Thi Thanh Nha Tran*,
Thi Dieu Thuan Tran
Thi Thu Thuy Bui
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, 12 Nguyen Van Bao, Ho Chi Minh City, 700000, Vietnam. E-mail:
First published on 17th November 2023
The comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) method is a widely used 3D-quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) approach in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug design. However, relying solely on the Partial Least Square algorithm to build models using numerous CoMSIA indices has, in some cases, led to statistically underperforming models. This issue has also affected 3D-CoMSIA models constructed for the ferric thiocyanate (FTC) dataset from linoleic antioxidant measurements. In this study, a novel modeling routine has been developed incorporating various machine learning (ML) techniques to explore different options for feature selection, model fitting, and tuning algorithms with the ultimate goal of arriving at optimal 3D-CoMSIA models with high predictivity for the FTC activity. Recursive Feature Selection and SelectFromModel techniques were applied for feature selection, resulting in a significant improvement in model fitting and predictivity (R2, RCV2, and R2_test) of 24 estimators. However, these selection methods did not fully address the problem of overfitting and, in some instances, even exacerbated it. On the other hand, hyperparameter tuning for tree-based models resulted in dissimilar levels of model generalization for four tree-based models. GB-RFE coupled with GBR (hyperparameters: learning_rate = 0.01, max_depth = 2, n_estimators = 500, subsample = 0.5) was the only combination that effectively mitigated overfitting and demonstrated superior performance (RCV2 of 0.690, R2_test of 0.759, and R2 of 0.872) compared to the best linear model, PLS (with RCV2 of 0.653, R2_test of 0.575, and R2 of 0.755). Therefore, it was subsequently utilized to screen potential antioxidants among a range of Tryptophyllin L tripeptide fragments, leading to the synthesis and testing of three peptides: F-P-5Htp, F-P-W, and P-5Htp-L. These peptides exhibited promising activity levels, with FTC values of 4.2 ± 0.12, 4.4 ± 0.11, and 1.72 ± 0.15, respectively.
Antioxidant peptides have been extensively investigated in recent decades using both experimental and statistical approaches. A variety of antioxidant assays have been employed for peptide testing, with some commonly used including ABTS+ radical scavenging assay,9,10 ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP),11,12 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging capacity (DPPH),13,14 oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC),15 and the FTC method.16 Consequently, several datasets of antioxidant peptides have been made available to the public through databases.17 Three of these datasets have been frequently utilized for constructing QSAR models due to their favorable attributes in terms of peptide structure and bioassay homogeneity, which are typically required for statistical modeling. These datasets include the TEAC dataset consisting of 108 synthesized tripeptides, the FTC dataset containing 214 tripeptides,18 and the FRAP dataset comprising 172 tripeptides.19 Only a few studies have explored the application of other datasets with varying peptide lengths and bioassays for studying QSAR of antioxidant peptides, as these datasets necessitate special treatment to extract molecular features.20,21
QSAR modeling has emerged as an alternative approach to overcome the time and resource-intensive nature of biochemical methods, thereby contributing to the exploration of the chemical space of antioxidants.2,5,6 Among the various QSAR techniques, CoMFA and CoMSIA, have been widely utilized in studies exploring the QSAR of antioxidant peptides. In a notable study conducted in 2019, Y. Wang and colleagues developed 3D-QSAR CoMFA and 4-field CoMSIA models utilizing the FTC dataset comprising 198 peptides.22 Similarly, R. Zhang's group constructed CoMSIA models using a TEAC dataset of only 54 tryptophan-containing peptides.23 Both studies utilized the Sybyl software with built-in Tripos force field and Gasteiger-Hückel charge for model derivation.
Our group has also employed CoMFA and CoMSIA techniques with the OPLS_2005 (Optimized Potentials for Liquid Simulations) force field to build 3D-QSAR models for predicting TEAC values. These models were subsequently employed to screen various tripeptide fragments derived from Tryptophyllin L peptides.24,25 This is a peptide family that possesses a characteristic Pro–Trp sequence extracted from the dorsal skin of the frog Litoria rubella, an Australian frog occupying a large area of central and northern Australia. Details of the extraction, structures and antioxidant activities of some peptides from this peptide family can be found in the following ref. 26 and 27 and also in our recent publications.24,25
In our previous study, a Gaussian-based 3D-QSAR model constructed using the dataset of ABTS+ radical scavenging tripeptides was employed in a combined statistical and experimental approach to identify a range of antioxidant Tryptophyllin L peptides. These peptides exhibited excellent ABTS+, DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power. However, neither our research group nor any other has conducted an investigation into the lipid antioxidant properties of these peptides.
During exploration of the TEAC and FTC datasets, we observed a phenomenon that certain peptides displayed significant ABTS+ scavenging activity but showed negligible activity in the FTC assay, and vice versa (e.g. PWY, PWE, LHG).18,28 This observation prompted us to consider the reliability of relying solely on a single model built from just one dataset to predict antioxidant peptides within the Tryptophyllin L family. Consequently, we initiated our investigation into FTC 3D-QSAR modeling and experimental study of antioxidant Tryptophyllin L peptides. This study therefore aims to uncover potential lipid antioxidant Tryptophyllin L peptides that might have been overlooked by previous TEAC models and experiments.
Despite the notable accomplishments thus far, both CoMFA and CoMSIA methods suffer from inherent weaknesses. One such weakness is the excessive number of descriptors typically involved (often several thousands). Among these numerous descriptors, a significant portion is uninformative and irrelevant to biological activities, essentially introducing noise into the models. Without appropriate feature-selection techniques, the models' efficacy is compromised. Furthermore, the linear PLS estimator used as default in these methods, may not adequately capture the nonlinear nature of certain datasets, leading to subpar statistical performance and predictive power.29
Looking at the field of ML based 3D-QSAR, it can be seen that support vector machine (SVM) has been the most frequently utilized non-linear algorithm for developing field-based models. Several notable studies can be mentioned, such as the analysis of naphthyridone derivatives as ATAD2 bromodomain inhibitors, which employed least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM) models based on CoMFA-field descriptors.30 Additionally, investigations on reversible acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors were conducted using CoMFA and ligand protein interaction fingerprints.31 More recently, G. Floresta and V. Abbate constructed 3D-QSAR models to establish correlations between field descriptors calculated from the extended electron distribution (XED) force field and 5-HT2AR activity. They employed four algorithms, namely k-nearest neighbor (kNN), SVM, random forest (RF), and relevance vector machine (RVC), provided by Forge software.32 To the best of our knowledge, there has been no previous research utilizing non-linear machine learning (ML) algorithms to construct 3D-QSAR CoMSIA models in the context of antioxidant activity.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, in this study, we have developed a more flexible approach to constructing 3D-CoMSIA regression models using the FTC dataset. The process of building the models, from data cleaning to feature selection and model construction, will be managed mainly through the utilization of Python scripts. A comprehensive comparison between traditional CoMSIA models and ML-based CoMSIA models will also be conducted. The former will be derived from two different force fields, namely OPLS_2005 and Tripos force fields. The latter will employ ML techniques to select field-similarity-index features and build models using the FTC dataset. The top-performing model will be employed to predict and guide the synthesis and subsequent evaluation of potential lipid antioxidant peptides from Tryptophyllin L family.27 This investigation will also help determine the potential benefits and extent of applying different ML algorithms to 3D-CoMSIA QSAR models.
No. | Peptide | Activity | No. | Peptide | Activity | No. | Peptide | Activity | No. | Peptide | Activity |
1 | LHA | 3.918 | 51 | PHT | 6.247 | 101 | RWN | 2.404 | 151 | RYY | 2.257 |
2 | LHD | 3.593 | 52 | PHV | 3.335 | 102 | RWQ | 0.606 | 152 | AYY | 3.071 |
3 | LHE | 6.136 | 53 | PHW | 6.535 | 103 | RWR | 2.384 | 153 | IYY | 3.071 |
4 | LHF | 3.628 | 54 | PHY | 4.227 | 104 | RWS | 0.808 | 154 | LYY | 3.071 |
5 | LHG | 6.697 | 55 | PWA | 1.396 | 105 | RWT | 3.818 | 155 | FYY | 1.911 |
6 | LHH | 4.836 | 56 | PWD | 1.096 | 106 | RWV | 0.606 | 156 | WYY | 1.911 |
7 | LHI | 6.531 | 57 | PWE | 1.096 | 107 | RWW | 2.707 | 157 | GYY | 5.071 |
8 | LHK | 4.225 | 58 | PWF | 0.919 | 108 | RWY | 0.808 | 158 | NYY | 5.071 |
9 | LHL | 5.920 | 59 | PWG | 2.687 | 109 | DHH | 0.905 | 159 | QYY | 5.071 |
10 | LHM | 4.504 | 60 | PWH | 1.184 | 110 | EHH | 0.905 | 160 | MYY | 1.991 |
11 | LHN | 5.148 | 61 | PWI | 1.396 | 111 | AHH | 2.020 | 161 | SYY | 3.070 |
12 | LHQ | 4.136 | 62 | PWK | 0.407 | 112 | IHH | 2.020 | 162 | TYY | 3.070 |
13 | LHR | 5.184 | 63 | PWL | 1.096 | 113 | FHH | 1.803 | 163 | CYY | 0.470 |
14 | LHS | 4.293 | 64 | PWM | 0.796 | 114 | WHH | 1.803 | 164 | YDY | 3.047 |
15 | LHT | 5.584 | 65 | PWN | 2.104 | 115 | YHH | 1.803 | 165 | YEY | 3.047 |
16 | LHV | 3.481 | 66 | PWQ | 1.202 | 116 | GHH | 1.089 | 166 | YHY | 9.886 |
17 | LHW | 6.791 | 67 | PWR | 2.705 | 117 | NHH | 1.089 | 167 | YKY | 9.886 |
18 | LHY | 4.203 | 68 | PWS | 1.096 | 118 | QHH | 1.089 | 168 | YRY | 9.886 |
19 | LWA | 1.192 | 69 | PWT | 2.598 | 119 | MHH | 2.015 | 169 | YAY | 3.607 |
20 | LWD | 1.717 | 70 | PWV | 1.008 | 120 | SHH | 1.320 | 170 | YIY | 3.607 |
21 | LWE | 1.717 | 71 | PWW | 2.899 | 121 | THH | 1.320 | 171 | YLY | 3.607 |
22 | LWF | 1.414 | 72 | PWY | 1.114 | 122 | CHH | 0.937 | 172 | YFY | 2.233 |
23 | LWG | 1.313 | 73 | RHA | 5.205 | 123 | HDH | 1.477 | 173 | YWY | 2.233 |
24 | LWH | 3.212 | 74 | RHD | 3.304 | 124 | HEH | 1.477 | 174 | YGY | 3.366 |
25 | LWI | 1.111 | 75 | RHE | 5.096 | 125 | HAH | 0.952 | 175 | YNY | 3.366 |
26 | LWK | 1.899 | 76 | RHF | 3.300 | 126 | HIH | 0.952 | 176 | YQY | 3.366 |
27 | LWL | 0.606 | 77 | RHG | 5.725 | 127 | HLH | 0.952 | 177 | YMY | 1.780 |
28 | LWM | 1.394 | 78 | RHH | 3.296 | 128 | HFH | 2.026 | 178 | YSY | 3.447 |
29 | LWN | 1.313 | 79 | RHI | 4.806 | 129 | HWH | 2.026 | 179 | YTY | 3.447 |
30 | LWQ | 2.505 | 80 | RHK | 2.694 | 130 | HYH | 2.026 | 180 | YCY | 3.087 |
31 | LWR | 2.909 | 81 | RHL | 3.501 | 131 | HGH | 0.832 | 181 | YYD | 4.116 |
32 | LWS | 2.020 | 82 | RHM | 3.218 | 132 | HNH | 0.832 | 182 | YYE | 4.116 |
33 | LWT | 2.020 | 83 | RHN | 5.713 | 133 | HQH | 0.832 | 183 | YYH | 5.303 |
34 | LWV | 1.616 | 84 | RHQ | 3.108 | 134 | HMH | 0.873 | 184 | YYK | 5.303 |
35 | LWW | 3.515 | 85 | RHR | 4.302 | 135 | HSH | 0.730 | 185 | YYR | 5.303 |
36 | LWY | 2.222 | 86 | RHS | 3.386 | 136 | HTH | 0.730 | 186 | YYA | 3.344 |
37 | PHA | 5.793 | 87 | RHT | 5.987 | 137 | HCH | 0.975 | 187 | YYI | 3.344 |
38 | PHD | 4.622 | 88 | RHV | 3.206 | 138 | HHD | 0.188 | 188 | YYL | 3.344 |
39 | PHE | 6.152 | 89 | RHW | 5.878 | 139 | HHE | 0.188 | 189 | YYF | 4.050 |
40 | PHF | 3.916 | 90 | RHY | 3.378 | 140 | HHF | 3.612 | 190 | YYW | 4.050 |
41 | PHG | 5.197 | 91 | RWA | 1.212 | 141 | HHW | 3.612 | 191 | YYG | 2.996 |
42 | PHH | 6.051 | 92 | RWD | 0.909 | 142 | HHY | 3.612 | 192 | YYN | 2.996 |
43 | PHI | 4.916 | 93 | RWE | 1.091 | 143 | HHG | 0.317 | 193 | YYQ | 2.996 |
44 | PHK | 3.426 | 94 | RWF | 0.909 | 144 | HHN | 0.317 | 194 | YYM | 2.103 |
45 | PHL | 5.311 | 95 | RWG | 1.717 | 145 | HHQ | 0.317 | 195 | YYS | 3.983 |
46 | PHM | 3.714 | 96 | RWH | 1.091 | 146 | HHC | 0.128 | 196 | YYT | 3.983 |
47 | PHN | 6.061 | 97 | RWI | 1.232 | 147 | DYY | 3.417 | 197 | YYC | 0.637 |
48 | PHQ | 3.718 | 98 | RWK | 0.606 | 148 | EYY | 3.417 | |||
49 | PHR | 4.751 | 99 | RWL | 3.212 | 149 | HYY | 2.257 | |||
50 | PHS | 4.042 | 100 | RWM | 0.727 | 150 | KYY | 2.257 |
The structures of 197 peptides were generated using ChemDraw Professional 15.1 software. Subsequently, each structure underwent optimization using the PM7 method from the Molecular Orbital Package (MOPAC) quantum chemistry program, as described in detail in the ref. 24.
In FTC dataset, three peptides YHY, YKY and YRY display the same highest lipid antioxidant activities (9.886) and share a common structure of two tyrosine at the first and the third amino acid and one basic amino acid at the second amino acid. As the structure alignment is of pivotal importance for 3D-QSAR modeling, in this study, two sets of aligned structures were prepared, employing either YRY or YHY as the reference molecule.
To align the optimized structures, the Flexible Ligand Alignment Panel in Maestro 11.5 software was utilized. Common scaffolds among the ligands were superimposed using the maximum common substructure and SMARTS, taking into account conformational variations in the side chains. A round of manual alignment was then performed to ensure proper alignment of side chains not covered by the template molecule. The alignments of all 197 peptides with respect to YRY and YHY are illustrated in Fig. 1A and B.
For model development, the dataset was divided into a training set comprising 158 peptides (80%) and a test set comprising 39 peptides (20%). Different random seeds were employed to assess the reproducibility of the results (refer to ESI 1† for the train-set splits corresponding to different random seeds).
In brief, all aligned peptides were positioned within a 3D cubic lattice. Molecular similarity indices were calculated by comparing the similarity of each molecule to a common probe atom, placed at lattice points of the cubic lattice, which had a radius of 1 Å, a charge of +1, and a hydrophobicity of +1. The calculation involved five fields: steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic, hydrogen-bond donor, and hydrogen-bond acceptor. Energy values were truncated at a cutoff of 30 kcal mol−1.
For the OPLS-based models, variables with a standard deviation less than 0.01, an absolute t-value smaller than 2, or within a distance of 2.0 Å from any training set atom were eliminated. For the Tripos-based models, the common dataset, exported from Maestro software as sdf files, was imported into Sybyl software. The CoMSIA descriptors were calculated using the calculate properties dialog, with the following parameters: charge calculation using Gasteiger-Hückel, attenuation set to 0.3, and automatic region creation. The models were constructed using the Partial Least Square Analysis module in the QSAR section in the MDE toolbar.
The optimal number of factors for constructing OPLS or Tripos models was determined following specific instructions in the respective software. Using Maestro, a series of 20 models was created, gradually varying the number of PLS factors from 1 to 20 for each train-test split (random seed). The statistical metrics obtained from each model were compared to identify the most statistically reliable and robust model. These metrics encompassed the coefficient of determination (R2), the cross-validation coefficient achieved through a leave-one-out approach (RLOO2), the external validation correlation coefficient (Q2), the F value, the root-mean-square error in test set predictions (RMSE), and Rscramble2, which is the coefficient of determination derived from a randomization test. While higher R2, RCV2 (RLOO2), Q2, and F values correspond to the higher reliability and predictability of the models, larger values of the remaining metrics suggest the opposite. Consequently, the optimal number of factors was selected to achieve a harmonious balance between these two sets of metrics.
In the case of the Tripos-based models, the optimal number of PLS factors was determined automatically by the software based on the best cross-validation result from 20 models. This optimal PLS number was then employed for all subsequent PLS analyses.
The formulas for the determination of all the aforementioned statistical parameters were presented in ESI 2.† To ensure the consistency of any comparisons, these formulas were employed uniformly for all models developed in this work, unless otherwise stated.
The CoMSIA descriptors were extracted using the Manage CoMFA module of the QSAR Menubar in Sybyl X 2.1. A total of 6480 CoMSIA variables were collected (see ESI 3†) and served as the independent variables for building the ML models. These variables were organized into feature columns, with columns 1–1296 corresponding to the steric field, columns 1297–2592 to the electrostatic field, columns 2593–3888 to the hydrophobic field, columns 3889–5184 to the hydrogen-bond acceptor field, and columns 5185–6480 to the hydrogen-bond donor field. Each column was marked to track the contribution of its respective field to the final models. All the required features and estimators were imported from the scikit-learn ( and XGBoost package ( for implementation.33,34
The SelectFromModel-LassoCV method is a feature selection technique in scikit-learn that selects important features from a dataset based on the coefficients derived from the LassoCV (Lasso Cross-Validation) algorithm. LassoCV is a variant of Lasso regression that incorporates cross-validation to automatically select the regularization parameter. On the other hand, GradientBoosting Recursive Feature Elimination (GB-RFE) is a feature selection technique that combines the Gradient Boosting algorithm with a recursive feature elimination process. It aims to identify and select the most important features by iteratively training a Gradient Boosting model and eliminating the least significant features (using feature importance attributes).
In this study, three groups of models were constructed sequentially, each serving different analytical purposes that will be discussed in the Result and discussion section. The first group of models was built after the data pre-processing step using 24 estimators with default hyperparameters and without any feature selection (Script S1†). The second group of models was constructed using one of the aforementioned feature selection methods (Script S2.1–2.2†). In the first two groups, several parameters, including RCV2, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Std_RMSE, and R2 (coefficient of determination for the training set), were computed to compare the performance and generalization of the models. R2_test (coefficient of determination for the test set) was used to assess their predictability.
Finally, several models with the best cross-validation (CV) statistics from the second group were selected for hyperparameter tuning, leading to the creation of the third group of models (Script S3.1–3.4†). Grid search and random search techniques were employed, along with five-fold cross-validation, to identify the optimal hyperparameters for the models. These models were trained and evaluated on the inner folds of the training set using different hyperparameter combinations, and the best hyperparameters were chosen based on their CV performance. GridSearch_CV has also been used to derive the optimum number of PLS components using each phase of feature selection (Script S4.1–4.4†).
RFE selection methods utilizing different estimators including RandomForest, XGBoost, and AdaBoost (Embedded-RFE of RF, XGB, Ada), were executed to assess the impact of these selection methods on the overall model performance (Script S5.1–5.3†). Bootstrapping (Rbstr2) and scrambling (p value) evaluation were also performed to assess the robustness and reliability of the ML-based models (Script S6.1–6.2†).
To assess the extent of oxidation, sequential additions of ethanol (2.35 mL, 75%), ammonium thiocyanate (50 μL, 30%), and ferrous chloride (50 μL, 20 mM in 3.5% HCl) were made to the extracted reaction mixtures. After allowing the mixture to stand for 3 minutes, the absorbance of the solution was measured at 500 nm. A control sample, excluding the peptides but containing the same components as the test sample, was prepared. The induction period, denoting the time required to reach an absorbance of 0.3, was calculated. The relative activities of the test samples were determined by dividing their respective induction periods by that of the control sample. All experiments were conducted in triplicate, and the average values were recorded.
However, it is important to note that linear regression remains robust to deviations from normality in the target variable itself, as long as the residuals or prediction errors meet the assumption of a normal distribution. This robustness is supported by the Central Limit Theorem, making it less necessary for the target variable to follow a normal distribution.35 Therefore, in the case of skewness less than 1, we have chosen not to transform the target variable as it will complicate the explanation of the predicted results, and we will discuss the distribution of prediction errors in the next section.
The R2, RCV2, Q2 values for the first superimposed set of structures are 0.63, 0.55, and 0.63, while RScramble2 and RMSE_test are 0.12 and 1.22, respectively. Similarly, for the YRY aligned dataset, the R2, RCV2, and Q2 values are 0.64, 0.54, and 0.46, with RScramble2 and RMSE_test at 0.13 and 1.47, respectively. These results indicate the performances of the OPLS-based models are moderate for both superimposed datasets in terms of model fitting and predictivity.
The correlation pattern remains generally consistent across five different data splits for each aligned set, resulting in all OPLS-based CoMSIA models having a common number of 3 PLS factors for optimal statistics. Observation of cross-validation (RCV2) and prediction coefficients (Q2) for 5 random seeds in both YHY and YRY alignments reveals that the change in the molecular template does not affect the statistical results of OPLS-based models substantially, and these values do not mutually exceed 0.6. This reaffirms the moderate performance of all OPLS-based models. For detailed statistical information related to factor selection and PLS analysis in OPLS-based models, please refer to ESI 4.†
To assess the reliability of the 3-factor-CoMSIA models, distribution plots and skewness calculations for prediction errors were conducted using various random seeds. Fig. 5 depicts a distribution plot of prediction errors for random seed 1 (YHY-reference). This distribution illustrates a general normal distribution centered around 0 but still exhibits a long left tail, highlighting two primary characteristics of this model type: the reliability of statistical inference, and the model's limitation in adequately predicting structures with extreme activities. Similar distribution patterns were also observed for five other train-test splits, as presented in ESI 1.†
![]() | ||
Fig. 5 Distribution of prediction errors derived from the 3-factor-CoMSIA model with YRY as the reference. |
To facilitate direct comparison between the OPLS and Tripos-based CoMSIA models, all the Tripos models were constructed using the same random seed used for OPLS models ranging from 1 to 5, thereby maintaining consistent train-test compositions (ESI 1†). The statistical results for two of the Tripos-based CoMSIA models built with random seed 1 are presented in Table 2.
Tripos-CoMSIA model | Optimal factor | R2 | RLOO2 | Rbstr2 | SEP | Q2 |
a SEP: standard error of prediction. | ||||||
YHY_ref | 11 | 0.756 | 0.446 | 0.781 | 1.432 | 0.547 |
YRY_ref | 18 | 0.828 | 0.531 | 0.684 | 1.350 | 0.339 |
As the optimal number of factors (PLS number) was determined solely based on RCV2, the PLS number in Tripos-based CoMSIA models is significantly higher than that in OPLS models when using the same random seed and molecular template. This method of PLS factor optimization also leads to variation in the PLS number across different random seeds, as it responds promptly to changes in the composition of the training set.
Furthermore, the Tripos-based CoMSIA models tend to exhibit overfitting, as indicated by substantial discrepancy between R2 (0.756 and 0.828) and RCV2 (0.446 and 0.531) for YHY and YRY aligned sets, respectively. For comprehensive statistical details regarding Tripos-based models generated with five different random seeds during factor selection and PLS analysis, please refer to ESI 5.†
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Fig. 6 Predictability plots of the OPLS models for the training set (A) and for test set (B), random seed 1, YRY reference. |
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Fig. 7 Predictability plots of the Tripos models for the training set (A) and for test set (B), random seed 1, YRY reference. |
The training dataset containing 6840 CoMSIA variables underwent preprocessing, resulting in 1282 variables that were used as inputs for the first group of models. The statistics of these models are presented in Table 3. Without employing any feature selection method, all the models performed below statistical expectations. The primary factor contributing to this poor performance is the high dimensionality of the features and the small sample size.
Regression algorithm | RCV2 | RMSE_CV | R2_test | RMSE_test | R2 | RMSE |
GradientBoostingRegressor() | 0.500 | 1.290 | 0.812 | 0.872 | 0.995 | 0.125 |
RandomForestRegressor() | 0.465 | 1.332 | 0.812 | 0.870 | 0.930 | 0.489 |
Lasso(alpha = 0.1) | 0.415 | 1.391 | 0.534 | 1.371 | 0.719 | 0.979 |
BayesianRidge() | 0.413 | 1.377 | 0.688 | 1.123 | 0.760 | 0.904 |
HistGradientBoostingRegressor() | 0.400 | 1.400 | 0.754 | 0.996 | 0.970 | 0.319 |
TweedieRegressor() | 0.371 | 1.420 | 0.666 | 1.161 | 0.807 | 0.811 |
AdaBoostRegressor() | 0.344 | 1.442 | 0.824 | 0.844 | 0.866 | 0.675 |
SVR(epsilon = 0.2) | 0.306 | 1.520 | 0.309 | 1.670 | 0.589 | 1.183 |
PLSRegression(n_components = 3) | 0.301 | 1.500 | 0.646 | 1.195 | 0.702 | 1.008 |
BaggingRegressor(base_estimator = SVR()) | 0.297 | 1.531 | 0.292 | 1.691 | 0.568 | 1.213 |
XGBRegressor(booster = None) | 0.230 | 1.569 | 0.832 | 0.824 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
ElasticNet() | 0.221 | 1.603 | 0.190 | 1.808 | 0.272 | 1.575 |
DecisionTreeRegressor() | 0.122 | 1.669 | 0.504 | 1.415 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 2) | 0.032 | 1.749 | 0.497 | 1.426 | 0.657 | 1.081 |
NuSVR(nu = 0.1) | 0.018 | 1.789 | 0.103 | 1.903 | 0.186 | 1.666 |
QuantileRegressor() | −0.042 | 1.850 | 0.000 | 2.010 | −0.002 | 1.848 |
MLPRegressor() | −0.372 | 1.964 | 0.628 | 1.226 | 0.999 | 0.052 |
HuberRegressor() | −0.835 | 2.246 | 0.219 | 1.776 | 0.845 | 0.727 |
GaussianProcessRegressor() | −2.700 | 3.430 | −2.175 | 3.580 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
XGBRegressor(booster = ‘gblinear’) | −3.393 | 3.328 | −0.270 | 2.265 | 0.885 | 0.625 |
Ridge() | −6.160 | 3.901 | −0.918 | 2.782 | 0.897 | 0.593 |
KernelRidge() | −8.350 | 4.958 | −2.352 | 3.679 | −1.580 | 2.965 |
LinearSVR(random_state = 1, tol = 1 × 10−5) | −8.630 | 4.607 | −0.903 | 2.772 | 0.852 | 0.710 |
LinearRegression() | −702.889 | 40.070 | −116.058 | 21.739 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
Among 24 regression estimators, the GradientBoostingRegressor (GBR) exhibited the best performance, with an RCV2 value of 0.500 and a Root Mean Square Error for cross-validation (RMSECV) of 1.326. Generally, the tree-based, Lasso and Bayesian Ridge outperformed other regressors, which can be attributed to the inherent feature-selection nature of these algorithms. This feature has helped to mitigate the impact of the high number of CoMSIA indices derived from the FTC dataset. The PLS model with 3 components demonstrated less effective cross-validation estimation compared to the OPLS_2005 and Tripos models, achieving an RCV2 of 0.301 and an RMSECV of 1.515.
Interestingly, the coefficients of determination for the test set (R2_test) and training set (R2) were remarkably higher than the RCV2 for most models, particularly for the tree models. This suggests the presence of overfitting in these models. For example, the GBR model exhibited an RCV2 of 0.500 and an R2 of 0.995, indicating the need for feature selection to achieve more reliable models.
Furthermore, the SelectFromModel-LassoCV method with a threshold of 0.01 identified 37 variables that contributed significantly to the Lasso models. Among these variables, the variable corresponding to the hydro-bond donor field still showed essential importance. Additionally, less impacts on FTC activity were observed for 3 other fields including electrostatic, hydrophobic and hydro-bond acceptor, as indicated by the ratios of selected variables representing these fields. The selected variables were as follows: [209, 664, 693, 913, 1414, 1458, 1582, 1833, 1906, 1928, 2216, 2345, 3060, 3191, 3251, 3299, 3442, 3535, 3620, 4262, 4463, 4664, 4723, 4747, 4866, 5277, 5421, 5545, 5566, 5670, 5831, 5843, 5855, 5891, 6004, 6125, and 6403].
The top ten models selected based on their cross-validation RCV2 and RMSECV for each feature selection method are presented in Table 4. Several noteworthy points can be highlighted. Firstly, the implementation of feature selection has improved the cross-validation estimation of all models. Secondly, the GB-RFE feature selection method has yielded advantages for tree-based models (GradientBoosting, RandomForest, XGBoost, and AdaBoost), while the SelectFromModel-LassoCV has shown benefits for linear models (PLS, Lasso, and BayesianRidge). The GBR model stood out as the best performer in the first group, achieving an RCV2 of 0.644, RMSECV of 1.072, R2_test of 0.756, and R2 of 0.977. In the second group, the PLS model showcased the highest RCV2 of 0.653, RMSECV of 1.058, R2_test of 0.575, and R2 of 0.755. However, there was a significant overlap of estimators between the two top-ten model groups, indicating that these estimators are suitable for developing 3D CoMSIA models of FTC dataset.
GB-RFE | RCV2 | RMSECV | R2_test | RMSE_ test | R2 | RMSE |
GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state = 1) | 0.644 | 1.072 | 0.756 | 0.993 | 0.977 | 0.280 |
RandomForestRegressor() | 0.638 | 1.094 | 0.760 | 0.985 | 0.950 | 0.413 |
XGBRegressor(booster = None) | 0.624 | 1.095 | 0.721 | 1.061 | 1.000 | 0.001 |
AdaBoostRegressor() | 0.607 | 1.131 | 0.629 | 1.224 | 0.853 | 0.708 |
HistGradientBoostingRegressor() | 0.529 | 1.245 | 0.668 | 1.158 | 0.916 | 0.535 |
BaggingRegressor(base_estimator = SVR()) | 0.449 | 1.358 | 0.331 | 1.643 | 0.565 | 1.218 |
SVR(epsilon = 0.2) | 0.447 | 1.360 | 0.337 | 1.636 | 0.578 | 1.200 |
Lasso(alpha = 0.1) | 0.377 | 1.416 | 0.472 | 1.461 | 0.509 | 1.293 |
BayesianRidge() | 0.355 | 1.420 | 0.476 | 1.454 | 0.542 | 1.249 |
KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 2) | 0.328 | 1.484 | 0.510 | 1.406 | 0.783 | 0.860 |
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SelectFromModel_LassoCV | ||||||
PLSRegression(n_components = 3) | 0.653 | 1.058 | 0.575 | 1.310 | 0.744 | 0.934 |
TweedieRegressor() | 0.649 | 1.068 | 0.596 | 1.277 | 0.598 | 1.170 |
BayesianRidge() | 0.621 | 1.112 | 0.646 | 1.196 | 0.662 | 1.074 |
GradientBoostingRegressor() | 0.514 | 1.252 | 0.700 | 1.101 | 0.974 | 0.300 |
RandomForestRegressor() | 0.514 | 1.266 | 0.727 | 1.049 | 0.934 | 0.473 |
Lasso(alpha = 0.1) | 0.506 | 1.278 | 0.617 | 1.244 | 0.606 | 1.158 |
KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors = 2) | 0.503 | 1.263 | 0.434 | 1.511 | 0.800 | 0.825 |
MLPRegressor() | 0.495 | 1.245 | 0.666 | 1.162 | 0.655 | 1.084 |
XGBRegressor(booster = None) | 0.485 | 1.300 | 0.667 | 1.159 | 1.000 | 0.001 |
AdaBoostRegressor() | 0.476 | 1.316 | 0.597 | 1.276 | 0.803 | 0.819 |
Among the 24 distinct regression techniques examined, non-linear regression methods consistently demonstrated superior fitting performance when assessed across the two feature selection methods. This underscores the presence of non-linearity in predicting antioxidant activity and, in turn, provides an explanation for the subpar model performance observed in the previous section and prior studies that relied on linear regression methods.22
For a small dataset like FTC, the superior performance of GB-RFE tree-based models compared to Lasso-PLS can be attributed to their intrinsic algorithms. PLS is particularly sensitive to outliers because the linear regression line is directly influenced by the mean of the target variable during fitting. In contrast, extreme target values only affect local trees and the local splitting decisions in tree-based models, resulting in an improved overall perform for GBR, RandomForest, XGBoost, and AdaBoost.
Fig. 8 visually illustrates the superior performance of tree-based models when compared to the LassoCV-PLS model (with n = 3 components). Specifically, while the cross-validation RCV2 of the PLS model is comparable to that of the four tree-based models, the tree-based models with tuned hyperparameters clearly outperform the LassoCV-PLS model in predictivity.
After hyperparameter tuning, the GBR model with specific settings (learning_rate = 0.01, max_depth = 2, n_estimators = 500, subsample = 0.5) showed the most significant improvement in model generalization, with notable reductions in the differences between RCV2, R2 and R2_test (0.690, 0.872, and 0.759, respectively). Likewise, the RMSECV, RMSE and RMSE_test values for the GBR model decreased to 1.042, 0.66, and 0.987, respectively.
On the other hand, the other tree-based models, including RandomForest, XGB, and AdaBoost, unexpectedly did not achieve the same level of improvement, as indicated by larger disparities between their coefficients. There are various reasons contributing to the dissimilar response between GBR and the other three models to hyperparameter tuning, with common factors being feature selection, data size, and incomplete hyperparameter tuning. Since testing all possible measures is not feasible, we conducted an additional experiment involving Embedded RFE (ERFE) feature selection coupled with hyperparameter tuning with GridSearchCV.
The ERFE feature selection was applied with three different estimators (RF, XGB, and Ada). However, the results indicated that the ERFE method did not improve the overfitting issue; in fact, it exacerbated it, as shown in Fig. 9. The application of the Embedded XGB model revealed a notable escalation in overfitting, evidenced by a rise in R2 to 1.000. This increase further widened the gap between this parameter and RCV2 (0.645) as well as R2_test (0.764). Similar trends were observed in the RF and Ada models, where the discrepancy of these coefficients also intensified.
The result of Y-scrambling activity for the GBR model has shown a p value <0.001 after 100 iterations, suggesting that the model's performance is not due to random chance and strengthening its reliability and applicability.
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Fig. 10 Experimental versus predicted FTC values derived from the GBR model for (A) FTC training and (B) test set. |
The two most important field effects on lipid antioxidant capability, including hydrophobicity and hydrogen bond donor, were illustrated in Fig. 11. A notable observation is the positive impact of hydrophobicity in the first amino acid position on overall activity, but interestingly, this effect reverses when the hydrophobic amino acid is in the second position. Additionally, hydrogen-bond donor groups are found to be beneficial to FTC activity when located on the second and third amino acid positions, while they have a mixed effect on the first amino acid.
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Fig. 11 Contour maps of field contribution to lipid antioxidant activity (A) hydrophobicity (yellow: positive, white: negative) and (B) hydrogen-bond donor (purple: positive, cyan: negative). |
Structures of 13 Tryptophyllin L tripeptides superimposed on the YRY reference are displayed in Fig. 12. The CoMSIA indices from these peptides were subjected to the RFE-GBR model to predict the FTC activities of these peptide fragments (ESI 7†). Table 5 presents 13 Tryptophyllin L tripeptides along with their corresponding predicted FTC values. Based on the predictions from the GBR models, the peptides F-P-W and F-P-5Htp were identified as the highest FTC activities.
No. | Title | FTC predictions by GBR model |
a 5Htp: 5 hydroxytryptophan, pE: pyroglutamic acid. | ||
1 | FPW | 3.882 |
2 | pEFP | 3.476 |
3 | FPF | 2.556 |
4 | IPW | 3.225 |
5 | FLP | 1.996 |
6 | PWF | 1.287 |
7 | PWF(NH2) | 1.304 |
8 | FHR(NH2) | 2.119 |
9 | PWP | 1.772 |
10 | PFP | 1.755 |
11 | WFH | 2.443 |
12 | P-5Htp-L | 1.818 |
13 | F-P-5Htp | 3.694 |
The most interesting observation from the predictions on Tryptophyllin L tripeptides was the combined effect of phenylalanine at the first amino acid and tryptophan at the third amino acid on the FTC activity. This combination provides hydrophobicity for the first position and hydrogen-bond donor for the C-terminal leading to the highest FTC activity in the list. The FTC value does not change significantly when tryptophan is replaced by 5-hydroxytryptophan (5Htp) explained by the subtle difference in hydrogen-bond donor ability of 5Htp compared with that of tryptophan.
Three tripeptides were synthesized and tested using the FTC assay, including FPW, F-P-5Htp, and P-5Htp-L. The latter two tripeptides are derived from the Tryptophyllin L F-P-5Htp-L, is of special interest as containing 5-Htp one of the tryptophan metabolites. Experimental results yielded FTC values of 4.2 ± 0.12, 4.4 ± 0.11, and 1.72 ± 0.15 for F-P-5Htp, F-P-W, and P-5Htp-L, respectively. These experimental results generally align with the predictions of the RFE-GBR model, suggesting the potential lipid antioxidant properties of these three peptides.
The analysis of the FTC CoMSIA dataset using traditional methods revealed several key findings. Firstly, changing the molecular template for alignment had no significant impact on the CoMSIA models' statistics. However, switching between force fields resulted in notable differences. OPLS-based models exhibited more stable PLS numbers and statistical parameters compared to Tripos force field models, which displayed variations in PLS numbers across different data splits and tended to overfit. Secondly, the CoMSIA models from both force fields showed low predictive capability (Q2) with a strong inclination to underestimate FTC activity, particularly in the high activity range.
The ML-based modelling routine was intentionally designed to process the data into three stages. The ML-based 3D-CoMSIA models without feature selection have revealed better performances for four tree-based regressors (RandomForest, XGB, AdaBoost and GBR), Lasso and Bayesian Ridge Regressor as a result of the feature self-selected nature of these estimators. This feature is beneficial greatly in alleviating the detrimental impact of the abundance of CoMSIA indices on the models.
Out of the 24 distinct regression techniques investigated, non-linear regression methods consistently exhibited better model fitting than the linear methods when evaluated using the two feature selection methods GBR-RFE and SelectFromModel_LassoCV. This highlights the presence of non-linearity in predicting antioxidant activity, thus offering an explanation for the less favorable performance of linear models previously.
The competition of four tree-based models at the final stage of hyperparameter tuning has revealed different levels of generalization for these tree-based models, although improvement in terms of cross-validation and predictivity were observed for all of these models. Among those, the GBR model with the GBR-RFE selection method and specific hyperparameters (learning_rate = 0.01, max_depth = 2, n_estimators = 500, subsample = 0.5) was selected as the best model for predicting the FTC activity of tripeptides when displaying smallest disparity in internal and external statistics. It is therefore statistically reliable to be used for screening of lipid-antioxidant tripeptides.
Overall, the ML-based modeling approach has demonstrated greater efficiency compared to the traditional CoMSIA method when modeling 3D-field similarity models for the FTC dataset. This conclusion is based not only on the comparison of models constructed in this study but also on a review of results from previous research.
The predicted FTC values of 13 Tryptophyllin L peptide fragments by the RFE-GBR model have guided the experimental testing of three tripeptides, yielding FTC values of 4.2 ± 0.12, 4.4 ± 0.11, and 1.72 ± 0.15 for F-P-5Htp, F-P-W, and P-5Htp-L, respectively. The experimental results generally aligned with the model predictions, suggesting that these peptides have great potential as lipid antioxidants and should be further tested on food-based samples.
Finally, this study offers a collection of adaptable Python scripts (please refer to the attached Script S1–S6† for relevant code) that can be used to model various bioactivities or properties, requiring only an input CoMSIA dataset as a minimum requirement. These scripts enable model construction using 24 estimators, both with and without feature selection. Notably, the scripts incorporate features such as variable selection (GBR-RFE, ERFE, and SelectFromModel) and hyperparameter tuning through GridSearch_CV and RandomSearch_CV, scrambling and bootstrapping evaluation, allowing the estimation of model consistency and reliability.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |