Shreyas S.
a and
aLaboratory of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Magnonics, Institute of Materials (IMX), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail:
bInstitute of Electrical and Micro Engineering (IEM), EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
First published on 13th August 2024
Spin waves (magnons) can enable neuromorphic computing by which one aims at overcoming limitations inherent to conventional electronics and the von Neumann architecture. Encoding magnon signal by reversing magnetization of a nanomagnetic memory bit is pivotal to realize such novel computing schemes efficiently. A magnonic neural network was recently proposed consisting of differently configured nanomagnets that control nonlinear magnon interference in an underlying yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film [Papp et al., Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 6422]. In this study, we explore the nonvolatile encoding of magnon signals by switching the magnetization of periodic and aperiodic arrays (gratings) of Ni81Fe19 (Py) nanostripes with widths w between 50 nm and 200 nm. Integrating 50-nm-wide nanostripes with a coplanar waveguide, we excited magnons having a wavelength λ of ≈100 nm. At a small spin-precessional power of 11 nW, these ultrashort magnons switch the magnetization of 50-nm-wide Py nanostripes after they have propagated over 25 μm in YIG in an applied field. We also demonstrate the magnetization reversal of nanostripes patterned in an aperiodic sequence. We thereby show that the magnon-induced reversal happens regardless of the width and periodicity of the nanostripe gratings. Our study enlarges substantially the parameter regime for magnon-induced nanomagnet reversal on YIG and is important for realizing in-memory computing paradigms making use of magnons with ultrashort wavelengths at low power consumption.
New conceptsPropagating spin waves (magnons) in a ferrimagnetic yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film were recently demonstrated to reverse the magnetization of periodically arranged ferromagnetic nanostripes. It is a charge-free alternative of storing GHz signals from wave-based computation in nonvolatile memory bits. However, ultrashort magnons have not yet been explored. We fabricated periodic lattices of 50-nm-wide ferromagnets on YIG and integrated coplanar waveguides for applying microwave signals. They enabled us to directly excite magnons at low power with wavelengths of 100 nm in YIG. We observe that they switch the magnetization of 50-nm-wide ferromagnetic nanostripes after propagating over 25 μm in YIG. Another novel aspect of our work addresses magnon-induced reversal in aperiodically arranged nanomagnets which avoid commensurability effects between magnons and magnetic storage bits of previous experiments. We patterned ferromagnetic nanostripes on YIG exploiting an aperiodic Fibonacci sequence. They gave rise to unexplored magnon branches. Also in these irregular hybrid structures we observe magnon-induced reversal at similar power levels. This observation broadens the design rules when conceiving novel layouts for magnon-based in-memory computing schemes. |
Spin waves are collective excitations of spins that transfer angular momentum in a magnetically ordered material. In a low-damping material like YIG they can propagate over long distances up to the mm length scale.7 They possess engineered wavelengths down to a few tens of nanometers when excited on-chip by microwaves at GHz frequencies.8,9 The interaction with distributed magnets controls their scattering, phases and interference.4,10–12 A similar hybrid system gives rise to the magnonic holographic memory (MHM) in which coherent spin waves read out stored data via interference over several unit cells (magnetic bits).13 However, for both the magnonic neural network and MHM, it is not yet decided how to reprogram the magnets and encode the data. Beyond applying a global magnetic14 or electrical field,15 local heating via a scanning laser16 or the stray field of a moving cantilever of a magnetic force microscope17 might be used to reverse nanomagnets. However, magnetization reversal induced by propagating spin waves avoids additional equipment and mechanical motion of components.
Magnetization switching attributed to magnons in antiferromagnetic NiO was reported by Wang et al.18 and Guo et al.19 The observations stimulated large interest.20 The type and wavelengths of spin waves leading to magnet reversal were not explored however. Baumgaertl et al.21 demonstrated that spin waves propagating in YIG induced magnetization reversal of 100 nm wide and 25 to 27 μm long permalloy (Ni81Fe19 or Py) nanostripes in a small magnetic field H. The nanostripes were separated from the spin-wave emitting coplanar waveguide (CPW) by a distance of ≥25 μm. The relevant mode had a wavelength λ of about 7 μm. It is now timely to investigate the reversal of nanostripes of different widths initiated by spin waves of shorter wavelength. The study of magnetization dynamics in nanostripes on YIG can also benefit the development of magnon-based microwave devices22 and magnon transistors.23
In this work, we report the observation of magnon-induced reversal of ferromagnetic nanostripes by propagating magnons in ferrimagnetic YIG which are exchange dominated and have a short wavelength λ of ≈100 nm. Exchange-dominated magnons exhibit a parabolic dispersion relation ensuring a high group velocity at ultrashort wavelength (see S1, ESI†). They are key for nanoscale magnon-based devices8 but their ability to reverse nanomagnets has not yet been explored. We directly excited the exchange magnons using a microwave-to-magnon transducer consisting of a CPW on YIG which incorporated a lattice of ferromagnetic nanostructures8,9 (Fig. 1). The narrowest arrays (gratings) were prepared from 50-nm-wide Py nanostripes whose widths were smaller than in ref. 8, 21 and 24. They allowed us to explore the interaction of exchange magnons in YIG with Py nanostripes for magnon-induced magnetization reversal. We find that magnons with λ ≈ 100 nm reverse nanostripes at a spin-precessional power Pprec of 10.8 nW in a small field H. The power value is of the same order as the one reported for dipolar spin waves which had a 70 times longer wavelength.21 We studied the magnon-induced reversal of nanostripes of widths ranging from 50 nm to 200 nm and compared the reduction of their coercive fields HC by magnons. Going beyond the earlier experiments involving periodic nanostripe arrays with all the same lattice constant a = 200 nm,21,24 we demonstrate the magnon-induced switching of regular lattices with different a and in particular an irregular lattice consisting of arbitrarily placed nanostripes. Thereby we avoid a commensurability effect between λ and period a. The aperiodically positioned nanostripes lead to an irregular dipolar field distribution which is important in neural networks for magnon based computing.4 Our experimental results obtained on exchange-dominated magnons, ultra-narrow ferromagnetic stripes and an aperiodic lattice are promising for enhanced functionalities of such networks and the MHMs operating on the nanoscale.
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Fig. 1 (a) Sketch of the experiment involving Py nanostripes fabricated on 100-nm-thin YIG (111) beneath CPWs separated by a signal-to-signal line distance of 35 μm. (b) SEM image of ground (G) and signal (S) lines of a CPW covering Py nanostripes and the YIG film (sample D1). The lengths of nanostripes alternated between 25 and 27 μm consistent with ref. 21. The scale bar corresponds to 1 μm. The irregular feature on the bottom ground line corresponds to a nonmagnetic residue from the lift-off processing. (c) Illustration of the nanostripe array (grating) shown in (b) with 50-nm-wide stripes and period a = 100 nm as indicated in the magnified view. Scattering parameter magnitude of ΔS21 measured in transmission configuration between CPW1 and CPW2 using (d) Pirr = −25 dBm, (e) −15 dBm and (f) −5 dBm. We extract fields HC1 and HC2 (indicated by vertical dashed lines) denoting the power-dependent onset and completion, respectively, of the nanostripes’ reversal. The inset in (d) illustrates the relative orientation of magnetization of Py nanostripes (MPy) and YIG (MYIG) in AP and P configuration. MPy is anti-parallel (AP) to MYIG and H in AP configuration (top) and parallel (P) to MYIG and H in P configuration (bottom). |
In an intermediate field regime the high frequency branches AP and P are not resolved indicating that the gratings are not uniformly magnetized. In ref. 8 such magnetic configurations of gratings were labelled by the term “random”. The vanishing signals of grating coupler modes indicated the random magnetic orientation of stripes. The field range of the corresponding random regime reflected the distribution of switching fields (coercive fields) of Py nanostripes. Switching field distributions were addressed in, for instance, ref. 8, 21 and 26–30.
Strong transmission signals of high-frequency spin wave modes reappear in P configuration after the magnetization vectors of nanostripes under both CPWs are symmetric again,31 in other words, when the nanostripes beneath both CPWs are switched and have regained saturated magnetic order.8,30 Following ref. 21, the disappearance and reappearance of high-frequency branches at positive fields define critical field values HC1 and HC2, respectively, which quantify the switching field distribution of the nanostripe arrays. The critical field HC1 (HC2) is given by the value of applied magnetic field H at which the signal strength of the branch AP (P) has decreased (increased) to 50% of its maximum signal strength. The two critical fields are attributed to the onset and completion of nanostripes’ reversal. In sample D1, we extracted HC1 and HC2 by analyzing the spin wave mode with wave vector k = 2π/λ = k1 + 1GD1 and GD1 = 2π/a = 2π/(100 nm). k1 corresponded to the most prominent wave vector provided by the CPW which resided in the dipolar regime of the spin-wave dispersion relation and GD1 to the reciprocal lattice vector of sample D1. With increasing Pirr, HC1 and HC2 decreased [Fig. 1(d)–(f)]. In Fig. 1(f), branch AP was no longer observed. This finding indicated that the reversal of 50-nm-wide nanostripes started at an applied field as low as 1 mT for Pirr = −5 dBm.
Before discussing the power dependence of critical fields in different samples it is instructive to identify the magnon modes in sample D1 which induce most efficiently nanostripe reversal in a fixed field of +10 mT. This field value is smaller than μ0HC1 determined at −30 dBm. For different firr the power Pirr was increased until the branch AP (P) in ΔS21 reduced (increased) to 50% of its maximum signal strength (see Methods and S2, ESI†). These critical power values PC1 (PC2) are summarized in the switching yield diagrams of Fig. 2(a) and (c). We find that the mode k1 (λ = 7.2 μm) which is directly excited by CPW1 at 1.5 GHz [Fig. 2(b)] induces reversal of 50-nm-wide Py stripes at a power PC1 = Pirr = −20 dBm underneath CPW1. At PC2 = −11 dBm, mode k1 [Fig. 2(d)] reversed about 50% of nanostripes underneath CPW2. These observations are qualitatively consistent with ref. 21. For the grating coupler mode with k = |GD1 − k1| (λ = 101.4 nm) the corresponding power values read PC1 = +2 dBm and PC2 = +8 dBm, respectively. We note that this magnon mode with ultrashort wavelength propagated over 25 μm through bare YIG and induced nanostripe reversal underneath CPW2. This observation is promising for nanoscale magnonic devices and has not been achieved in ref. 21. We note that at large powers Pirr reversal is found also at frequency values firr which do not have a one-to-one correspondence with spin wave branches detected phase-coherently by port 2 of the VNA. In ref. 24 it was shown that large excitation powers lead to parametric pumping of spin waves which reside at smaller frequencies than firr and propagate through YIG. These longer-wavelength spin waves are not detected by the VNA setup operated in the linear response regime but are still able to reverse nanostripes. We refer to ref. 24 concerning a detailed discussion.
To compare the efficiency in magnon-induced stripe reversal between different samples, we evaluate the power Pprec transferred to the spin precession (prec) in YIG.21 This parameter is independent of the individual microwave-to-magnon transduction of CPWs. The precessional power values Pprec are evaluated by multiplying the critical power PC1 or PC2 obtained from the switching yield diagrams with the square of the magnitude of ΔS11 (see S3, ESI†) measured at −30 dBm and −10 dBm, respectively. Fig. 2(e) summarizes precessional power values Pprec,1 and Pprec,2, respectively, for frequencies at which the magnon modes k1 (dipolar magnon) and k = |GD1 − k1| (exchange magnon) are excited. In ESI,† S1, we provide a dispersion relation of YIG thin film plotted at +10 mT. We observe that the mode k1 possesses Pprec,2 of 68.9 nW at the emitter CPW when reversing nanostripes remotely positioned at the detector CPW. This value is similar to the one found in ref. 21. Strikingly, the grating coupler mode |GD1 − k1| with an ultrashort wavelength of 100 nm requires Pprec,2 of only 10.6 nW for reversing the same 50-nm-wide Py stripes. The data demonstrate that ultrashort exchange magnon modes are more efficient than long-wavelength dipolar modes in terms of spin-precessional power needed for reversal after propagating 25 μm in YIG. Our observations support the concept of dynamic dipolar coupling23 and its enhancement suggested in ref. 24 which proposes efficient reversal for a magnon's wavelength λ being twice the nanostripe's width w.
Fig. 3(c) shows the magnitude of ΔS21 measured at Pirr = −25 dBm. Dark branches correspond to the spin wave modes propagating in YIG from CPW1 to CPW2. Multiple spin wave modes are resolved. They show that the aperiodic lattices function as grating couplers. The high-frequency modes are excited and detected due to reciprocal lattice vectors provided by Fibonacci gratings25 beneath the CPWs. Again, these grating coupler modes can be divided into low-field AP branches and high-field P branches. Similar to Fig. 1(c)–(f), these branches vanish and reappear when the applied magnetic field is swept from −30 mT to +40 mT. Branches chosen for the analysis of the nanowires’ switching fields are marked by a dashed purple line (AP mode) for the onset of switching and by a dashed red line (P mode) for the completion of switching. Fig. 3(c)–(e) shows spectra for three different VNA power values Pirr. HC1 (purple vertical dashed line) and HC2 (red vertical dashed line) decrease with Pirr. The AP branch approaches zero field for Pirr above −15 dBm, i.e., at a smaller power compared to D1, but similar to D2 (see below). We attribute this finding to a smaller coercive (shape anisotropy) field of the 200-nm-wide nanostripes compared to the 100-nm-wide ones in the aperiodic array. Reversing wide stripes leads to magnetic disorder and the disappearance of grating coupler modes.
Switching yield experiments were performed on D3 similar to D1 but at a field of +14 mT. The sample D3 was saturated at μ0H = −90 mT and then the field was swept to +14 mT, leaving the nanostripes in the AP configuration. We used intentionally the same field value like in ref. 21 to compare directly with the reversal reported for the periodic grating of 100-nm-wide nanostripes with 100-nm-wide gaps. The spin waves were excited at irradiation frequencies firr ranging from 1 GHz to 10 GHz with a 0.25 GHz step. At each firr, the microwave power Pirr was increased from −25 dBm to +6 dBm. The state of nanostripes was recorded by measuring ΔS21 in the frequency window of 2.5 to 5.5 GHz. The critical powers at which branches first reduced and then increased to 50% of the maximum signal strength were denoted as PC1 and PC2, respectively. The symbols displayed in Fig. 3(f) and (h) reflect the onset (completion) of the reversal of stripes beneath CPW1 (CPW2). The switching yield diagrams show that mode k1 induces the reversal of nanostripes below CPW1 at 15.8 μW and below CPW2 at 25.1 μW. The latter value is a factor of two smaller compared to ref. 21 where periodically arranged stripes with w = 100 nm were reversed underneath CPW2 by mode k1 in a field of +14 mT. We note that grating coupler modes in sample D3 did not allow us to reverse nanostripes beneath CPW2 and extract PC2 up to Pirr = 8 dBm. This is unlike the observation in case of sample D1 with periodically arranged 50-nm-wide nanowires. We attribute the absence of magnon-induced reversal up to 8 dBm to the reduced excitation strength reported for aperiodic grating couplers.32 Thereby the threshold amplitude for reversal was not reached.
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Fig. 4 (a) Sketch of sample D2 with periodic gratings consisting of 200-nm-wide Py nanostripes arranged with a = 400 nm. ΔS21 spectra measured on D2 at a VNA power of (b) −25 dBm and (c) −5 dBm. (d) Critical field HC1 and (e) HC2 extracted for nanostripes with widths of 50 nm (D1), 100 nm (D4, taken from ref. 21), and 200 nm (D2) denoted by hollow symbols as well as the aperiodic grating (D3) denoted by solid rectangles which incorporates nanostripes with two different values w. (f) Critical switching fields (symbols) extracted from transmission signals measured on sample D4 at various angles θ of the applied in-plane field (inset) using Pirr = −25 dBm. Connecting lines are guides to the eyes. The dashed line represents the calculated coercive field as a function of θ assuming reversal via curling (see S7, ESI†). |
A detailed analysis provides two key observations:
(1) D1, D3 and D4 show sharp reductions in HC1 and HC2 as compared to D2. The net reduction in HC2 due to spin wave excitation between −25 dBm and −5 dBm in D1, D3 and D4 is about five times larger than in D2 (see S4, ESI†).
(2) In Fig. 4(d) and (e), sample D1 with w = 50 nm behaves similarly to D4 with w = 100 nm presented in ref. 21 (star). Only D2 with w = 200 nm shows critical fields which are much lower at low power than all other samples.
Fig. 4 shows that magnon-induced reversal occurred for both the narrowest nanostripes with a large reversal field of up to about 35 mT and the widest ones with a reversal field of 10 mT and smaller. Topp et al. in ref. 26 presented an analytical model allowing one to calculate the effective transverse demagnetization factor Neff for nanostripes arranged in periodic lattices. The model quantifies the effect of their dipolar interaction which is known to modify the shape anisotropies.33 We find Neff = 0.2 for D1, 0.1 for D4 and 0.05 for D2. Assuming coherent rotation of spins, the coercive fields should reflect the different magnetic anisotropy fields Neffμ0MS of the samples and scale accordingly:34,35 one would expect a clearly larger reversal field for D1 on the order of Neffμ0MS = 0.2 T compared to 0.1 T for D4. We find however, that samples D1 and D4 show smaller and very similar fields HC2 at the lowest VNA power, inconsistent with a coherent reversal mechanism. If one assumes instead incoherent reversal via e.g. curling36 or domain wall motion,37,38 the energy barrier due to shape anisotropy does not play a role. Instead, the nanostripes reverse at lower fields.
To explore the reversal mechanism, we considered ref. 39–44. We performed VNA measurements on device D4 at low power and studied the reversal of the 100-nm-wide Py nanostripes at an external field μ0H applied along the angle θ to their long axis. We excited propagating magnons at Pirr = −25 dBm, and measured S21 spectra at μ0H swept from −90 mT to +90 mT at θ = 0°, 30°, 45° and 60°. Identifying the random magnetic orientation as a function of θ we extracted critical switching fields HC1 and HC2 as shown in Fig. 4(f). The dashed line represents the coercive field expected for reversal by means of curling39,41 (see Section S7 of the ESI† for details). The experimentally extracted critical fields follow the predicted trend. We note however that a full quantitative comparison between experiment and model would need the consideration of the underlying YIG and its effect on the spatial distribution of magnetic charges which determine Neff. The underlayer was not contained in the models outlined in ref. 26, 39 and 41. Still, the small values of experimentally determined coercive (critical) fields and their dependence on θ suggest incoherent reversal via curling. The reversal mechanism was not discussed in earlier works.21,24
Importantly, our experiments showed that Py nanostripes having widths down to 50 nm were reversed by propagating spin waves in YIG whose λ differed by a factor of 70 and that a short wavelength-magnon with λ = 2w was efficient. The presented results extend the findings of ref. 21 and 24 to smaller width w, shorter wavelength λ and longer propagation length. In case of λ ≈ 100 nm, the propagation distance was ≥250 × λ. Such a macroscopically large distance allows for both coherent scattering in a nanostructured holographic memory13 and computation across several unit cells of a neural network4 before inducing nonvolatile storage of the computational result in a separate magnetic bit.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (1) Dispersion relation of surface spin waves for 100-nm-thick YIG film at an applied field of +10 mT. (2) Criteria for extraction of critical powers PC1 and PC2 from switching yield diagram experiment for device D1. (3) Calculation of precessional power (Pprec) at PC1 and PC2 for device D1. (4) Critical field reduction extracted from S21 spectra of devices D1 (50 nm wide nanostripes) and D2 (200 nm wide nanostripes) measured at different Pirr. (5) Onset of branch P near zero field for device D2 at −5 dBm (showing absence of a branch corresponding to AP configuration). (6) Calibration of a CPW connected by microwave probes to the vector network analyser. (7) Theoretical model of magnetization reversal via curling. See DOI: |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |