Key Laboratory of Automobile Materials, Ministry of Education, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China. E-mail: junminyan@jlu.edu.cn; Fax: +86-431-85095876; Tel: +86-431-85095371
First published on 11th November 2014
Noble-metal-free NiFeMo nanoparticles without any surfactant or support have been facilely synthesized and successfully applied as a highly efficient catalyst for the rapid and complete decomposition of hydrous hydrazine (a promising hydrogen storage/generation material) for hydrogen generation at a mild temperature. The surfactant/support-free nanoparticles possess good dispersion and small particle size. Moreover, upon the incorporation of Mo and Fe, the catalytic activity and hydrogen selectivity of the present trimetallic catalyst are remarkably improved compared with its mono-/bi-metallic counterparts.
Up to now, many efforts have been made on the synthesis and application of noble-metal containing nanocatalysts for H2 generation from N2H4·H2O under mild conditions (298–323 K).10–25 However, most of these catalysts show moderate activities.10–19 Additionally, the high costs and limited resources of noble metals restrict their large-scale applications.27,38 To solve this problem, non-noble-metal nanomaterials have gained more and more research interest for the selective decomposition of N2H4·H2O.26–34 Generally, minimization and high dispersion of the nanoparticles are the key factors to obtain more surface reactive sites to elevate the activities of the non-noble-metal nanomaterials. Thus, various surfactants or particle supports have been applied during the syntheses of these nanocatalysts.26–33 For example, it is found that, using hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as a surfactant, NiFe alloy nanoparticles could catalyze the complete dehydrogenation of N2H4·H2O at 343 K.26 Meanwhile, supported non-noble-metal nanocatalysts such as Ni–Al2O3–HT,27 NiFe-alloy/MgO,29 Ni3Fe/C32 and FeB/MWCNTS33 are active for the same reaction at room temperature. However, the usage of surfactants sometimes decreases the catalytic performance due to more or less occupation of the active sites on the surface of the nanocatalysts by surfactants.26 For supported catalysts, the extra addition of supports brings complicated preparation processes, such as multi-step synthesis, long reaction time and strict reaction conditions (high temperature, inert gas protection and post processing), leading to great difficulties in both equipment and operation requirements.27,29,32,33 More importantly, most of the catalytic activities of the reported non-noble-metal nanomaterials for the dehydrogenation of N2H4·H2O are still very low.26–31 Based on the above reasons, exploring a facile strategy to obtain the well dispersed non-noble-metal nanocatalyst with excellent catalytic activity and 100% H2 selectivity for H2 generation from N2H4·H2O at mild temperature is of good interest but is still a big challenge.
Herein, the noble-metal-free Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo nanoparticles (NPs) have been prepared through a facile one-step synthetic route at room temperature under an ambient atmosphere within 10 minutes. The as-prepared NPs have a small particle size and high dispersion without the assistance of a surfactant/support. As expected, the Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo nanocatalyst exhibits 100% H2 selectivity and superior catalytic activity for the decomposition of N2H4·H2O at 323 K.
Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs were synthesized by a surfactant/support-free one-step co-reduction method at 298 K (Scheme 1), in which NiCl2·6H2O, Fe2SO4·7H2O and Na2MoO4·2H2O were used as the metal precursors and NaBH4 was added as the reducing agent. Fig. 1a shows the typical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the as-prepared Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs. The NPs are well dispersed with an average particle size of less than 5 nm. The corresponding energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum displays all the existences of the Ni, Fe and Mo elements (Fig. 1b). The atomic ratio for Ni:
Mo is detected to be 0.298
0.503 by EDX, and this is in good agreement with the theoretical value (0.6
1). The high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) image reveals the crystalline nature of the Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs, and the lattice spacing is measured to be 0.206 nm (Fig. 1c). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern shows that the tri-metallic specimen has a crystalline peak centered at 43.95 (Fig. 1d, black trace), which is between the (111) plane of fcc Ni (JCPDS file: 04-0850), the (111) plane of the fcc Fe structure (JCPDS file: 52-0513) and the (110) plane of the body-centered cubic (bcc) Mo (JCPDS file: 65-7442).26,41,42 Moreover, after heat treatment at 823 K for 3 h in argon (Ar), this sample is better crystallized into a fcc crystal structure (Fig. 1d, red trace). Compared with the pure fcc Ni, the diffraction peaks are slightly shifted to the lower angles, which may result from the addition of Fe and Mo atoms into the crystal lattice of Ni, and this is consistent with the HRTEM result. Based on the above analyses, the well dispersed Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs with an alloy structure have been successfully synthesized through the present facile co-reduction method without support and surfactant at 298 K.
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Scheme 1 Schematic illustration for the preparation and application of the NiFeMo nanocatalyst for the decomposition of N2H4·H2O under mild conditions. |
To investigate the effect of Mo on the chemical state of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo, the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses after Ar sputtering have been applied to Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo and Ni0.6Fe0.4 for comparison. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the incorporation of Mo into bi-metallic Ni0.6Fe0.4 NPs results in a change in the binding energy (BE) of the component elements. After Mo addition, the BE of Ni 2p3/2 is negatively shifted from 852.6 to 852.1 eV (Fig. 2a). Meanwhile, the BE of Fe 2p3/2 is also negatively shifted from 708.0 to 707.4 eV (Fig. 2b). Whereas, the BE of Mo 3d5/2 (228.6 eV, Fig. 2c) is shifted to a higher value relative to that of metallic Mo0 (228.0 eV).43 Based on the XPS analyses, it can be seen that, in the alloy of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo, Mo acts as an electron donor for atoms of Ni and Fe. Such electron transfer in Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo has the potential to endow itself with high catalytic activity for H2 generation from N2H4·H2O decomposition.44 Moreover, since crystal growth can be limited by co-deposition of multi-elements,28 the addition of Mo results in the smaller particle sizes of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo relative to Ni0.6Fe0.4 (Fig. S1†), which may provide more active sites for H2 generation from the decomposition of N2H4·H2O. In addition, no element of B has been detected in the specimen of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo by XPS (Fig. S2†).
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Fig. 2 XPS spectra of (a) Ni 2p and (b) Fe 2p for Ni0.6Fe0.4 and the Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo nanocatalyst; (c) Mo 3d for the Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo nanocatalyst. |
The catalytic performances of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo together with its bi-/mono-metallic counterparts for H2 generation from N2H4·H2O in the presence of NaOH at 323 K by magnetic stirring are presented in Fig. 3. It can be seen that Ni is the key active element of all the prepared catalysts. Without Ni addition, monometallic Fe and Mo and bimetallic FeMo NPs almost show no activity (Fig. 3b–d). This is consistent with the previous reports that Ni is the representative non-noble-metal towards the decomposition of N2H4·H2O.11–32 With Ni addition, the activities of Ni, Ni0.6Fe0.4, NiMo and Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo have been enhanced obviously (Fig. 3a, e–g), in which only the trimetallic Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo leads to the complete decomposition of N2H4·H2O within a short time (15 min) at 323 K [n(N2 + H2)/nN2H4 = 3.0, Fig. 3a]. Noteworthy, a change in the molar ratio of Ni:
Mo to some other values results in a serious decrease in its activity or selectivity (Fig. S3 and S4†). Namely, the optimum molar ratio of Ni
Mo is determined to be 0.6
1.0. After the catalytic reaction over Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo, the ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) spectrum indicates no existence of hydrazine in the solution (Fig. S5†). Moreover, the generated gas is identified by mass spectrometry (MS) to be H2 and N2 with a H2/N2 ratio of 2.0 (Fig. S6†). Therefore, the UV-vis and MS results reveal 100% conversion and selectivity for highly efficient NH3-free H2 generation from N2H4·H2O over the as-prepared Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo catalyst. NH3-free H2 is crucial for fuel cell applications, since the formation of NH3 may seriously poison the Nafion membrane and the fuel cell catalysts.45 The initial TOF over Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo is measured to be 28.8 h−1 [eqn (S1)†] at 323 K. To the best of our knowledge, this initial TOF value is much higher than the most widely reported noble-metal-free heterogeneous catalysts for N2H4·H2O decomposition,26–31 and is even superior to most of those noble-metal-containing catalysts (Table S1†).10–19 This superior activity of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo may be attributed to the electrical modification of Ni in the alloy structure of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo, and also the small particle size and good dispersion of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo resulting from the present easy synthetic method. It should be noted that magnetic stirring has no negative effect on the catalytic performance of the magnetic-element-containing Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo towards N2H4 decomposition (Fig. S7†).
To determine the effect of NaOH, the catalyst promoter in the dehydrogenation of N2H4·H2O,13,26 different amounts of NaOH were employed for the same catalytic reaction (Fig. S8†). It was found that the selectivity and activity of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo improved with an increase of NaOH amount from 0 to 7.2 mmol, while further increases to the NaOH amount had no obvious impact on the performance of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo.
In order to obtain the activation energy (Ea) of the N2H4·H2O decomposition catalyzed by the Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs, the reactions at different temperature (298–323 K) were carried out and the results are shown in Fig. S9.† As expected, the catalytic system shows the improved decomposition kinetics with increasing temperature, and exhibits nearly 100% H2 selectivity at the examined temperature range (Fig. S9a†). The Arrhenius plot of lnTOF vs. 1/T for this catalyst is plotted in Fig. S9b,† from which Ea was calculated as 50.7 kJ mol−1 [eqn (S2)†], which is very similar to the previously reported values for the catalytic decomposition of N2H4·H2O.27,28
The recycling stability of Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo was tested at 323 K under ambient atmosphere. It can be clearly seen that, the H2 selectivity and activity almost has no decline after the 3rd run (Fig. S10 and Table S2†), indicating the good stability of the present tri-metallic Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs for H2 generation from N2H4·H2O at mild temperature.
In summary, a facile methodology for the synthesis of noble-metal-free Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo NPs has been proposed through a co-reduction route at room temperature under ambient atmosphere. The resultant Ni0.6Fe0.4Mo catalyst without support and surfactant exhibits excellent catalytic performance for the decomposition of hydrazine aqueous solution at mild temperature. The obtained catalyst which has the favourable properties of high performance and low-cost may further encourage the practical application of hydrazine as a promising H2 generation/storage material.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, results of TEM, EDS, XRD, XPS, UV-vis and MS, and TOF list of different nanocatalysts tested for hydrogen generation from the decomposition of hydrazine are supplied. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ta05360e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |