Paderborn University, Department of Chemistry, Warburger Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany. E-mail: hhb@mail.upb.de
First published on 8th December 2021
Treatment of Na+-based hectorite LAPONITE® (LAP) and of Na+-montmorillonite (MMT) with a homologous series of γ-aminopropyl(methyl)x(ethoxy)ysilanes (x + y = 3, y > 0) in toluene was studied by means of thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, 29Si and 23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. The triethoxy silane (APTS) exclusively grafts on the clays' edges as branched oligomers whereas both the monoethoxy silane (APMS) and the diethoxy silane (APDS) are also intercalated, the latter as linear oligomers. Intercalation of APMS varies for MMT and LAP: MMT hosts the smallest amounts of the silanes with marginal increase of the basal distance and no stabilization of water. On the contrary, LAP accommodates the largest amount of guests in the form of monomeric APMS which yields the largest increase of the basal distance and stabilizes water up to 200 °C when APMS dimerizes. APMS stabilization is attributed to intramolecular Si–O–H–NH2 hydrogen bonds and the hydrophobic geminal methyl groups together with the trimethylene sides of the cyclic monomers are thought to compartmentalize the hydrated sodium sites. The high temperature release of water from APMS@LAP is discussed in the light of potentially triggered interphase degradation in composite materials for recycling purposes.
Na0.33{Al1.67Mg0.33(OH)2[Si4O10]}·nH2O for MMT |
Na0.37{Mg2.75Li0.2(OH)2[Si4O10]}·nH2O for LAP. |
Even with relatively low clay loadings the inorganic particles may significantly improve mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the polymer.3,14–18 For the preparation of polymer-clay nanocomposites, organic cations such as long hydrocarbon chains comprising quaternary ammonium ions are usually exchanged for sodium in order to render the clay surface compatible with the organic matrix and thus enable exfoliation of the clay.
However, it is generally assumed in the community that interfacial covalent bonding further increases strength and resistance towards solvents.19–21 In that respect, organic alkoxy- or chlorosilanes have received much attention.22 Besides the reaction with the clay surface or rim via hydrolysis of the silanes' Si-alkoxy or Si–Cl bond, a further, different functional group of the Si-alkyl moiety can be adapted for the reaction with the chosen polymer or its monomers for an in situ polymer synthesis, respectively.
Numerous works were devoted to the grafting23–27 on pristine LAP and MMT and different aspects have been investigated,26–28 such as the impact of the silane concentration, the role of the solvent, and the reaction conditions on the physical and chemical properties of the silylated clays. The latter have been attributed to different molecular arrangements of the intercalated silanes.29–31 Besides intercalation, grafting on Si–OH and Al(Mg)–OH groups at the rims of the layers (Fig. 1c) can occur.
However, for the reaction in nonpolar solvents like toluene intercalation is rarely observed. Herrera et al. investigated the silyation of LAP with a mono- versus a trialkoxy methacrylate functional silane32 whereas Daniel et al.33 studied the effect of the reaction conditions of the silylation of LAP with dimethylmethoxy-n-octylsilane. In neither case intercalation could be detected with X-ray diffraction (XRD).
Due to the variety of used materials and reaction conditions it is difficult to precisely predict the character of a reaction product of a given system from the published data. This also pertains to γ-aminopropyl bearing alkoxysilanes which were reacted in organic solvent with LAP and/or MMT.34,35
Here, the reactions of LAP as well as of MMT in toluene at ambient conditions with γ-aminopropyl bearing silanes of the homologous series
NH2–(CH2)3–Si(CH3)x(OC2H5)3−x, x = 0,1,2 |
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted using a Mettler-Toledo TGA/SDTA 851e instrument. Samples were heated from 25 to 1000 °C with a heating rate of 20 °C min−1, using synthetic air with a gas flow of 85 mL min−1. In some cases samples did not reach a plateau above 800 °C due to issues with base line stabilization. For the sake of comparability all shown data were obtained with the same set-up and found to be reproducible.
FTIR measurements were performed on the prepared powders in the ATR mode, using a Bruker Vertex 70 FTIR spectrometer (resolution 2 cm−1).
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments were carried out on a Bruker AXS D8 Advance diffractometer using monochromatic Cu-Kα1 radiation (40 kV, 40 mA, λ = 1.5406 Å). The step size for small-angle measurements was 2θ = 0.0075° with a 3 s counting time for each step.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) images were recorded using a Zeiss NEON 40 scanning electron microscope with an UltraDry detector by Thermo Fisher Scientific. EDX images were recorded with an acceleration voltage of 13 kV and an aperture size of 120 μm. The high-current mode was used to obtain EDX images.
Zeta-potential measurements were performed on a Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS. The samples were prepared by dispersing 1 to 2 mg of clay in 4 g deionized water by ultrasonication. The dispersions were measured in a disposable, U-shape folded capillary cell by Malvern.
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Fig. 2 Vertically shifted dTGA traces of the clay-silane hybrids, the pristine clays and the deh-clays. The TGA traces are shown in Fig. S1 (ESI†). |
The mass loss in the vicinity of 100 °C was identified to be caused by water which makes up 12 and 6 mass-% in pristine LAP and pristine MMT, respectively. Although the reaction products and the deh-clays were dried at 120 °C, adsorbed humidity during sample storage under ambient conditions probably accounts for that mass loss. This is marginal for the deh-clays and the APTS@clay samples and more pronounced for the APMS@clay and APDS@clay products but still below those observed with the pristine clays. In accordance with XRD and NMR results (cf. Sections 3.2 and 3.4) it is reasonable to assume that this additional water is released from the interlayer spaces of APMS@clay and APDS@clay. Although water from silanol condensation might contribute to the mass loss this scenario is less probable in the light of the higher temperature that was applied during the drying process.
• Silanol grafting to Mg–OH,
• Specific NH2–H2O–NH2 interaction,
• Specific Na+–H2O–NH2 interaction,
• NH2–H2O hidden in silica cavities.
The grafting of the silane's Si–OH on Mg–OH alone would have yielded just one third of the amount of released water (cf. Section 3.1.3.) and FTIR spectroscopy of APMS@LAP shows that the asymmetric stretching of Mg–OH (ν ≈ 650 cm−1) stays intact in the annealed product (Fig. 3).
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Fig. 3 FTIR spectra of APMS@LAP as obtained and annealed at 200 °C in comparison with the pristine clay. The lower part is the zoomed wavenumber range between 1150 and 1800 cm−1. |
On the contrary, the last three scenarios are supported by the observation that the APDS@LAP sample releases CO2 around 180 °C which is not detected in APMS@LAP (Fig. S2, ESI†). Carbon dioxide adsorption by APMS will be hampered if its amino group is sterically shielded, e.g., in the hexagonal cavities of the silica layer or chemically tied via hydrogen bonding, either exclusively with water or with the sodium cations involved. In a review Lagaly reported already in 1984 on the intercalation of neutral molecules like amines in smectites. It was suggested that amines coordinate alkali and earth alkali cations through water bridges.42
Interactions between the amino group and water or carbon dioxide in the form of the ammonium salt should have an effect on the N–H vibrations and thus the FTIR spectra of APMS@LAP before and after annealing. Indeed, the patterns in the fingerprint region (700–900 cm−1) and in the range of 1100–1800 cm−1 have been altered by annealing at 200 °C (Fig. 3). Bands at 794, 840, 1190, 1259, 1412, 1441 and 1580 cm−1 for the annealed sample are in excellent accord with the FTIR spectrum reported for dimerized APMS.43 Only the reported band at 1058 cm−1 for the asymmetric stretching of Si–O–Si in the dimer is hidden by the Si–O–Si vibration of the clay in the APMS@LAP hybrid phase (intense band at 993 cm−1).
This suggests that APMS is intercalated as monomer and dimerizes around 200 °C. The relative stability of γ-aminopropylalkoxysilanes in water towards condensation has been attributed to the formation of cyclic structures of the hydrolyzed silane. The silanol is stabilized through intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the Si–OH and the H2N group. An IR absorption at 1510 cm−1 was assigned to the N–H bending vibration within such cycles.43 For the vibrations of the corresponding –NH3+ cation and of the free –NH2 group, lower (1485 cm−1) and higher (1600 cm−1) wavenumbers have been reported, respectively.44,45 The non-annealed sample of APMS@LAP shows bands at 1516 and 1564 cm−1. The former is in good agreement with the presence of cyclic APMS rather than ammonium groups. If we assume that carbon dioxide would be bound as –NH3+ HCO3− ion pairs, the FTIR bands explain that basically no CO2 was detected in the TGA of this hybrid. The other band at 1564 cm−1 exludes the presence of free amino groups.
To summarize, the results show that hydrolyzed APMS is accommodated as intramolecular stabilized cyclic monomer and that N–H interacts with water molecules via hydrogen bonding. At around 200 °C the APMS rings open and two adsorbed H2O molecules per APMS are released according to TGA evaluation (cf. Section 3.1.3). With regard to the silanol a band at 1703 cm−1 of the annealed hybrid can be attributed to free Si–OH groups.46 Nevertheless, another 1/2 equivalent of released H2O per APMS (cf. Section 3.1.3) and a slightly decreased d-value in the annealed sample (cf.Table 1 and Fig. 7d, e) confirm the FTIR results that a distinct fraction of the APMS species should have dimerized.
Sample | Δmi (%) | ϕ i | Silane per clay site | Reacted Q2 (%) | d-Value (nm) | ζ-Pot. (mV) | |
x i /(xi + yi) | x i /eqNa | x i /eqedge | |||||
LAP | — | — | — | — | — | 1.40 | −24 |
deh-LAP | — | — | — | — | — | 1.28 | n.d. |
APMS@LAP | 10.2 | 0.418 | 2.1 | 9.0 | 42 | 1.71 | −20 |
APDS@LAP | 6.9 | 0.322 | 1.4 | 5.9 | 25 | 1.70 | −7 |
APTS@LAP | 6.8 | 0.328 | 1.4 | 6.1 | 17 | 1.26 | −12 |
MMT | — | — | — | — | — | 1.16 | −33 |
deh-MMT | — | — | — | — | — | 1.03 | n.d. |
APMS@MMT | 2.0 | 0.085 | 0.3 | 12 | u.d. | 1.26 | −29 |
APDS@MMT | 3.0 | 0.149 | 0.5 | 22 | u.d. | 1.54 | −29 |
APTS@MMT | 2.6 | 0.145 | 0.5 | 21 | u.d. | 1.12 | −14 |
The mass loss in the intermediate temperature range (300–600 °C) is due to the degradation of the hydrocarbon moieties (propyl, methyl) as well as of the amino groups (vide infra for APMS@LAP). Above 600 °C structural dehydration of the clay takes place.32
A more efficient confinement is imposed by the larger lateral extension of the layers in combination with smaller d-values (Table 1). This broadens the temperature range of the degradation of APMS and APDS which is partially overlapping with the dehydration of the Al-OH sites (cf. Fig. S1 and S3, ESI†). Therefore, the temperature range for the calculation of grafted or intercalated silanes is extended to 800 °C.
The silylation yield can then be calculated from the molar composition of the ashes at 850 °C. These consist of SiO2 from the silane and the oxides from the clay, the latter having a pseudo molecular mass Mj (MLAP = 367, MMMT = 349):
mash = xi·MSiO2 + yi·Mj. | (1) |
yi = (mash − Δmi·MSiO2/Mi)/Mj | (2) |
ϕi = xi/(xi + yi). | (3) |
The calculated silylation yields ϕi (Table 1) may be somewhat underestimated for APMS@LAP and both APTS treated clays due to the unaccomplished constant mass at 850 °C (cf. Section 2.3, Fig. S1, ESI†). Nevertheless, roughly 1/3 of the obtained LAP hybrids consists of the silane, which just makes up approximately 1/8 of the MMT hybrids, with slightly larger and lower values for APMS@LAP and APMS@MMT, respectively. With regard to the amounts of silanes that were recovered in the hybrids after synthesis and centrifugation, yields of 32–50% and 6–11% are calculated for the LAP and for the MMT series, respectively.
In order to show the relation of the fixed silanes to the clays' sites for edge grafting and intercalation, the amounts of silane (xi) are tabulated in proportion to sodium equivalents and edge sites, respectively (Table 1). For the sake of simplicity the latter are estimated assuming disks of 25 nm (LAP) and 250 nm (MMT) diameter with a thickness of 1 nm. This yields a surface fraction for the edges of 0.8 and 8 percent for MMT and LAP, respectively. Although the derived numbers do not reflect the actual proportions of intercalated and edge grafted silanes they provide hypothetic population densities for exclusive intercalation or edge grafting, respectively.
Hence, for intercalated APMS in LAP the value close to two is plausibly large to explain the proposed Na+–H2O–NH2 compartments which retain water at temperatures up to 200 °C (cf. Section 3.1.1.) and allow for enhanced Na+ dynamics (cf. Section 3.4). On the other hand, values substantially below one for intercalated silanes in MMT underline the reluctance of the host to accommodate the guest species which will be discussed in Section 3.6.
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Fig. 4 Small angle XRD sections of the LAP and of the MMT series. The positions of the 001 peaks of the pristine clays are indicated. |
To summarize, the XRD results exclude noteworthy intercalation in case of APTS whereas they confirm the accommodation of APMS and APDS.
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Fig. 5 Proton-decoupled 29Si NMR spectra of the LAP and MMT series, obtained under MAS at 3 kHz. Red, black and blue asterisks denote spinning-sidebands of the Q3, Q4 and T2/T3 site, respectively. |
Although absolute intensities are inaccessible because of long spin–lattice relaxation times for Q3 sites, a Q2/Q3 ratio of 0.12 from peak deconvolution is in a good agreement with previous results.51
Treatment with APMS reduces the Q2/Q3 ratio from 0.12 to 0.07 which indicates that about 42% of the Si–OH groups have reacted. A broad, asymmetric M signal for R3SiO around 10 ppm can be assigned to grafted or dimerized APMS (M1 peak at 8.6 ppm)51 as well as the silanol (M0 peak at 12 ppm). However, the latter is not resolved but clearly visible as a distinct shoulder (cf.Fig. 5, inset). The M0 peak for the pristine alkoxy group in APMS has been reported to be at 16.9 ppm.52
In APDS@LAP a Q2/Q3 intensity ratio of 0.09 means that 25% of the silanols have been consumed in accordance with a broad and unresolved signal at −20.3 ppm. This is attributed to D2 species (R2SiO2) of oligomerized APDS. The shoulder at −17 ppm can be assigned to minor contents of D1 species (R2Si(OEt)O).53,54
With APTS, the Q2/Q3 ratio increases to 0.1 which corresponds to 17% of silanol conversion. This yields two broad peaks at −57.6 ppm and −66.6 ppm that are caused by T2 (RSi(OEt)O2) and T3 (RSiO3) silicon sites, respectively, being part of branched APTS oligomers.32,51,54,55
To summarize, the decrease of the Q2 signal intensity provides evidence of edge-grafting which decreases in the order APMS@LAP > APDS@LAP > APTS@LAP whereas the appearance of M, D and T peaks proves the condensation of the silanes' silanol groups.
After the reaction with either of the silanes, the Q2 shoulder is no longer recognizable because of the increased width of the Q3 peak. However, the appearance of M, D1/D2 and T2/T3 peaks at 6.9 ppm, −19.9 ppm and −67.9 ppm prove similar reaction pathways of the silanes as described in the previous section.51,53–55
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Fig. 6 Proton-decoupled 23Na NMR spectra of the LAP and MMT series, obtained under MAS at 10 kHz. Spinning sidebands are labelled with asterisks. |
For the silylated samples the peak width significantly narrows from APTS to APMS. This reveals a detachment of planar coordinated Na+ ions near the clay surface (large quadrupole coupling) to a more central position and sphere-like coordination. The latter will enhance the Na+ dynamics which also narrows the lines.
The down-field shift, 0.5 ppm for APMS and −6.3 ppm for APDS, reflects changes in the electric field gradient of the Na+ ions in the neighborhood of the intercalated silanes. In particular the distinctly narrow and down-field shifted peak of APMS supports the findings obtained from the unique thermal behaviour of this hybrid material (cf. Section 3.1.1): the high water content and therefore a more symmetrical coordination sphere. On the contrary, the distinctly up-field shifted peak of APTS is in line with the absence of silane intercalation.
However, the lineshapes of all treated MMT samples indicate three nonequivalent sites as suggested by deconvolution.58 It can be concluded that sodium cations are present in different surroundings in the vicinity of the clay surface. In accordance with rather low silylation yields and modest increases of the interlayer distances (Table 1) the small observed changes may even not be attributed to the presence of intercalated silane. Only the distinct tailing on the up-field side and the steep slope on the down-field side of the peak of APDS@MMT may feature some solvation effect induced by the guest species. This sample is also the one with the largest d-value in the MMT series.
Finally, further probes have been considered to support the results and are discussed briefly in the ESI.† Whereas EDX fails to unambiguously identify and locate the silanes at and within the clay lattice, respectively, zeta-potential measurements are expected to reveal the presence of positive charges that would result from protonated amino groups which are covalently attached to the particles through silylation. These were measured directly after dispersion of the clays in water (Table 1, cf. ESI,† for more details). They show that the silylation partly compensates the negative charge of the pristine particles. This effect is more pronounced for the LAP samples, which reflects the higher proportion of edges due to the smaller aspect ratio. With regard to the silanes, the shifted charge is most distinct for APTS, which does not intercalate and selectively binds to the layers' rims.
Our findings can best be understood to reflect branched APTS oligomers. They only consume a fraction of Si–OH at the edges due to steric constraints and low residual numbers of silanol groups (Fig. 7c). Oligomerization results from the high probability of condensation reactions between hydrolyzed silanes due to the high number of ethoxy groups in APTS. Grafted oligomers seal the layers' rims and thus impede further intercalation of APTS and its derivatives (Fig. 7c left edge). Nevertheless, in an early stage of MMT silylation, species might have successfully penetrated the interlayer space and formed a peripheral zone with an increased d-value. Even for the lower d-value the distance between neighboring silica sites is too wide to be linked through monomeric APTS (Fig. 7c right edge).
As already argued for the grafting of APTS quick hydrolysis will also take place with APMS and APDS. However, with fewer alkoxy groups the probability of edge grafting increases while grafted species are less (APDS) or not (APMS) bulky. Hence, more species can freely enter the interlayer space. Contrary to APDS silanols which yield linear chains, APMS silanols just condense to dimers. Nevertheless, γ-aminopropyl alkoxysilanes are known to be relatively stable even in aqueous phase which was explained by intramolecular H-bonding between NH2 and Si–OH.43 Consequently, in case of APMS with a single silanol group, intercalation of monomeric rings becomes more probable.
From a mechanistic and chemical perspective, a larger interlayer space, a smaller aspect ratio and a higher water content (that is linked with the pristine inter-layer distance) facilitate intercalation as observed with LAP. Additionally, different acidities of the metal hydroxide groups will yield different amine/ammonium equilibria of the silanes. Given a more acidic Al–OH and thus the presence of ammonium cations electrostatic repulsion between them and sodium as well as electrostatic attraction between ammonium and immobile counter ions (Al–O−) would also explain lower silylation yields with MMT and smaller interlayer distances. Within APMS@MMT, homogeneously oriented APMS monomer fits the interlayer distance, wheres a normal (or tilted) orientation would need the hexagonal silica cavities for the accommodation of either amino or methyl groups. The latter also applies for dimerized APMS (Fig. 7b).
This contrasts APMS@LAP which combines the highest silylation yield with the largest d-value, a rather thermostable water reservoir and distinct sodium dynamics. In accordance with the less acidic nature of Mg–OH intramolecular hydrogen bonding of the silanol with the γ-amino group can prevail and monomeric APMS is accommodated as rings in a normal or tilted orientation (Fig. 7e).
Although the precise assembly of silane, water and sodium evades the probes used in this study, sodium cations could thus be encircled in a central plane by water and polar NH2 (or NH2–H–OSi) moieties of silanes. The trimethylene sides of the APMS rings and their geminal methyl groups may then form hydrophobic arrays throughout the interlayer space. In contrast to more open and less ordered arrangements of linear APDS oligomers, such a compartmentalization of water withstands the drying process of the product but collapses at higher temperature: APMS rings open and 2.5 H2O per guest molecule are leaving the interlayer spaces. Bands in the FTIR spectrum, the half equivalent water per silane and a slightly shrunk d-value (Δd = 0.12 nm, cf. Fig. S4, ESI†) suggest the presence of dimerized APMS besides residual, monomeric silanol after annealing.
The drawn picture is probably oversimplified. It is well known that LAP is chemically not inert in aqueous phase63 and that it actually is a composite mineral from hectorite with ≈25% kerolite.64 Regarding MMT the situation is more complex because of a heterogeneous layer charge density in MMT. A kind of staging effect was proven by Stul and Mortier65 by means of “apparent d-values” for a homologous series of alkyl ammonium ions and a lateral uneven Fe(II) distribution was unveiled by Morris et al. with 27Al NMR spectroscopy.60 Such patchiness of charge (and Na+) density will have an impact on the uptake and accommodation of APDS and APMS.
Contrary to previous findings with other mono-alkoxy silanes γ-aminopropyl bearing silanes with one and two alkoxy groups can be intercalated due to the polarity and the hydrogen accepting role of the amino group. Remarkably, the uptake of mono-alkoxy silane in cyclic form leads to compartmentalization between polar domains of water, sodium and amino groups through hydrophobic walls that are formed by the methyl and trimethylene moieties.
The thermal stability of such arrangements may be used in applications where water is supposed to play a destructive role. This can be hydrolysis in interfaces between unlike materials, e.g., macroscopic parts from metal and polymer or nano-composites. With increasing demands for circular economies for the sake of sustainable growth it is highly desirable to separate the metal or the inorganic filler from the polymer phase once the service life has ended. Consequently, local release of water may initiate and facilitate the separation process via hydrolytic scission of covalent or hydrogen bonds in the interface or within polymer chains, respectively. Beyond that, blasting of the stacked clay layers would further promote the intended degradation of a composite. In this respect this study may spur the design of similar assemblies, in particular using clays which combine basicity and a much larger aspect ratio. In conjunction with higher heating rates the latter should limit diffusive water loss in favour of expansion and interphase burst.
In order to achieve promising architectures further insights into the space-time dependent chemistry and intercalation process could be obtained via real time monitoring of the clay's d-value during the silylation process using small angle scattering.
Finally, our results may be helpful for a (re)interpretation of previously published, apparently contradictory findings on the silylation of smectites, since a homologous series was used under identical reaction conditions.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: TGA-MS, XRD, EDX, 29Si NMR Herzfeld–Berger analysis, 23Na NMR, 7Li NMR, 27Al NMR, ζ-potential, BET surface, SEM. See DOI: 10.1039/d1cp03321b |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 |