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aDepartment of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec, ul. Jagiellonska 4, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland. E-mail:;
bInstitute of Physics, University of Silesia, 75 Pulku Piechoty 1A, 41-500 Chorzow, Poland
cSilesian Center for Education and Interdisciplinary Research, University of Silesia, 75 Pulku Piechoty 1A, 41-500 Chorzow, Poland
dInstitute of Chemistry, University of Silesia, Szkolna 9, 40-006 Katowice, Poland
First published on 21st November 2019
Broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS), combined with the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques, was used to study the dynamics of the primary (α) relaxation process and slow mode (SM), as well as structural properties and intermolecular interactions, in the methyl-, isopropyl-, hexyl-, and benzyl derivative of a well-known pharmaceutical, ibuprofen (IBU). Unexpectedly, the XRD and FTIR methods revealed the formation of medium-range ordering together with some molecular organization, which probably leads to the creation of small aggregates at the scale of several microns at lower temperatures. Moreover, high pressure dielectric experiments revealed that the SM (observed in the ambient pressure data) is not detected in the loss spectra of compressed IBU esters, which is consistent with the results reported previously for propylene carbonate and dioxolane derivatives. This finding can be interpreted as connected to either the comparable time scale of the structural dynamics and slow mode or suppression of the motions responsible for the latter process at elevated pressure. Additionally, it was found that the pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature (dTg/dp) and activation volume (ΔV) change with molecular weight (Mw) in a non-monotonic way. It might be related to various chemical structures, conformations, and intermolecular interactions, as well as different architecture of supramolecular aggregates in the investigated compounds.
Interestingly, recently, it has been shown that the slow mode (SM – a process that is observed at a lower frequency with respect to the α-relaxation), not always satisfying the criteria of Debye relaxation, can be detected in typical van der Waals liquids as well. Typical examples of those are derivatives of propylene carbonate (PC), and dioxolanes having alkyl chains of different lengths attached to the ring structure.12,13 Moreover, a similar situation has been found in modified ibuprofens.36 In this context, it is worth stressing that in the native ibuprofen (IBU), the presence of the low amplitude Debye process was linked with the dimers’ reorientation. However, further theoretical studies by Affouard and Correia,37 followed by experimental investigations by Adrjanowicz et al.,38 revealed that this process originates from the torsion rotations of polar carboxylic (OC–O–H) groups. Therefore, it is more likely connected to the conformational variation between the synperiplanar (cis) and antiperiplanar (trans) position in the side chain, while the HBs only affect the dynamics and the time scale of this motion. Note that recently we have also examined the impact of various substituents (R) characterized by different molar mass on the activation barrier and time scale of the rotation around the O
C–O–R moiety.36
In this paper, we have continued the investigations on the molecular dynamics of ibuprofen and its ester derivatives at high pressure with special attention put on the behavior of the structural and SM processes under these conditions. In this context, it is worth stressing that in the literature one can find a lot of articles reporting the investigation of the dynamics of the Debye process in monohydroxy alcohols at high compression, while there are only two studies focused on the examination of the impact of pressure on the dynamics of the SM in typical van der Waals liquids, i.e., PC and dioxolane derivatives.12,13 Herein, we show that analogously to the results reported for the two mentioned van der Waals systems, the SM in IBU esters is not observed at high pressure anymore. What is more, based on the collected diffractograms and infrared spectra, we demonstrate that some medium-range intermolecular arrangement occurs in these compounds. Additionally, we reveal a non-monotonic variation in the pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature (dTg/dp), as well as the activation volume (ΔV), with respect to the molecular weight (Mw) that can be assigned to differences in the chemical structures, molecular conformations, and intermolecular interactions, as well as the possible formation of supramolecular aggregates in the examined systems.
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Scheme 1 The chemical structures of ibuprofen and its ester derivatives (image taken from ref. 36). |
For dielectric measurements at elevated pressure, we used a high-pressure chamber with a special homemade flat parallel capacitor. Thin Teflon spacers were applied to maintain a fixed distance between the plates. The sample capacitor was sealed and covered carefully with Teflon tape to separate it from the silicon liquid. The pressure was measured using a Honeywell tensometric meter with a resolution of 1 MPa. The temperature was adjusted with a precision of 0.1 K using a refrigerated and heating Huber circulator. The complex dielectric permittivity was measured within a frequency range from 10−2 up to 106 Hz.
Fig. 1a presents the diffractograms collected for the crystalline and supercooled IBU, as well as supercooled Met-IBU, Iso-IBU, Hex-IBU, and Ben-IBU. As can be seen, the diffraction patterns of the supercooled API and its esters show two common significant features, a pronounced principal broad maximum and a pre-peak at smaller scattering vectors. The main maximum of the diffraction patterns arises from the short-range order between neighboring molecules. From the main-peak position around Q = 1.25 Å−1, an average spatial repeat distance between molecules of approximately 5 Å can be estimated. The position of the pre-peak at around Q = 0.45 Å−1 involves a spatial distance d = 2π/Q of approximately 14 Å, much longer than that, which may be attributed to the averaged nearest intermolecular distance. It indicates the presence of intermediate-range order. To get a better insight into the nature of this potential order, a comparison with the diffraction pattern of the crystalline API reference is useful (Fig. 1a). The diffraction pattern of IBUcryst is characterized by the first (100) Bragg peak, whose position coincides very well with that of the pre-peak. The crystal structure of IBU is monoclinic P21/c with four molecules per unit cell.42 The performed Rietveld refinement of crystalline ibuprofen at 293 K (details in the ESI†) provided the values of the lattice parameters a = 14.5779(9) Å, b = 7.8676(0) Å, c = 10.6836(3) Å, and β = 99.7°. These four molecules in the unit cell form two dimers, each comprising a chiral molecule H-bonded to its mirror image across a center of inversion. The H-bonds, as well as the methyl groups of the IBU molecules, form planes, as shown in Fig. 1b. The pre-peak related to the repeating distance 14 Å matches the length 14.6 Å, which is roughly equal to that separating such planes along the a-axis. Therefore, the pre-peak in supercooled IBU can correspond to the clusters of molecules locally associated with HBs.
The studied API derivatives show very similar diffraction peaks to supercooled IBU, slightly shifted in the positions. For Met-IBU, Iso-IBU, and Ben-IBU, the pre-peak is less pronounced than for IBU and Hex-IBU. It is worth noting that a similar pre-peak feature was observed in the case of primary alcohols40,41 and was interpreted as related to the creation of H-bonded supramolecular clusters. Based on this knowledge and our direct experimental observations, one can suppose that the formation of small supramolecular clusters occurs in the examined herein IBU-based systems. The pre-peak may be a signature of pair correlations between these associated molecular assemblies. Since further insight into the potential nature of the molecular organization of IBU esters can be gained from FTIR measurements, we have also performed such experiments in a wider temperature range (Troom–Tg).
The measured spectra, presented in Fig. 2 and Fig. S2 (ESI†), show the absorption bands characteristic for IBU derivatives. As illustrated, the position of most bands and their intensities change slightly with decreasing temperature. In the range of 3600–2600 cm−1, at T = 293 K, strong peaks attributed to CH3, CH2, and CH stretching vibrations are visible. At lower T, the increase in the intensity of a band between 3400 and 3100 cm−1 is noticeable; the integrated absorbance in this region increases continuously during cooling. Such a scenario may indicate the growing role of interactions of the HB type. However, simultaneous analysis of the temperature dependence of the position of CO (potential H-bond acceptor) and C–H (potential H-bond donor) vibrations along with a constant shape of these bands ruled out such a possibility. In this context, it is worth emphasizing that small red shifts of the C
O (ca. 4 cm−1) stretching vibration band positions upon lowering the temperature were observed. Interestingly, a similar spectral effect has been reported for phenyl salicylate (salol).43 In this particular case, the authors considered the conformational variation as well as the delocalization of electrons in the ester moiety and varying stiffness of the C
O unit to be responsible for that. Therefore, the same explanation can be used for the examined IBU esters, especially when we take into account the data reported in ref. 44 and the change in the spectral features of bands occurring in the frequency range 1400–1200 cm−1 – Fig. S2 (ESI†) – (assigned to the bending vibrations of the aliphatic (Met, Iso, and Hex) or aromatic (Ben) units of IBU derivatives), indicating conformational reorganization of IBU derivatives upon cooling.45 To explain the peculiar increase in the intensity of the band at higher wavenumbers (>3000 cm−1), further optical studies at lower temperatures have been carried out. These measurements revealed clear turbidity of the sample occurring during the temperature drop. This effect was the most prominent in the case of Hex-IBU. One can suppose that the decrease in IR radiation transmission, observed in the spectral range of 3400–3100 cm−1 (which corresponds to a wavelength of ca. 3 μm), is most likely related to the increase in the scattering of photons on objects having a size comparable to the wavelength. As a consequence, the turbidity of the sample at lower T is noted. Therefore, infrared investigations supported by the optical studies performed on IBU derivatives indicated some structure reorganization, which probably leads to the formation of multiple aggregates on the scale of several microns by these materials.
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Fig. 2 Infrared spectra of the investigated esters measured at T = 293 K and the glass transition temperature (Tg) of each sample in the 3600–2500 cm−1 frequency range. |
The unusual temperature behavior observed in the FTIR spectra of the examined compounds motivated us to perform additional X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements at low temperature (T = 223 K). Results obtained for one of the IBU derivatives (Hex-IBU) are presented in Fig. 3. As can be seen, the main peak position clearly shifts to greater values due to cooling, indicating smaller distances between molecules and denser packing due to less thermal motion. There is also an increase in the intensity of the main peak at lower T caused by attenuated thermal movement of molecules like the Debye–Waller factor predicts. Surprisingly, the position of the pre-peak does not change significantly with decreasing temperature. Such behavior may originate from different geometrical properties of supramolecular clusters, and it leads to the assumption that the molecules exhibit various compressibility in different directions and medium-range structuring beyond the usual short-range order.
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Fig. 3 Comparison of the X-ray diffraction patterns for the supercooled hexyl derivative of ibuprofen (Hex-IBUsup) at T = 293 K and T = 223 K. |
Thus, both methods used hitherto (XRD and FTIR) revealed the occurrence of medium-range intermolecular organization in the considered IBU derivatives that seems to be enhanced due to the formation of local structuring on the micron-scale at low temperatures.
Considering the results described above, one could suppose that there might be a possible connection between the pre-peak and slow mode in IBU/IBU esters. However, this issue is very complex and is a matter of intensive debate. In this context, one can recall the monohydroxy alcohols, where both the pre-peak and SM were detected, while in the case of metatoluidine46 and Ben-IBU a medium range order was found, but there was no additional slower relaxation process in the loss spectra. In this place, it is also worth adding that the temperature evolution of the relaxation times of the Debye process in native IBU followed VFT-like behavior, while those of the SM in IBU esters were rather of Arrhenius type.36 Although, it must be stressed that since the SM has been covered by the α-relaxation relatively fast, it was observed only in a very narrow range of temperatures and frequencies. Consequently, we were not able to estimate the temperature dependences of τSM around Tg. Therefore, at the moment, it is difficult to settle unquestionably what is the real molecular origin of the SM in IBU and its derivatives and whether the same molecular motions underlie this process in the investigated compounds.
In the next step, we have carried out additional extensive high pressure dielectric measurements on the considered IBU esters. One of the aims of these investigations was to find out whether similarly to the case of dioxolane and PC derivatives the slow relaxation process will be suppressed at high compression.12,13 In Fig. 4, representative dielectric loss spectra of two selected esters: Met-IBU (panels (a) and (b)) and Ben-IBU (panels (c) and (d)), measured at the indicated temperatures (T > Tg) and pressures (p > pg; where pg is a glass transition pressure) are presented. Analogous spectra registered for Iso-IBU and Hex-IBU are shown in Fig. S3 (ESI†), while for native IBU in Fig. 1 in ref. 47. In the supercooled liquid state of all examined esters, a well-pronounced structural (primary, α)-process originating from the cooperative motions of the molecules is observed. As illustrated, the maxima of α-loss peaks are shifting toward lower frequencies with increasing pressure (panels (b) and (d)), and decreasing temperature (panels (a) and (c)). It should be stressed that due to the strong contribution of dc conductivity to the measured data, we decided to subtract it from the loss spectra.
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Fig. 4 Representative dielectric loss spectra measured for two IBU derivatives: Met-IBU (panels (a) and (b)) and Ben-IBU (panels (c) and (d)) under the indicated T and p conditions. |
As a further part of our investigations, we have compared dielectric spectra collected at ambient and elevated pressure close to the glass transition points (the maxima of α-loss peaks near 1 Hz). Fig. 5 shows the normalized dielectric data recorded for each ester. As can be observed, the shape of the structural relaxation remains constant independent of the T and p conditions. It indicates that the Temperature–Pressure-Superposition (TPS) rule is satisfied. Such behavior is typical for van der Waals liquids.48,49 However, it should be noted that Adrjanowicz et al.47 and Bras et al.50 reported that the mentioned rule is also fulfilled for the native IBU. It was explained by the tendency of this API to form dimeric structures, whose population is weakly affected by density fluctuations. What is more, similar observations were also found for other low-molecular-weight substances creating small H-bonded supramolecular aggregates (dimeric, trimeric, etc.).51–55 It is quite unusual with regard to the general observation that for most associated liquids, due to the variation in the strength and population of HBs under different thermodynamic conditions, the TPS rule breaks down.56–58
Further, we have focused on the behavior of an additional slower relaxation process (SM) at higher compression. For this purpose, the normalized dielectric loss spectra registered for Met-, Iso-, and Hex-IBU under various thermodynamic conditions, for which the maximum of the structural process was around fmax ≈ 1 MHz, were compared. Herein, it should be mentioned that our ambient pressure data36 indicated that the SM in the examined compounds is observed only when the structural relaxation times are very short (τα < 10−4 s). With lowering temperature, the slow and α modes tend to merge. Consequently, in the vicinity of Tg, only the structural process is visible at p = 0.1 MPa. Additionally, these studies revealed that the position (and shape) of the SM depends on the chemical structure of the investigated compound – it shifts toward lower frequencies with increasing size of the substituent attached to the carboxyl group. However, this relaxation is not present in the benzyl derivative of IBU due to the low mobility of this material. At first sight (Fig. 6), it can be noticed that at high pressures the SM disappears in all the considered IBU esters. Interestingly, the obtained results are consistent with the data published for a series of PC and dioxolane derivatives,12,13 where the additional slow relaxation also vanished at high compression. To better illustrate the discussed phenomenon, we fitted the loss spectra collected at elevated pressure (Fig. 6) by one Havriliak–Negami (HN) function with an additional term describing the conductivity contribution:
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To fully characterize the molecular dynamics of all the studied IBU esters, structural relaxation times, τα, obtained from the analysis of dielectric data using eqn (1) (recalculated from τHN according to the formula in ref. 19) have been plotted versus T and p. The smooth surfaces formed by these data within the ranges of the investigated pressures and temperatures were subsequently fitted to the modified Avramov equation:59
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Fig. 7 α-Relaxation times of two representative IBU esters: Met-IBU (a) and Ben-IBU (b) plotted versus temperature (T) and pressure (p). Red and violet areas represent surface fits to eqn (2). |
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T r | α 0 | C/Cp0 | Π | β | |
IBU | −9.90 | 224.7 | 6.71 | 0.041 | 271.79 | 1.77 |
Met-IBU | −9.43 | 184.1 | 7.31 | 0.063 | 439.14 | 2.71 |
Iso-IBU | −9.51 | 180.1 | 7.29 | 0.001 | 253.40 | 2.24 |
Hex-IBU | −8.51 | 172.2 | 6.83 | 0.081 | 282.02 | 1.66 |
Ben-IBU | −9.20 | 199.9 | 7.97 | 0.001 | 471.76 | 3.27 |
Afterward, we calculated the pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature (dTg/dp) for the examined IBU derivatives, as well as the native API. For this purpose, Tg (defined herein as the temperature at which τα is equal to 100 s), determined under different pressure conditions, was plotted versus pg in panel (a) of Fig. 8. Subsequently, we applied the following expression, which was derived from eqn (2):60
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
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Fig. 8 T g plotted versus pg for IBU and its derivatives (a). The solid lines are the best fits to eqn (5). Activation volume (ΔV) calculated for the studied esters as a function of the structural relaxation time, τα (b). The insets present dTg/dp and ΔV values plotted versus molecular weight (Mw) of the investigated substances. Data for native IBU were taken from ref. 47. |
The obtained values of dTg/dp are presented in Table 2. Additionally, they were plotted versus molecular weight in the inset to Fig. 8a. As illustrated, for all samples, the structural dynamics is sensitive to pressure. However, there is no clear connection between the dTg/dp values and Mw of the examined compounds. In this context, one can mention that in the case of H-bonded systems, the pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature increases monotonically (e.g., polypropylene glycols, PGs48) or varies only slightly (e.g., polyalcohols61) with the molecular weight of the sample. After removing the HBs, one can rather expect the monotonic dependence of dTg/dp vs. Mw. However, such a scenario is not observed for the considered IBU esters. As can be seen in the inset to Fig. 8a, the sensitivity of the native IBU and its isopropyl derivative (Iso-IBU) to compression is greater than the other esters. For IBU, the high value of this parameter can be explained by the fact that this API forms dimers connected by strong H-bonds. In turn, it is difficult to interpret the obtained high value of dTg/dp in the case of Iso-IBU.
Molecular formula | Molecular weight, Mw [g mol−1] | dTg/dp [K GPa−1] | Density, d [g cm−3] | Molar volume, Vm [cm3 mol−1] | Activation volume, ΔV [cm3 mol−1] | |
IBU | C13H18O2 | 206.28 | 214.0 | 1.030 | 200.3 | 343.8 |
Met-IBU | C14H20O2 | 220.31 | 156.0 | 0.970 | 227.1 | 245.5 |
Iso-IBU | C16H24O2 | 248.36 | 217.0 | 0.935 | 265.6 | 352.3 |
Hex-IBU | C19H30O2 | 290.44 | 148.4 | 0.930 | 312.3 | 204.7 |
Ben-IBU | C20H24O2 | 296.40 | 173.9 | 1.015 | 292.0 | 293.8 |
As a final point of our studies, we estimated the activation volume, ΔV, for all the studied herein compounds. This parameter describes the sensitivity of the structural dynamics to pressure changes and in the light of transition state theory62 is defined as the difference between the volume occupied by a molecule in activated and non-activated states (Va − Vs).
ΔV can be easily calculated from the dependence logταversus p using the following expression:
![]() | (7) |
However, herein, the values of ΔV (defined according to eqn (7)) under various T and ambient pressure conditions were obtained directly from the surface fits of the Avramov approach. Next, they were plotted versus structural relaxation time in Fig. 8b (main panel). As illustrated, ΔV increases with τα, which is typical behavior for low- (H-bonded, van der Waals) and high-molecular weight compounds.55,63–65 It is due to the fact that with increasing size of cooperatively reorienting molecules upon cooling towards Tg, a larger space is required for such motions.
Since in many papers published so far, a strong interdependence between the activation volume (ΔV) and molecular weight (Mw), as well as molar volume (Vm), was found for some low- and high-molecular weight glass formers,54,63,66 we decided to test this relationship in the case of the examined IBU derivatives. In the inset to Fig. 8b, the dependence of ΔV (calculated at p = 0.1 MPa at Tg) versus molecular weight (Mw) is presented. As illustrated, the activation volume, like the pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature, changes with Mw in a non-monotonic way. Interestingly, the obtained behavior is different from that reported in the literature for various types of materials: van der Waals (e.g., BMPC, and BMMPC)48 and H-bonded (e.g., series of polyalcohols,61 and PPGs and their derivatives67) systems, as well as polymers (e.g., polymethylphenylsiloxanes68), where the systematic increase of ΔV with increasing Mw was observed. To understand the unusual dependency between the activation volume and molecular weight in IBU esters, we decided to compare ΔV with the values of molar volume (Vm) calculated for each of the examined compounds using the following formula: . Interestingly, as illustrated in Table 2, the values of ΔV and Vm are similar for Met-IBU and Ben-IBU. In turn, there is a significant discrepancy between both parameters for the native IBU as well as its hexyl and isopropyl derivatives (ΔV − Vm = 143.5, 107.6, and 86.7 cm3 mol−1, respectively). In the case of IBU, it can be easily explained by the fact that this compound forms strong H-bonded dimeric aggregates.50 Therefore, the real molecular volume of such dimeric structures is more or less two times higher with respect to the single IBU molecules. In turn, one can suppose that the quite large disagreement between ΔV and Vm for Hex-IBU and Iso-IBU (especially for the first one) may be due to the enhanced ability to form supramolecular structures as revealed from XRD investigations on these compounds. However, it must be stressed that IBU and its esters should be considered as five different molecules, which differ from each other not only in the chemical structures, but also molecular interactions, conformations and possibly the architecture of aggregates. Therefore, it is very difficult to expect a monotonic variation of dTg/dp and ΔV versus Mw, as is usually reported for polymers.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9cp04886c |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2020 |