*b and
aUniversité Paris Cité, CNRS, Laboratoire de Chimie et de Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques, F-75006 Paris, France. E-mail: yun.luo@u-paris.fr
bUniversity Paris Cité, ITODYS, UMR 7086, 75013 Paris, France. E-mail: giorgio.mattana@univ-paris-diderot.fr
cPSL Université, Chimie Paris Tech, IRCP, CNRS UMR 8247, 75005 Paris, France
First published on 13th October 2022
The development of anti-counterfeiting inks based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) labels have attracted great interest in recent years for their use as security labels in anti-counterfeiting applications. Indeed, they are promising alternatives to luminescent inks, which suffer from several limitations including emission peak overlap, toxicity and photobleaching. Most of the reported SERS security labels developed so far rely on the use of thiolate self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) for the immobilization of Raman reporters on metallic nanoparticle surface. However, SAMs are prone to spontaneous desorption and degradation under laser irradiation, thereby compromising the ink long-term stability. To overcome this issue, we develop herein a new generation of SERS security labels based on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) functionalized by aryl diazonium salts, carrying various substituents (–NO2, –CN, –CCH) with distinguishable Raman fingerprints. The resulting SERS tags were fully characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-vis absorption and SERS. Then, they were incorporated into ink formulations to be printed on polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) substrates, using handwriting or inkjet printing. Proof-of-concept Raman imaging experiments confirmed the remarkable potential of diazonium salt chemistry to design Ag NPs-based SERS security labels.
SERS labels can meet this challenge as they offer spectral signatures with multiple sets of narrow peaks, leading to low spectral overlap and large multiplexing capacity.11,12 In addition, multiple Raman labels can be excited via a single laser wavelength, with negligible photobleaching and high sensitivity provided by the strong electromagnetic field enhancement at the nanoparticles (NPs) vicinity. Despite these valuable properties, only few studies have reported the use of SERS labels for anti-counterfeiting applications and most of them rely on the use of thiolate self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)13–15 for the immobilization of the Raman labels on the plasmonic nanoparticles surface. However, the chemical stability of thiol-based SAMs is a critical issue.16,17 Indeed, it was shown that thiol-derived SAMs undergo spontaneous desorption in aqueous media after few days and are degraded under laser irradiation. Therefore, the development of alternative approaches fostering the robust grafting of Raman labels on the plasmonic NPs surface should lead to substantial improvements of the ink long-term stability. Aryl diazonium salts were shown over the past decade to be efficient surface modifiers for plasmonic nanoparticles,18–22 allowing fast surface grafting via robust metal–C covalent bonds. Moreover, these surface functionalization agents are easy to prepare from a large range of commercially available aniline derivatives, thereby providing a wide variety of functional groups. Thanks to these interesting characteristics, aryl diazonium salts were used to functionalize plasmonic NPs in order to obtain nanosensors,23,24 antimicrobial materials,25 contrast agents for Raman bioimaging26 or optical devices.27–31 But their use in anti-counterfeiting applications has never been reported yet, to the best of our knowledge.
We fill this gap herein by designing new SERS security labels based on the combination of silver NPs and aryl diazonium salts. Three aryl diazonium salts with different para-substituents (–NO2, –CN, –CCH) were selected to functionalize Ag NPs. The choice of the diazonium salts was motivated by their characteristic distinguishable Raman fingerprints, which make them ideal candidates to act as Raman reporters (see Fig. 1). Indeed, the Raman signal of triple bond tags (–CN and –CCH) is located in the “Raman-silent” region (1750–2750 cm−1) while the –NO2 bond has a very strong characteristic peak at ca. 1330 cm−1.
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Fig. 1 Illustration of the preparation process of SERS inks based on Ag NPs functionalized by aryl diazonium salts. |
The resulting nanohybrids Ag@NO2, Ag@CN and Ag@CCH, were fully characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-vis absorption and SERS. They were then successfully incorporated into ink formulations to be printed on polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) substrates, using hand-writing or inkjet printing, opening promising prospects for the development of a new generation of security labels.
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Fig. 2 (a), (c), (e) and (g) SEM and (b), (d), (f) and (h) TEM images of (a) and (b) pristine Ag NPs, (c) and (d) Ag@NO2, (e) and (f) Ag@CCH and (g) and (h) Ag@CN NPs samples, respectively. |
The extinction spectra of the pristine and functionalized Ag NPs (Fig. 3) were recorded to evaluate the effect of surface grafting on their optical properties. It appeared that the initial shape of the Ag NPs extinction profile remained broadly unchanged after functionalization confirming the stability of the colloidal dispersion. Interestingly, compared to pristine Ag NPs, the extinction spectra of Ag@NO2, Ag@CCH and Ag@CN NPs exhibit red shifts (7–9 nm), which can be explained by the modification of the local dielectric environment around the Ag NPs33,34 due to the polyaryl coating.
The hydrophilic SERS inks were further prepared by mixing concentrated aqueous dispersions of functionalized Ag NPs (3.7 × 10−8 M) with a solution containing 55% deionized water, 40% ethanol and 5% glycerol and adding afterwards SDS (3 mg mL−1) in order to reduce surface tension and improve writing and printing performance (cf.Fig. 1). Depending on the chemical groups carried by the functionalized Ag NPs, i.e. –NO2, –CCH or –CN, the corresponding inks were named Ag@NO2 ink, Ag@CCH ink and Ag@CN ink, respectively. The final surface tension and viscosity of SERS inks measured at room temperature were found to be 31.45 mN m−1 and 2.72 cP, respectively.
The SERS signatures of the various inks, deposited as dried drops on a glass plate, were then recorded using a 638 nm laser source (see Fig. 4). After surface grafting, the NN stretching vibration of the free aryl diazonium salts is no more detected at ca. 2280–2300 cm−1 while the vibrational fingerprints of the functional polyaryl layers surrounding the Ag NPs appear, including the aryl ring stretching vibration at ca. 1590–1600 cm−1 and the Ag–C stretching at ca. 395–405 cm−1.19,35,36 These characteristic features confirm the covalent binding of the organic layers derived from aryl diazonium salts on the surface of Ag NPs and the release of N2.19 Regarding the Raman reporter groups, they were detected via the presence of narrow and distinct peaks specific for each ink: νNO2 at 1327 cm−1 for Ag@NO2 ink, νCC at 1976 cm−1 for Ag@CCH ink and νCN at 2222 cm−1 for Ag@CN ink. The signal of –CCH in Ag@CCH is shifted compared to the diazonium precursor, probably due to the interaction between –CCH groups and the surface of Ag NPs, as reported previously.37 It is noteworthy that the Raman signals of the SERS labels (Ag@NO2, Ag@CCH, Ag@CN) were almost unchanged after their dispersion within the inks (see Fig. S4†).
Each SERS fingerprint was associated to a distinct color, as illustrated in the insets of Fig. 4 showing the Raman images of the various ink dried drops: the vibrational signature of Ag@NO2 ink has been assigned here to the red while the ones of Ag@CCH and Ag@CN inks were associated to the green and blue, respectively. Interestingly, the mixture of two types of labels within an ink allowed the creation of another SERS fingerprint arising from the combination of the different Raman signals, which could be associated to a new color code, as illustrated in Table 1. This strategy, consisting in mixing different labels within the same ink, allowed to enlarge the library of available SERS security labels. On the basis of the combination of the 3 Raman reporters, a total of 7 codes could be obtained experimentally with distinct spectral signatures. It is noteworthy that theoretically, the use of n kinds of Raman reporters should result in the generation of 2n − 1 color codes.
As a proof of concept for the use of these inks as SERS security labels, a pen was filled with the prepared SERS inks to write on paper. Fig. 5a shows a famous sentence of E. Hemingway,38 written using the diazonium salt-based SERS inks. The brown letters observed on simple optical images could be authenticated by Raman imaging, revealing an intense SERS signal arising from the ink used, here Ag@NO2 ink (see Raman image of the word Paris, see Fig. 5b). It is noteworthy that the SERS signals recorded on different area of written letters were very similar, emphasizing the homogeneity of the Raman signature (shown in Fig. S5†).
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Fig. 5 (a) Photograph of a famous sentence of E. Hemingway38 written using Ag@NO2 ink and (b) corresponding Raman image of the word “Paris”; (c) photograph of the writing of a laboratory name, UMR 8601 (top) and the corresponding Raman image (bottom). The pattern was written using the following inks: Ag@NO2 ink for letter “u”, Ag@CCH ink for “m”, Ag@CN ink for “r”, mixture of Ag@NO2 + Ag@CCH ink for “8”, mixture of Ag@CCH + Ag@CN ink for “6”, mixture of Ag@NO2 + Ag@CN ink for “0” and mixture of Ag@NO2 + Ag@CCH + Ag@CN ink for “1”. The corresponding Raman spectra of numbers 8, 6, 0 and 1 are displayed on the right part of the image. All SERS inks were loaded in a pen. |
Interestingly, each letter could be written using a different ink, as illustrated in Fig. 5c on the laboratory name “UMR 8601” where each letter generates a different Raman signature associated to a distinct color code. The color-coding system can thus convert letters, visible to the naked eyes, into optical patterns with informative Raman signatures, only detectable by Raman techniques, thereby greatly increasing the difficulty of forgery.
To evaluate the stability of the inks once deposited on the substrate, the letters were subjected to various conditions, including irradiation under sunlight for over 5 months (Fig. S6†) and addition of a drop (100 μL) of water (Fig. 6a), ethanol (Fig. 6b), olive oil (Fig. 6c), acidic (HCl at pH = 3, Fig. 6d) and basic (NaOH at pH = 12, Fig. 6e) solution. Using Ag@CCH ink, the addition of a drop of water and ethanol (followed by drying in air) led to negligible change of the SERS signal intensity, whereas the treatments by olive oil, acid and base solution resulted in a decrease of –CCH (at 1976 cm−1) peak intensity, from 25% to 10%. It is worth noting that the modification of the SERS spectrum profile in the range of 600–1100 cm−1 before/after oil treatment could be attributed to some residue of olive oil remained adsorbed on the surface (Fig. 6c). Indeed, the presence of a broad luminescence peak (Fig. S7†) is consistent with previous Raman analysis on olive oil performed using a 633 nm laser.39 Remarkably, the prepared SERS inks also showed a high stability over time with an average signal decrease of only 9% after 5 months exposed to air (Fig. S6†). Ag@CN and Ag@NO2 inks also show excellent stability, as shown in Fig. S8.† The –CN (at 2222 cm−1) and –NO2 (at 1327 cm−1) peak intensity remain unchanged after the test by water and ethanol, and exhibit a slight decrease of 22–18% (for –CN peak) and 19–13% (for –NO2 peak) after oil, acid and basic solution treatments. It is important to note that, using conventional thiol-based coupling agent (e.g. 4-nitrothiolphenol), the resulted AgNPs ink (noted as Ag@SNO2, cf. experimental section for preparation details) is stable in water and ethanol treatment, and exhibits a comparable stability in oil treatment with a decrease of –NO2 peak intensity of 23%, cf. Fig. S8.† However, the Ag@SNO2 ink is unstable in contact to acid and basic solutions with a decrease of the –NO2 peak of 98–95%. These facts prove the superior stability of AgNPs inks derived from aryl diazonium salts compared to those functionalized by thiolate SAMs. The photostability of Ag@SNO2, Ag@NO2, Ag@CN, Ag@CCH inks was assessed by continuous laser exposure under Raman microscope. Each sample was irradiated for 0, 1, 3, 5 and 10 min. In the case of Ag@SNO2 inks, the recorded SERS spectra appear significantly modified after laser exposure with the progressive appearance of a set of new peaks (see Fig. S9a†) in the range of 1100–1500 cm−1, which can be related to the plasmon-driven formation of p,p′-dimercaptoazobenzene.40 In contrast, for Ag@NO2, Ag@CN and Ag@CCH inks, the spectra shape is barely changed upon laser irradiation, although the characteristic peak intensities are reduced of 18–32%. These results demonstrate that the structural information of diazonium salts derived inks is much more stable than that of Ag@SNO2 ink, which is a key parameter for the design of taggants.
The deposition approach based on inkjet-printing was then investigated. Inkjet-printing is, indeed, particularly interesting for the prospective industrial utilization of the aforementioned inks. Inkjet-printing is a non-contact, digital deposition technique that can be easily adapted to any size of production scale: from rapid prototyping to small substrates to large-scale, large-area industrial production.41 Inkjet printing of a matrix of drops allowed the calculation of the average drop diameter (roughly 40 μm), which permitted the selection of the drop-spacing at 20 μm. Ink printability was rather good and allowed the reproduction of quite complex layouts such as the logo and the name of “Université de Paris” (see Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7 (a) Inkjet printing pattern of Ag@CCH ink (optical image) and (b) corresponding Raman image recorded by Raman microscope. |
So far, inkjet-printing has already been employed for the fabrication of SERS-active substrates.42,43 Two approaches are commonly reported in the literature. A first approach is based on the deposition of inks made of metallic nanoparticles (Au, Ag) suspensions44–46 which, after sintering, allow the formation of conductive layers. A second approach consists in printing metallic salts (for instance AgNO3) on the surface of electrodes which are subsequently used for the electrochemical reduction of metallic cations into metallic nanoparticles.47 It is worth noting that, in both cases, the deposition of the Raman labels on the surface of the conductive pattern occurs after the metallic nanoparticles have already been deposited on the substrate. To the best of our knowledge, our paper therefore represents the first example of inkjet-printing deposition of already SERS-active nanotags.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Size distribution and TEM of Ag, Ag@NO2, Ag@CCH and Ag@CN NPs, SERS signals comparison of Ag@NO2, Ag@CCH and Ag@CN before and after dispersion in the inks, SERS spectra of hand-writing letters at different locations, supplementary stability test for SERS inks, Raman spectra of olive oil and paper substrate. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00572g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |