d and
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, B-dul Regina Elisabeta, Nr. 4-12, 030018 Bucharest, Romania
bNational Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, RO 76900 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania. E-mail:
cScientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
dNational Institute of Materials Physics, 405A Atomistilor Street, 077125 Magurele-Ilfov, Romania
First published on 26th November 2020
Doping SnO2 with trivalent lanthanide (Ln) metals aiming at optical applications faces several challenges. The elastic and electrostatic misfit between bulkier Ln activators and Sn host cation induces strain in the lattice as well as defects as a result of charge-compensation. These effects can be partially healed by thermal annealing. However, dopant segregation which occurs above a certain temperature drives quenching of Ln emission. In this work, we explore Li co-doping as a vehicle to improve the luminescence of lanthanide (Eu, Sm, Er, Dy and, Tb) doped SnO2 nanoparticles. In case of substitutional Ln dopants (Eu, Sm and Er), Li enhances significantly the Ln luminescence up to 40–46 times. The luminescence enhancement induced by Li co-doping is explained by an interplay of removal of nearby oxygen vacancies (Eu, Sm), improved Ln doping homogeneity (Er) and, improved crystallinity (Eu, Sm, Er). The improved crystallinity caused by Li co-doping accounts for less than 30% of the total enhancement. In the case of surface Ln dopants (Dy and Tb), Li co-doping does not alter the Ln emission, either in shape or intensity. Only a few Dy dopants succeed to substitute for Sn in the rutile lattice as shown by single-photon counting investigations. Collectively, our results show that the extent of luminescence enhancement induced by Li co-doping depend strongly on the Ln type. In SnO2, the common mechanisms that explain the Li induced enhancement of Ln luminescence in various hosts, either contribute partially (improved crystallization) or do not contribute at all (local structure distortion).
Due to low solubility, increasing the Ln concentration above ca. 1 at% does not enhance the luminescence intensity of Ln–SnO2.31 The trivalent Ln present ionic radii that surpass, on average, that of Sn4+ by 39% (tetrahedral, 6-fold coordination).32 Therefore, Ln induces elastic strain in the lattice along with the oxygen vacancies induced by the valence mismatch. The elastic strain can be partially healed by thermal annealing.15 However, the thermal annealing above a certain temperature induces segregation21,33 which is detrimental for the optical performance.
Here, we exploit the role of Li as a luminescence enhancer of lanthanide-based materials which is much explored in materials science.34,35 The mechanisms responsible for the luminescence enhancement of various Ln based materials are usually assigned to local symmetry distortion or/and improved crystallization,20 but also changes of morphology, reduction of surface OH defects, or sensitization via oxygen vacancies induced by charge compensation.34,35 According to the literature, for the case of SnO2, the emission enhancement was attributed undecidedly to improved crystallization, increased solubility of Ln into the lattice, lower local symmetry around Ln, or enhanced sensitization by SnO2 absorption.20,36 We investigate the physical mechanisms by which Li co-doping enhances the Ln emission in connection with the role of Ln type, location (substitutional or surface centre), and the defects generated by heterovalent doping. A wide range of Ln, such as Eu, Sm, Dy, Tb, and Er, with characteristic f–f luminescence spanning the Vis to NIR (450–1700 nm) range was selected. The Ln, Li–SnO2 nanoparticles were grown by coprecipitation and citrate complexation methods. The structure and morphology were studied by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The electronic and vibrational properties were assessed by diffuse reflectance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Extensive low temperature, site-selective, time-gated luminescence measurements were performed using excitation above band gap of SnO2 and into Ln f–f absorptions into the visible and near-infrared ranges. Using time-gated single-photon counting emission, the emission characteristic of substitutional Dy was identified for the first time in SnO2. The effects of Li co-doping on Ln emission were described in terms of emission intensity, spectral shape, and excited-state dynamics. Finally, structural and luminescence data were correlated to identify the physical processes leading to different luminescence response of Ln to Li co-doping.
Fig. 1 illustrates the effects of Li addition on the structural and morphology of selected Ln, xLi–SnO2 (LnEu, partially Er) determined by XRD (see also Fig. S1, ESI†), Raman spectroscopy, Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In general, similar properties were found for all Ln investigated. Fig. 1a illustrates the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of Eu,xLi–SnO2 cell parameters and volume, lattice strain, D-spacing, and crystallite size are summarized in Table S1 (ESI†). The X-ray diffraction patterns indicate the presence of pure rutile phase (space group P42/mnm – JCPDS card 01-079-5607), irrespective of the Ln type and Li content with no observation of impurity phases, such as stannate (Li2SnO3, JCPDS-310761) or Ln stannate pyrochlore (Ln2Sn2O7, JCPDS-880457). Li co-doping leads to narrowing of XRD patterns and shifting towards lower angles, which may indicate the substitutional doping of the octahedral coordinated Sn4+ (ionic radius of 0.69 Å) by the bulkier Li+ (ionic radius of 0.76 Å).27 The calculated lattice volumes indicate both slightly smaller and higher values with Li addition than those of undoped SnO2 (71.59 ± 0.02) Å3. A definite trend cannot be advanced. Crystallite size of Li free Ln–SnO2 calcined at 1000 °C (R sample) come close to values measured for Ln, 10/15Li samples (Table S1, ESI†). Fig. 1b shows the Raman spectra of Eu,0Li–SnO2, Eu,15Li–SnO2 as well the reference, R, sample. Li free sample presents a more intense broadband at 570 cm−1, which is typically attributed to surface effects (small particle size, around 11 nm estimated from XRD, Table S1, ESI†). All three samples present phonon mode characteristic of rutile SnO2 at 270–302, 474–510 (Eg), 626–641 (A1g), and 680–700 and 768–782 cm−1 (B2g) in good agreement with literature.38 It is evident that the phonon bands narrow with Li addition as a result of improved crystallization determined by XRD and replicate almost entirely the spectrum of reference (R) sample. However, in Eu,15Li sample, weak phonon bands related to Li co-dopant can be observed at 157 and 193 cm−1 (tetrahedral coordinated Li+ ions arising from the presence of LiOH39). Phonon bands at 1091 cm−1 and 587 cm−1 are associated with Li2CO3 (symmetric stretching vibrations).40
According to DRIFT spectra illustrated in Fig. 1c, the antisymmetric stretching vibrations of Sn–O terminal bond, antisymmetric/symmetric stretching vibrations of Sn–O lattice at 521, 614 and 701 cm−141,42 are increasing with Li content, consistent with improved crystallization (see also Fig. 1a and Table S1, ESI†). The band peaked at 946 cm−1 is characteristic of the asymmetric stretching vibration of Sn–OH terminal bond.21,43 Several overtones and combinations of lattice vibrations were observed in the spectral region between 1350–1650 cm−1.21 Bands at 2342 and 2362 cm−1 are characteristic of the in-plane bending of Sn–OH terminal bond. A noticeable enhancement of OH stretching modes in the range of 2700–3674 cm−1 region is observed with the increase of Li content and the increase of annealing temperature (R sample).21 The presence of Li is signaled by weak bands around 3690 cm−1 (LiOH), 1380 and 1630 cm−1 (HCOOLi), and 1518 cm−1 (Li2CO3
TEM images of Eu,0Li–SnO2, Eu,15Li–SnO2, and Eu–SnO2(R) show mildly agglomerated nanoparticles whose irregular shape remained unperturbed by Li addition (Fig. 1d). The nanoparticle size distribution across the three sample types displays size distributions as 10–24, 20–50, and 18–55 nm, respectively. On one side, the data show the superior crystallinity achieved by Li co-doping in agreement with XRD patterns and, on the other side, the crystallinity similarity between Li co-doped SnO2 and reference (R) sample. EDX mapping images taken on Eu,0Li–SnO2, Eu,15Li–SnO2, and Eu–SnO2(R) show a homogenous distribution of Eu dopant across nanoparticles within the detector's detection limit (Fig. 1e).
The effects of Li addition on the bandgap of Ln–SnO2 were studied by diffuse reflectance and exemplified for Er,xLi–SnO2 in Fig. S2 (ESI†). With the increase of Li concentration the bandgap of Er,xLi–SnO2 enlarges from 2.41 (0Li) to 2.65 eV (15Li) (Table S1, ESI†). This may be the consequence of the complex balance between the increase of crystallite size (which increases from 14 (0Li) to 23 nm (15Li) according to XRD data), defect levels introduced by monovalent Li acceptor28,46 and improved substitutional incorporation of Ln onto Sn lattice sites.
Fig. 2 presents X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) spectra corresponding to Sn 3d, O 1s, and Eu 3d levels of Eu,0Li–SnO2; Eu,15Li–SnO2 and Eu–SnO2(R). Additional details regarding the deconvolution method are gathered in Supplementary Note S1, ESI.† The energy positions of the lower binding energy line (Note S1, ESI†) is high enough and can be attributed to Eu3+, being close to 1135.6 eV for Eu2O3.47
The surface Eu3+ has a binding energy 2.0 ± 0.2 eV higher, whose origin may be traced in downward band bending near-surface48 or to under-coordination with oxygen.49 Of all three Eu 3d5/2 spectra analyzed, the spectrum of Eu,15Li–SnO2 sample has the lowest surface/volume ratio, of 44% close to 46% measured Eu,0Li–SnO2. In contrast, the ratio reaches the greatest value for the reference sample, of 57%, suggesting Eu segregation onto SnO2 surface with an increase of annealing temperature.15 However, we should remark that these ratios are difficult to be translated in a real proportion of atoms in the absence of a detailed mechanism for inelastic scattering, giving rise to the background. The Sn 3d and O 1s spectra (Fig. 2b and c) may be interpreted as being dominated by the signal of Sn(IV) oxide, or SnO2.47 The spectra obtained for Eu,0Li, and Eu,15Li exhibit low binding energy peaks both for Sn 3d and O 1s, which are well in the range of the reported data for Sn2+ oxide, SnO.47 The Sn 3d spectrum for Eu,15Li present an additional peak of even lower binding energy, 484.8 eV for Sn 3d5/2, which frames nicely within the actual data for metal Sn. The integral amplitude of this peak is about 7% of the main peak, due to Sn4+ oxide, while the amplitude of the Sn2+ oxide peak is about 8% of the main peak. In other words, co-doping Eu–SnO2 with 15% Li promotes about 8% of Sn as a suboxide and 7% of the Sn as Sn metal. Also, the low binding energy of oxygen represents about 4% of the main peak; considering the stoichiometry, this again points to about 8% of SnO embedded in SnO2. With the exception of the highest binding energy O 1s structures at around 532–533 eV which are due to carbonyl or carboxylic contaminants,49 the spectra for the Eu(R) sample exhibit just structures due to SnO2. Finally, the XPS survey spectra of Eu,0Li–SnO2, Eu,15Li–SnO2, and Eu–SnO2(R) show only the C, Sn, O, and Eu elements sustaining the purity of the samples (Fig. S3, ESI†).
Since the comparison of the emission intensity is tricky due to potential variability in the measurement conditions, we took considerable as detailed in the Supplementary Note S2, ESI.† The emission enhancement factors were determined using broad excitation into the maximum of SnO2 absorption (300–315 nm). It is established in the literature that SnO2 absorption represents an efficient sensitizer for the substitutional Ln dopants,50 such as Eu15–21,51 (Fig. 3b) but also for Sm,15,22 Nd12–14 and Er.24–26 Upon excitation into SnO2 absorption, the emission decays of Eu,xLi series measured at 588 nm were compared in Fig. 3c. All decays are strongly nonexponential and display a quasi-persistent behavior with time scales extending up to 200 ms, which are slightly prolonged with Li addition. The long-lived emission was previously assimilated to an atypical persistent emission process suggested to be thermally activated via the co-existence of uniform and exponential distributions in trap depths.16 As shown in Fig. 3d, Li addition increased both short and tail decay times.
As some of us reported recently,15 Eu (also Sm) presents a complex multisite distribution in SnO2, that includes besides the substitutional isolated center (without near-neighbour (NN) local charge - compensation), several Ln-defects associates (with NN local-charge compensation) and a surface center. The characteristic emission of isolated substitutional Eu termed (centre I or C2h) represented in Fig. 3a was identified several decades ago.52,53 Its emission is exclusively excited via SnO2 absorption and characterized by relatively strong three 5D0–7F1 lines around 590 nm consistent with C2h inversion local symmetry. At least three Ln-defect associates, termed as centers II–IV, were identified in ref. 15 with significant shorter average lifetimes and altered emission shapes characteristic of non-inversion local symmetry. A much broader and shorter-lived emission was assigned to Eu surface type center, termed as center V. Since Eu (and Sm distribution) is also confirmed in the present study, we strengthen that such multisite distribution is intrinsic, being independent of the synthesis route (hydrothermal, sol–gel, coprecipitation).
The effects of Li co-doping on the emission properties (intensity and shape) characteristic of each Eu center, were assessed by using similar emission/excitation conditions and illustrated in Fig. 3d and e. We found that Li addition progressively increased the emission of C2h centre I at the expense of the Eu-defects associates (centers II–IV) (Fig. S4, ESI†). At Li concentration of 15%, the characteristic emission of Eu centres II–IV was significantly quenched; as such, the total Eu emission was partitioned between that of C2h (major) and surface center (minor). A similar trend was observed for Sm that shows a luminescence enhancement factor of grossly of up to 40. The emission of Li free, Sm–SnO2 sample was substantially weaker than that of Eu homologue, a trend observed previously for hydrothermal synthesis route.15 Therefore, only selected spectra were included in Fig. S4 (ESI†). Using extensive excitation into SnO2 band gap and Eu/Sm f–f absorptions, we also confirmed that Li addition did not induce additional Eu/Sm centres, others than those identified for Li free samples (Fig. S4 and S5, ESI†).
Upon Li co-doping, Er emission decays measured around 1530 nm suffered a more significant lengthening compared to those of Eu: both short and tail decay times were increased by more than 100% from ∼0.21 to 0.46 ms and from 6.2 to 15.8 ms for 0Li and 15Li, respectively (Fig. 4c and Table in Fig. 4d).
Scheme 1 includes simplified electronic levels of Eu, Sm, Dy, and Er with the magnetic dipole emission transitions highlighted. Any deviation from the inversion symmetry would alter the f–f radiative and non-radiative transition probabilities,64,65 reflecting in both the alteration of the emission shapes and acceleration of the emission decays. Our extensive site-selective, time-gated luminescence investigations did not reveal additional Ln centeres induced by Li while the emission shapes associated with C2h centeres were fully preserved. In the case of Eu, the peak values (588.24, 593.04, and 599.08 nm), their relative intensities (1/0.76/0.59) of the three 5D0–7F1 Eu Stark emissions and asymmetry ratio (around 0.17) (Fig. 3a) were identical in Li free and Eu, Li samples, irrespective of Li concentration. The emissions decays were slightly (Eu, Fig. 3c and d) or more significantly lengthened (Er, Fig. 4c and d). Preservation of the emission shapes together with lack of decays acceleration exclude Li induced local structure distortion as a possible mechanism for Ln emission enhancement. Up to a certain concentration, Li incorporates into Sn lattice site generating three 3 holes localized on O atoms coordinated to the dopant being also able to trap an extra hole.29 In the detailed center to center comparison made for Li free Eu and Eu,15Li in Fig. 3e and f, Li removes the vacancies from the nearest-neighbor (NN) position of Eu. The luminescence enhancement appears to be mainly the effect of an increased concentration of substitutional isolated centres at the expense of Eu – defect associates. The Li induced oxygen defects and their distribution around the Ln activator play a distinct role in phase changing oxides with tetravalent cations. As such, Li co-doping induced complete tetragonal to monoclinic (ZrO2,66) or anatase to rutile (TiO267) phase transitions. The mechanism of luminescence enhancement cannot be translated from Eu(and likely Sm) to Er. For Er, only a unique substitutional isolated center with no Er-defects associates was observed which is markedly different from the case of Eu or Sm.15 Also, different from Eu, Li induced emission enhancement does not saturate with Li concentration (Fig. 4a). Er is the smallest Ln investigated as dopant, with an ionic radius of 0.89 Å (compared to 0.947 Å for Eu) and thus closest to the ionic radius of Sn4+ (0. 0.69 Å, all in octahedral coordination32). We can only speculate that smaller Ln repels defects from the nearest-neighbor (NN) position, which would be the opposite case established for Ln–CeO2.58,68 The emission enhancement by Li co-doping relates thus to a more homogenous distribution of Er dopants onto Sn sites25,69 which decreases the emission quenching effect70 and lengthens the decays (Fig. 4c and d). We note that Er–SnO2 represents a rare example of broad UV to NIR (300 to 1500 nm) downshifting material. Therefore, Li induced emission enhancement of Er–SnO2 may be attractive for photon down shifter layers in solar cells which were recently demonstrated for Nd–SnO2.12,14,71
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Scheme 1 Simplified energy level diagram indicating the (magnetic dipole) emission transitions of Eu, Sm, Dy and Er allowed in the C2h inversion local symmetry. |
Li co-doping did not enhance the Dy or Tb solubility into the lattice even though it improves the crystallinity (Fig. S1, ESI†). This was also consistent with rather similar surface fractions of Dy in Li free, Dy–SnO2, and Dy,15Li–SnO2 derived from the XPS data (Fig. 5b). Few Dy succeeded in substituting for Sn as substitutional isolated center as shown by time-gated single-photon counting luminescence in Fig. 5a. Obviously, due to low emission intensity, host sensitization phenomenon, or “quasi persistent” emission decay shared by Eu, Sm, and Er substitutional dopants, could not be confirmed. The weak to absent luminescence related to substitutional Dy and Tb in SnO2 compared to Eu (Sm) and Er may be explained in the framework of the charge-trapping model.50,72 As such, the energy differences between Ln ground and the metastable energy levels relative to the band edges of SnO2 determine significantly the sensitization efficiency of Ln luminescence. In addition, for Tb and Dy, the electron trapping site is susceptible to autoionization which reduces the probability of electron–hole carrier recombination and, consequently, the quantum yield of the luminescence.50
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0tc04582a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |