Wei Fenga,
Junfeng Zhaoc,
Aiwen Weia,
Dandan Zhanga,
Huiling Liu*a,
Xuri Huang*a and
Kai Sun*b
aLaboratory of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, Jilin University, Technology Building of Jilin University, Liutiao Road 2, Changchun 130023, China. E-mail: huiling@jlu.edu.cn; huangxr@jlu.edu.cn
bSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China. E-mail: thomassk@jlu.edu.cn
cDepartment of Materials, School of Technology, Yantai Nanshan University, Longkou, Shandong Province 265713, China
First published on 3rd July 2018
Iron(II) acetylacetonate was suggested to be a better catalyst of the β-alkylation of 1-phenylethanol with benzyl alcohol to form 1,3-diphenyl-1-propanol. DFT calculations have been performed to study the internal mechanism, the structures of intermediates and transition states, and the exchange of electronic density in detail. The energetic results show that this β-alkylation reaction proceeds via the hydrogen autotransfer mechanism and the catalytic cycle includes three sequential stages: (1) alcohol oxidation to produce aldehyde associated with hydride anion transfer, (2) cross-aldol condensation to form a chalcone and (3) chalcone reduction with multi-step hydrogenation. In order to study whether the only by-product, water, has clearly influenced the reaction, eight catalyst hydrogenation pathways and four catalyst dehydrogenation pathways have been studied. We are delighted to find that the presence of the only by-product, water, can significantly increase the reduction energy barrier of dihydrochalcone. The energy barrier of the catalyst's hydrogenation is less than 6 kcal mol−1. Our calculation results are fundamentally coincident with the experimental detections, and suggest that the crossing-coupling reaction occurs through a reliable mechanism. Two dihydrochalcone catalysts were designed on the basis of how the β-alkylation reaction proceeds.
The catalyst is another important factor of alkylation reaction. Most catalysts used in the alkylation reaction are mainly based on Ru, Pt, and Ir.10–13 However, these noble metals catalysts are expensive and are not easy to obtain. The use of more eco-friendly and widely abundant metals for the synthesis should be more beneficial for chemical research and industry manufacture. Iron, as the most productive metallic element on Earth, has been wildly used in alkylation reactions.14–16 Furthermore, iron as a catalyst has also been used in the alkylation reaction with alcohol as the alkylating agent.17,18
In 2012, Sun et al. found that the ferrocenecarboxaldehyde catalyst has a very good catalytic effect on the β-alkylation reaction of secondary alcohols with primary alcohols.19 We have conducted detailed theoretical calculations on the catalytic mechanism of ferrocenecarboxaldehyde. Sun et al. are always looking for cheaper, more stable, efficient and environmentally friendly catalysts. Recently, they found that under the same reaction conditions, the inexpensive acetylacetonate catalyst can also achieve very high yields (>95%) compared to the ferrocenecarboxaldehyde catalyst with an order of magnitude reduction.20
This microscale reaction mechanism has not been previously studied or explained. In this paper, we will use density functional method to analyze the reaction process in detail. According to our previous studies,21 a simplified plausibility process for the β-alkylation of water-involved secondary and primary alcohols is proposed in this paper (see Scheme 1).
We conducted the elementarily theoretical calculation of the mechanism of the Fe(acac)2 catalyzed cross-coupling reaction. It also provides inspiration and reference for the synthesis of new cheap catalysts. At the end of the article, two ideal catalysts have also been suggested to control the product selectivity. We hope that this study could provide useful information for the industrial production.
The solvation free energies of the optimized geometries were calculated at the M05-2X32/BSII (SMD, p-xylene) level (BSII designates the basis set combination of SDD pseudopotential for the Fe atom and 6-31G(d) for the other atoms; SMD corresponds to Truhlar and coworkers' solvation model which does an IEFPCM calculation with radii and non-electrostatic terms). All the energy that appears in this article is Gibbs free energy in kcal mol−1.
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Fig. 1 Eight reaction pathways and corresponding free energy profiles of H-adsorption step in catalyst initiation. The numbers in parentheses refer to the activation barriers. |
Free energy profiles for the 1-phenylethanol anion (R1) and benzyl alcohol anion (R2) oxidation via the inner-sphere hydrogen transfer pathways are illustrated in Fig. 1. In the absence of water, the barrier of reaction energy in Fig. 1 is in the range of 2.48 to 4.53 kcal mol−1. As a control, the reaction energy barrier for water participation is in the range of 4.24 to 5.53 kcal mol−1. It can be seen that the presence of water hardly affects the hydrogen atoms transfer from alcohol anion to the Fe of catalyst. This is because the reaction core areas of the two cases are very similar to each other.
In our previous study, we illuminate the details of the mechanism aspects of the ferrocenecarboxaldehyde-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of 1-phenylethanol with benzyl alcohol based on the density functional theory (DFT) at the M06-2X level of the theory. It should be noted that this reaction system only required inexpensive and commercially available ferrocenecarboxaldehyde and a catalytic amount of NaOH without sacrificial agent (hydrogen acceptors or hydrogen donors) and complex nitrogen or phosphorus ligands. The intermediate products acetophenone and benzaldehyde can undergo aldol condensation without catalyst in an alkaline environment to form chalcone. The formation of new C–C bond from cross-coupling reaction has been studied in detail. On account of the similar feature of benzyl alcohol anion and 1-phenylethanol anion, we use the benzyl alcohol anion as the research object to participate in reaction. This part begins with acetophenone transfers a hydrogen proton to benzyl alcohol anion to form the acetophenone anion via the first transition state with the barrier of 0.3 kcal mol−1. Then the acetophenone anion will attack benzaldehyde to form of a new anion intermediate via the second transition state with the barrier of 0.9 kcal mol−1. Then a hydrogen proton transfer from benzyl alcohol to this anion intermediate to form a new electrically neutral intermediate via the third transition state with the barrier of −0.7 kcal mol−1. After the generation of this electrically neutral intermediate, benzyl alcohol anion enters this reaction process again to capture a hydrogen proton to form another new anion intermediate and benzyl alcohol via the fourth transition state with the barrier of 0.8 kcal mol−1. Then benzyl alcohol will provide a hydrogen proton to this anion intermediate to form intermediate chalcone with fifth transition state with the barrier of 11.5 kcal mol−1.
If the reaction stops at this step, dihydrochalcone will accumulate. In fact, dihydrochalcone was indeed experimentally detected from the product. As the reaction continues, the carbonyl will be reduced. The reduction process is also a hydrogenation catalyst that first provides a hydride ion to carbon, and then this hydrogenation intermediate product abstracts hydrogen protons from benzyl alcohol and phenylethanol. The two sets of corresponding transition states with slightly different energy barrier (TS3_1 (17.25 kcal mol−1), TS3_2 (15.17 kcal mol−1), TS5_1 (−0.70 kcal mol−1) and TS5_2 (−2.84 kcal mol−1)) when benzyl alcohol and phenylethyl alcohol were used as donors for hydrogen protons. Thus we selected one set to make the energy change line graph of Fig. 3 for more concise. The intermediate products and transition state structures are shown in Fig. 4 and 5.
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Fig. 4 The geometries of the optimized intermediates correspond to those in Fig. 3 with selected bond distances (in Å). |
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Fig. 5 The geometries of the optimized transition states correspond to those in Fig. 3 with selected bond distances (in Å). |
As shown in Fig. 5, the first step hydrogenation transition configurations of chalcone catalytic belong to type II, with the difference that the benzene ring parallel to the catalyst is close to the carbonyl group. The distance of H2O–Fe in the transition state TS2_w1 (2.605 Å) and the transition state TS2_w2 (2.576 Å) indicates that the water and Fe have a stronger effect. As a result, the distance of Fe–H and H–C is longer than that without water. It is worth noting that these two transitional states generate the same intermediate IM7_w1. We are pleased to find that the presence of water also hardly affects the reaction energy barrier (about 14 kcal mol−1 and 5 kcal mol−1) of the first step hydrogenation of chalcone. Then through the transition state TS3, the chalcone is reduced to dihydrochalcone, and the original conjugated macrosystem is destroyed (Fig. 5). The transitional state of catalytic hydrogenation of dihydrochalcone simultaneously contains both type I and type II structures. The distance of H2O–Fe in the type I transition state TS4_w1 (2.500 Å) and the type II transition state TS2_w2 (2.501 Å) indicates that the water and Fe have a stronger effect. The distance of H2O–Fe in the type I transition state TS4_w1 and the type II transition state TS4_w2 is quite equal to 2.5 Å, which is obviously shorter than that of other aqueous transition states. This shows that the water–catalyst interaction is stronger in this step hydrogenation reduction reaction, and can most significantly affect the reaction. The type I transition state without water is the lowest energy barrier (2.83 kcal mol−1), and the energy barrier is raised to 10.83 kcal mol−1 when water is present. On the contrary, the type II transition energy barrier (10.35 kcal mol−1) was reduced to 5.43 kcal mol−1. In summary, the presence of water improves the reaction energy barrier for the catalytic hydrogenation of dihydrochalcone, and the dominant reaction pathways have also been interchanged (from type I to type II). The final step of the reaction is a hydrogen proton of the hydroxyl on the phenethyl alcohol transfer process to create 1,3-diphenyl-1-propanol. This procedure proceeds by transition state TS5 to produce the product. The barrier height via TS5 is measured to be −0.7 kcal mol−1. Since the product of all the reaction is mainly alcohol, it is quite fit with the experimental result.
For the ten molecular orbitals of IM10_1 in Fig. 6, the four single-occupied orbitals dz2, dx2−y2, dxz, and dxy, are the highest occupied orbitals. The remaining six orbitals are the lower-energy localized dual-occupant molecular orbitals and are ranked in the right-hand column in terms of energy from high to low. As we known, the s-orbitals and the p-orbitals of iron center are double occupancy. The composition of hydrogen in σFe–H orbital is 0.696, which means that the σFe–H bond is mainly composed of a pair of electrons of hydrogen. This is very helpful to understand that hydrogen has a negative NPA charge of −0.461. With chalcone close to the catalyst, hydrogen gradually moves away from the Fe center and approaches the carbonyl carbon. The NPA charge of Fe in transition state TS4_1 increases to 1.075. In contrast, the charge of carbonyl carbon decreases to 0.468 and increases to 0.287 in the composition of πC–O orbital. We also found that the composition of carbonyl carbon in the σC–O and σC–C orbitals is decreasing, which indicates that the electron delocalization of carbonyl carbon is decreasing. Subsequently, the electrons transfer from σFe–H–C to σC–H intensifies to the transition of carbonyl carbon from sp2 hybrid to sp3 hybrid. In IM11-1, the lone electron pairs of carbonyl oxygen have been concentrated on O p-orbital, resulting in the disappearance of πC–O bond and the decrease of its NPA charge to −0.827. It is found that in the newly formed σC–H orbital, the composition of hydrogen is higher than that of carbon, but the NPA charge of carbon decreases to 0.216, and the charge of hydrogen increases to a positive 0.010. This is because the electronegativity of carbon is stronger than that of hydrogen, causing the σC–H orbital to move toward carbon. In Fig. 7, 8 and 9, the process of hydrogen transfer to carbonyl carbon is very similar.
It is worth noting that the NPA charge of Fe in Fig. 8 (Fig. 9) is smaller than that in Fig. 6 (Fig. 7) due to water presence. The ten molecular orbitals of IM10_2 (TS4_2) are very similar to those of IM10_1 (TS4_1) except that the order of σC–C orbital becomes lower than the πC–O and σC–O orbitals. This may be due to the interaction of the oxygen atoms of dihydrochalcone with the hydrogen atoms on the catalyst.
Fig. 8 and 9 show the schematic frontier molecular orbitals of the reactions with water participation. It can be observed that O atom of water molecular interacts with Fe center (2.500 Å) to form a coordination bond through O p-orbital (Ow LP) in TS4_w1 and TS4_w2. Similarly, in the reactions of hydrogen transfer corresponding to the path with water participation also proceeds via hydrogen anion transfer process. The orbital energy of Ow LP is only lower than that of σFe–H of IM10_w1 in Fig. 8. By comparing TS4_w1 and TS4_1 with their pre-complexes IM10_w1 and IM10_1, it can be seen that the orbital order does not change when water is present. It is worth noting that in contrast to Fig. 6, 7 and 8, the σFe–H orbital in Fig. 9 is no longer the energy highest among double occupancy molecular orbitals, which results in a lower energy barrier.
(1) Although the adsorption energy of water and catalyst is positive and thermodynamically unfavorable, the value of about 5 kcal mol−1 indicates that water can be easily adsorbed to the catalyst. When the hydride ion is transferred to the center iron of the catalyst, the H2O–Fe bond is significantly elongated (from 2.219 to 3.048 Å). At this point, the interaction between water and catalyst is almost entirely a weak hydrogen bond between water's hydrogen and ligand oxygen (it can be seen from the water's orientation and O–H bond length). This case also applies to the catalytic process.
(2) The interaction between water and iron center in transition state is stronger than that in the pre-complexes. It shows that the H2O–Fe bond length is shorter, and the water's p orbital clearly points to the iron center in transition states. Compared to other transition states, the interaction in TS4_w1 and TS4_w2 are enhancive since their H2O–Fe bond lengths are shorter (very consistent equals to 2.500 Å).
(3) In the presence of water, the reduction energy barriers of dihydrochalcone, IM9, are affected in the three groups containing H-anion transfer processes (IM1 → TS1, IM6 → TS2 and IM10 → TS4). It is obviously that the energy barriers in the first two groups are barely affected, and the last group is the critical step. In this step, the reduction energy barrier of type I is increased to 10.83 kcal mol−1, and it is greater than the inverse reaction energy barrier of 8.67 kcal mol−1. While the reduction energy barrier of type II is reduced to 5.53 kcal mol−1, which is less than the inverse reaction energy barrier of 6.79 kcal mol−1. It can be seen that the type I reaction favors to stay in the dihydrochalcone.
Based on the above three points of discussion, we can modify the acetylacetonate ferrous catalyst to make the reaction stay at the dihydrochalcone stage. The theoretically designed catalysts, M_3 and M_4, based on acetylacetonate ferrous are shown in Fig. 10. They have three outstanding advantages: (1) the methyl group on the catalyst ligand is replaced with a CC double bond, which avoids the type II reaction and expands the electron delocalization of the ligand to stabilize the catalyst; (2) the change of O–Fe distance can be easily achieved by flexible alkanes twisting. When the hydride ion is transferred to the center iron of M_3 or M_4, the O–Fe distance is as long as 3.800 Å or 3.663 Å. While there is no H anion, the O–Fe distance is only 2.607 Å or 2.283 Å; (3) the reaction core Fe is in semi-enveloping state, which makes the catalyst's applicability and anti-interference stronger.
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Fig. 10 Two dihydrochalcone catalysts were designed on the basis of chemical reactions in β-alkylation reaction proceeds. |
Finally, we also found that the benzene ring is far from the reaction core (the metal atom in the catalyst center) and is also almost unaffected by the catalyst. This is also the reason why acetylacetonate catalysts can catalyze the alkylation of alcohols with substituents (such as halogen and alkoxy groups) on the benzene ring. The catalysts we design should also have good catalytic effects on the derivatives of such alcohols.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: The atomic coordinates, DFT-based single-point energy, thermodynamics and solvation corrections of all optimized compounds studied. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra03735c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |