*ab and
aSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China. E-mail: sunshuangqing@upc.edu.cn; songqinghu@upc.edu.cn
bInstitute of Advanced Materials, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, China
First published on 25th November 2023
To control the transport stability and release efficiency of loaded theranostic drugs in triblock copolymer carriers, the reversible crosslinking ability is of great significance. A molecular level exploration of such a function is needed to extend existing stabilizing and responsive dissociation mechanisms of carriers. Here, dissipative particle dynamics simulations were used to first demonstrate the formation of triblock copolymer vesicular carriers. Chemical crosslinking was used to strengthen the structural stability of the vesicle shell to avoid drug leakage. Reversible decrosslinking along with dissociation of the vesicle and release of loaded drugs were then explored. The structural, energetic and dynamical properties of the system were discussed at the molecular level. The regulation mechanism of drug release patterns was revealed by systematically exploring the effect of intra and intermolecular repulsive interactions. The results indicate that the chemical crosslinking of copolymers enhanced the compactness of the vesicle shell with a strengthened microstructure, increased binding energy, and limited chain migration, thus achieving more stable delivery of drugs. In terms of drug release, we clarified how the pairwise interactions of beads in the solution system affect the responsive dissociation of the vesicle and associated release patterns (speed and amount) of drugs. More efficient delivery and smart release of theranostic drugs are achieved using such reversible crosslinked triblock copolymer vesicles.
To enhance the structural stability of the block copolymer vesicles, the shell can be chemically crosslinked.9,10 The migration of copolymer segments in the crosslinked shell can be limited, thus effectively avoiding drug leakage when subjected to environmental disturbances. More intelligently, the vesicles can be crosslinked using reversible covalent bonds (e.g., imine bonds, disulfide bonds, and diselenium bonds) that are stable under normal conditions and prone to fracture in response to the tumor microenvironment.11–13 Based on this feature, the crosslinked vesicles may release loaded drugs due to reversible shell decrosslinking (i.e., dissociation), in addition to the increased shell porosity and permeability.14 Moreover, by selecting copolymer segments with an environmental response characteristic, the responsive vesicle dissociation and drug release processes can be further accelerated.15–18 The above versatility is more easily achieved in vesicles self-assembled from triblock copolymers as they have more adjustable polymer segments.4 There have been many literature reports on the construction of reversible crosslinking structures in triblock copolymer vesicles, as well as their environmentally responsive dissociation and drug release properties.12,13,19,20 However, it is often tedious in real experiments to manipulate the formation and responsive dissociation of above vesicles at the molecular level, especially to determine the parameter ranges of copolymer composition, crosslinking degree, repulsion between various polymer segments, etc., for certain drug loading or release needs.4–6 This obstacle has been encountered especially in developing novel polymeric vesicular drug delivery systems.
One popular strategy to overcome this deficiency is to explore the comprehensive effect of above parameters via computer simulations, which can scan large parameter ranges at a nanoscale based on real conditions.21–23 To date, computer simulations have been used to reveal the intra- and inter-molecular interactions in polymeric vesicular nanocontainers that drive the stable delivery and responsive release of drugs.20,24,25 Many previous reports have constructed a systematic relationship between the molecular structure, the environmental affecting factor, and the performance of polymer vesicles as drug delivery systems.26 We have previously simulated the interplay of distributions of multiple payloads within block copolymer micelles and proposed a mechanism describing the preferred locations of multiple payloads depending on their chemical properties.27 Also, we have discussed the intermolecular interactions within versatile block copolymer nanocontainers based on the architecture, composition, rigidity, etc., of copolymer segments.28–30 However, in terms of triblock copolymer vesicles with a crosslinked shell, the local structural transformation and internal driving mechanism still lack in-depth research at the molecular level. Of note for triblock copolymer systems with more selectable polymer segments is the possibility to introduce multi-functional chemical groups (e.g., crosslinking groups, responsive groups, and varied hydrophilic/hydrophobic groups).31 The central challenge is how to precisely control the component, alignment, molecular weight, etc., of these chemical groups, thus to achieve the desired stability of the crosslinked shell (for smooth drug delivery in vivo) and its responsive decrosslinking (for targeted and rapid drug release).31 A systematic and microscopic investigation of the structural, energetic, and dynamical variations of such systems is needed.
Here, we develop a simple reversible crosslinking strategy for the construction and microstructural regulation of a polymeric vesicular nanocontainer, and the exploration of the controlled loading and stimuli-triggered release of theranostic agents. We start from the self-assembly of a linear amphiphilic triblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(isobutyl methacrylate)-b-poly(N-(2-oxoprocopyl)methacrylamide) (PEG-b-PIBMA-b-POPMA) with EG as hydrophilic sites stabilizing a micelle/water interface, IBMA as hydrophobic sites loading hydrophobic fluorescent dyes, and OPMA as cross-linkable sites. 3,3′-Dithiobis(propionohydrazide) (DTP) is selected as the linker molecule that can chemically connect two OPMA groups for copolymer crosslinking,32–34 and reversibly decrosslink the copolymers through the disulfide bonds on it. The reaction between OPMA and DTP also makes the copolymer sensitive to pH conditions. In our work, the length ratio and hydrophilicity strength of different blocks are first varied to determine the range in which vesicular self-assemblies can be obtained. Then, two typical agents of hydrophilic anticancer drugs doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX-HCl) and hydrophobic fluorescent dye Nile red are selected to be loaded in the vesicular cavity and shell, respectively. The microscopic mechanism that promotes the structural enhancement by shell crosslinking has been discussed. Furthermore, we perform decrosslinking of the shell to simulate the responsive dissociation of copolymers and release of drugs under external stimuli. Two critical aspects, i.e., crosslinking degree and intra/intermolecular interaction, are investigated with emphasis to reveal how to control the release pattern of drugs and the morphological rearrangement of the nanocontainer. The featured manipulation of such vesicular drug delivery systems provides a significant theoretical support for the design of more efficient integrated diagnosis and treatment systems.
Initial molecular and solution models were constructed using the Amorphous Cell tool in Materials Studio (Accelrys Inc.), and were exported as recognizable data files by Lammps through Perl scripts. A cubic box of size of 50rc × 50rc × 50rc was built, with a total of 375000 beads and a number density of 3/rc3. The concentrations of the triblock copolymer, DOX-HCl, and Nile red were set to 20%, 1.5%, and 1%, respectively. The length of flexible blocks on the copolymer was set to 1 distance unit. Periodic boundary conditions were applied to all directions of the simulation box. Before conducting DPD simulations in Lammps, the critical constant aij in terms of the conservative repulsion between beads i and j in the studied system was first determined based on the hydrophilic–hydrophobic interaction theory of such copolymers and lots of previous reports.27–30,39 To match the compressibility of water, the aii value between two beads of the same type was set to 25. The aAW value between block A and water W was set to 30 to describe the hydrophilicity of A with a small repulsive effect to solvent beads. The aBW, aCW, and aNW values between water W and block B, block C, Nile red N were set to 100 to describe the hydrophobicity of these beads. The aAB, aAC, and aBC values between different blocks on the linear triblock copolymer were set to 80, 80, and 40, respectively, to ensure the self-stretching of the copolymer. The repulsive parameter between linker L and other beads was uniformly set to 40 to describe the relative compatible interactions between linkers and other beads in the system. It should be noted that such a treatment method simplifies the effect of linkers on the system, and only the utilization of its most basic functions (crosslinking and decrosslinking) is preserved. For other incompatible pairwise interactions between DOX-HCl D and block B, block C, Nile red N, as well as between Nile red N and block A, the aDB, aDC, aDN, and aNA values were set to 80. For other compatible pairwise interactions between DOX-HCl D and block A, water W, as well as between Nile red N and blocks B, C, the aAD, aDW, aBN, and aCN values were set to 25. The above settings are used for DPD simulations unless mentioned the change of values for specific study needs in the text.
Moreover, the dissipative parameter γ describing the viscous dragging force between each pair of moving beads was set to 4.5. The stiffness constant C describing the strength of bond stretching was set to −4. The cutoff distance rc, mass m of all beads, simulation temperature T, and thermal energy kBT were all set to united unit 1. The time step was set to Δt = 0.05τ = 0.05rc(m/kBT)1/2. To start the simulation, a Gaussian distribution method was performed to generate initial velocities for all beads in the system. For different study needs (e.g., self-assembly process and drug release process), the production simulations lasted from 1.0 × 106 to 3.0 × 106 time steps to ensure that equilibrium systems can be obtained.
Moreover, to simulate the responsive dissociation process of a crosslinked vesicle, a decrosslinking process which is much simpler than the above crosslinking process was conducted. To simulate a dissociation degree, we only need to randomly delete a certain number of linker molecules, as well as modifying the box size to maintain the system density unchanged. The model at a specific decrosslinking state will be equilibrated by a dynamic DPD simulation, based on which further responsive dissociation simulations under external stimuli will be conducted. The release speed and accumulated release amount of loaded drugs, as well as the evolution of the vesicle dissociation morphology, in relation to the simulation time will be studied.
Next, we load the A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 vesicular structures with both hydrophobic bead N (Nile red) and hydrophilic bead D (DOX-HCl), and probe the equilibrium properties of structure, energy, and dynamics in the systems. Both vesicles contain the same volume fraction of copolymer molecules or drug molecules. Fig. 3(a) and (b) indicate the cross-sectional views and the radial density profiles of split copolymers and drug beads. Obvious stratification behavior can be seen within the two vesicles. The N and D beads are distributed within the hydrophobic layer B and the hydrophilic core C regions, respectively, driven by hydrophilic/hydrophobic interactions. From A4B8C8 to A10B5C5, the thicknesses (equal to half peak width) of hydrophilic A, responsive B, and hydrophobic C layers experience clear changes, i.e., layer A increases from 2.3 to 2.5 distance unit, layer B decreases from 2.4 to 1.5 distance unit, and layer C decreases from 3.2 to 2.4 distance unit. A significant influence of the above structural change of the vesicle is on its loading capacity to N and D beads. Fig. 3(c) exhibits the interaction potential energy, E, for bead pairs of ABC-N, ABC-D, and ABC-W, respectively. The decreased EABC-N value (from 0.045 to 0.043) denotes weakened binding ability to N beads, the increased EABC-D value (from 0.009 to 0.019) indicates more favorable for loading of D beads, while the increased EABC-W value (from 0.117 to 0.129) states that the water solubility of the vesicle is enhanced. Fig. 3(d) provides the calculated dynamical fluctuation radius, Δr, of ABC, N, and D molecules, respectively. The increased ΔrABC (from 4.124 to 5.665) is induced by the above-mentioned water solubility enhancement of the vesicle, and the increased ΔrN (from 6.888 to 8.035) is due to the weakening binding capacity of the hydrophobic layer to Nile red, while the increased ΔrD (from 4.046 to 4.680) is because of the enhanced affinity of the confined space to DOX-HCl.
Fig. 4(a) and (b) indicate the radial density distributions of beads in the crosslinked A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 systems. From the cross-sectional morphologies, it can be seen that the self-assembly structure of copolymers and the loading positions of N and D remain unchanged. The distribution of linker beads synchronizes with that of crosslinking block C. The thicknesses of crosslinked layer C in A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 systems are increased from 3.2 to 6.0 distance unit (improved by 87.5%) and from 2.4 to 4.0 distance unit (improved by 41.9%), respectively, and the volume expansion degrees of the two systems are calculated to be 19.2% and 6.7% (based on the radial distance of “total” density lines), respectively. Fig. 4(c) and (d) indicate the interaction potential energies and dynamical fluctuation radius of the crosslinked A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 systems, respectively. In terms of energy, compared to uncrosslinked systems, the EABC-N values in crosslinked A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 systems are decreased to proportions of 28.9% and 41.7%, respectively, while the EABC-D and EABC-W values have hardly decreased. It is inferred from this that the crosslinking structure mainly weakens the interaction between copolymers and N beads, i.e., the loading capacity for N may be reduced. In terms of dynamics, it can be seen that all the ΔrABC, ΔrN, and ΔrD values experience large reduction, indicating that the motion abilities of these beads are weakened by the formation of the crosslinking structure. This phenomenon reflects that the loading stability of the two drug molecules in the polymer vesicle is clearly improved by chemical crosslinking of the shell.
In terms of drug release, the hydrophilic D beads are observed to migrate into the solution, while the hydrophobic beads N are still encapsulated by the hydrophobic region of the re-assembled copolymer clusters. Fig. 7(a) and (b) indicate the percentages of released beads D during the decrosslinking of A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 polymer vesicles. We performed 1000
000 steps of the simulation for the model at each crosslinking degree. It can be seen that with decrosslinking of the vesicles, the release rate of loaded drugs gradually increases. Crosslinking degrees at ≥60% seem to be benificial to achieve the long-term slow release of loaded drugs. While at ≤40%, rapid and complete release loaded drugs are observed during the simulation time. This release rate change induced by decrosslinking can be closely related to the morphological decomposition in Fig. 5 and 6, particularly for the transition region of 40–60% when the vesicles start to decompose into smaller copolymer clusters. By comparison, the crosslinked A4B8C8 system seems to be more sensitive to environmental stimuli and has a larger drug release rate than the crosslinked A10B5C5 system. For example, at a simulation step of 1
000, the drug release percentage of A4B8C8 increases from 5% to 12%, 29%, 100%, 100%, and 100%, while that of A10B5C5 increases from 0% to 7.5%, 26%, 88%, 100%, and 100%.
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Fig. 7 Variaitons of drug release (a) and (b), interaction potential energy (c) and (d), and dynamic fluctuation (e) and (f) properties of the A4B8C8 and A10B5C5 polymer vesicles. |
One important factor driving the vesicle dissociation and drug release is the varied intermolecular interaction between beads in the system under external stimuli. Fig. 7(c) and (d) indicate the calculated interaction potential energies between copolymers and Nile red, DOX-HCl, and water, respectively, and the potential energy of all copolymers, versus the decrosslinking degree. It can be seen that, along with decrosslinking of the two vesicles, the interaction potential energies between copolymers and Nile red, as well as between copolymers and water are increased, while that between copolymers and DOX-HCl is decreased. The former increased energies can be attributed to the improved interaction between the studied bead pairs since the vesicle dissociation enhances their contact probability. The latter decreased energy is due to the fact that the released DOX-HCl drugs move to the solvent and become less contacted with the copolymers. Moreover, it is observed that the total potential energy of the copolymers themselves gradually increases with the decrosslinking of vesicles, indicating that the increased contact probability between copolymers and surrounding beads enhances the interaction of them. The above evolutions of interactions promote the gradual equilibrium of copolymer reassembly morphology and achieve stable drug release.
In the meantime, we analyzed the dynamical properties of copolymers during decrosslinking of the vesicles. Fig. 7(e) and (f) provide the obtained averaged dynamical fluctuation radius (Δr) of copolymer beads at all studied crosslinking densities. The evolution processes of Δr within the range of simulation steps are also recorded. As the crosslinking density decreases, it can be seen that the Δr value of the A4B8C8 system increases from 1.97 (at 91%) to 4.45 (at 0%) with a growth degree of 126%, while that of the A10B5C5 system increases from 2.26 (at 96%) to 4.42 (at 0%) with a growth degree of 96%. Clearly, the increased Δr value indicates that the movement ability of copolymer beads becomes gradually enhanced at smaller crosslinking densities. This is mainly due to the dissociation of vesicles which greatly increases the probability of contact between the copolymer and the solution, and is beneficial to improve the self diffusion and migration of copolymers.
Fig. 8 illustrates the drug release curves versus repulsive parameters of aAW, aBW, aCW, and aDW, which determines the repulsion between solvent W and blocks A, B, C, and drug D, respectively. For aAW (Fig. 8(a)), the culmulated release amount within the simulation time (1000
000 steps) reaches up to 32% at aAW = 25 (the situation where water solubility is particularly good). When the value of aAW increases to or greater than 35, the release amount rapidly decreases below 10%, which is understandable since the increase in the hydrophobicity of block A makes it more difficult for copolymers to dissociate. For aBW (Fig. 8(b)), as the hydrophobicity of responsive block B gradually decreases (aBW drops froms 100 to 30), the drug release rate and amount will gradually increase accordingly, even close to 100% at a simulation step of 1
000 when aBW equals to 30. The decrease in aBW is equivalent to the increase in the hydrophilic block ratio, which reduces the aggregation ability of hydrophobic blocks. For aCW (Fig. 8(c)), the accumulated drug release amount does not exceed 50% within the range of investigated aCW values. The decrease of aCW represents the gradual transition of the hydrophilic–hydrophobic–hydrophobic triblock copolymer to the near hydrophilic–hydrophobic–hydrophilic triblock copolymer, and the self-assembly structure of copolymers undergoes changes accordingly. Therefore, as can be seen, the decrease of aCW first leads to a decrease and then increases the release rate and amount. For aDW (Fig. 8(d)), which represents the hydrophobicity of drug molecules, a very large value (aDW ≥ 50) effectively inhibits the release of drugs while a small value (aDW ≤ 40) promotes the release of drugs (up to 85% at aDW = 20). This result reflects the need to balance the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of the loaded drugs, since different drugs may experience different loadings and release mechanisms.
Fig. 9 illustrates the drug release profies versus the repulsive parameters of aBA, aBB, aBC, and aBD, which determine the repulsion between hydrophobic block B and copolymer blocks A, B, C, drug D, respectively. For aBA (Fig. 9(a)), which reflects the extension degree of the two connecting blocks, the increase of the value can promote the release speed and amount of drugs. We speculate that the increased entension force between blocks B and A can make the self-assembled structure more porous and becomes more easily dissociated. Similar situations can be found for aBB (Fig. 9(b)) and aBC (Fig. 9(c)), where the drug release tendency can be promoted at larger values. The impact of the extension force determined by aBC on drug release seems to be smaller than aAB, since the largest accumulated release amount only reaches 31% at a simulation step of 1000
000. The self-repulsion between hydrophobic blocks B denoted by aBB exhibits a larger scope of the drug release amount, which ranges from 3% at aBB = 20 to 84% at aBB = 100 at a simulation step of 1
000. The control of aBB can be realized by, e.g., utilizing the electrostatic repulsion between charged groups. For aBD (Fig. 9(d)), which indicates the repulsion between loaded drug molecules and hydrophobic block B, it also has a limited impact on the release amount of drug molecules. The largest accumulated release amount is 31% at aBD = 25 (i.e., high compatibility between drug D and hydrophobic block B) and at a simulation step of 1
000. The increased value of aBD leads to a quick reduction of the release amount of drug molecules.
Based on above discussions, the release pattern of leaded drugs can be controlled mainly through tuning the repulsive interactions of copolymer segments or their solvent affinities. However, in real cases, it is often hard to make arbitrary settings and changes of these interactions. People need to carefully choose and synthesize block copolymers with specific structural and chemical properties, or to try control the compatibilities between copolymer blocks and solvents.40 The environmental conditions as well as forms of stimulation also have important impacts.41–43 Our findings fully exhibit the potential patterns of the change of reversible crosslinked vesicular drug delivery systems, and provide important theoretical guidance for the development and performance optimization of such systems in the experiment.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3cp04190e |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2024 |