c and
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Ioannina 45110, Greece. E-mail: ipanagio@uoi.gr
bInstitute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Centre for Scientific Research-Demokritos, Athens, Greece
cLaboratory of Materials for Electrotechnics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
dInstitute of Materials Science and Computing, University Research Center of Ioannina (URCI), 45110 Ioannina, Greece
First published on 30th May 2022
Two series of [Ru10/Cox)]12 and [Ru6/Cr3/Cox)]12x = 16–60 easy-plane anisotropy multilayers (all thicknesses in Å), prepared by sputter deposition, are studied by cavity FMR. The resonance fields of the modes excited by setting the rf field perpendicular to the saturating (in-plane) field are in good agreement with the values predicted for pure acoustic modes by a simple two-macrospin model. In contrast, the resonance fields of the modes excited by setting the rf field parallel to the saturating field, are lower than those expected for pure optical modes. This is attributed to the existence of hybridized mixed modes. Micromagnetic simulations show that (a) the inhomogeneous magnetization profile along the multilayer thickness is sufficient to give rise to mode mixing and (b) that mode mixing is not limited to the region where the frequencies of the acoustic and optical modes coincide.
The antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling in SAFs gives rise to two distinct modes (acoustic/optical) distinguished according to the correlation of the magnetic moment precession between adjacent magnetic layers. As the names indicate, for acoustic modes the resonances approach zero at zero field, while the optical modes possess useful high frequencies at zero-applied field.11 Several works have focused on these aspects of SAF systems in FeCoB/Cr/FeCoB,12 FeCoB/Al2O3/FeCoB,13 Pt/Co/Ir/Co/Pt,14 and CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB.15,16 A study based on an all-optical pump-probe technique showed that the dynamic exchange coupling increased the damping of the optical mode owing to the spin-pumping effect at the CoFeB/Ru interfaces.17 The frequencies of the modes, as a function of the applied field, depend on the magnetic state and therefore on the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (HK) and antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling (Hex), which provide control of the dynamic properties. Thus, the frequencies of the modes can be used to extract the coupling and anisotropy parameters as has been used in early18 and recent studies.6 As the frequencies of the optical and acoustic modes depend on the applied field, there is a point where they tend to coincide. It has been shown that the optical and acoustic spin-wave modes get hybridized at these degeneracy points.4,5,19 The mode coupling is reported to be mediated by the dipolar fields generated by the magnetization motion of spin waves and the out-of-plane tilt angle.4 It therefore increases with the wave number of excited spin waves and the angle between the external magnetic field and spin-wave propagation directions5 and can be enhanced by applying an out of-plane bias field20 or constructing a structurally asymmetrical SAF.19 Here, we expand these studies to multilayer systems, where other mode mixing mechanisms may come into play. We present a Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) study of two series of [Ru10/Cox)]12 and [Ru6/Cr3/Cox)]12x = 16–60 multilayers (all indices inside the brackets denote thickness in Å, the index 12 refers to the repetitions of the period of the stack). The films have been prepared by sputter deposition and have easy-plane anisotropy but no anisotropy within the plane. The use of chromium gives an extra degree of freedom in tailoring the exchange coupling and anisotropy independently as both have interfacial contributions that scale inversely with the layer thickness. Co/Cr heterostructures have received much less attention than Fe/Cr since there is a crystal structure mismatch between Cr and Co.21 It is found that the [Ru10/Cox)]12 can give higher zero-field optical modes and therefore has more interesting dynamical properties. We propose that mode coupling is linked to the inhomogeneous magnetization profile along the multilayer thickness. Thus, the mode mixing is not limited to the region where the frequencies of the optical and acoustic modes coincide.
Layering | VSM | Macrospin model | FMR (rf⊥dc and rf‖dc) | |||
μ 0 H ‖ | μ 0 H ⊥ | μ 0 H ac | μ 0 H opt | μ 0 H res (⊥) | μ 0 H res (‖) | |
[Ru(10)/Co(14)]12 | 0.77 | 1.20 | 0.24 | 0.66 | — | — |
[Ru(10)/Co(20)]12 | 0.76 | 1.15 | 0.25 | 0.64 | 0.25 | — |
[Ru(10)/Co(30)]12 | 0.66 | 1.22 | 0.22 | 0.58 | 0.22 | 0.39 |
[Ru(10)/Co(40)]12 | 0.46 | 1.32 | 0.18 | 0.41 | 0.19, 0.12 | 0.34, 0.21, 0.09, 0.03 |
[Ru(10)/Co(50)]12 | 0.33 | 1.25 | 0.16 | 0.28 | 0.14 | 0.12 |
[Ru(10)/Co(60)]12 | 0.30 | 1.30 | 0.15 | 0.25 | 0.12 | 0.07 |
[Ru(6)/Cr(3)/Co(16)]12 | 0.38 | 0.42 | 0.24 | — | 0.25 | — |
[Ru(6)/Cr(3)/Co(20)]12 | 0.29 | 0.55 | 0.29 | — | 0.21 | — |
[Ru(6)/Cr(3)/Co(30)]12 | 0.26 | 0.76 | 0.18 | 0.14 | 0.16 | — |
[Ru(6)/Cr(3)/Co(40)]12 | 0.14 | 0.80 | 0.13 | — | 0.15 | — |
[Ru(6)/Cr(3)/Co(50)]12 | 0.13 | 0.89 | 0.12 | 0.34 | 0.12 | — |
For fields lower than 2Hex, the sample is unsaturated and the acoustic and optical resonances are expected at:4
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
The FMR spectra are presented in Fig. 3. Using the H‖, H⊥ obtained from the VSM data we derive the parameters Hex and HK. Then using eqn (1) (with the frequencies set to the cavity frequency fc), the expected field values of the acoustic and optical FMR resonances (Hac, Hopt) can be calculated as:
![]() | (3a) |
![]() | (3b) |
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Fig. 3 FMR spectra for different multilayers measured with the rf perpendicular/parallel to in-plane dc field. The numbers indicate the Cobalt layer thickness in Å. |
The application of an rf field perpendicular/parallel to the in-plane dc field favours the excitation of acoustic/optical modes respectively.4,23 Thus the Hac and Hopt should be compared to the experimentally observed FMR resonance fields Hres(⊥) and Hres(‖) obtained when rf⊥dc and rf‖dc respectively. For the acoustic resonances there is a fair agreement between the calculated values and those observed by FMR for γ = 32 GHz/T, a value which is close to that obtained for Pt/Co/W multilayers prepared under the same conditions.24 The [Ru(10)/Co(14)]12 sample did not give a measurable signal in the FMR. The expected frequency of the zero-field optical mode , which is interesting for applications, is between 17.4 and 20.1 GHz for the [Ru10/Cox)]12 series. For the [Ru6/Cr3/Cox)]12 series it takes lower values, ranging between 4 and 11.5 GHz. The FMR measurements with rf‖dc did not give resonances for any of the [Ru(6)/Cr(3)/Co(x)]12 samples. This can be partially attributed to the fact that for most of these samples fo(0) is below the rf frequency of the cavity and according to eqn (3b) cannot be observed:
The [Ru(10)/Co(20)]12 samples gave resonances with rf‖dc but at frequencies which are lower than those of the expected pure optical modes. For [Ru(10)/Co(40)]12 the higher resonance is at a value 0.34 T, between the calculated Hac, Hopt whereas the second is very close to the Hac. Similarly, the [Ru(10)/Co(30)]12 sample resonance field value of 0.39 T lies between Hac and Hopt. For rf‖dc resonances below Hac appear. These findings can be qualitatively explained by hybridization of optical and acoustic modes, in accordance with the discussion of micromagnetic simulations’ results in the next section.
In Fig. 4 the total magnetization as a function of the applied field is shown for the multilayer and is compared with the curves for each of the constituent Co layers. The total magnetization increases linearly and reaches saturation at a value of 0.67 Tesla. This is exactly what is predicted by a two-macrospin model for which the saturation field should be μ0H‖ = μ02Hex = 4JAF/(MstCo). The factor 2 accounts for the fact that each layer is coupled on both sides. The fact that the two outer layers are not coupled on both sides does not seem to affect the response of the multilayer as a whole: It does not even lead to a reduction of (N − 1)/N = 11/12 (where N is the number of layers) as a simple linear scaling would suggest. To check this fact, we have also simulated N = 2,4 and 8. For N = 2 we get the expected value μ0H‖ = μ0Hex = 2JAF/(MstCo). For N = 4 we get 87% instead of 75% of 2Hex, and for N = 8 we already get 98.5% instead of 87.5% of the 2Hex. However, the lack of coupling of the outer layers (n = 1, 12 at Fig. 4) has a significant impact on their saturation which proceeds much faster that the average linear dependence. This forces their adjacent layers (n = 2, 11) to the opposite direction and so on, yielding the layer dependent approach to saturation sketched in Fig. 4. In short, at a specific applied external field the symmetry axis of the scissor state varies along the film thickness. Due to the symmetry the dependence of the n-th layer coincides with that of the (13-n)th.
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Fig. 5 Amplitude of FFT transform of the magnetization component along the exciting rf field as a function of frequency and dc field for a [Ru/Co)]12 SAF multilayer. The plotted quantity is ![]() |
The resonance frequencies are extracted following the methods and considerations described in ref. 27 for each magnetic state (different dc field value H) along the saturation curve, an exciting external field having a time dependence following a sinc function, is applied and the resulting magnetic response is Fourier analysed. The sampling time step was set to 5 ps (frequencies up to 100 GHz) and the exciting field amplitude was μ0Hrf = 1 mT. The peaks of the Fourier transform correspond to the resonance modes. Setting the sinc pulse perpendicular/parallel to the dc field H (always in-plane) favours the excitation of acoustic/optical modes respectively.4 A 2D-contour map of the Fourier transform amplitude as a function of frequency and applied field is shown in Fig. 5. The plotted quantity is the amplitude of the variation of the magnetization component δM along the direction of Hrf divided by the Hrf amplitude . The frequency is normalized to the value
of the zero-field optical mode. The applied field is normalized to the saturation field against the AF exchange interlayer coupling which is equal to 2Hex. On the contour maps the frequencies predicted by eqn (1) and (2) are superimposed. The H* is the field at the point where the acoustic (blue) and optical (red) curves meet. Fig. 5 shows that at even low applied fields several modes of mixed character with frequencies between those of the acoustic and optical branches are exited. All modes can be characterized by the phase difference of the precession between the consecutive cobalt layers. In an ideal acoustic mode, the phase difference should be zero while for an ideal optical mode, it is expected to be 180 deg. Plots giving the phase difference between consecutive cobalt layers are shown in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 6 Mode profiles: The phase difference of the precessional motion between consecutive cobalt layers for the points marked by the star symbols (a–i) in Fig. 5. The X-axis denotes the number n of the layer and the y axis the phase difference between the n-th and the (n + 1)-th layer. The profile (a) is closer to a pure optical mode whereas the profile (i) is closer to a pure acoustic mode. The rest of the profiles indicate a mixed character. |
The modes with frequencies close to those predicted by the macrospin model (blue and red lines in Fig. 5) have profiles closer to what is expected for pure modes of either acoustic or optic character. Mode “(a)” has phase differences δφ close to 180 deg, except for the outer layers, for which δφ = 125 deg. Therefore, it is close to what is expected for an optical mode. Mode “(i)” has phase differences δφ close to zero, except for the outer layers for which δφ = 8 deg. Thus, it is close to what is expected for an acoustic mode. The rest of the modes have mixed character. The existence of these mixed resonances can explain the extra FMR peaks observed in some samples as well as the fact that their frequencies are lower than those expected by the simple macrospin model.
The micromagnetic simulation of Fig. 5 can serve as a basis to qualitatively understand the deviations of the optical modes from the expected values of the macrospin modes. For the [Ru10/Cox)]12 samples the values of range between 0.48 to 0.56. In this region, there is a strong deviation between the predictions of the macrospin model and the exact micromagnetic model which gives a splitting of the optical mode. For a specific frequency (i.e. a specific horizontal line in Fig. 5) there will be two resonance fields: one below and one above the one predicted by the macrospin model (red curve). Of course, as each sample has its own parameters Hex, HK a different simulation should be done in each case using the sample specific parameters. For the [Ru10/Co40)]12 sample for instance the FMR rf‖dc the macrospin model predicts a peak at 0.41 Tesla, but the optical mode at 0.41 is split into two modes (0.35 Tesla and 0.43 Tesla), the lower of which coincides with the observed peak. The rf‖dc peak at 0.21 Tesla is close to the acoustic mode predicted at 0.19 Tesla. The peaks at fields lower than 0.1 Tesla are not predicted and could be attributed to domain effects which go beyond our micromagnetic model. In short, we claim that since the preferential excitation of either acoustic or optical modes depends on the orientation of the exciting field with respect to the magnetization direction, the variation of the magnetization profile along the multilayer thickness favours the emergence of mixed modes that can qualitatively explain the data. In contrast, if we simulate a simple SAF bilayer, which does not allow for any variation of the magnetization along its thickness, this mechanism of mixed mode creation ceases to work (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7 Amplitude FFT transform of the magnetization component along the exiting rf field as a function of frequency and dc field for a [Ru/Co)]2 SAF bilayer. The plotted quantity is ![]() |
The resonance fields of the acoustic modes are in good agreement with the values predicted by macrospin models when using the interlayer exchange and anisotropy fields independently derived by the quasistatic (VSM) magnetic measurements. The optical modes are more interesting as they can give high frequencies at zero-applied field. However, to observe optical modes by cavity FMR, must exceed the resonance frequency of the cavity. For the [Ru6/Cr3/Cox)]12 series the values of anisotropy and exchange fields were low and the optical modes were not accessible. For the [Ru10/Cox]12 series the resonance fields of the optical modes are lower than expected. We attribute this to the existence of hybridized mixed modes as the resonances for these samples appear within the region where the optical modes are split. Although the micromagnetic simulations in Fig. 5 indicate that the hybridized modes can be observed for both rf⊥dc and rf‖dc we have experimentally observed only the latter. This may be attributed to the FMR signals for the acoustic modes being one order of magnitude greater. The existence of inhomogeneous modes that can be described as coupled acoustic and optical modes has been previously reported20,23 and gained renewed interest lately.4,5,19 The coupling mechanism is related to asymmetry due to obliquely applied external magnetic fields or of the sample itself. Since the preferential excitation of either acoustic or optical modes depends on the orientation of the exciting field with respect to the magnetization direction, the variation of the magnetization profile along the multilayer thickness, revealed by our micromagnetic simulations, implies the emergence of such hybridized modes. Thus, mode mixing is not limited to near the region where the frequencies of the optical and acoustic modes coincide.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |