Shigeru Ikeda*ab,
Thi Hiep Nguyencd,
Riku Okamotoa,
Mikas Remeikae,
Imane Abdellaoui
Muhammad M. Islame,
Takashi Harada
Ryu Abe
g and
Takeaki Sakurai
aDepartment of Chemistry, Konan University, 9-1 Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 658-8501, Japan. E-mail:
bInstitute for Energy Conversion Materials, Konan University, 9-1 Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 658-8501, Japan
cInstitute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
dFaculty of Natural Sciences, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
eDepartment of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
fResearch Center for Solar Energy Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
gDepartment of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Katsura Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
First published on 30th November 2021
Kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films in which the Cu site was partially replaced with Ag were prepared by spray deposition on an Mo-coated glass substrate. Successful replacement of Cu components in the CZTS lattice with Ag up to an Ag/(Cu + Ag) ratio of 0.20 was achieved. Samples with relatively low contents of Ag (Ag/(Cu + Ag) ratios of 0.05 and 0.10) showed obvious grain growth compared to that of bare CZTS, whereas samples with higher Ag contents showed an appreciable decrease in grain sizes. Photoelectrochemical properties for water reduction (H2 production), which was examined after surface modifications with an In2S3/CdS double layer and Pt catalyst for H2 evolution, depended strongly on such morphological differences; a maximum conversion efficiency, i.e., half-cell solar to hydrogen efficiency, of 2.4% was achieved by the photocathode based on the film with an Ag/(Cu + Ag) ratio of 0.10. Minority carrier dynamics examined by photoluminescence measurements indicated that such an active sample of PEC H2 production had a relatively long carrier lifetime, suggesting that the suppression of carrier recombination at grain boundaries in the bulk of these kesterite films is one of the important factors for enhancing PEC functions.
Several chalcogenide thin films having p-type semiconductive properties have been studied for photocathode materials.4–10 Cu-based selenides, sulfides and their mixed forms of selenosulfides crystallized in a chalcopyrite structure (Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2) have been shown to be effective after modification of their surfaces for inducing water reduction.11–23 We have shown that sulfide-based chalcopyrite thin films, including CuInS2 and Cu(In,Ga)S2, were useful as photocathodes for H2 production from water when they were covered by an ultra-thin layer of an n-type CdS or In2S3 compound followed by deposition of platinum (Pt) nanoparticles as H2 evolution catalysts.24–28
Pure sulfide kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) has also been studied as a candidate for photocathode materials because of its appropriate bandgap of approximately 1.5 eV for efficient sunlight absorption as well as its environmental and resource advantages compared to those of the above-mentioned chalcopyrite compounds.29–36 After the first report of PEC water reduction using a CZTS-based photocathode by Yokoyama et al.,29 several groups investigated the use of CZTS thin films with various surface modifications for realizing highly active and stable H2 production. We have reported the achievement of bias-free water splitting under simulated sunlight (AM1.5G) radiation with a maximum sunlight conversion efficiency of 0.28% by using a CZTS-based photocathode modified with an In2S3/CdS double layer and Pt deposits upon combination with a BiVO4-based photoanode.32 Further improvements were also achieved in our subsequent studies by applying several surface modifications.35,36 The current best efficiency of unbiased solar to hydrogen conversion using a tandem cell based on a CZTS-based photocathode and a BiVO4 photoanode is 3.17%: notable features of the tandem device are its successful increase in size up to 5 × 5 cm2 and superior long-term stability over 60 h.36 Although the efficiency value is close to the current best PEC water reduction photocathode based on a chalcopyrite compound thin film,19 further improvements are required to reach a necessary level for predicting its practical use.
Apart from the surface modification approach, substitutions of constituent elements in the CZTS crystalline lattice were studied as another approach to improve PEC properties for water reduction as well as further functionalization. Tay et al. used Cd as a partial substituent of Zn in a CZTS film with a compositional formula of Cu2Cd0.4Zn0.6SnS4: a half-cell solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency (HC-STH) of more than 4% was achieved by the resulting photocathode.37 Regarding the durability issue, Wen et al. reported that a significant improvement in durability was achieved by alloying Ge at the Sn site.38 We also found that Ge replacement was effective for inducing an upward shift of the bottom energy of the conduction band; the photocathode based on a film with complete replacement of Ge (Cu2ZnGeS4) showed CO2 reduction ability.39 Furthermore, Zhou et al. found that a Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 thin film in which the Zn site of CZTS is fully replaced with Zn and the S component is partially substituted with Se was applicable for solar water reduction with high durability.40 Recently, partial replacement of Cu with Ag in a CZTS film was found to be effective not only for PEC water reduction41,42 but also for photovoltaic application.43–45 Due to the much higher formation energy of Ag on the Zn antisite defect (AgZn) than that of Cu on the Zn antisite defect (CuZn),44,46 Ag incorporation into the Cu site of CZTS leads to a reduction in the CuZn content. Although CuZn is a kind of p-type defect in CZTS, its energy level is deeper than the favourable Cu vacancy (VCu).47 Thus, Ag incorporation should induce reduction of the CuZn contents, resulting in enhancement of fluctuation and band tailing48 and reduction of band bending (i.e., built-in potential).49 The best device for PEC water reduction reported recently achieved a photocurrent of 17.7 mA cm−2 at 0 V (vs. reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)) and an onset potential of 0.85 V (vs. RHE).42 Since the PEC activity achieved is one of the highest values reported for a CZTS-based photocathode, it is expected that further functionalization of PEC properties can be achieved by using a photocathode based on an Ag-incorporated CZTS film. In this study, therefore, we examined PEC properties of water reduction over Ag-incorporated CZTS films with various Ag contents with focus on correlations with their structural/morphological and carrier recombination properties.
ERHE = EAg/AgCl + 0.059 × pH + 0.199. |
Half-cell solar to hydrogen efficiency (HC-STH) plots against applied potentials were also obtained from the current density-potential response of the photocathodes by using the following equation:
HC-STH (%) = Jph × ERHE × 100/P0, |
A PEC cell connected to an Agilent 490 Micro GC gas chromatography system (MS-5A column, thermal conductivity detector, Ar carrier) was used to quantify the amounts of H2 in the gas phase during the PEC water reduction. The PEC cell immersed in a water bath to maintain the temperature at 25 °C was irradiated with simulated sunlight (AM1.5G) by using the above-mentioned solar simulator. The potential of the photocathode during photoirradiation was fixed at 0 V, 0.25 V, or 0.40 V (ERHE).
As calculated from these reflections, the length of the a-axis of the kesterite unit cell increased linearly with an increase in the Ag content, whereas the length of the c-axis was almost constant regardless of the Ag content (Fig. 1c). Moreover, extrapolations of these lattice parameters to the Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratio of 1.0 showed good agreement with those of pure Cu-free kesterite Ag2ZnSnS4 calculated from a standard profile (PDF-01-082-5006). Thus, all of the Ag components in the Ag-incorporated films should exist mainly in their corresponding Cu sites of kesterite lattices.
Fig. 2 shows surface FE-SEM images of CZTS and Ag-incorporated films. Corresponding size distributions of grains, which were obtained by applying a normal distribution curve to the average minor diameter (Davr) and the standard deviation (SD) calculated from more than 50 grains for each sample, are also shown in this figure. The CZTS film shows densely packed well-grown grains of ca. 1 μm in size. Similar morphologies were also observed for the ACZTS(0.02) film. Further inclusion of Ag up to the Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratio of 0.10 (ACZTS(0.05) and ACZTS(0.10) films) induced obvious grain growth. Size distribution analyses suggest ca. 1.5-times increments of their grain sizes compared to those in the bare CZTS film. On the other hand, Ag-containing films including larger amounts of Ag (ACZTS(0.15) and ACZTS(0.20) films) showed appreciable reductions in their grain sizes by nearly one order of magnitude. Empirically, partial Ag replacement is known to be effective for grain growth in several chalcopyrite films50–52 as well as the present Ag-incorporated CZTS41 at least for an Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratio of less than 0.20 regardless of their fabrication processes. However, there is no report showing a detrimental effect of Ag incorporation on grain growth. Although detailed analyses should be performed, the observed suppression of grain growth is likely to be characteristic for the spray deposition method.
It is known that surface modifications with both an n-type ultrathin layer (such as CdS and In2S3) and an HER catalyst (such as Pt metal nanoparticles) are indispensable for inducing efficient photocurrents.11,24,25 The present thin films also required these modifiers: regarding the n-type layer, specifically, the use of an In2S3–CdS double layer showed better HER ability than that of a simple CdS (or In2S3) single layer (Fig. S1, ESI†). As reported previously,32 the CdS layer should form the best p–n heterojunction for the CZTS-based photoabsorber; the main contribution of the In2S3 overlayer would be protection of direct contact of the CdS surface with the aqueous solution to avoid rapid oxidative degradation of CdS. Therefore, we used samples modified with the In2S3–CdS double layer and a Pt catalyst as photocathodes. Fig. 3a shows the current density-potential (J–V) curves obtained by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) analyses of photocathodes based on CZTS and Ag-incorporated CZTS films under chopped sunlight (AM 1.5G) illumination. The photocathode based on the CZTS film showed a photocurrent density of 9 mA cm−2 at ERHE = 0 V. The maximum HC-STH (HC-STHmax) of the photocathode estimated from the J–V curve reached 1.6% (Fig. 3b); the photocurrent onset of the sample, defined as a potential (ERHE) showing 0.1% of HC-STH, was estimated to be 0.72 V. Although the photocathode based on an Ag-incorporated CZTS film with low Ag content (ACZTS(0.02)) showed almost the same J–V curve as that of the bare CZTS-based photocathode, obvious increases in PEC characteristics were observed for photocathodes based on the ACZTS(0.05) and ACZTS(0.10) films, whereas appreciable drops in PEC properties appeared for the photocathodes based on the ACZTS(0.15) and ACZTS(0.20) films. For a quantitative comparison of these PEC properties, typical PEC parameters, i.e., HC-STHmax and photocurrent onset, were extracted and they were plotted against the Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratio (Fig. 3c). There were appreciable improvements in HC-STHmax values, which reached more than 2% when photocathodes based on the ACZTS(0.05) and ACZTS(0.10) films were used, though the photocurrent onset was not affected by the Ag incorporation (see below) probably due to similarities of interface properties of p–n heterojunctions in these photocathodes. The highest HC-STHmax value of 2.4% was obtained by the ACZTS(0.10)-based photocathode sample. On the other hand, appreciable drops in PEC properties appeared for photocathodes based on ACZTS(0.15) and ACZTS(0.20) films. HC-STHmax values of these photocathodes were reduced to almost one-third of the HC-STHmax value of a bare CZTS-based photocathode.
To characterize the effect of Ag incorporation into the CZTS lattice of the film on photoexcited charge recombination occurring inside the film, PL and TRPL measurements were performed for CdS-covered CZTS and Ag-incorporated CZTS films. It is known that bare kesterite and chalcopyrite films are degraded by exposure to open air and the degradation has an impact on minority carrier lifetime.53–55 To examine the bulk properties of the films in this study, therefore, CdS-covered films, i.e., CZTS and Ag-incorporated films passivated by a CdS layer, were chosen for both PL and TRPL measurements. For PL emission properties, the normalized PL spectra of all samples showed similar results in terms of peak shape and peak position, as shown in Fig. 4a: as analysed by applying the conventional Gaussian equation, all of the measured samples showed peak-top positions of ca. 940 nm and peak widths of ca. 70 nm (Table 1). The PL peak position value corresponded to 1.32 eV in the energy scale; the value is much smaller than that of the band gap energy of CZTS (ca. 1.50 eV). In accordance with the previous PL study on selenosulfide Cu-based kesterites (Cu2ZnSn(Se,S)4), the observed PL emission is assignable to the band–impurity recombination.53 Photoabsorption properties of Ag-incorporated CZTS crystals examined by the powder system proved that band gap energies of Ag-incorporated CZTS crystals in the present Ag content (i.e., Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratio up to 0.2) are not significantly changed by the Ag incorporation.56,57 Moreover, band edge positions, i.e., the maximum energies of valence band (VBMs) and minimum energies of conduction band (CBMs), of the CZTS and ACZTS films were suggested to be comparable to at least the ACZTS with an Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratio up to 0.1.43 Therefore, the optical absorption properties of the present Ag-incorporated CZTS crystals are assumed to be almost the same as those of the Ag-free CZTS film. Based on these considerations, the observed PL emissions for the Ag-containing samples measured in the present study are also assignable to the same band–impurity recombination path. Thus, in the following discussion, we assumed that the Ag incorporation of the present sample did not induce critical changes in the defect structure(s)-affected radiative recombination.
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 (a) Steady-state PL and (b) TRPL spectra of CZTS and Ag-incorporated thin films covered with a chemical bath-deposited CdS layer. (c) Dependence of τ2 and dependence of HC-STHmax obtained by TRPL measurement (for τ2) and J–V curves shown in Fig. 3 (for HC-STHmax) on the contents of Ag (Ag/(Ag + Cu)) in CZTS and Ag-incorporated thin films. |
Sample | λ 0 /nm | w /nm | τ 1 /ns | τ 2 /ns | C 1/C2b |
a Peak position (λ0) and width (w) determined by fitting each PL spectra with the conventional Gaussian equation: I(λ) = exp{−(λ − λ0)/w}2. b Parameters obtained by fitting TRPL decay curves with the double-exponential function given in the main text. | |||||
CZTS | 941 | 72.2 | 1.00 | 4.01 | 1.75 |
ACZTS(0.02) | 934 | 71.6 | 0.95 | 4.30 | 1.80 |
ACZTS(0.05) | 934 | 74.3 | 1.04 | 5.18 | 1.53 |
ACZTS(0.10) | 940 | 74.0 | 0.98 | 5.42 | 1.19 |
ACZTS(0.20) | 940 | 76.2 | 0.56 | 2.96 | 0.91 |
As shown in Fig. 4b, the room temperature TRPL signal indicates a gradual increase in PL lifetime with an increase in the Ag content. The decay curves could be fitted by the following double-exponential function:
I(t) = C1![]() ![]() |
1/τPL = 1/τrad + 1/τnr. |
As shown in Fig. 4c, there is a clear trend for an increase in minority carrier lifetime with an increase in Davr. The HC-STHmax values are also increased with an increase in the grain size in the kesterite films. The integrated PL intensity of the corresponding samples also roughly follow a similar tendency (data not shown). These results suggest that a deep defect(s) that existed at grain boundaries in the kesterite films would be a probable center for inducing SRH recombination. Although the origin(s) of defect structure(s) at grain boundaries has not yet been clarified, suppression of the effective area of SRH recombination would be achieved by an increase in grain size, resulting in improvements of HC-STHmax. Apart from the effect of grain boundaries, acceptor densities (NAs) calculated from capacitance–voltage (C–V) analyses of photovoltaic devices indicated that there was no appreciable decrease in NA observed for the ACZTS film with a moderate Ag content (ACZTS(0.10)).43 As mentioned above, a theoretical study suggested that the formation energy of the CuZn antisite defect is much lower than other point defects such as VCu,47 whereas the formation energy of the AgZn antisite defect is relatively high since there are significant differences in the ionic radii between Ag and Zn ions.46 Assuming that the Ag incorporation reduces the number of CuZn antisite defects, comparable values of NAs between the ACZTS(0.10) film and the CZTS film suggest achievement of a successful combination of suppression of the formation of unfavourable CuZn and increment of favourable VCu in the kesterite lattice of the ACZTS(0.10) film. On the other hand, significant reductions in grain sizes observed for the photocathode based on Ag-incorporated CZTS films with a relatively large Ag content mainly appeared to have detrimental effects of an increase in the effective area of the grain boundaries, leading to a drop of their PEC performances.
As discussed in a previous report on the solar cell properties of Ag-incorporated films obtained by spray deposition, the best parameters were obtained by the cell based on ACZTS(0.02).43 Based on the fact that ACZTS films with relatively large grains (ACZTS(0.05) and ACZTS(0.10)) had many pinholes over the entire surface as observed at a relatively low magnification using a laser microscope,43 the inconsistency with the present PEC results as well as minority carrier lifetimes is likely to be due to the occurrence of shunts in the solar cell device induced by such pinholes, whereas the present PEC device is free from the unfavourable effect of pinholes, and thus there are many opportunities for further functionalization and/or survey of materials for PEC applications without paying much attention to pinhole formation in a newly developed semiconductor film. This would be a significant characteristic of the PEC device that is superior to a solar cell.
Fig. 5a shows a time course curve of H2 gas liberation over the photocathode based on a CZTS film at ERHE = 0 V under illumination from simulated sunlight (AM 1.5G). A current density profile during hydrogen production and the sum of half of the electrons passing through the outer circuit (e−/2) during H2 liberation at a certain interval are also plotted in this figure. The amount of H2 produced in the gas phase increased proportionally at a rate (per 1 cm2) of 157 μmol h−1 cm−2. The corresponding e−/2 plot (slope: 161 μmol h−1 cm−2) was consistent with the H2 liberation, i.e., the faradaic efficiency, defined as the ratio in percent of the rate of H2 evolution to that of e−/2 during 3 h photoirradiation, was estimated to be almost unity (ca. 98%). In addition, the observed constant photocurrent flow during the reaction indicated almost no degradation of the photocathode. As shown in Fig. 5b and c, a similar monotonous increase in H2 accumulation was also observed when the reaction was performed at applied potentials (ERHEs) of 0.25 V and 0.40 V. From the slopes of time course curves, the rates of H2 evolution (per 1 cm2) were calculated to be 36 μmol h−1 cm−2 at ERHE = 0.25 V and 3.8 μmol h−1 cm−2 at ERHE = 0.4 V. However, in these power generation potential regions, gradual drops in the rates of H2 liberation and photocurrent density profiles were also observed, suggesting the occurrence of degradation. Our recent studies have shown that significant improvements can be achieved by surface loadings of different n-type modifiers instead of the present In2S3/CdS, such as an HfO2/CdS double layer35 and an HfO2/CdS/HfO2 triple layer.36 Although the other factors affecting durability of the present photocathode, such as stability of the incorporated Ag component, should also be clarified, applications of Ag incorporation to those stabilized devices are now in progress.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: LSV plot of CZTS-based photocathodes with several surface modifications. See DOI: 10.1039/d1cp04075h |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 |