Jun-Seob Lee*ab,
Ye-Jin Leeb,
Soon il Kwonc,
Jungho Shinc,
Sung Kangd,
Seung-Hoon Baekd and
Je-Hyun Leeab
aSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Changwon National University, 51140 Changwondaehak-ro, Changwon, 51140, South Korea. E-mail: junseoblee@changwon.ac.kr; Fax: +82-55-261-7017; Tel: +82-55-213-3691
bDepartment of Materials Convergence and System Engineering, Changwon National University, 51140 Changwondaehak-ro, Changwon, 51140, South Korea
cR&d Center, SeAH CSS Corporation, Jeokhyun-ro, Changwon, 51708, South Korea
dResearch Institute of Industry Science & Technology, Cheongam-ro, Pohang, 37673, South Korea
First published on 1st March 2023
Passivation of precipitation-hardened UNS N07718 in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH was investigated. Cyclic potentiodynamic polarisation revealed that the alloy surface was passivated without active-passive transition behaviour. The alloy surface was in a stable passive state during potentiostatic polarisation at 0.5 VSSE for 12 h. Bode and Mott–Schottky plots showed that the passive film became electrically resistive and less defective with n-type semiconductive properties during the polarisation. X-ray photoelectron spectra revealed that Cr- and Fe-enriched hydro/oxide layers were formed on the outer and inner layers of the passive film, respectively. The thickness of the film was almost constant with the increase of the polarisation time. The outer Cr-hydroxide layer changed into a Cr-oxide layer during the polarisation, resulting in a decreased donor density in the passive film. The film's composition change during the polarisation should be related to the corrosion resistance of the alloy in the shallow sour conditions.
Understanding the electrochemical properties of the passive film formed on the surface of the alloy exposed to corrosive environments is necessary, because the localised corrosion resistance of the UNS N07718 alloy is strongly related to these properties. Some researchers have demonstrated the composition2 and electrochemical properties9,10 of the passive film formed on the UNS N07718 alloy in acidic solutions. Zhang et al. reported that the passive film, formed on the surface of additively manufactured UNS N07718 in sulfuric acid, mainly consists of chromium oxide.2 Luo et al. showed that an electrochemically resistive passive film is formed after solution heat treatment is applied on a selectively-laser-melted surface of UNS N07718 in an NaCl solution.9 Amirjan et al. suggested that the scan rate during the additive manufacturing process affects the charge-transfer resistance of the passive film formed on UNS N07718 in an NaCl solution.10
The properties of the passive film formed on the surfaces of Fe–Cr–Ni alloys change over time. Some changes in the film, i.e., thickness, chemical composition, electrochemical properties, and partial or entire degradation of the film, are related to localised corrosion. Fujimoto et al. reported that an increase in chromium composition in the passive film during electrochemical polarisation suppresses the initiation of localised corrosion on austenitic stainless steel.11 Saito et al. suggested that the induction period is related to the thickness, composition, and electrochemical properties of the passive film formed on stainless steel in a neutral chloride solution.12 Sugimoto et al. demonstrated that chloride ions decrease the thickness of the passive film formed on austenitic stainless steel, leading to its breakdown during the passivation.13 Vignal et al. revealed that long-term electrochemical ageing of the passive film results in a less defective amorphous oxide film on duplex stainless steel.14 Usually, ageing of the passive film formed on stainless steel enhances the localised corrosion resistance, because of the depletion of defects in the film, in a chloride-free environment.15–17 In a neutral chloride solution, the Cr/Fe ratio and film thickness gradually increase during the ageing of the passive film formed on austenitic and duplex stainless steels.18,19 Wang et al. revealed that the pre-passivated UNS S31603 surface in sulfuric acid blocks the chloride ions during the ageing of the film in an acidic chloride solution.20 According to these reported studies, changes in the chemical composition of the film enhance the localised corrosion resistance of stainless steel in chloride-containing solutions.18–22
A comparison between the passivity of stainless steel and that of UNS N07718 reveals lack of sufficient information on the passive behaviour of UNS N07718. However, the changes in the composition, thickness and electrochemical properties of the passive film formed on the surface of UNS N07718 over time have not yet been reported. From a scientific and valuable perspective, it is important to comprehend how UNS N07718's passive film properties vary as it ages. Therefore, it is essential to understand the effect of variations in film composition, thickness and electrochemical properties of UNS N07718 over time. Furthermore, this information will aid in elucidating the localised corrosion behaviour of the alloy in corrosive environments. This study was focused on the evaluation of changes in the properties of the passive film formed on UNS N07718 in an acidic chloride solution, using electrochemical and surface analytical techniques.
The working electrode was anodically polarised from −0.05 V, based on the rest potential, to the potential until the current density reached 5 mA cm−2 with a scan rate of 0.167 mV s−1. After monitoring the electrode potential for 3600 s, the working electrode was polarised at 0.5 VSSE for 12 h. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Mott–Schottky (M–S) analysis were carried out for examining the UNS N07718 surface after polarisation at 0.5 VSSE for 300 s (5 min), 3600 s (1 h), 21600 s (6 h) and 43
200 s (12 h). In the EIS analysis, the electrode potential was applied at 0.5 VSSE in the frequency range from 105 Hz to 10−2 Hz with a ±10 mV amplitude. In the M–S analysis, the electrode potential was changed from 0.5 VSSE to −1.0 VSSE at a rate of 50 mV s−1 and 10 Hz. All the electrochemical measurements were performed in a deaerated solution containing 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH at room temperature.
Fig. 2 shows the double logarithmic plot of current density with time at 0.5 VSSE for UNS N07718 in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. The current gradually decreases as the polarisation time increases, up to a slope of −0.85 for 10 s, demonstrating that the passive oxide grows through the consumption of the ionic current, based on the high-field mechanism,26 on the alloy surface. After 10 s of polarisation, the current decreases to <80 nA cm−2, and a slope of −0.85 is maintained for 43200 s, indicating that the passive oxide formation is sustained during the polarisation.
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Fig. 2 Double logarithmic plot of current density with time at 0.5 VSSE for UNS N07718 in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. |
Fig. 3 shows (a) Bode and (b) Nyquist plots of UNS N07718 polarised at 0.5 VSSE for 300, 3600, 21600 and 43
200 s in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. The resistance and phase shift values are fitted with the equivalent electronic circuit model, CPE-Rct–Rs, where CPE is the constant phase element, and Rct and Rs are the charge-transfer and solution resistances, respectively. The CPE is converted into interfacial capacitance C, which includes the capacitance of the Helmholtz and space-charge layers, by using the following equation:
![]() | (1) |
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Fig. 3 (a) Bode and (b) Nyquist plots of UNS N07718 polarised at 0.5 VSSE for 300, 3600, 21![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 4 (a) Charge-transfer resistance Rct and (b) capacitance C at 0.5 VSSE as functions of polarisation time of UNS N07718 in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. |
Polarisation time/s | Rs/Ω cm2 | Rct/106 Ω cm2 | C/μF cm2 |
600 | 8.39 ± 0.19 | 0.22 ± 0.013 | 24.6 ± 1.00 |
3600 | 8.60 ± 0.83 | 1.21 ± 0.13 | 22.2 ± 0.73 |
21![]() |
7.73 ± 0.97 | 4.85 ± 0.66 | 24.5 ± 1.86 |
43![]() |
7.96 ± 0.69 | 12.6 ± 4.82 | 25.7 ± 1.39 |
Fig. 5 shows the M–S plot of UNS N07718 polarised at 0.5 VSSE for 300, 3600, 21600 and 43
200 s in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. The capacitance is obtained at a frequency of 10 Hz, as shown in Fig. 3, and includes the capacitances of the Helmholtz and space-charge layers:
![]() | (2) |
![]() | (3) |
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Fig. 5 M–S plots of UNS N07718 polarised at 0.5 VSSE for 300, 3600, 21![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 6 (a) Flatband potential Efb, and (b) donor density ND at 0.5 VSSE as functions of polarisation time of UNS N07718 in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. |
Fig. 7 shows the XPS depth profiles of the UNS N07718 surface polarised at 0.5 VSSE for (a) 300, (b) 3600, (c) 21600, and (d) 43
200 s in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH. The presence of O with a high atomic concentration at the outer layer indicates that the alloy surface was covered with an oxide layer. An interface transition can be assumed between the oxide and the metal substrate, with an O concentration that is half of that of the maximum O concentration. Based on this assumption, the passive oxide film thickness is estimated as ca. 2 nm based on the sputter rate of reference Ta2O5 for 0.125 nm s−1. Evidently, the atomic concentration of elemental Cr is higher than that of elemental Fe and Ni at the outermost layer of the film. The Cr atomic concentration is maximum at the interface between the oxide and the substrate and then gradually decreases, while that of Fe and Ni gradually increases as the sputtering time is increased. The photoelectron spectra obtained by X-ray irradiation contain depth information for a depth of ca. 2 nm on the surface, including that of the oxide film as well as the metallic substrate. As the sputtering time increases, the population of the photoelectrons emitted from the metallic state increase, suggesting that the photoelectrons emitted by O indicate the oxidation state of the oxide, and the thickness of the film can be estimated from this information. After each polarisation time, the XPS depth profiles corresponding to the atomic concentration show similar behaviours, indicating that the compositional ratios of the elements in the film remain similar. Fig. 8 shows the passive film thickness calculated from the XPS depth profiles of the alloy surface during the polarisation at 0.5 VSSE. The film thickness is almost constant at ca. 2 nm during the polarisation, indicating that the thickness of the passive film does not significantly change.
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Fig. 7 XPS depth profile of UNS N07718 polarised at 0.5 VSSE with polarisation time of (a) 300, (b) 3600, (c) 21![]() ![]() |
Fig. 9 shows the photoelectron spectra of (a) O 1s, (b) Cr 2p3/2, (c) Fe 2p3/2 and (d) Ni 2p3/2 for UNS N07718 polarised at 0.5 VSSE for 300, 3600, 21600, and 43
200 s in 5 wt% NaCl + 0.5 wt% CH3COOH; in this case, the surface is not sputtered. The oxidation states of H2O, OH− and O2− for oxygen, those of Cr3+ (hydroxide), Cr3+(oxide) and Cr0 for chromium, those of Fe3+, Fe2+ and Fe0 for iron, and those of Ni2+ and Ni0 for nickel can be identified in the spectra. After Shirley background subtraction from narrow-scan spectra, the spectra are deconvoluted into individual spectrum corresponding to the oxidation states of oxygen, chromium, iron and nickel using the XPS peak binding energies shown in Table 2. The spectra of Mo 3d are not analysed owing to their low intensities. Because deconvoluting the spectrum of 2p orbital is complicated, in this study, the 2p3/2 spin data were used.
Element | Peak | Binding energy, eV | Ref. | |
Fe | 2p3/2 | Fe0 | 707.1 | 32 and 33 |
Fe2+ | 708.5 | 34 and 35 | ||
Fe3+ | 711.8 | 36 and 37 | ||
Cr | 2p3/2 | Cr0 | 574.3 | 38 and 39 |
Cr3+(oxide) | 576.2 | 38–40 | ||
Cr3+(hydroxide) | 577.3 | 38 and 39 | ||
Ni | 2p3/2 | Ni0 | 852.8 | 36 and 41 |
Ni2+ | 855.6 | 37, 42 and 43 | ||
O | 1s | O2– | 530.2 | 35–39 |
OH− | 531.7 | 36, 39 and 43 | ||
H2O | 532.5 | 44 |
Fig. 10 shows the peak intensity ratios hydroxide/O2−; M/(Cr3+(hydroxide) + Cr3+(oxide) + Cr0), where M = Cr3+(hydroxide) or Cr3+(oxide); N/(Fe2+ + Fe3+ + Fe0), where N = Fe2+ or Fe3+; and Ni2+/(Ni2+ + Ni0) in each spectrum of the polarised surfaces. For all the polarisation durations of the surfaces (Fig. 10(a)), the hydroxide/O2− ratio is higher at the outermost layer of the film, and the ratio gradually decreases as the sputtering time increases. Further, the hydroxide/O2− ratio of the passive film decreases when the polarisation increases. It is presumed that the hydroxide layer is formed on the outermost layer of the passive film, and the hydroxide becomes an oxide in the film during the polarisation. The Cr3+(hydroxide)/(Cr3+ (hydroxide) + Cr3+(oxide) + Cr0) and Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+ + Fe0) ratios are higher than the Cr3+(oxide)/(Cr3+(hydroxide) + Cr3+(oxide) + Cr0) and Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+ + Fe0) ratios at the outermost layer of the film, while the Cr3+(hydroxide)/(Cr3+ (hydroxide)+Cr3+(oxide)+Cr0) and Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+ + Fe0) ratios decrease with the sputtering time. Moreover, the Cr3+(hydroxide)/(Cr3+(hydroxide) + Cr3+(oxide) + Cr0) and Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+ + Fe0) ratios gradually decrease in the film with the increasing polarisation time (Fig. 10(b) and (c)). The Ni0/(Ni2+ + Ni0) ratio is greater than Ni2+/(Ni2+ + Ni0) ratio irrespective of the polarisation time (Fig. 10(d)), indicating that the Ni cation is a minor component in the passive film.
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Fig. 10 Peak intensity ratio of the oxidation states of the elements (a) O (b) Cr (c) Fe and (d) Ni, present in the passive film, as a function of polarisation time. |
The XPS results reveal that the passive film formed on UNS N07718 is composed of a Cr-(hydro)oxide and Fe-oxide layer followed by an outer and inner layer enriched with Cr-hydro/oxide and Fe oxide, respectively. During the ageing, the Cr hydroxide in the outer layer of the film changes to a Cr-oxide layer, while the thickness of the film is almost constant at ca. 2 nm (Fig. 11). Elemental Cr is reportedly enriched in the passive film formed on the additively-manufactured UNS N07718 surface in sulfuric acid.2 However, the structure of the oxide layer as the inner (or outer) layer of the film has not been elucidated.
The passive film formed on UNS N07718 becomes electrically resistive with a decrease in the defect density during the polarisation. The film exhibits n-type characteristics with a space-charge layer thickness of <1 nm, as evident from the M–S plot. This result is obtained by assuming that the semiconductive property, revealed from the electrochemical experiments, is strongly related to the Cr hydro/oxide and Fe oxide in the film. Since n-type semiconductors contain defects such as metal cationic interstitials and oxygen vacancies, the decrease in the defect density during the polarisation is believed to be mainly associated with the increase in the oxide concentration in the film:
M–OH = M–O + H+ + e | (4) |
For Fe–Cr–Ni alloys, the passive film contains Fe oxide and Cr oxide at the outer and inner layers.18–20 When the film comes in contact with Cl−, Cl− is adsorbed on the Fe-oxide layer of the film, and Fe–Cl complexes are formed. The complex dissolves in the solution, and the film becomes thin. This phenomenon is known as the adsorption mechanism, which degrades the passive film.44 Recently, Auger spectroscopic results have revealed that the thickness of a passive film formed on austenitic stainless steel decreases significantly in a concentrated Cl− solution. The thinned film accelerates additional charge transfer from the surface states to the metallic substrate through the n-type conduction band edge of the film.45 Compared with Fe-based alloys, Ni-based alloys are more resistant to localised corrosion in chloride-containing environments. The findings of the present study demonstrate that the passive film formed on the UNS N07718 surface has Cr oxide and Fe oxide in its outer and inner layers. When UNS N07718 comes in contact with Cl−, Cr–Cl complexes might form because of the adsorption of Cl− on the Cr-oxide layer. These Cr–Cl complexes are insoluble, while the Fe–Cl complexes, i.e. FeCl2 and FeCl3, are soluble; up to 65.0 g of FeCl2 and 91.2 g of FeCl3 can be completely dissolved in 0.1 L of water.46 It is speculated that the film formed on the UNS N07718 surface, enriched in Cr oxide at the outer layer, suppresses the degradation of the film in Cl-containing solutions, and this minimised degradation is related to the localised corrosion resistance of UNS N07718.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |