Iván A. Ramosa,
L. M. León Hilario*a,
María L. Pedanob and
Andres A. Reynoso
aFacultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Apartado 31-139, Av. Túpac Amaru 210, Lima, Perú. E-mail: mleon@uni.edu.pe
bCentro Atómico Bariloche & Instituto Balseiro, Instituto de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, CNEA-CONICET, Av. Bustillo 9500, Bariloche, Argentina. E-mail: reynoso@cab.cnea.gov.ar
First published on 3rd March 2021
Illuminated gapped-gold-nanorod dimers hold surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) that can be engineered, by an appropriate choice of geometrical parameters, to enhance the electromagnetic field at the gap, allowing applications in molecular detection via surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Envisioning hybrid devices in which the SERS spectroscopy of molecules in the gap is complemented by electrical measurements, it arises the question of designing efficient geometries to contact the nanorods without decreasing the enhancement factor (EF) of the nanoantenna, i.e., the figure of merit for SERS spectroscopy. Within this framework we theoretically study the feasibility to fabricate designs based on covering with gold the far-from-the-gap areas of the dimer. We show that by tuning the geometrical parameters of the designs these systems can reach enhancement factors larger than the best achieved in the uncovered dimer: this supremacy survives even in the presence of dimer asymmetries and vacancies at the interfaces between the nanorods and the covering layers. Our results show that geometrical modifications away from the gap can improve the optical response at the gap, thus enabling the use of these devices both for hybrid and optical applications.
In previous works, the effects of the geometrical parameters of gold gapped nanorods on the EF at the gap were studied theoretically and experimentally.17 The SERS intensity at the gap of these structures has a periodic dependence on the length of the gold segment in agreement with EF calculations. The interaction between light and surface plasmons generates surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) traveling along the cylinder. As Li et al.18 pointed out, for fixed nanorod diameter and length, the SPPs arrange in allowed standing waves. In particular, the EF peaks are associated with LSPRs arising when the standing wave contains odd-symmetry SPP modes in each segment. Importantly, the dimer antenna performance is good even at resonances associated to a several SPP wavelengths allowing the nanorod lengths to be larger than a few micrometers. Cylindrical gapped gold nanoantennas have been fabricated by on-wire lithography.19–22 Bowtie type or rectangular nanoantennas have been synthesized by electron beam microscopy.6,23,24
As the enhancement factor can reach peak values with arm lengths surpassing the micrometer, an important feature of these structures is that they can be used as addressable electrodes.25,26 Electrical transport measurements can be coupled with the ability to spectroscopically characterize target molecules at the gap by SERS, either sequentially,27,28 or simultaneously, as would be our final goal. In order to use these structures as electrodes the rods must be contacted,29 i.e., a certain amount of gold must be deposited on the nanorods and this could affect its plasmonic properties.
Some authors have used an approximated method to simulate Fabry–Perot resonances in a single cylindrical wire;30 FDTD simulations to study the near-field optical behavior of Fabry–Perot resonances in thin metal nanowires referred to as quasi one-dimensional plasmonic nanoantennas;31 characteristic mode analysis to optimize complex plasmonic nanoantenna;32 integral equations formulation solved using the Method of Moments to study a plasmonic wire-grid array of nanorods;33 the commercial finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software (Lumerical FDTD) to study the electric near-field enhancement of cascaded plasmonic nanorod antenna;34 and a circuit equivalent of a plasmonic nanoantenna.35
However, to the best of our knowledge, until now no theoretical and experimental study has been reported about the geometrical effects on the EF when these nanorods are covered with gold. In this work, using a discrete dipole approximation (DDA) method,36–38 we theoretically study the behavior of the enhancement factor in symmetric gapped nanorods subject to geometrically designed gold coverings at the far-from-the-gap regions of the dimer.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce our covered nanoantenna designs and the potential approaches for their fabrication, describe the applied numerical method, and define several relevant quantities as the enhancement factor (EF) and the top and bottom average surface charge densities. The later location-resolved average densities, introduced for the first time here, prove to be useful in the qualitative understanding of the improvement of the EF as a result of a geometrically-assisted in-phase rearrangement of the top and bottom SPPs. In Section 3 we present the simulations for covered nanoantennas demonstrating that, even in the presence of dimer asymmetries or defects, the reached EF values surpass the highest values obtained in uncovered nanorod dimers. Finally, in Section 4 we present the conclusions.
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Fig. 1 The starting design is the uncovered nanorod dimer (top) which is known to have good enhancement factor enabling SERS spectroscopy on target molecules positioned in the gap region. We use feasible system dimensions and customary optical setup (see for example ref. 18) having a gap length of 25 nm and subject to λ = 633 nm normal incident light polarized along z axis, i.e., parallel to the axis of the cylinder, thus maximizing the electric field enhancement in the gap. For the prospect of electrically contacting the system without degrading the enhancement factor our goal is studying the optical response after covering the outer regions of the rods leaving the gap region unaltered. We focus on two geometrical implementations, design A: a cylindrical cover, and design B: a cylindrical cover laterally etched. For both cases we show the 3-dimensional shape of the nanorods and the definition of the geometric parameters (for clarity only one dimer's arm is shown). |
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Fig. 2 Simulated optical response of the uncovered nanorod-dimer antenna design of Fig. 1 (top). (a) Enhancement factor versus nanorod length L. For specific values of L the EF has peaks and valleys. (b) and (d) Surface charge density on the dimer antenna for peak Pb (valley Vc). For quantitatively visualizing the top and bottom differences panels (c) and (e) present the top, ![]() ![]() |
Selective deposition of gold allows for the syntheses of samples in which each arm of the dimer has a covered region of length C located at the far-from-the-gap side. As shown in the sketches for designs A and B in Fig. 1, each arm has a total length of L = C + U where U is the length of the uncovered near-gap region. The deposited gold layer has height h, this quantity enlarges the diameter of the circular section describing the covered part of each arm. Such circle is taken tangential to the plane of the substrate (x = 0) in order to account for the fact that the gold-evaporation process is more efficient at the top of the cylinders. The design B has an extra step of fabrication in which gold at both arms is etched vertically (planes of y constant, see Fig. 1) restricting the covered parts to have dimension along y equal to the uncovered diameter. In this way, the design B has the advantage of being unaffected by potential lateral imperfections of the covered parts.
It is well known that for fixed wavelength, diameter, and gap distance, the uncovered dimer configuration of ref. 17 and 18 must be fabricated at particular nanorod lengths to ensure working at a local maximum of EF. In these works, the numerical simulations of the enhancement factor we are following, see eqn (1) below, lead to excellent agreement with the measured SERS of target molecules lying in the gap. One could do numerical simulations fixing the geometry and finding the optimal wavelength that maximizes the EF. Instead, as in ref. 17 and 18, simulations fixing the wavelength and diameter provide more practical information for experimental purposes—assuming a standard laboratory having 633 nm wavelength helium–neon sources and sample templates of fixed diameters, see next section. The EF optimization is performed by controlling geometrical parameters that are easier to change in the design as it is the length of the nanorods.
In particular, the OWL technique, used in ref. 17 and 18, is described in ref. 22 achieving sub-5 nm fabrication resolution. One typically fixes the nanorod diameter to be grown by electrochemical deposition of metals within the pores of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. We stress that the diameter value of 360 nm has proven to be an excellent choice for the AAO templates; nanorods of smaller diameters tend to break, thus defeating the purpose of obtaining long arm dimers that could be covered and electrically contacted, as it is our goal here. This, again, justifies the fixing of the diameter in our study to be consistent with the feasible value fabricated and simulated in ref. 17 and 18. Reproducing these known results for uncovered dimers ensures a solid ground from which one can evaluate and qualify the effect of the covering modifications. Importantly, as our covered design introduces modifications in the regions far from the gap, the procedure to compute the EF for predicting the SERS performance remains unchanged and identical to these relevant references in the field.
The input parameters (coordinate of the dipoles and material properties) were generated for each nanoantenna design using a custom-made FORTRAN code. The dipoles are arranged in a cubic lattice (with lattice spacing here taken 5 nm) suitable for an speed-up via the fast Fourier transform as implemented in the DDSCAT package.38 As we work with a frequency of ω = 2πc/(633 nm) the real and imaginary part of gold's dielectric constant are ε1 = −11.79916 and ε2 = 1.22127, respectively. Once the full solution is obtained, we post-process the output and obtain the electric field at the surface and the gap area of the nanoantenna and proceed to compute the quantities defined in the next section.
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It is useful to have an additional way to characterize a given design, specially for geometrical conditions in which the EF achieves a maximum or minimum. In these extremal conditions we resort to analyse the surface charge density of the antenna: the patterns of changes of sign of the surface charge along the device, allow for identifying the morphology of the involved plasmonic excitations. Even though the covered designs have a complex geometry, sometimes the parity of the excitations can be identified.
For obtaining the surface charge density σ(rs) we apply, at each position lying on the surface, rs, the Gauss law ε0(Eout(rs) − Ein(rs))·(rs) = σ(rs): where Eout(rs) (Ein(rs)) is the electric field outside (inside) the metal and
(rs) the unit normal to the sample at that position. As our goal is the qualitative inspection of the plasmonic modes, we work with an approximated charge density obtained using the numerically obtained Eout(rs) and collapsing all the charge to a thin sheet by assuming the perfect conductor limit (Ein(rs) = 0). This procedure suffices to capture the patterns of charge density induced by the plasmonic modes of interest.
For a simpler characterization of the plasmonic z-dependence along each cylindrical uncovered part of the nanoantenna, we perform, at each z, the average of the surface charge density along the circle. Furthermore, we divide this average into the top and bottom part of the nanoantenna: as we show below, this is useful for distinguishing differences between peak and valley conditions and how they change in the covered designs. The definition of these top and bottom surface charge density averages are given by:
![]() | (2a) |
![]() | (2b) |
It is particularly useful to account for the number of sign changes along z of the former quantities. These number can be written as
![]() | (3) |
Fig. 2(b) shows the pattern of |Ez| at the gap and the surface charge density for the uncovered antenna of L = 1160 nm, which is the case of the peak Pb with EF = 1691. It is seen that σ(rs) has a different structure at the top and the bottom (with respect to the x coordinate) of the nanoantenna. This difference becomes evident in Fig. 2(c) where −(z) and
+(z) are plotted. Moreover, the number of nodes (positions in which the average charge densities change sign) is ñU+ = 3 (i.e., odd) and ñU− = 4 (i.e., even) for
+(z) and
−(z), respectively. The same quantities are plotted in Fig. 2(d–e) for a nanoantenna of L = 1440 nm corresponding to the valley Vc with EF = 73. In this case there is an out of phase relation between
+(z) and
−(z) and, at the same time, ñU+ = ñU− = 5 (i.e., odd). From the oscillating z-dependence of the charge densities one can estimate the SPP wavelength arising from the simulation to be near λp = 600 nm, in close agreement with previous reports for a gap of 24nm18.
In Table 1 we list the obtained values of ñU± for the peaks and valleys of EF. In the case of ñU+ it is always odd, increasing with L every two EF extrema; while ñU− takes all positive integer values. We find that in the EF valleys ñU+ = ñU− and odd. On the other hand, in the EF peaks ñU− = ñU+ + 1, meaning that ñU− is even whereas ñU+ is odd. The odd parity of ñU+ is consistent with the interpretation that from the resonances of the single cylinder system, arising when L = (n − 1/2)λp/2,30,46 only the odd ones survive for incoming light polarized along the cylinder axis. The conditions in the length of the dimer arms for obtaining the resonances get modified when two cylinders couple and interact in a way that depends on the gap distance and cylinder diameter.18 Table 1 also highlights that for both valleys and peaks the averages densities ±(z) have opposite signs at the external positions of the nanorods (see examples in Fig. 2(c) and (e)) ze = 0 and ze = 2L + 25 nm, and thus sgn(
−(ze)) = −1. These observations—that are particular to the current ratio between the SPP wavelength and circular perimeter of the nanorods—are useful in the comparison to the covered designs because they encode qualitative and quantitative features of the SPP generated surface charge patterns at the extrema of EF.
L [nm] | EF | ñU+ | ñU− | sgn(![]() ![]() |
Va | 320 | 202 | 1 | 1 | −1 |
Pa | 640 | 1729 | 1 | 2 | −1 |
Vb | 880 | 84 | 3 | 3 | −1 |
Pb | 1160 | 1691 | 3 | 4 | −1 |
Vc | 1440 | 73 | 5 | 5 | −1 |
Pc | 1760 | 1586 | 5 | 6 | −1 |
Vd | 2000 | 79 | 7 | 7 | −1 |
Pd | 2320 | 1476 | 7 | 8 | −1 |
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Fig. 3 Enhancement factor versus length L for different values of h taking C = 1200 nm in the covered designs shown in Fig. 1. In both designs the added covering layer, even though it is added far from the gap, can generate larger EF than in the uncovered design of h = 0. The position of the largest obtained EF values are similar in both designs. |
Our simulations demonstrate that the covered designs, if they are built with the appropriate geometrical parameters, not only do not degrade the EF but also achieve values of EF that double or even triple the EF value obtained in an optimal designed uncovered nanorod dimer. This is one of the main results of the paper: that this geometry-induced EF improvement appears in slightly different designs. We note at this point that, due to its lateral etching, the design B is more robust to imperfections of the gold layer produced in the covering process. For this reason, in what follows, we explore in detail the case of design B. Design A behaves qualitatively similar than design B, i.e., it achieves large EF values sharing the below presented robustness to imperfections.
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Fig. 4 Simulated optical response of the covered design B presented in Fig. 1. (a) Enhancement factor versus nanorod length L. For specific values of L the EF has peaks and valleys. (b) and (d) Surface charge density on the dimer antenna for peak PB (valley VB). For quantitatively visualizing the top and bottom differences panels (c) and (e) present the top, ![]() ![]() |
Table 2 presents relevant data for a sequence of peaks and valleys corresponding to both the C = 1200 nm case of Fig. 4 and the C = 120 nm case (not shown). A first difference from the uncovered case is that the top and bottom average charge densities have the same sign at the edges of the antenna, i.e., sgn(+(ze)
−(ze)) = +1. The covering also modifies the behaviour of the numbers of nodes of the average densities along the uncovered parts, U, see eqn (3). We find that at the EF peaks ñU− = ñU+ and even: see for example the case shown in Fig. 4(c) with ñU± = 4, having an in phase relation between
+(z) and
+(z) along the uncovered part. This is in contrast to what happens in the uncovered design of Fig. 2, see Table 2, in which: (i) at EF-peak conditions there is a parity mismatch between the top and bottom average charge densities, and (ii) at valley conditions one finds odd ñU+ = ñU− but having an out of phase relation. Therefore, for designs with optimal C values (see below), the geometrical modification imposed by the addition of the covered part makes the top and bottom average charge densities in the U region to become in phase, thus enabling the possibility of achieving higher EF values than the largest EFs obtained with the uncovered design.
(C, U) [nm] | EF | ñU+ | ñU− | sgn(![]() ![]() |
(120, 440) | 4628 | 2 | 2 | +1 | |
(120, 720) | 66 | 2 | 3 | +1 | |
(120, 1000) | 3937 | 4 | 4 | +1 | |
(120, 1280) | 71 | 4 | 5 | +1 | |
PA | (1200, 440) | 4271 | 2 | 2 | +1 |
VA | (1200, 720) | 74 | 2 | 3 | +1 |
PB | (1200, 1000) | 3810 | 4 | 4 | +1 |
VB | (1200, 1280) | 70 | 4 | 5 | +1 |
For the covered design B with h = 200 nm Fig. 6(a) shows the enhancement factor as function of the uncovered length U for different covered lengths C. For U values in which an uncovered dimer with arms of length U would develop a peak (see Pa and Pb) the enhancement factors of the covered design is small. Fig. 6(b) shows the EF dependence as a function of C for the Ua and Ub values presented in Fig. 5: the ones lying near the position of the EF valleys for an uncovered antenna with full length U. As in the case of Fig. 5 this choices of U values are good candidates for amplifying the EF with respect to the uncovered design. In particular large EF values are reached at a broad region near C lengths multiples of the surface plasmon polariton wavelength, e.g. 600 nm and 1200 nm. However, very low EF values are obtained for C lengths near odd multiples of λp/2, e.g. 300 nm and 900 nm and thus they must be avoided.
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Fig. 6 (a) Enhancement factor versus uncovered length U for different values of C in the covered design B with h = 200 nm. Notice that, once again, the obtained EF is not improved by the existence of a C part for U values that would develop a peak (see Pa and Pb) if the uncovered section were an isolated dimer. The dotted lines, labeled by Ua and Ub, are the ones defined in Fig. 5 lying near the position of the EF valleys for an uncovered antenna with full length U. Panel (b) shows the EF dependence as a function of C at Ua and Ub. These values continue being favourable choices for achieving large enhancement. |
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Fig. 7 Robustness of the enhancement factor to differences in the lengths between the first and second arm of the dimer: see sketch at the bottom right panel defining ΔL = L2 − L1, ΔU = U2 − U1, and ΔC = C2 − C1. This design B dimer has a h = 200 nm gold layer and the first arm is taken along the line Ub, see Fig. 5(a), with U1 = 960 nm and C1 = 1200 nm: if the second arm were identical the reached EF would be 3405, i.e., slightly lower than the value at the peak PB given in Table 2. (a) Enhancement factor for ΔC = 0 as a function of ΔU = ΔL. (b) Enhancement factor for ΔU = 0 as a function of ΔC = ΔL. (c) Enhancement factor for ΔL = 0 as a function of ΔU = −ΔC. In all cases the error can be of the order of 100 nm and the resulting EF is still higher than the best obtained EF value in the uncovered design: see the black dotted line. |
In Fig. 7 we present simulations of the enhancement factor for three cases of geometrical asymmetries in the design B with h = 200 nm. The first dimer arm is always fixed at U1 = 960 nm and C1 = 1200 nm so that the obtained EF value would be 3405 in the case of perfect symmetry, ΔC = ΔU = ΔL = 0. This EF value is slightly below the EF at the peak PB presented in Fig. 4(a) and listed in Table 2. Similar quantitative conclusions can be reached by working with the first arm dimensions (C1, U1) set to other values in which perfect symmetry would make the dimer to reach an enhancement factor peak surpassing the uncovered nanoantenna performance. In Fig. 7(a) we consider the case of ΔC = 0 and show the EF dependence with ΔU = ΔL. In Fig. 7(b) we consider the case of ΔU = 0 showing the EF dependence with ΔC = ΔL. These two simulations show that, in case of good matching one of the lengths (e.g., either U2 or C2 is well matched to the first arm), it is better having negative fabrications errors in the other length (i.e., U2 < U1 or C2 < C1). Fig. 7(c) shows the EF dependence with ΔU = −ΔC for the case of ΔL = 0. Notably, all these simulations show that, even for 100 nm errors, the reached enhancement factor still surpasses the one obtained at the EF peaks of the uncovered design.
Finally, we also simulate the presence of defects at the interface between the original cylinder and the covering layers. First, as shown in Fig. 8(a), the vacancies are present over a thickness t centered at this interface. To create the pattern we start by randomly choosing vacancies on the surface with a density of one every 70 × 70 nm2 and randomly grow the defect area and depth over several algorithm iterations. Colormaps corresponding to realizations of disorder for t = 30 nm and t = 40 nm are shown at the bottom of Fig. 8(a). We introduce these vacancies in the simulation of design B with covering length C = 1200 nm and layer height h = 200 nm. As seen in Fig. 8(b), the enhancement factor in presence of the vacancies gets reduced with respect to the case without imperfections. However, even for the large values of t simulated, the EF peaks continue being superior to the largest values obtained in the uncovered design.
Our results show that, by geometrically engineering the gold covering added far from the hot-spot, covered designs can reach EF values larger than the highest ones obtained with uncovered designs. This finding, that could be extended to other dimer geometries, paves the way towards electrically contacting uncovered dimers while at the same time improving their performance in optical spectroscopy applications. In addition, due to their superior enhancement factors, non-contacted covering engineered designs can also expand the toolbox of high-performing SERS spectroscopy nanoantennas.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |