Zhipeng Lia,
Zhong Lin Wang*abc and
Zhiwei Wang
aBeijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, P. R. China. E-mail: wangzhiwei@binn.cas.cn
bSchool of Nanoscience and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, P. R. China
cSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0245, USA. E-mail: zlwang@gatech.edu
First published on 28th June 2018
The sculpting of crystalline materials from amorphous films by electron beam irradiation in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) offers an effective way for fabrication of nanostructure and devices. However, the synthesis of multifunctional complex oxide and related composites for possible device application is difficult to achieve. Here, we show that the crystallization pathways of amorphous bismuth ferrite films could be tuned by controlled electron beam irradiation and in situ heating in TEM. The results show that Bi segregates from amorphous films and then aggregates into crystalline nanoparticles (the particle size can be tuned by electron dose rates) under electron beam irradiation below 100 °C, while Bi2Fe4O9 nanocrystals are observed at boundary areas between quasi-liquid Bi nanoparticles at 300 °C due to the cooperative effect of electron beam irradiation and thermal heating. Moreover, the Bi/Bi2Fe4O9 metal/semiconductor solid state heterostructure with nearly atomically sharp interfaces emerges when cooling down to room temperature. This finding expands the variety of nanostructures synthesized by electron bombardment and offers a new way to fabricate complex architectures and possible functional devices at the nanometer scale with direct in situ TEM observation and monitoring.
With the wealth of electron–matter interaction mechanisms, such as knock-on displacement and oxide reduction, a variety of nanostructures including nanoparticles, nanowires and two-dimensional materials can be fabricated under controlled conditions in TEM.8 One example is the formation of metallic nanoparticles (Bi, Ag, Mn etc.) by irradiation of a condensed electron beam.9–12 However, the in situ synthesis of complex oxides and oxide/metal composite nanostructures with rich functionalities is rarely reported, which may require well controlled irradiation and additional stimulus, such as environment atmosphere control or thermal heating.13,14
In our in situ investigation, a high resolution TEM (HRTEM) is used to track the crystallization dynamics and crystalline fluctuations. We demonstrate that the crystallization pathways can be tuned from amorphous bismuth ferrite films by electron beam irradiation and in situ heating in TEM. The results reveal that Bi nanocrystals form by electron beam irradiation below 100 °C, while crystalline Bi2Fe4O9 is observed at the boundaries of liquid-state Bi nanoparticles at 300 °C. The heterostructure with highly crystalline Bi nanoparticles/Bi2Fe4O9 can be synthesized when cooling down to room temperature. This finding indicates that the variety of in situ synthesized nanostructures can be further expanded by electron irradiation and in situ techniques, especially thermal heating in TEM, paving a new way for the accurate fabrication of complex architectures at the nanoscale for functional applications such as high efficient photocatalysis and photoelectric devices.
The effect of thermal heating on the crystallization of the amorphous films was subsequently investigated in combination with gentle electron irradiations. The moderate electron dose rates (close to the value used in Fig. 1b) have been employed for the heating observations because, with such level of dose rates, the films can go through a certain degree of morphological variation at room temperature, but no significant and fast crystallizations occur. This facilitates a direct comparison and analysis of the influences of various annealing temperatures (up to 300 °C). Fig. 2a–c displays several time-sequential TEM images recorded after the film has been heated to 100 °C, which shows that Bi-enriched particles nucleate, grow and coalesce with neighbor ones, and gradually form crystalline structures (the interplanar spacing of 0.33 nm in Fig. 2c inset is consistent with the (012) plane of Bi metal). The phenomenon resembles what has been observed on the sample at room temperature and with high electron dose rates (Fig. 1c). When temperature was elevated to 300 °C (Fig. 2d–f), we see the rapid emergence of high-density nanoparticles, followed by the steady growth and coalescence. However, the nanoparticles now feature amorphous-like structure, while the boundaries transform from amorphous to crystalline state (with lattice spacing of 0.3 nm) as the particles sizes increase and the boundaries become narrower. Fig. 3 shows EDS mapping of the new nanostructures formed at the 300 °C heating. It can be seen that the narrow boundaries between nanoparticles feature Fe enriched. HRTEM imaging and simulations are also performed to identify atomic structures and phases of the nanocrystals at boundaries, as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4b shows an enlarged view of the nanocrystal 1 in Fig. 4a, in which the lattice fringes with planar distances of 0.3 nm and 0.26 nm are consistent with the (11) and (112) planes in orthorhombic mullite-type Bi2Fe4O9 (space group: Pbam). Further multislice HRTEM simulation (Fig. 4c) using the structural model of Bi2Fe4O9 (with zone axis of [5 1
], defocus of −90 nm and sample thickness of 17.7 nm) matches well the experimental result (Fig. 4b). The HRTEM lattice fringes at region 2 in Fig. 4a could be assigned to (1
1) plane of Bi2Fe4O9 structure, which agrees well with the HRTEM simulation shown in Fig. 4d.
The study illustrates clearly that phase segregation is commonly present in the new nanoscale objects formed either through high-dose-rate electron irradiations (at room temperature) or high-temperature heating with moderate electron beams. Specifically, driven by electron irradiation and/or thermal heating, the originally uniform amorphous bismuth ferrite films finally turn into high-density Bi-enriched nanoparticles interconnected by Fe + O enriched nanostructures (see the EDS maps in Fig. 3 and ESI Fig. S2†). We suggest that the occurrence of phase segregations relate to the following two factors. First, the rather low-content Fe in the amorphous films (Bi:
Fe is ∼3.8
1) may facilitate Bi aggregation. This can be identified further by preparing stoichiometric or Fe-enriched bismuth ferrite films in the future. Second, electron beam irradiation could lead to film decomposition by way of the Knotek–Feibelman (K–F) mechanism. According to the mechanism, highly energetic electron beams can ionize the cations and create vacant electronic states which can be filled by the electrons from valence band of O anions by way of (interatomic) Auger decay, leading to the formation of O+ or neutral O. The Madelung potential by surrounding cations turns repulsive to the positive charged anions, and as a consequence, the oxygen atoms get desorbed from the specimen. Gradually, Bi–O bonds are replaced by Bi–Bi bonds in an amorphous configuration.20 The energy transfer to sample from the continuous electron beam irradiation and/or thermal heating can increase the atomic mobility and sample temperature which could serve as the driving force for the crystallization of Bi nanoparticles, as shown in Fig. 1c and d and 2c.21 We measured/compared the atomic ratios of O to Bi + Fe (cations) between initial amorphous film (O/cations)initial and post-irradiation region (O/cations)post based on the data shown in ESI Fig. S1d and S2e,† which results in a ratio value of 0.9 using the simple formula (O/cations)post/(O/cations)initial. This indicates that relatively 10% of oxygen is lost after electron beam irradiation. Thus, the EDS analysis provides a good support for the K–F mechanism. In addition to the K–F mechanism, there may be other influence factors which could also contribute to the specimen damage more or less, such as electron beam induced heating and sputtering.22
The amorphous-like structural configurations of Bi nanoparticles formed during high-temperature heating (Fig. 4) can be easily understood by considering the rather low melting point of Bi (271.3 °C). It is highly likely that the film heated to 300 °C led to the transformation of Bi nanoparticles from solid state to quasi-liquid state. During the growth of liquid-like Bi nanoparticles, Fe and O atoms gradually segregate to the boundary areas, where amorphous Bi2Fe4O9 nanostructures may be formed initially, and then followed by the crystallizations. The electron beam induced charging effect might play a role in forming the final structural configurations. The bismuth nanoparticles featuring high electrical resistance may be susceptible to charge accumulation, resulting in repulsive forces between nanoparticles which could help keep their monodispersity instead of coalescing. Given that no Bi2Fe4O9 nanocrystals have been observed at boundaries when the film was excited by pure electron irradiations without heating (see Fig. 1), the reasonable conclusion can thus be drawn that the crystallization should be mediated by the formation of liquid-state Bi nanoparticles. This highlights the coordinative effect of electron beam and thermal heating on the generation of complex nanostructures.
It is worth mentioning that the dynamical fluctuations of Bi2Fe4O9 nanostructures are sometimes observed during the thermal heating at 300 °C, including the transformations from crystalline to amorphous states of the nanocrystals (see ESI Fig. S3†). The top limit of the potential barrier for amorphous to crystalline transition (referred to as Ep) by electron beam irradiation may be expressed as:
Ep = Ec − Es + Ead |
When the sample annealed at 300 °C is cooled down to room temperature, as shown in Fig. 5, the quasi-liquid Bi particles transform back to crystalline state while the Bi2Fe4O9 nanocrystals stay stable, resulting in Bi/Bi2Fe4O9 heterostructures in solid state. The nearly atomically sharp interface present in HRTEM imaging (Fig. 5e) may indicate the coherent contact between these two materials during the condensation/crystallization of Bi-enriched nanoparticles from quasi-liquid state driven by the degree of undercooling. As known, Bi2Fe4O9 is a semiconductor, and the metal Bi exhibits unique transport properties including long carrier mean free path and small carrier effective mass. Thus, the metal/semiconductor junctions (Bi/Bi2Fe4O9) featuring sharp interfaces created by the combined electron beam irradiation and thermal heating approach may find valuable applications in the photocatalysis and optoelectronics, etc.24–26
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra02447b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |