Ahmed S.
Michel W.
Per O. Å.
a and
aThin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University, SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden. E-mail:;
bPlansee Composite Materials GmbH, Lechbruck, 86983 Germany
cDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
First published on 9th December 2020
A vacancy-ordered MXene, Mo1.33CTz, obtained from the selective etching of Al and Sc from the parent i-MAX phase (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC has previously shown excellent properties for supercapacitor applications. Attempts to synthesize the same MXene from another precursor, (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC, have not been able to match its forerunner. Herein, we show that the use of an AlY2.3 alloy instead of elemental Al and Y for the synthesis of (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC i-MAX, results in a close to 70% increase in sample purity due to the suppression of the main secondary phase, Mo3Al2C. Furthermore, through a modified etching procedure, we obtain a Mo1.33CTz MXene of high structural quality and improve the yield by a factor of 6 compared to our previous efforts. Free-standing films show high volumetric (1308 F cm−3) and gravimetric (436 F g−1) capacitances and a high stability (98% retention) at the level of, or even beyond, those reported for the Mo1.33CTz MXene produced from the Sc-based i-MAX. These results are of importance for the realization of high quality MXenes through use of more abundant elements (Y vs. Sc), while also reducing waste (impurity) material and facilitating the synthesis of a high-performance material for applications.
Their 2D counterparts, MXenes, are 2D transition metal carbides and/or nitrides produced by selective etching of the A element, typically Al, from the MAX phases.15 MXenes have the general formula Mn+1XnTz, where T stands for surface terminating groups (–O, –OH, –F and/or –Cl)16–19 that replaces the A layer upon etching. To date, MXenes have shown promise for a wide range of applications, including energy storage,20,21 hydrogen evolution,22–24 photocatalysis,25 CO2 reduction,26 CO2 capture,27 electromagnetic shielding,28 water purification,29,30 and biomedical applications31 among many others. In addition, they can be used as transparent conducting electrodes,32 gas sensors and biosensors.33
Several methods have been reported for MXenes synthesis, most of which selectively etch the Al layers from an Al-containing, parent MAX phase. A common etchant is hydrofluoric acid (HF), that results in multilayered, ML, MXenes. The latter are subsequently intercalated with polar aprotic solvents such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)34 or organic bases, such as tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH).35 This step delaminates the ML's into single or few flakes after shaking or sonication.
Another widely used method to produce MXene single sheets, especially Ti3C2Tz, without the aid of an intercalant, involves etching of the A layer by a mixture of lithium fluoride (LiF) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution.36 Other methods have been reported recently, including mixing HF with other acids, such as HNO3,37 using fluorine-containing organic solvents,64 or by a reaction between the MAX phase and molten salts, such as ZnCl2, where the Zn replaces the A layer and is subsequently removed using HCl.38
Most recently, it has been reported that the MAX phase structure and properties strongly influence the quality of the resulting MXene. In the case of Ti3C2Tz, precursors synthetized using three carbon sources (graphite, carbon lampblack and TiC) resulted in MAX phases of different purities and MXenes of different qualities and properties.39 Hence, targeting high quality MXene starts with tailoring of MAX phase precursor.
The MAX phases can be alloyed on the M,40,41 A40,42 and/or X40,43 sites, typically forming disordered solid solutions. Recently, however, chemically ordering in quaternary MAX phases has been shown for M-site alloying.13 Two types of ordering have been demonstrated: out-of-plane (o-MAX) and in-plane (i-MAX). The o-MAX phases have n = 2 or 3, such as Mo2TiAlC2 and Mo2Ti2AlC2, where Mo occupies the M-element layers closest to Al, and Ti the layers sandwiched between the carbon layers.44 In contrast, i-MAX phases, with n = 1, are chemically ordered in the basal plane, such as (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC, where the ratio between the two M elements is 2:
1.45 Unlike the conventional MAX phases with P63/mmc symmetry, the i-MAX phases crystallize with in the (C2/c), (C2/m) or (Cmcm) symmetry, with the A-element forming a Kagomé-like lattice.45,46 When etching the i-MAX phases to obtain their MXenes, the minority M-element is typically removed along with the A element, resulting in ordered vacancies.47 For example, etching (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC results in the removal of both Sc and Al, producing a vacancy-ordered Mo1.33CTz MXene.48 To date, there has been 32 experimentally reported i-MAX phases, and two vacancy-ordered MXenes: Mo1.33CTz and W1.33CTz.24,48 Another variation on this scheme is the idea of “targeted etching”, in which an i-MAX phase can be etched to either remove the minority M element, in addition to the A-layers, or not remove the former. An example of this approach is (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC.49
The introduction of vacancies, ordered or otherwise, can enhance the specific charge stored on supercapacitor electrodes and hydrogen evolution applications.24,48,50,51 A good example is Mo1.33CTz, produced by etching of Al and Sc from (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC. After etching, volumetric capacitances of ≈1150 F cm−3 before annealing48 and 1635 F cm−3 after annealing in Ar52 were obtained. The latter is the highest MXene volumetric capacitance reported to date. Fueled by these remarkable properties, several studies have been dedicated to fundamental investigations of Mo1.33CTz53,54 as well as its performance in various applications.50,51,55
The main drawback of the Sc-containing MAX phase is the cost and availability of Sc.56 To address this problem, we previously synthesized the corresponding MXene starting with the Y-containing i-MAX phase, (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC.49 And while the synthesis was successful, the yields and quality of the resulting MXene were low.
The purpose of this paper is to report on a new method to synthesize (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC that results in higher MXene yield and quality. Instead of starting with elemental Y we started with an AlY2.3 alloy, greatly increasing the yield. To demonstrate the quality of the resulting MXene, we fabricated supercapacitor electrodes and showed them to be as good as their counterparts made with the much rarer element, Sc.
Fig. 2a shows the Rietveld refinement of a typical X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[AlY]. Fig. 2b shows the corresponding pattern as reported in ref. 45 in which we started with elemental powders, henceforth referred to as (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[Y]. According to the Rietveld refinement (see details in ESI Tables S1 and S2†), the amount of the i-MAX phase increased from 45 to 75 wt% for (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[AlY] compared to (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[Y]. Concomitantly, the wt% of Mo3Al2C is reduced from 31.4% to 4.5%. It follows that starting with AlY2.3 increased the purity of the requisite phase.
The particle morphology of the (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[AlY] sample is shown in the SEM micrograph in Fig. 2c. The particle size, obtained from an average of more than 20 particles identified using SEM and EDX, is 15.5 ± 5.0 μm, which is in the same range as that obtained using the conventional synthesis method. Like in our previous work, the symmetry of crystal structure of the main phase was confirmed by both STEM (Fig. 2d and S1†) and Rietveld refinement analysis of the XRD pattern (Fig. 2a) to be monoclinic (C2/c). Further structural confirmation was performed by obtaining the HRSTEM images of the sample viewed in three in-plane crystallographic directions. The HRSTEM image (Fig. 2d) shows the i-MAX phase from the [110] orientation, also shown in the schematic in Fig. 1. The in-plane ordering of Mo and Y is evident, with the minority element, Y, being closer to the Al-layers. The latter is rearranged into a Kagomé-like order, which causes the alternating strong/weak contrast of every second Al column.45 HRSTEM images for two other orientations can be found in ESI.† The lattice parameters a, b, c were calculated from the Rietveld refinement analysis of the XRD pattern (Fig. 2a) to be 9.54 Å, 5.52 Å and 14.07 Å, respectively. The β angle was calculated to be 103.56°, which is in agreement with our previous work (see ESI†).
When typical XRD patterns of (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[AlY] and a free-standing film of d-Mo1.33CTz(AlY) are compared (Fig. 3a), the disappearance of the (0002) peak of the i-MAX (lower, black) and the appearance of two (0002) peaks at lower 2-Theta for the free-standing film (upper, red), is obvious. These patterns are very typical of the MAX to MXene conversion, which results in an increase in the interlayer spacing d, d = c/2, from 7.05 Å to 8.95 (first peak), and 17.8 Å. The d increase from the first to the second peak, ≈8.9 Å, is most probably due to the intercalation of TBA+ and/or water molecules between the MLs.35,57
The chemical formula of our free-standing film, obtained from XPS analysis (Fig. S3, Tables S3 and S4†), is Mo1.33Y0.05CO1.1(OH)0.4F0.4·0.5H2Oads. This formula is comparable to that of our previous work, viz. Mo1.2Y0.01C(OH)0.4F0.40.3H2Oads.49 In both cases, the molar sum of the terminations, z, is slightly less than 2 (Fig. 3b). For details of the XPS analysis, see ESI.†
Fig. 3c is a picture of our free-standing film, clearly showing a flexibility that is superior to that of Mo1.33CTz[Y]. We ascribe the difference to the improved quality of the MXene synthesized here. A cross-sectional SEM micrograph showing the typical morphology of free-standing MXene films, ≈7.5 μm thick, is shown in Fig. 3d.
Overview STEM images acquired from d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] flakes (Fig. 3e and S2†) show the undulating appearance of a vacancy-ordered MXene, even more evident from the higher-magnification STEM image in Fig. 3f. These images demonstrate that our MXene has the same structure as the typical Mo1.33CTz derived from (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC i-MAX,48 labelled herein Mo1.33CTz[Sc]. It is important to note here that the size of the “pristine” regions – as measured by the average distance between larger pores – is larger here than in our previous work. Based on Fig. 3e, the average distance between the large pores is ≈5 nm. In our previous work that distance was closer to 2 nm. It follows that the etching procedure used herein is less aggressive.
Altogether, the results above show that we can synthesize a vacancy-ordered Mo1.33CTz MXene from (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC, where we not only improve the sample purity of the precursor material by a modified synthesis process, but also increase the MXene yield 3 and 6 times, compared to when we started with (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC and (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC, respectively. This is crucial from an application perspective, allowing a retained high quality of the material while reducing the cost, both through use of more abundant elements and through reduced waste material (impurity phases).
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Fig. 4 Electrochemical performance of d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] 7.5 μm thick electrodes, with a 2.1 mg cm−2 mass loading, in 1 M H2SO4 solution: (a) cyclic voltammograms at scan rates of 10 mV s−1, (b) potential (U) capacitance profiles at applied current densities of 0.5 (black), 1 (red) 3 (blue), 5 (orange) and 10 (purple) A g−1, (c) capacitance (red line), capacitance retention (black line) and coulombic efficiency (blue line) as a function of cycle number during long-term cycling at a current density of 10 A g−1, (d) comparison of variations of gravimetric capacitance with logarithm of scan rates for d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] electrodes (red diamonds), d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] (black square), and d-Mo1.33CTz[Y] previously reported data (blue circles).48,49 |
The results of constant current measurements (Fig. 4b) were consistent with our CV results. The free-standing electrodes delivered discharge capacitances of ≈436, 345, 202, 155, and 116 F g−1 at current densities of 0.5, 1, 3, 5, and 10 A g−1, respectively. With a measured film density of ≈3.0 g cm−3, the respective volumetric capacitances are ≈1308, 1035, 606, 465, and 348 F cm−3. The latter results reflect the good rate capability of the electrodes. For example, when the current density was raised by factor of 20, the capacitance retention was about 27%. Moreover, the coulombic efficiency varied between 98% to 100% at low (0.5 A g−1) and high (20 A g−1) current densities, respectively. One possible reason for the slightly lower coulombic efficiency at low applied current densities, can be a parasitic hydrogen evolution reaction which requires longer time to occur due to relatively slow reaction kinetics.51
After 10000 cycles, at a current density of 10 A g−1, 98% of the initial capacity was retained (Fig. 4c). The latter result exceeds our previously reported retentions for the d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] and d-Mo1.33CTz[Y] films, which displayed a capacitance retentions of ≈84% (after 10
000 cycles) and 97% (after 5000 cycles), respectively.48,49
To probe the quality of our MXene flakes, we fabricated d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] free-standing films (6 μm thick, density 3.5 g cm−3) with the same loading as a d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] film, 2.1 mg cm−2, see the Experimental section below for the synthesis details. Fig. 4d compares the electrochemical performance of d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] (red diamonds) and d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] (black square) electrodes, as well as the data reported previously for d-Mo1.33CTz[Y] (blue circles).49 As can be seen from Fig. 4d, the d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] electrodes (morphology shown in the SEM image in Fig. S4†) reported in this study possessed the best electrochemical performance in terms of specific gravimetric capacitance as well as rate capabilities. These observations can be explained by the d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] film being less dense than that of d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc], resulting in an increased interfacial surface accessed by the electrolyte ions (H+) and hence an increased measured capacitance. The CVs at different scan rates for d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] are shown in Fig. S6c and d,† while the comparison of the CVs at scanning rates 2, 10 and 1000 mV s−1 between d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] and d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] films are displayed in Fig. S7a, b and c,† respectively. The volumetric capacitance for the d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] and d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] films (see Fig. S4†) displayed a trend comparable to that for the gravimetric capacitance, with the exception of the low rate performance; there the volumetric capacitance of d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] was higher than d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY], owing to the different densities of the films.
The electrochemical performance of the d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] electrodes was further improved by using a 3 M H2SO4 electrolytic solution (see Fig. S8†). The d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] electrodes delivered discharge capacitance of about 245, 200, 153, 127, and 47 F g−1 at current densities of 3, 5, 10, 20, and 100 A g−1, respectively. With a measured density of ≈3.0 g cm−3, the respective volumetric capacitances were ≈735, 600, 460, 381, and 141 F cm−3. After 40000 cycles, at a current density of 20 A g−1, 98% of the initial capacity was retained (Fig. S5†). This improvement can be attributed to the increased ionic conductivity; however, the coulombic efficiency at low rate was decreased, possibly due to the increased probability for hydrogen evolution. Consequently, 3 M H2SO4 can be used as the electrolyte in high rate applications and 1 M H2SO4 can be used as the electrolyte in low rate applications.
The results presented here open the door for using (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC, instead of (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC, to produce vacancy-ordered Mo1.33CTz MXene with matching or even improved yield, quality, and performance. The importance of these findings can be expressed in terms of reduced waste material, lowered cost, use of more abundant elements, and higher applicability.
For delamination, 1 g of the ML powder was added to 5 ml of an aqueous solution of 54–56 wt% TBAOH (Sigma Aldrich, Sweden). The mixture was hand-shaken for 5 min, and then washed 3 times by 40 ml deaerated DI water each time. Subsequently, 50 ml of deaerated DI water was added to the intercalated powder and hand-shaken for 5 min, followed by centrifugation at 2500 rpm for 30 min. The resultant supernatant, containing delaminated single or few layer Mo1.33CTz[AlY] flakes at a concentration of 3 mg ml−1, was vacuum-filtered onto a nanoporous polypropylene membrane (3501 Coated PP, 0.064 μm pore size, Celgard, LLC, USA) forming a flexible free-standing film. The d-Mo1.33CTz[Sc] free-standing film was synthetized using the method described previously in ref. 45.
Further imaging of (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[AlY] i-MAX particles and single flakes of d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] MXene was performed using a STEM combined with high angle annular dark field imaging in a double-corrected Linköping FEI Titan3 60–300, operated at 300 kV. A Cu grid, supporting amorphous carbon films, was used to prepare the i-MAX TEM sample by drop casting a DI water suspension containing i-MAX particles on the Cu grid. In the case of the d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] MXene, TEM sample, the MXene colloidal suspension was drop cast onto a Cu grid. To reduce noise, combined Wiener and ABSF filtering of the HRSTEM images was applied using the HRTEM filter plugin for Digital Micrograph.60
X-Ray diffraction patterns for the i-MAX phase samples and free-standing d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] films were obtained using a PANalytical X'Pert powder diffractometer with a Cu source (λKα ≈ 1.54 Å). A graded Bragg–Brentano HD, with a 1/4° divergent and 1/2° anti-scatter slits was used in the incident beam side, and a 5 mm anti-scatter slit with a Soller slit (with an opening of 0.04 radian) was used in the diffracted beam side. A continuous scan with step size of 0.008° with a 40 s time per step was performed on the samples.
The XRD patterns of the (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[AlY] and (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC[Y] powders were analyzed by the Rietveld refinement method, using the FULLPROF code.61,62 Refined parameters were the scale factors, from which the relative phase fractions were evaluated, X and Y profile parameters for peak width, lattice parameters (LPs) and atomic positions for all phases. The background was refined via a 6-coefficient polynomial function.
XPS measurements of the d-Mo1.33CTz[AlY] free-standing film were carried out using a surface analysis system (Kratos AXIS UltraDLD, Manchester, U.K.) with monochromatic Al-Kα X-ray (1486.6 eV) radiation. The sample was mounted on a double-sided tape and grounded to the sample stage with copper contacts. The X-ray beam irradiated the sample surface at an angle of 45°, with respect to the surface and provided an X-ray spot of ≈300 × 800 μm. Charge neutralization was performed using a co-axial, low energy (∼0.1 eV) electron flood source to avoid shifts in the recorded binding energy (BE). XPS spectra were recorded for F 1s, O 1s, C 1s, Al 2p, Mo 3d and Y 3d. The analyzer pass energy used for all the regions was 20 eV with a step size of 0.1 eV. The BE scale of all XPS spectra was referenced to the Fermi-edge (EF), which was set to a BE of zero eV. The peak fitting was carried out using CasaXPS Version 2.3.16 RP 1.6 in the same manner as in ref. 57 and 63. The global elemental percentage was quantified as in ref. 57 and 63.
Additional experiments were performed using a 3 M H2SO4 solution. For volumetric capacitance calculations, the density of the MXene film was deduced from the film thickness and its mass was found to be 2.8–3.0 g cm−3.
The charge/discharge capacitance (F g−1) was determined by integrating the anodic/cathodic charge portions in the cyclic voltammograms using the relation:
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0nr07045a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |