Kim E.
Department of Chemistry, Molecular Sciences Research Hub, Imperial College London, White City Campus, Wood Lane, London, W12 0BZ, UK. E-mail: k.jelfs@imperial.ac.uk
First published on 26th October 2023
Porous organic cages (POCs) are a class of porous molecular materials characterised by their tunable, intrinsic porosity; this functional property makes them candidates for applications including guest storage and separation. Typically formed via dynamic covalent chemistry reactions from multifunctionalised molecular precursors, there is an enormous potential chemical space for POCs due to the fact they can be formed by combining two relatively small organic molecules, which themselves have an enormous chemical space. However, identifying suitable molecular precursors for POC formation is challenging, as POCs often lack shape persistence (the cage collapses upon solvent removal with loss of its cavity), thus losing a key functional property (porosity). Generative machine learning models have potential for targeted computational design of large functional molecular systems such as POCs. Here, we present a deep-learning-enabled generative model, Cage-VAE, for the targeted generation of shape-persistent POCs. We demonstrate the capacity of Cage-VAE to propose novel, shape-persistent POCs, via integration with multiple efficient sampling methods, including Bayesian optimisation and spherical linear interpolation.
Fig. 1 A collection of experimentally reported POCs16–19 with different topologies12 and formed from different reactions. Hydrogens are omitted for clarity. Vertex precursors (BB1) are shown in blue, while edge precursors (BB2) are depicted in orange. |
The discovery of novel, shape-persistent POCs by conventional methods, where often only slight modifications are made to known POCs,11 is time-consuming and highly dependent on expert intuition and experience. The computational modelling of POC systems has become increasingly common, as it provides chemical knowledge of the new system before the experimental synthesis, and can significantly accelerate the discovery process. Current computational methods based on molecular dynamics (MD),9,11,12 density functional theory (DFT),13 and in-house software14,15 are often applied cooperatively for modelling POC structural features and their properties.
A range of rapidly evolving machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) approaches have been extended to multiple scientific areas with the development of improved computational hardware and capabilities. The development of ML and DL algorithms offers a solution for predictions of large-scale molecular systems involving high dimensional feature space, where the conventional computational approach becomes impractical.20 The applications of ML have covered a wide variety of topics within chemistry and material science such as drug discovery,21,22 retrosynthesis planning,23 and acceleration of theoretical calculations.24
In the discovery of POCs, ML has been applied to make predictions. For example, the prediction of the porosity of porous molecular materials based on crystallographic data.25 We have previously used ML models for property prediction, specifically POC shape persistence.9 To do so, we created a dataset of more than 60000 POCs assembled in silico from a variety of di-, tri- and tetra-topic building blocks, using our supramolecular toolkit software, stk, which is a python library for modelling supramolecular chemistry.14 The random forest algorithm exhibited high accuracy in the discrimination of shape-persistent cages. Later on, an improved DL model, a graph neural network (GNN), was developed to predict shape persistence with the combination of molecular graph representations. Compared with the previous model, graph neural networks not only exhibited better performance, but improved model explicability.26
Discriminative ML models, aimed at modelling the conditional probability of the property of the given input data, are limited in the exploration of existing chemical space. Instead of learning the mappings from molecules to their properties, generative models can model the distribution of input molecules and depict the chemical space itself. Therefore, generative models are capable of generating synthetic molecules that have a similar distribution to the input molecules. As the generative model can produce results beyond the instances in the input, it is possible to use this approach to automatically expand the conventional chemical search space through de novo molecule generation without human intervention.27,28 In addition, the generative process can be subject to bias signals from one or several properties of interest, making it property-constrained. Contemporary generative models are typically based on DL due to the strong comprehensive performance of multi-layer neural networks.
A variational autoencoder (VAE)29 is an architecture to address the generative design problem with a high degree of flexibility in model construction and architecture, resulting in a highly modular approach. VAEs are capable of transforming molecules into continuous and compact representations in a latent space, where the patterns and structures in the collection of molecules can be captured and therefore generate new samples. Indeed, VAEs have shown promise for inorganic materials; there are recent models that underscore the significant progress of crystalline materials generation, both via VAEs30 and transformer architecture.31 VAEs have been applied to molecule generation and shown adaptability with multiple molecular representations ranging from one- to three-dimensions.32–34 In molecular science, Gómez-Bombarelli et al. first used a VAE with an external predictor to model small molecules and transfer them to continuous representations in the latent space, enabling the conditional exploration of molecules in the latent space via optimisations.32 Yao et al. then developed a VAE architecture capable of realising the conditional design of MOFs.35 However, a VAE for POCs has not yet been introduced. Indeed, there are distinct differences in the chemical composition of POCs and conventional crystalline, framework materials that impedes direct transfer to supramolecular materials; including, topological differences, which impacts feature selection.
Considering the modelling of a large chemical system such as a POC, the design of molecular representations requires careful consideration. Lower-dimensional representations, though easier to generate, are not able to retain sufficient structural information to fully describe POCs compared to their small molecule components. The three-dimensional conformation of a POC is not able to be approximated by a single SMILES string representation. In our previous study, POCs were decomposed into molecular fingerprints of precursors for ML predictions.9 However, this representation is non-recoverable to the original molecule and therefore it cannot be used in generative modelling. Thus, a new combinatorial representation that integrates both structural features of the precursor components and entire cage molecules needed to be developed. The strategy has recently been proven successful in the molecular design of several reticular frameworks, including metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and zeolites. MOFs have been decomposed to multiple components, including sequential and one-hot representations, which were fed separately to the VAE-based model with multiple encoder–decoder pairs.35 In the design of zeolites, each unit lattice was represented by a combination of three, three-dimensional representations: the silicon grid, the oxygen grid, and the energy grid, and adopted in a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN).36
In this study, we have developed a deep generative model, Cage-VAE, based on the work of Gómez-Bombarelli et al.32 and Yao et al.,35 but specialised for the design of POCs; here, the decomposition of POCs and the target property necessitates modifications to the model architecture. Our model is able to generate novel, valid POCs with the Tri4Di6 topology that are shape-persistent. In addition, a combinatorial encoding system based on POC components, precursors and reactions, was developed to describe the structural and topological features of POCs, showing potential in the efficient representation of large molecular systems. The model architecture is transferable to the generation of other types of cage molecules that exhibit various properties of interest, such as metal–organic cages. The dataset and model are available at https://github.com/JiajunZhou96/Cage-VAE.
For each precursor (including both BB1 and BB2), the precursor skeleton and the reactive end functional groups were further separated. 117 di-topic precursor skeletons (BB2 skeletons) and 51 tri-topic precursor skeletons (BB1 skeletons) were included in the original dataset (see Table S4†). Several reaction regimes for constructing POCs were introduced in the dataset, including imine or amide condensation, and alkyne or alkene metathesis. Each reaction occupies the same proportion in the original dataset. To preserve the description of the assembled POC, the reactive end groups were removed from the skeleton SMILES representations and the resulting reaction type is obtained and appended to the end of the disassembled cage representation. The cage precursors stored in the dataset were represented by SMILES.37 The schematic representation of cage disassembly is shown in Fig. 2.
(1) |
The auto-regressive gated recurrent unit (GRU)39 was employed in both encoder and decoder architectures attributed to the sequence part processing for the BB2 skeletons of the cage encoding. To improve performance, we implement a bidirectional version of a GRU in the encoder for capturing the information of SMILES sequences in both the forward and backward directions. In this way, we can capture more structures in the sequence data, and, by extension, patterns from both directions. A single-directional GRU was used to decode SMILES sequences from the latent space. The BB1s and reaction types of the cage assembly are processed as combined vectors in an encoder–decoder pair using multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). It should be noted that the generation of either BB1 skeletons or reaction types is not beyond the existing categories in the original and augmented datasets due to the use of ordinal encodings. Encoders are responsible for jointly encoding components of cages to the continuous latent space z, and decoders reconstruct corresponding cage components from the latent space. The size of the hidden state of encoders is 256, while the size of the hidden state of decoders is 384. All encoders and decoders have a dropout rate of 0.25. The latent space has a size of 128. The shape-persistence predictor has a dropout rate of 0.5. A property predictor based on an MLP was then coupled to the VAE to predict the property from the latent space. The VAE was jointly trained with the property predictor to impose a property-based bias on the distribution of the embedded cages in the latent space.
The resulting multi-component loss function for training can then be represented as:
(2) |
We also applied schedulers on other loss terms. A linear scheduler was applied to the loss component for the reconstruction of BB1 and reaction type within the reconstruction term , inducing a monotonic increase from 0 to 1. The same scheduler was also applied to the property predictor. Our intention in using these two training schedulers was to enable the model to prioritise the reconstruction of the sequence representation of POCs during the initial stages of training, and gradually shift toward the reconstruction of the entire molecule and the organisation of the latent space as the training proceeded.
Cage-VAE was constructed using PyTorch.41 For the model training, the cross-entropy loss is used for the reconstruction of all POC components: BB2 sequence, BB1 and reaction type. The binary cross-entropy loss is used for the property prediction. In the loss function described by eqn (2), parameter β before the KL term was set to 0.0025. Parameter γ was set to 1.
The training process includes 100 epochs. The batch size is 64. During training, schedulers are used to stabilise the training process and improve the training performance. The cyclic scheduler was applied on the adjustable parameter β before the KL term to solve the KL vanishing issue.40 The cyclic scheduler starts from 0 and monotonically increases to β (0.0025) and maintains the maximum value for the remaining epochs of the cycle (see Fig. S9†). Five cycles are included in the training process. The monotonic linear schedulers were used to adjust both the and the component for BB1 and reaction within the reconstruction term . Both linear schedulers increase gradually from 0 to 1 during the training. The Adam optimisation42 was used with a learning rate of 0.0001. The test loss curves of each term during the training are shown in Fig. S8.†
We first explored the interpolation to be a conditional generation strategy. Generally, interpolation is not a typical conditional generation method because the attributes of the acquired molecules are not set explicitly, although the attributes of generated samples lying in the trajectory of interpolation are certainly influenced by these two endpoints. The transition of the attributes is also non-linear and the exact value of certain attributes can not be accurately estimated in the high dimensional latent space. However, the condition for the generated samples is a binary property here. When a proper threshold is set, the generated samples with a certain level of probability of shape persistence are considered eligible POCs. By ensuring that the trajectory of interpolation starts from a molecule with a high probability of shape persistence, the samples close to the starting molecule in the trajectory also have a high probability of shape persistence due to the structure in the latent space. The predicted probability of shape persistence is then compared with the predefined threshold to decrease the number of false positive samplings. We used spherical linear interpolation (slerp) as the default interpolation method (see ESI Section 5.5†). The probability threshold was set to 0.8 (the predicted probability of shape persistence should be at least 80%) to ensure a robust sampling result.
The conditional generation for POCs that are shape-persistent can alternatively be achieved using molecular optimisation. Bayesian optimisation is one of the most common strategies to navigate molecular optimisation in the latent space. The objective of Bayesian optimisation is to find the best POCs that meet the required condition depicted by the acquisition function. The exploration and exploitation of the Bayesian optimisation were balanced by adding a weighted regularisation term based on a standard normal distribution. We use the following acquisition function to achieve the latent representations of shape-persistent POCs:
(3) |
The sampling and optimisation in the latent space inevitably result in invalid and unrealistic POCs due to the existence of dead regions where invalid SMILES are decoded.32 To reduce the effect of this issue, generation strategies can be concatenated with a filter. The filter is a flexible module designed based on simple heuristics towards structural and graphical features of cage components to validate generated POCs with the expense of minimal computational resources. The filter evaluates the generated POC in the order of validity, novelty, precursor validity, the number of reaction sites and symmetry. When a generated molecule fails to pass the filter, the current molecule is discarded and a signal is sent back to re-initiate a new cycle of generation. Therefore, a simple feedback loop was created to effectively alleviate the occasional sampling of problematic POCs.
The validation of generated POCs was carried out using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations by our previously employed cage modelling pipeline.9,26 The entire cage assembled by the precursors is generated and geometry optimised using the OPLS3 (ref. 43) forcefield. High-temperature MD simulations were then applied to search for the lowest energy conformations of cage molecules by sampling the potential energy surface of the cage conformation (700 K temperature for 2 ns after 100 ps equilibrium time). 50 conformers were sampled evenly along the MD trajectory and geometry optimised. The features of the lowest energy structure, cavity size, window diameter and the number of windows were calculated using pywindow15 and manually inspected to determine if the POC was shape-persistent.
The quality of generated molecules from corresponding latent variables is evaluated by several metrics, including common benchmarks such as validity, novelty and uniqueness and specific metrics designed for cages, such as precursor validity and symmetry (see ESI Section 5.1† for full definitions of these metrics). First, the validity of the generated molecules should be the top priority. Recall that in this model, Cage-VAE is designed to focus on the generation of BB2 skeletons as a component of disassembled cage representations and generate other components from finite sets. Therefore, the validity of POCs can be simplified as the validity of generated BB2 skeletons. In practice, this is achieved by determining whether the generated SMILES representation is syntactically and semantically valid enough to construct a molecular graph. To quantify validity, we sampled 1000 latent variables randomly; the validity of the decoded molecules reaches 0.917, as shown in Table 1. This indicates that our model effectively captures basic chemical rules without prior knowledge. It also indicates that the latent space is even and smooth to be decoded to valid SMILES strings.
Evaluation metrics | Qualified rate |
Validity | 0.930 |
Novelty(original) + validity | 0.924 |
Novelty(original + augmented) + validity | 0.906 |
Uniqueness + validity | 0.930 |
Precursor validity + validity | 0.917 |
Symmetry + precursor validity + validity | 0.654 |
Next, we independently consider novelty with respect to the original dataset and the combined set of the original and augmented dataset. We only consider the novelty of generated molecules that are also valid, in other words, validity is conditioned. Both the original and combined sets have novelties with very promising results of ∼0.900. When we consider the novelty of generated molecules against the larger combined dataset, we observe only a small decrease (0.906) as compared to the novelty of the original dataset. These large novelty scores demonstrate that Cage-VAE is capable of generating a large number of novel POCs from the latent space.
Subsequently, we consider the uniqueness of the generated POCs; this refers to the percentage of valid molecules that only appear once in a generation batch. POCs that appear multiple times are only counted once. We find that 0.930 of the valid, randomly sampled molecules are unique; this large value demonstrates that latent variables do not overlap and that dissimilar cages are located at different locations within the latent space. It also indicates that a more diverse distribution of valid cages is established through the generative model. The above metrics jointly indicate that our model can effectively extend the chemical search space of POCs under valid chemical rules.
The normal metrics to assess the performance of molecular generation are not comprehensive enough. Therefore, further metrics were included to assess extra performances of the POC generation, as shown in the last two rows of Table 1. Unlike the generation of small molecules, the generation of POCs is based on the disassembled cage representation. The SMILES strings of the BB2 skeletons are required to generate special molecules that are considered to be BB2 skeletons. The generated BB2 skeletons are featured to have two sites for reactive functional groups marked with a special token. To ensure that a proper BB2 skeleton was generated, precursor validity as an additional metric is introduced. Here the precursor validity is 0.917, indicating that the reaction sites reserved by the special token in precursors can be recognised and reconstructed during the training.
POCs included in this study possess highly symmetrical BB1 and BB2 precursors; this is an important prerequisite for POCs to be topologically described as Tri4Di6 by notations developed by Santolini et al. High Cn symmetry is preserved for both building blocks of POCs where n equals to the number of reactive end groups that participate in the cage assembly. Here, we hope that the precursors generated in the Cage-VAE exhibit high symmetry that resembles those samples in the training set. Though POCs with asymmetrical building blocks are reported to be achievable,44 the POCs with asymmetric building blocks are considered to have different distributions from the POCs with high symmetry building blocks, and potentially exist in large numbers of isomeric forms. For both generative and predictive modelling, the risk of error increases with the introduction of asymmetrical building blocks compared to when the input molecules are highly symmetrical. Therefore, symmetry is introduced as a metric to evaluate the proportion of generated building blocks that are symmetrical in a batch of sampling. The C2 molecular symmetry of BB2 skeletons is desirable, which can be approximated by graph symmetry. In practice, we determine whether two reaction sites in the graph of a single BB2 skeleton, depicted by its canonical SMILES string, have the same symmetry class. Therefore, the BB2 skeletons with their two reaction sites in the same symmetry class are evaluated to preserve high C2 symmetry or above the hierarchy of C2 symmetry and are considered as “symmetrical”. We observed this method can empirically align with our manual inspection of symmetrical BB2 skeletons.
The proportion of randomly generated molecules whose precursors are symmetrical is 0.654. This suggests that the model successfully recognises symmetry as a higher-level feature for the generation of BB2 precursors. The perception of symmetry is difficult as this feature is a completely recessive constraint. No information regarding molecular symmetry is explicitly input to the model during the training. In addition, the SMILES representation is lightweight to be used in generative modelling, but inherently weak in the depiction of molecular symmetry due to the depth-first tree traversal pattern.45 Thus, our model's capability to implicitly recognise and prioritise the concept of symmetry, despite the limitations of the SMILES representation, underscores its learning and generalisation capabilities.
We also constructed our model with BB2 skeletons represented by SELFIES.46 The results are shown in Table S7.† The inherent grammar constraints of the SELFIES string ensure a 100% validity in the validity of generated BB2 skeletons and high qualified rates in other general evaluation matrices. However, the SELFIES model shows a discernible decrease in the quality of the generation of BB2 skeletons with graph symmetry, manifesting as a 9.2% drop in performance compared to the SMILES model. It indicates that SMILES representation remains competitive for sequence-based generative models in task-specific adaptations.
In order to inspect the learnt latent space, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) was used to visualise the position of POCs marked with properties in the compressed space as shown in Fig. 5a. Fig. 5a–c show the PCA performed on the latent space of Cage-VAE jointly trained with the predictor, while Fig. 5d shows the VAE trained without the predictor. In Fig. 5a, the latent vectors of both the original and augmented datasets are used for PCA and the probability of shape persistence prediction was used to mark data points in the PCA reduced dimension. A gradient of the probability of shape persistence mapped by the predictor is seen, clearly illustrating a smooth and continuous transition spectrum from the collapsed (light yellow) region to the non-collapsed region (dark violet). As discrete variables are disadvantageous in creating a gradient in the compressed latent space, we used a continuous representation of our discrete variable. Here, shape persistence is reflected as a probability that the POC will be shape-persistent. In both Fig. 5b and c, only latent vectors of the original dataset were used in the PCA. However, the probabilities of shape persistence predictions from the predictor and ground-truth labels were used in Fig. 5b and c, respectively. The similar pattern exhibited in these two latent spaces demonstrates that the predictor is accurate in mapping the cage latent vectors to their shape persistence feature and that the latent space is well organised. In Fig. 5d, the PCA analysis was performed on the latent space trained only by the VAE. The latent space shows no patterns with respect to the shape persistence, which reflects that the joint training of the VAE and predictor is effective for organising the latent space. To identify how the generated POCs compare with the training datasets, we plotted the generated molecules in Section 3.1 in the latent space depicted by Fig. 5a, detailed analysis can be found in Section 5.3 of the ESI.† From this, we observe that the latent representation of the generated POC samples reflects the candidates in the training dataset.
VAEs map input data into a distribution in the latent space, introducing stochasticity to the model and variations in decoded results. This feature allows VAEs to generate new samples. The reconstruction of a single POC can assess the model capacity of generation around the single latent point. The result of 1000 reconstructions of the same single POC is shown in Fig. S12.† The most frequent occurrence from the reconstruction is the original input molecule in ∼850 occasions, which indicates that the model successfully compressed POCs into the latent space. Multiple POC variations with structural similarity are also decoded from the latent representation, indicating that the model is capable of generating new samples based on the given molecule. In addition, with the increase of mean distance of the POC from the original input molecule, both the similarity between the decoded molecules and the original molecule and the occurrences are observed to decrease.
Next, interpolation was used to explore the latent space. When traversing from the initial to the final data points, novel POCs can be created across the trajectory of interpolation, which should demonstrate smooth transformations in their features. Therefore, the interpolated POCs share a certain degree of similarity and dissimilarity to both interpolation endpoints controlled by their positions on the interpolation trajectory.
There are two interpolation methods commonly used to navigate the latent space in the application of generative modelling, linear (lerp) and spherical linear (slerp). The results of these two methods, with a fixed number of steps between the same pair of POCs, are shown in Fig. 6. In both interpolation methods, the transition from the initial to the final POCs is first found in the structural features of the BB2 skeletons. Slight changes or perturbations in the values in the latent vector can lead to the same decoding result. The structure of BB2 skeletons gradually changes from a relatively smaller molecule that has only a single benzene ring to three benzene rings. In the middle region of the interpolation trajectory, five-membered rings appear as intermediate states from linear chain backbones to benzene rings. It shows a smooth transition of structures from two benzene rings to three benzene rings. Another structural feature is that the length and complexity of BB2 backbones gradually increase from the initial to the final molecules. It is interesting that although only ordinal encodings were employed, BB1 skeletons also exhibit a structural transition from simpler to complex structures. In fact, BB1 skeletons and reactions are both observed to have transitions at a larger scale in the latent space. The approach to visualise the larger-scale transition can be simply to interpolate between POCs at a larger distance or interpolate across known transition boundaries.
In addition, the numbers in each unit, representing the probability of collapse of the cage molecule, have a monotonic increase in both interpolations. This demonstrates that the latent space is also effectively organised by the external shape persistence predictor. The current latent space is arranged cooperatively by features captured by both the VAE and the predictor. Compared to linear interpolation, spherical linear interpolation often results in an uneven sampling in the trajectory where the sample in the middle region is sparse, reflected by the probability value of shape persistence predictions. However, it may indicate that slerp finds it easier to obtain POCs with probability values close to the lower and upper limits in the prediction of shape persistence. In a binary predictive model, probabilities approaching the lower and upper limits typically denote a higher degree of confidence in the assigned label, which indicates that the predicted shape persistence of sampled novel POCs by slerp is potentially more robust.
For molecular optimisation, we used BO, which starts from a point in the latent space to gradually navigate to the point where the shape-persistent POCs are located. In order to increase the validity of sampled POCs and the efficiency of the convergence, the domain of each latent vector is restricted to the range enclosed by the minimum and maximum values of all training data, which is restricted but still allows us to interpolate and extrapolate from the training data. The POCs obtained by molecular optimisation are shown in Fig. 7a. These POCs feature unconventional backbones and side chains. However, the computational cost of BO is significantly larger than interpolation and the validity of the POC is normally compromised in exchange for the exploratory capability of this method.
Interpolation can be considered as an inbounds search method where the interpolation only traverses latent space enclosed by known molecules. In addition, due to the use of slerp, POCs with shape persistence generated by this interpolation method are more likely to lie on the learnt manifold. Therefore, the spherical linear interpolation method is efficient while not overly restricting the sampling. The POCs obtained by interpolation are shown in Fig. 7b. From the results, the interpolation can result in samples that are more likely to pass the filters from molecular validity to valid POC constructions and form shape-persistent POCs. Therefore, the traverse of the latent space within the bounds of the training dataset results in relatively “conventional” POCs that are observed to resemble known POC examples.
In both generation strategies, our Cage-VAE model shows a strong preference for forming shape-persistent POCs with alkyne metathesis. It can be attributed to the discovery that alkyne metathesis is most likely to form shape-persistent POCs, and these cages normally have high symmetry in the structures from MD simulations. Imine condensation involving amine and aldehyde functional groups has the second highest reaction occurrence, very close to alkyne metathesis. These results are in agreement with a previous study by Turcani et al.,9 where alkyne metathesis and imine condensation outperform other reactions for forming shape-persistent cages. The acquisition of shape-persistent cages formed by reactions that are not represented in Fig. 7 is also possible. However, to achieve the sampling of other reactions, the sampling methods need to be adjusted in order to be biased for specific reaction types, as they are not among the top targets to search for. In addition, by evaluating the cavity size of generated cages, both methods are capable of creating cages with varied cavity diameters typically ranging from 5 to 25 Å.
While Cage-VAE is the first generative model specialised in cage molecules, it also has limitations. The performance of the cage generation is robust, however, the predictions of shape-persistence may differ from the calculations obtained by MD simulations in certain cases. This can be traced back to the deviations in predictions in the shape persistence predictor, where the trained mappings from latent representations of cages to the property are not generalised to the synthetic cage samples far away from the current distributions due to the lack of labelling. Comparing the two strategies, molecular optimisation is observed to have more frequent erroneous predictions than the interpolation methods, as the molecules sampled using BO are more likely to have novel structural features and be away from the original distributions. In addition, the predictor included in our model is a general model designed for all reactions. Turcani et al. revealed discrepancies in predictive performances among cages assembled by different reactions.9 This is likely to be a source of error introduced to the general predictor as it needs to capture different patterns in reaction types and balance different features to obtain the overall best predictions. Finally, the presented VAE model is trained with minimal chemical knowledge and the shape persistence information is provided by the external predictor. In future work, the combination of more chemical knowledge explicitly or implicitly can be combined to fine tune the generative model and reorganise the latent space. Beyond this, and considering the inherent flexibility of POC topologies and structures, a diffusion model may present an interesting alternative architecture.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3dd00154g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |