Joanna L.
a and
Daniel A.
aDepartment of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
bDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 311A Towne Building, 220 S. 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. E-mail:; Fax: +1-215-573-2091; Tel: +1-215-573-6761
First published on 13th November 2015
The stiffening of blood vessel walls is associated with inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity. These diseases are driven by the excessive recruitment of inflammatory leukocytes out of the bloodstream and into tissues, but whether vascular stiffening plays a direct role in this process is not clear. In this study, we investigated the possibility that leukocyte capture from blood flow is enhanced on stiffer substrates. We modeled blood flow in vitro by perfusing monocytic cells over hydrogels that matched the stiffness of healthy and diseased arteries. The hydrogels were coated with either E-selectin or P-selectin, which are the endothelial adhesion proteins known to mediate immune cell capture from flow. Interestingly, we discovered that cell attachment to P-selectin coated gels was not dependent on substrate stiffness, while attachment through E-selectin was enhanced on stiffer gels. Specifically we found that on E-selectin coated gels, cells attached in greater numbers, remained attached for longer time periods, and rolled more slowly on stiff gels than soft gels. These results suggest that vascular stiffening could promote leukocyte adhesion to vessel walls where E-selectin is expressed, but may have less of an effect when P-selectin is also present.
Insight, innovation, integrationChronic inflammation is driven by the recruitment of immune cells out of the bloodstream and is also associated with blood vessel stiffening. However, whether vessel stiffening directly contributes to immune cell recruitment is not known. In this study, we developed an in vitro assay to study the effects of substrate stiffness on immune cell capture from flow. We perfused monocytic cells over compliant hydrogels functionalized with adhesion proteins E-selectin and P-selectin. This approach enabled us to discover that cell attachment to E-selectin is enhanced on stiffer substrates, while cell attachment to P-selectin is not. Both selectins are expressed on endothelium but with different spatiotemporal patterns, suggesting that vessel stiffening may promote immune cell recruitment only when E-selectin is present. |
In order to carry out their immune functions in tissues, circulating leukocytes are recruited out of the bloodstream through a multistep adhesion cascade.9 First, endothelial cells lining the vasculature become activated in response to inflammatory stimuli. Within minutes of exposure to secretagogues (e.g., thrombin or histamine), the adhesion protein P-selectin is transported to the endothelial cell surface, as storage granules called Weibel–Palade bodies fuse with the plasma membrane. Exposure to inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-alpha and IL1, leads to increased transcription of P-selectin, as well as the adhesion proteins E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1, which appear on the surface of the endothelium within a few hours. Next, P-selectin and E-selectin mediate the initial attachment of circulating leukocytes as they flow across the endothelial surface. Cell capture from blood flow is possible due to the fast binding kinetics between selectins and their ligands on the leukocyte surface. The primary ligand for P-selectin is P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1), while E-selectin can bind several different ligands as long as they are properly glycosylated, including PSGL-1, CD44, and L-selectin.10,11 After initial cell attachment, shear flow causes the leukocytes to roll across the endothelium, which is mediated by selectin bonds rapidly forming at the cell front, flow-induced rotation of the cell, and rapid dissociation of selectin bonds at the cell rear.12 Leukocyte rolling is then slowed down by interactions between leukocyte integrins and ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 on the endothelial surface. Finally, full integrin activation leads to leukocyte arrest, spreading, and transmigration through the endothelium and into the surrounding tissue.
Selectins and their ligands have been shown to exhibit “catch-slip” bond behavior, which has a unique dependence on applied force. Most molecular bonds are considered to be slip bonds, in which applying force to the bond decreases the bond lifetime and promotes dissociation, as described by the Bell model.13 On the other hand, the idea of catch bonds was first hypothesized by Dembo et al. as bonds that resist dissociation when force is applied.14 This could be due to force-induced structural changes in proteins that alter the conformation or the orientation of the ligand binding pocket.15,16 Using atomic force microscopy (AFM) to interrogate the behavior of the P-selectin/PSGL-1 bond, Marshall and coworkers demonstrated that in low force regimes, P-selectin/PSGL-1 behaved as catch bonds where increasing the applied force resulted in longer bond lifetimes. At higher applied forces, they found that P-selectin/PSGL-1 bonds behaved as slip bonds.17 This catch-slip behavior of P-selectin bonds has been confirmed in other studies using AFM,18,19 biomembrane force probes,20 and optical traps,21 and E-selectin bonds have been shown to exhibit catch bond behavior as well.22 Interestingly, Zhang et al. have shown that the stiffness of the probe used for such force measurements also impacts selectin bond behavior. By varying the spring constant of the optical trap used to pull on P-selectin/PSGL-1 bonds, they found that increasing the probe stiffness led to longer bond lifetimes.21 Presumably this could be explained by stiffer probes imparting greater force on the bonds and thereby enhancing the “catch” behavior. We expect that substrate stiffness would have a similar effect.
The goal of this study was to determine whether leukocyte capture from flow could be sensitive to the stiffness of the underlying substrate. We studied monocytic cell attachment to P-selectin and E-selectin using an in vitro model for blood flow, since modulating vascular stiffness in an animal model would be difficult to accomplish without inadvertently influencing other experimental factors. By comparing cell capture on polyacrylamide gels with elastic moduli spanning the stiffness of healthy and diseased arteries, we found that the influence of substrate stiffness was markedly different for P-selectin versus E-selectin mediated adhesion.
In our experiments, we found that gels must be smooth and free of defects (e.g., wrinkles, tears, debris) so that fluid flow is not disturbed near the gel surface. We believe the following details may have been important for creating smooth gels. All solutions were sterile filtered to remove debris (including water and PBS used for washing) and were handled within a tissue culture hood. Before gel polymerization, the RainX-treated coverslips were wiped with clean gloves until they were spotless and free of debris, and a stream of nitrogen was used to remove debris from the silane-activated coverslips. To easily detach the top coverslip without tearing the polymerized gel, we found it best to use the same size top and bottom coverslips. We then held the coverslip-gel sandwich in one hand and used sharp tweezers to pry between the two coverslips and carefully lift the top coverslip off of the gel. We found that soft gels with less than 0.1% w/v bis-acrylamide often had small tears on the gel surface after removing the top coverslip, which was why we chose formulations containing 0.15–0.3% w/v bis-acrylamide.
For experiments utilizing protein A/G and selectin–Fc chimeras, the same conjugation protocol was followed except for minor changes. A set of five gels (one of each stiffness) was prepared together. The sulfo-SANPAH solution was at 0.5 mg mL−1 in 50 mM HEPES (pH 8.5), and the gels were placed under a UV lamp (Spectroline EN-160L, Westbury, NY) for 15 minutes. The gels were washed three times with 50 mM HEPES and then 200 μL of 10 μg mL−1 protein A/G (BioVision 6502, Milpitas, CA) in 50 mM HEPES was added to each gel. After incubating overnight at 4 °C, the gels were washed with water, incubated with 1% ethanolamine in 50 mM HEPES for 30 minutes, and then washed with PBS. Recombinant human P-selectin/Fc or E-selectin/Fc (R&D Systems 137-PS and 724-ES), which form disulfide-linked homodimers, were added to each gel at 0.5–10 nM in 100 μL of PBS and incubated for 1 hour at 37 °C. The gels were then washed with PBS and kept at 4 °C.
To convert absorbance into a molecular site density, we created a standard curve using human IgG1 labelled with Alexa Fluor 555 (abbreviated as IgG1-AF555) as follows. A stock of IgG1-AF555 at 1 mg mL−1 (confirmed by absorbance at 280 nm) was used to create serial dilutions in water from 0.16–10 nM. Known volumes of each dilution were incubated in a 96-well tissue culture-treated plate for 30 minutes. The solutions were then removed from the wells, and the remaining fluorescence was compared to the fluorescence of fresh dilutions of IgG1-AF555, by using a Tecan Infinite M200 plate reader (excitation: 555 nm, emission: 580 nm). The loss of fluorescence (before and after incubation in the 96-well plate) was used to calculate the number of IgG1-AF555 molecules that must have adsorbed to the plate. These wells were then blocked with 1% BSA, incubated with 2.5 μg mL−1 HRP-tagged antibody, washed extensively, and then incubated with 1-Step Turbo TMB ELISA substrate, as described above for the polyacrylamide gels. The experiment was repeated on four different days, and a plot of the absorbance values at 450 nm versus the number of IgG1-AF555 molecules adsorbed per well was fit using linear regression. For all experiments, we ensured that fluorescence and absorbance values were within the linear detection range of the assay, and we also confirmed by fluorescence that adsorbed IgG1-AF555 was not removed during the incubation and washing steps. We assumed that one HRP-tagged anti-Fc antibody binds one IgG1-AF555 molecule, since the molecules are adsorbed to the plastic surface and likely have one binding site available. We assumed that two HRP-tagged anti-Fc antibodies bind each homodimer of P- or E-selectin/Fc (i.e., one HRP-tagged antibody for each monomer), since the molecules are oriented upwards on the gels. The selectin densities are listed as monomer molecules per μm2, in order to compare to values cited from previous studies.
We first investigated whether THP-1 and U937 cells could attach to gels coated with E-selectin, and whether the level of cell attachment depended on substrate stiffness. We perfused cells over 1 kPa or 24 kPa gels, and continuously imaged a single field of view focused at the gel surface for 10 minutes. Since a large fraction of cells traveled with the free stream velocity too far above the gel to interact with the surface, we only tracked the positions of cells that were traveling near the gel surface, and we calculated the number of attached cells as the percentage of cells that were tracked. Interestingly, we found that far more THP-1 and U937 cells attached to stiff gels coated with E-selectin than soft gels (Fig. 1A). Furthermore, attached cells rolled for longer periods of time on stiff gels before detaching, while on soft gels, cells only briefly attached (Fig. 1B). To ensure that this result was not simply due to differences in E-selectin conjugation, we confirmed that the surfaces of soft and stiff gels had similar levels of E-selectin by immunofluorescence staining (Fig. S1, ESI†).
We then attempted to perform the same experiments on gels coated with P-selectin, but we were unable to achieve the same level of protein conjugation. Even with a four-fold higher coating concentration of P-selectin (4 μM for P-selectin versus 1 μM for E-selectin), the resulting density of P-selectin on the gels was less than half the density attained with E-selectin coating (Fig. S1, ESI†). As a result, very few THP-1 or U937 cells attached to P-selectin coated gels, regardless of stiffness (Fig. S2, ESI†). While this may suggest that P-selectin binding to PSGL-1 is not influenced by substrate stiffness, it is likely that any difference in cell attachment would be difficult to detect since only 0 to 2 cells had attached to each gel.
We therefore switched to a different strategy to attach P-selectin to polyacrylamide gels, in which we first used sulfo-SANPAH to conjugate protein A/G to the gel surface. Protein A/G is a recombinant protein that binds the Fc domain of antibodies or fusion proteins containing the Fc domain. This strategy then allowed us to coat the gels with P-selectin/Fc, a chimeric protein consisting of the Fc domain of human IgG1 fused to the C-terminus of P-selectin. There are several benefits to this approach. First, the P-selectin/Fc protein is presented in the proper orientation for ligand binding, since its C-terminus is bound to protein A/G and the N-terminus is pointed upwards, as it would be on endothelial cells. Second, P-selectin/Fc protein forms disulfide-linked homodimers, and several studies have shown that dimeric P-selectin binds PSGL-1 with a higher affinity than monomeric P-selectin.34,35 Third, the reaction between sulfo-SANPAH and primary amines on protein is relatively inefficient due to competing hydrolysis of the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester. Since protein A/G is easier to acquire than purified P-selectin, we can first use an abundance of protein A/G to react with sulfo-SANPAH and then a low concentration of P-selectin/Fc (which readily binds protein A/G). Importantly, there is one major drawback to using Fc fusion proteins for these experiments. Most leukocytes, including monocytic cells, have Fc receptors and could potentially bind the Fc region of P-selectin/Fc. We controlled for this possibility in the following experiments by blocking Fc receptors on the cells with either soluble human IgG1 or antibody against the high affinity Fc receptor, FcγRI (aka CD64). We also confirmed that THP-1 and U937 cells do not attach to gels coated with protein A/G alone or to gels coated with protein A/G and human IgG1. To ensure that P-selectin/Fc would be present on soft and stiff gels at similar densities, we used fluorescently labelled IgG1 to show that comparable levels of Fc bind to gels coated with protein A/G regardless of stiffness (Fig. S3, ESI†).
Upon switching to a coating strategy employing protein A/G, we discovered that we could achieve much higher cell attachment on gels with P-selectin/Fc (while using 1000-fold less P-selectin protein), which allowed us to more thoroughly investigate the effects of substrate stiffness. We created polyacrylamide gels with elastic moduli of 1, 5, 10, 24 and 84 kPa, and we coated them first with protein A/G and then with three different concentrations of P-selectin/Fc: 0.5, 1, and 10 nM, which corresponded to site densities of 16 ± 3, 32 ± 6, and 178 ± 3 selectin molecules per μm2, respectively. As before, we perfused THP-1 cells for 10 minutes and tracked cells that attached within the field of view. Surprisingly, we found that for each P-selectin/Fc density, substrate stiffness had no obvious effect on cell attachment (Fig. 2). For gels coated with the lowest density of P-selectin/Fc, a small percentage of cells attached briefly to each gel, regardless of substrate stiffness (Fig. 2A and Fig. S4, ESI†). More cells attached to gels coated with the intermediate density of P-selectin/Fc (Fig. 2B), and they remained rolling for an average of 4–5 seconds on each gel before detaching again (Fig. S5, ESI†). On gels coated with the highest density of P-selectin/Fc, most attached cells remained rolling on the gels until exiting the field of view. The average rolling speed did not vary with substrate stiffness (Fig. 2C), except for on 84 kPa gels where cells rolled about 25% slower (Fig. S6, ESI†). To confirm that cells attached to the gels only through P-selectin/PSGL-1 binding, we pre-treated THP-1 cells with either blocking antibody against PSGL-1, blocking antibody against FcγRI, or soluble human IgG1 (to functionally block Fc receptors), and then performed flow experiments on gels coated with P-selectin/Fc at 178 molecules per μm2. As expected, blocking PSGL-1 inhibited cell attachment, while blocking Fc receptors had no effect (Fig. S7, ESI†). We also conducted flow experiments with U937 cells on gels coated with P-selectin/Fc at 16 or 32 molecules per μm2 and similarly found that cell attachment did not vary with substrate stiffness (Fig. S8, ESI†).
Since the attachment of THP-1 and U937 cells was greater on stiff gels coated with E-selectin than soft gels (Fig. 1), we wanted to confirm that cell attachment through E-selectin/Fc would also be dependent on substrate stiffness. We again created polyacrylamide gels with elastic moduli of 1, 5, 10, 24 and 84 kPa, coated them first with protein A/G, and then added E-selectin/Fc at two coating concentrations: 1 and 10 nM, which corresponded to site densities of 20 ± 6 and 152 ± 16 selectin molecules per μm2, respectively. We then perfused cells for 10 minutes and tracked cells near the gel surface. We found that at the lower density of E-selectin/Fc, both cell types behaved in a similar stiffness-dependent manner as they had on gels coated directly with E-selectin (Fig. 3 and Fig. S9, ESI†). On the softest gels, very few cells attached and remained only briefly before detaching again. With increasing gel stiffness, more cells attached and remained rolling for longer periods of time. To confirm that this result was due to cells binding the E-selectin portion of the fusion protein and not the Fc domain, we pretreated THP-1 cells with anti-FcγRI antibody or human IgG1 before flow experiments on soft and stiff gels and found no differences in cell attachment compared to controls (Fig. S10, ESI†).
We were then curious as to whether this stiffness-dependence would occur at a higher E-selectin density. Interestingly, we found that a high percentage of THP-1 cells attached to gels coated with E-selectin/Fc at 152 molecules per μm2 regardless of substrate stiffness (Fig. S11, ESI†); however cells began to arrest on stiff gels, which we discovered was mediated by Fc binding. Pre-treating cells with human IgG1 for 30 minutes before flow experiments completely prevented arrest on stiff gels, while pre-treating with anti-FcγRI antibody partially blocked arrest (Fig. S12, ESI†). We therefore chose to block Fc binding by pre-treating cells with human IgG1 and repeated the flow experiments on 1, 5, 10, 24, and 84 kPa gels coated with E-selectin/Fc at 152 molecules per μm2. We again found that similar percentages of cells attached to each of the gels, but attached cells rolled more slowly on stiff gels than soft gels (Fig. 4).
One question that arose from our findings was why cell attachment through E-selectin depended on substrate stiffness, while attachment through P-selectin did not. The answer could lie in their different requirements for ligand binding. The primary ligand for P-selectin is PSGL-1, which is heavily glycosylated and constitutively expressed on circulating leukocytes. P-selectin binding requires that PSGL-1 contain a sialyl Lewis X (sLex) on a specific core 2 O-glycan at the N-terminus,36 and binding is enhanced when specific tyrosine residues on PSGL-1 are sulfated.37–39 E-selectin also binds PSGL-1 but with a 50-fold lower affinity,40 and binding can occur at several different sLex sites and is not enhanced by tyrosine sulfation. In addition, E-selectin can bind other glycosylated proteins, as long as they are decorated with sLex or the stereoisomer sialyl Lewis a. For human leukocytes, E-selectin ligands include PSGL-1, CD44, L-selectin, CD43, glycolipids, and possibly additional ligands still to be identified.10,11 We suspect that these differences in ligand affinity between E-selectin and P-selectin could potentially explain the different responses to substrate stiffness. For example, the affinity between E-selectin and its ligands could have been too weak to support cell attachment on soft gels, while stiffer gels perhaps enhanced E-selectin binding through a catch-bond mechanism by providing greater resistive force. Since P-selectin has a much higher affinity for PSGL-1, maybe P-selectin/PSGL-1 binding was already optimal on soft gels and could not be further strengthened by increasing substrate stiffness. Another possibility is that PSGL-1 bound both P-selectin and E-selectin in a stiffness-independent manner, but a specific E-selectin ligand (that does not bind P-selectin) was responsible for the stiffness-dependent response. Perhaps this specific ligand behaves differently from PSGL-1 due to differences in affinity for E-selectin, how far the ligand protrudes past the leukocyte glycocalyx, or how the ligand is anchored to the cytoskeleton. Cell-free rolling experiments using beads could be useful for testing whether specific E-selectin ligands have different dependencies on substrate stiffness.41
The expression patterns of P-selectin and E-selectin on endothelium are known to vary over time in response to inflammatory stimuli, which is why we studied cell attachment on polyacrylamide gels at several different selectin densities (P-selectin: 16, 32, or 178 molecules per μm2; E-selectin: 20 or 152 molecules per μm2). In mice, baseline expression of E-selectin is undetectable, while P-selectin is constitutively expressed at low levels in some tissues, including the lung and mesentery.42 After histamine treatment, P-selectin expression increases several-fold within minutes before returning to baseline levels, reflecting the transient release of P-selectin from Weibel–Palade bodies.42 In cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), the peak P-selectin site density after histamine treatment was found to be 16–40 molecules per μm2.43 On the other hand, LPS or cytokine treatment leads to increased transcription of both P-selectin and E-selectin for several hours.42 Estimates of the peak E-selectin site density on cultured endothelial cells after interleukin-1α or interleukin-1β treatment range between 100 and 750 molecules per μm2,35,44,45 which suggests that at some intermediate time point, the E-selectin density would be near the values used in this study (20 and 152 molecules per μm2). Since endothelial cells express both P-selectin and E-selectin simultaneously at varying ratios in vivo, it would be interesting to repeat our experiments on polyacrylamide gels coated with P-selectin and E-selectin together at different densities. We would imagine that the effects of P-selectin and E-selectin mediated adhesion would be additive, and thus lead to increased cell attachment on stiff gels relative to soft gels. However, another possibility is that P-selectin binding could lead to such robust adhesion on both soft and stiff gels that any stiffness effect from E-selectin mediated adhesion would be obscured. Including VCAM-1 would also be interesting, since VCAM-1 has been shown to mediate initial cell capture in the absence of selectins.46,47
In this study, we modeled the endothelium by conjugating purified P-selectin or E-selectin to the surface of polyacrylamide gels. We could have instead cultured endothelial cell monolayers on polyacrylamide gels so that the monolayer stiffness increased with gel stiffness,48 which would have been more physiologically relevant. However, our approach provided two major advantages. First, coating gels with a single protein at a defined density allowed us to discover that cell attachment to E-selectin was stiffness-dependent, while cell attachment to P-selectin was not. In contrast, controlling the expression levels of P-selectin, E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 on cultured endothelial cells would be very difficult, and this type of in vitro experiment would be unlikely to recapitulate the complex spatiotemporal expression patterns seen in vivo. Second, another advantage to not using endothelial cells was that we could be sure that varying substrate stiffness did not alter other surface properties, such as topography and ligand density. Others have shown that endothelial monolayers cultured on stiff gels are more contractile and have weaker cell–cell junctions than if cultured on soft gels,48,49 which could result in topographical changes that alter fluid flow patterns near the endothelial surface and potentially alter the velocity of approaching leukocytes. Endothelial cells cultured on soft and stiff gels could also express different levels of adhesion proteins or those proteins could be clustered differently within the plasma membrane. Of course, it would still be valuable in future studies to confirm that our results on selectin-coated gels are also true on endothelial monolayers. We imagine that the best way to study leukocyte attachment to a specific adhesion protein on endothelium would be to either block all other adhesion proteins on activated endothelial cells (e.g., with blocking antibodies against ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and the other selectin) or to genetically overexpress only one adhesion protein in un-activated endothelial cells.
It is worth mentioning that a previous study by Huynh et al. showed that neutrophils attached in equal numbers to TNF-alpha treated endothelial monolayers cultured on 2.5, 5, and 10 kPa polyacrylamide gels, but the cells transmigrated more frequently through monolayers on stiff gels.49 The authors suggested that the increased transmigration on stiff gels was due to destabilized endothelial cell–cell junctions (which agrees with other studies48,50), although they did not compare rolling velocities or the ability of cells to arrest. We speculate that cell attachment did not appear stiffness-dependent in their case, because P-selectin, E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 were all highly expressed due to TNF-alpha activation. Another possibility is that neutrophil attachment is less sensitive to substrate stiffness than monocytic cells, which would be interesting to directly compare in future studies.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ib00199d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |