areas of the different components of the absorption patterns.
The DMPO (5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide) trapped EPR spectra of the selected PB/TiO2 NPs with a molar ratio of 1:
60 were obtained using a Brucker ESR I200 spectrometer at room temperature, which was operated at X-field with a center field at 3350 G and with a sweep width of 100 G. The microwave frequency was 9.405 GHz and the power was 2.979 mW. The sweep time of the signal channel was 81.9 s, with a 10
000 gain at the receiver. Before the test, 5 mg of PB/TiO2 NPs were added to 5 mL diluted H2O2 aqueous solution and H2O2 ethanol solution ([H2O2] = 0.4 M), respectively. After the mixture was prepared, an aliquot of about 100 μL was taken and injected into 50 μL DMPO (Aladinn, 30 mM freshly diluted by doubly-distilled water on the day of the experiment) immediately. The obtained solution was transferred into an EPR capillary tube (inner diameter: 0.15 mm), which was then fixed in the resonant cavity of the spectrometer. The EPR signal was measured in a time-resolved manner.
The performance of the PB/TiO2 NPs–H2O2 system was further tested for the removal of three other model organic pollutants, isophorone, m-cresol, and salicylic acid, under the selected reaction conditions ([substrate] = 50 mg L−1, [H2O2] = 0.4 M, catalyst = 1.0 g L−1, T = 308 K, and a 27 W black light with an average intensity of 2.5 mW cm−2) following a similar procedure to that used in RhB degradation experiments. Isophorone is used as a solvent and chemical intermediate in plastics, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals and is thus found in wastewater. The USA Environmental Protection Agency has classified isophorone as a group C contaminant, which is a possible human carcinogen.19 The concentrations of these pollutants in the samples were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The column used was a C18 reverse phase Phenomenex Bondclone (300 × 3.9 mm). The instrument was a Perkin-Elmer series 200, USA. The mobile phase was a methanol–water mixture at ratios of 70:
30, 80
20, and 20
80 (V/V) while the detection wavelength was set at 243 nm, 272 nm, and 300 nm for isophorone, m-cresol, and salicylic acid, respectively. The flow rate of the mobile phase was 1.0 mL min−1.
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Fig. 2 Left: X-ray diffraction patterns of PB/TiO2 NPs with different molar ratios; right: enlargement of the intensity change of PB's characteristic peak (200). |
The morphology, element distribution, and structure of the PB/TiO2 NPs were characterized by TEM-EDX and HRTEM techniques and the results are presented in Fig. 3a–g. It can be clearly seen that the increasing mole ratios of PB increased the content of PB nanoparticles over the surface of TiO2. Fig. 3g shows the HRTEM image of PB/TiO2 NPs with a molar ratio of 1:
60. The observed lattice fringes of the smaller crystallite correspond to the {002} planes of PB (∼0.51 nm).17 The lattice fringes of the larger particle could be assigned to the {011} planes of anatase in Evonik P25 (∼0.35 nm).23 The HRTEM results demonstrated that well crystallized PB nanoparticles were uniformly dispersed on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles and without the formation of thin film, similar to the findings of a previous study.24 The elemental distribution obtained from the EDX spectrum of PB/TiO2 NPs with a molar ratio of 1
60 as shown in Fig. 3h also supported the coexistence of PB and TiO2 in the PB/TiO2 NPs.
Furthermore, the UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra of PB/TiO2 NPs with different molar ratios were measured as shown in Fig. 4. Pure P25 TiO2 had only a strong absorption at a light wavelength (λ) of < 400 nm. New absorption bands of the PB nanoparticles appeared between 400 and 800 nm after the formation of the P25-PB composites indicating that the PB/TiO2 NPs can absorb not only UV light but also visible light and thus they are potential candidate materials for the degradation of organic pollutants using photo-Fenton processes driven by solar light.
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Fig. 4 UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra of pure TiO2 (P25) and PB/TiO2 NPs with different molar ratios. |
System | Component | IS (mm s−1) | QS (mm s−1) | Area (%) |
a Experimental errors are ±0.001 mm s−1 for isomer shift (IS), ±0.005 mm s−1 for quadrupole splitting (QS) and 1% for relative area. IS is relative to α-iron foil. | ||||
PB/TiO2 | LS FeII | −0.152 | 19 | |
LS FeIII | −0.143 | 0.144 | 16 | |
HS FeIII | 0.393 | 0.583 | 65 | |
PB/TiO2 + H2O2 | LS FeII | −0.152 | 15 | |
LS FeIII | −0.147 | 0.144 | 20 | |
HS FeIII | 0.387 | 0.595 | 65 | |
PB/TiO2 + H2O2 + UV | LS FeII | −0.154 | 19 | |
LS FeIII | −0.149 | 0.144 | 15 | |
HS FeIII | 0.383 | 0.606 | 66 |
System | Component | IS (mm s−1) | QS (mm s−1) | Area (%) |
a Experimental errors are ±0.001 mm s−1 for isomer shift (IS), ±0.005 mm s−1 for quadrupole splitting (QS) and 1% for relative area. IS is relative to α-iron foil. | ||||
PB/TiO2 | LS FeII/III | −0.152 | 35 | |
HS FeIII | 0.384 | 0.602 | 65 | |
PB/TiO2 + H2O2 | LS FeII/III | −0.142 | 35 | |
HS FeIII | 0.389 | 0.565 | 65 | |
PB/TiO2 + H2O2 + UV | LS FeII/III | −0.153 | 34 | |
HS FeIII | 0.377 | 0.621 | 66 | |
(57Fe) PB/TiO2 | LS FeII | 0.363 | 16 | |
HS FeIII | 0.373 | 0.59 | 84 | |
(57Fe) PB/TiO2 + UV | LS FeII | 0.362 | 17 | |
HS FeIII | 0.366 | 0.598 | 83 |
The electron-transfer in PB/TiO2 in the photo-Fenton process was investigated by carrying out a series of Mössbauer measurements focusing on the low-spin site in non-enriched samples. Low-spin FeII and FeIII are difficult to distinguish in bulk Prussian blue particles,25 but for the nanoparticles it was easier because of the large specific surface area and thus more electron-transfer reactions could happen. Considering that the electron-transfer rate (τr) related to the Fenton reaction cycle might be in two different regimes with respect to the characteristic time in Mössbauer spectroscopy (τM ≈ 10−8 s),26 the Mössbauer spectra were analyzed using two models, which are described below.
Model I: slow electron-transfer between low-spin FeII and FeIII. This model is applicable when the electron-transfer is slower than the characteristic time of Mössbauer spectroscopy. Because the low-spin FeIII has five electrons in the t2g orbital group, it should have some quadrupole splitting.27 The finite value of QS originates from the valence electron term if the electron-transfer on the surface of the nanoparticle is slower than 10−8 s. The spectra with a quadrupole doublet for low-spin FeIII and a singlet for low-spin FeII are shown in Fig. 6. From this model, we could identify the percentages of low-spin FeIII and FeII under different reaction conditions. The increase of low-spin FeIII was observed when the reaction with H2O2 was conducted, however, after irradiation by UV lamp, the percentage of low-spin FeIII changed back to its original value as listed in Table 1. This supports the reduction of low-spin FeIII by the photo-induced electrons of TiO2, proposed in the scheme given in Fig. 1.
Model II: fast electron-transfer between low-spin FeII and FeIII. This model is applicable when the electron-transfer is faster than the characteristic time of Mössbauer spectroscopy. The spectra using the model of an average valence was analyzed. In this model, as the electron-transfer was very fast, we describe the state of low-spin iron (average between FeII and FeIII) by a singlet subspectrum as shown in Fig. 7. Since the crystallographic environments of the low-spin FeII and FeIII were very similar, the time averaging of the electron density would result in some intermediate value of the isomer shift.23 The isomer shift of the low-spin mixed-valent state FeII/FeIII changed from −0.152 mm s−1 to −0.142 mm s−1 when we conducted the in situ reaction with H2O2 (Table 2). This may be due to a shift of the electron density towards a more oxidized state (FeIII).28 After irradiation by UV lamp, the IS changed to its original value of −0.153 mm s−1. This indicates a shift of the average valence state towards a more reduced state (FeII) owing to the participation of the photo-induced electrons of TiO2, which also supports the reduction of low-spin FeIII by the photo-induced electrons of TiO2 (see the scheme in Fig. 1).
Formation of ˙OH in the suggested scheme given in Fig. 1 was explored by EPR techniques (Fig. 8). In the PB/TiO2–H2O2 aqueous system, the EPR signal for DMPO–˙OH adducts with a spacing of 15 G in the magnetic field appeared. The g factor of the signal was 2.0062 and the intensity ratio was 1:
1.29 As ˙OOH radicals are unstable in aqueous solution, the PB/TiO2–H2O2–ethanol system was further used to confirm their formation as shown in Fig. 8.30 There were no six-fold characteristic peak signals of ˙OOH radicals. The g factor of 2.0060 is characteristic of ˙OH. The slight change of the intensity may be because of the solvent effect. These results confirmed that ˙OH radicals were the main reactive intermediates.
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Fig. 8 DMPO trapped EPR spectra of three simulated systems. (a) PB/TiO2(1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
System | k, min−1 | r 2 |
UV + PB/TiO2(1![]() ![]() |
(10.2 ± 0.2) × 10−2 | 0.997 |
UV + TiO2 + H2O2 | (4.76 ± 0.30) × 10−2 | 0.980 |
UV + TiO2 | (4.87 ± 0.16) × 10−2 | 0.995 |
PB/TiO2(1![]() ![]() |
(5.34 ± 0.16) × 10−2 | 0.995 |
UV + H2O2 | (5.20 ± 0.50) × 10−3 | 0.953 |
UV + PB/TiO2(1![]() ![]() |
(4.00 ± 2.00) × 10−4 | 0.439 |
The Fenton activity of PB/TiO2–H2O2 increased linearly with the increase of PB loading on the surface of TiO2. This is because PB (FeIII4[FeII(CN)6]3) contains FeII and the activity increases with the increase of iron. However, when the mole ratio of PB/TiO2 was 1:
15, UV light seemed to have no more contribution to the photo-Fenton reaction. This may be explained by considering that a high surface coverage of TiO2 by PB NPs could inhibit penetration of UV light to the surface of TiO2. In subsequent experiments, the mole ratio of PB/TiO2 = 1
60 was chosen because it yielded the maximum synergism in the photo-Fenton process.
The steps of oxidation of organic pollutants in water by the photo-Fenton process are described by reactions (5)–(9). Without the UV irradiation, the reaction between PB and H2O2 generates ˙OH and the FeIII containing species in PB (reaction (5)). However, FeIII is further reduced by H2O2 to FeII (reaction (6)). This latter step regenerates PB for further utilization in the Fenton reaction. In the presence of UV radiation in the PB/TiO2–H2O2 system, reactions (7)–(9) also occur, leading to enhanced degradation. UV irradiation of the surface of TiO2 induces electron and hole pairs (reaction (7)). The hole oxidizes the water molecule to produce ˙OH. Therefore ˙OH is produced from two reactions ((5) and (8)) in the photo-Fenton system which results in the increased removal efficiency of RhB compared to that obtained in the dark Fenton process. Moreover, the electron induced in reaction (7) can reduce the FeIII species in [FeIII–(NC)6–FeIII] to regenerate PB (reaction (9)). Hence, regeneration of PB is possible from two reactions, (6) and (9), which facilitate the Fenton reaction in the studied system. Reactions (5)–(9) support the postulated mechanism in the scheme given in Fig. 1.
[FeIII–(NC)6–FeII] + H2O2 → [FeIII–(NC)6–FeIII] + ˙OH + OH− | (5) |
[FeIII–(NC)6–FeIII] + H2O2 → [FeIII–(NC)6–FeII] + H2O + 1/2O2 | (6) |
TiO2 + hv → e− + h+ | (7) |
h+ + H2O → ˙OH + H+ | (8) |
[FeIII–(NC)6–FeIII] + e− → [FeIII–(NC)6–FeII] | (9) |
This synergy between photocatalysis and Fenton reactions was also observed in studies on the removal of isophorone, m-cresol, and salicylic acid as shown in Fig. 11. Only 15 min were needed to completely oxidize m-cresol and salicylic acid. The removal of these compounds in the photocatalytic system using TiO2 has been reported previously.32,33 In the studied system, both salicylic acid and m-cresol degraded faster than isophorone. The trend seen in Fig. 11 may be related to the reactivity of the organic compounds with ˙OH. The reported pseudo second-order rate constants for the reactions of salicylate ion and m-cresol with ˙OH are (1.2–2.4) × 1010 M−1 s−1 (pH 7.0).34 However, the rate constant for the reaction of cyclohexene, which contains a double bond like the isophorone molecule, with ˙OH is 8.8 × 109 M−1 s−1 (pH 7.0).
The RhB degradation efficiency of PB/TiO2 under visible light irradiation was also investigated (Fig. S7†). The results clearly suggest that visible light may also be suitable for degrading RhB using a PB/TiO2 photocatalyst.
Next, the effect of H2O2 concentration on the degradation of RhB was investigated and the results are depicted in Fig. 13a. The pseudo first-order rate constants of the photo-Fenton process increased with the increase in the concentration of H2O2 (0–0.5 M). However, the increase in values of k was initially linear with the increase in concentration of H2O2 and when the concentration was more than 0.4 M, an increase in the rate constant did not follow linearity. The optimum H2O2 concentration for the photo-Fenton process could be explained by the self-scavenging effect of hydroxyl radicals by hydrogen peroxide.35 The self-decomposition of the hydroxyl radical with itself (˙OH + ˙OH → H2O2) may also contribute to the photo-Fenton process.
Finally, the effect of the reaction temperature on the degradation of RhB was investigated by varying the temperature from 298–328 K as shown in Fig. 13b. An increase in temperature achieved complete removal of RhB. The plot of lnk vs. (1/T) gave an activation energy of 58.95 kJ mol−1 for the studied photo-Fenton process. This value is higher than the activation energy usually obtained for the photocatalytic processes (≈10 kJ mol−1). This result suggests that the Fenton reactions contribute most to the activation energy,36,37 however, the contribution from the photocatalytic reaction is minor, which is consistent with the results of the catalytic activity measurements.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4cy00947a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |