Dorai Swamy Reddy
J. B.
*e and
aIHP-Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
bTyndall National Institute, Lee Maltings Complex Dyke Parade, Cork, Cork T12 R5CP, Ireland
cChair of Micro- and Nanosystems Technology, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
dBrandenburgische Technische Universität (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg, 03046 Cottbus, Germany
eDepartamento de Electrónica y Tecnología de Computadores, Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Ciencias, 18071 Granada, Spain. E-mail: jroldan@ugr.es
First published on 11th September 2024
The drift characteristics of valence change memory (VCM) devices have been analyzed through both experimental analysis and 3D kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations. By simulating six distinct low-resistance states (LRS) over a 24-hour period at room temperature, we aim to assess the device temporal stability and retention. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of multi-level operation and reveal insights into the conductive filament (CF) dynamics. The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of read-out currents measured at different time intervals provide a comprehensive view of the device performance for the different conductance levels. These findings not only enhance the understanding of VCM device switching behaviour but also allow the development of strategies for improving retention, thereby advancing the development of reliable nonvolatile resistive switching memory technologies.
The initial creation of the CFs, known as forming, needs larger bias compared with the regular operation and it is crucial in the subsequent performance of the device. The distribution of vacancies is generally recognized as a key factor in resistive switching. Two main models are usually employed to explain the evolution of vacancy concentration: (1) the generation of Frenkel pairs in the oxide, and (2) the generation of oxygen vacancies through oxygen exchange reactions at the metal/oxide interface. Previous kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) models, including the one employed in this study, are based on the first model.10–16 In this model, a positively charged oxygen vacancy is created within the bulk, accompanied by an oxygen interstitial. Typically, only the interstitial oxygen is considered mobile, and it must move away from the vacancy to prevent recombination. During the RESET process, interstitial oxygens recombine with vacancies, thereby rupturing the conductive filament. In contrast, other kMC models focus on oxygen exchange reactions.17–19 In these models, oxygen vacancies are generated exclusively at the anode/oxide boundary via oxygen exchange reactions. These vacancies are then driven away from the interface by an electric field, allowing for further generation of oxygen vacancies. Consequently, the chosen model can impact data retention studies. In the first, stability primarily depends on the rate of oxygen injection into the oxide and the migration of interstitial oxygens. In contrast, the second model's stability depends on the behavior of vacancies that form the filament, which may be dispersed due to thermal stress, and the recombination of oxygen vacancies at the interface. However, the study of the differences between these models is beyond the scope of this work.
The regions with high vacancy densities show ohmic features for the charge conduction.12,20,21 The percolation-conducting paths formed by these regions17,22 lead to the transitions from the pristine state (a high-resistance state (HRS) in SET operations) to a low-resistance state (LRS) in the device. Conversely, during the RESET processes, oxygen interstitials migrate back to the regions with a high oxygen vacancy density and recombine, this results in CFs rupture and the consequent transition from the LRS to HRS.7,17 Importantly, the resistance states can be sustained without requiring an external power supply, establishing RRAM devices as nonvolatile resistive switching memory devices.17,22 In this study we focus on VCMs which comprise a HfO2 dielectric sandwiched between two metal electrodes.
Although, HfO2-based VCMs are really promising devices, they still face several challenges to be a plausible commercial candidate. Among them, the development of accurate simulation tools and compact models, their inherent stochasticity,23,24 and the post-programming instabilities.25,26 Regarding the computational tools, the choice of simulation methodology depends on the required level of accuracy of the study, balanced with the computational cost. At the highest accuracy level, Density Functional Theory (DFT)27 is ideal for investigating individual processes such as diffusion and recombination.28 On the other hand, compact models can describe the average behavior of circuits,29–33 although at the cost of overlooking microscopic details. The kMC algorithm offers an intermediate approach, capable of addressing the microscopic and stochastic long-term evolution of a single device, making it instrumental for studying device performance. The kMC algorithm can be combined with other techniques depending on the study's purpose. The most sophisticated version is the ab initio kMC, where results from DFT and Molecular Dynamics feed the kMC model.19 Alternatively, continuous model approximations can be integrated into the kMC framework to facilitate extensive batch simulations.10,34–36 Regarding the data retention challenges, to date, investigations on drift characteristics of conductance levels in VCMs have primarily focused on high temperature long-term retention by both experimental26,37,38 and simulation studies.34,36 Therefore, there is still a lack of comprehension about what are the internal mechanisms driving the short-term drift just after programming.
In this study, we aim to comprehensively analyze such kind of drift phenomena through experimental characterization and simulation. For the latter issue we will employ a 3D kMC simulator.10,34 We simulated VCMs in six distinct conductance states in the LRS regime over a 24-hour period just after programming at room temperature. The experimental and simulation approaches allow to gain different insights into the temporal stability of the resistance states and, in general, the drift phenomena. Our simulations demonstrate that this technology remains stable for more than 24 hours at 300 K, even for relatively small filaments (3.5 nm of diameter). The stability and reliability are further enhanced by increasing the filament size, which is experimentally corroborated by comparing devices with larger compliance currents. We observe a strong correlation between experimental data and simulations when comparing the failure rates in a set of 128 devices. This failure rate noticeable reduces as the filament size (compliance current) increases. Our simulations reveal that filaments with a density exceeding 6.4 Vo per nm3 exhibit significantly stable behaviour at 300 K for at least one day.
The details of the device fabrication and measurement setup are given in section 2. Section 3 is devoted to the simulator tool details and section 4 to the presentation and corresponding discussion of the main results. The conclusions are wrapped up in section 5.
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Fig. 1 (a) Layer MIM stack scheme of the devices measured, (b) cross-section TEM image of the 1T1R structure tested within the crossbar array. |
The RRAM test vehicle architecture employed during the experimental characterization features a crossbar array consisting of 4k one-transistor-one-resistor (1T1R) cells, each integrating a 130 nm nMOS transistor with the MIM VCM element in series, see Fig. 1b. This device configuration allows for precise control of the cell conductance by modulating the compliance current (Icc) during switching, crucial for tuning multi-level conductance (MLC) capabilities.
Experimental measurements are carried out using the RIFLE Automated Test Equipment from Active Technologies. Device programming includes a Forming process employing the Incremental Step Pulse Program and Verify Algorithm (ISPVA), which finely increases the top electrode voltage in 10 mV steps from 2 V to 3.5 V with a gate voltage of 1.35 V. The subsequent Reset operation initializes cells to the high resistive state (HRS) and stabilizes the CF40 by using the ISPVA, with a gate voltage of 2.3 V and voltage sweeps on the source terminal of the nMOS ranging from 0.5 V to 2 V in 100 mV steps.
For MLC tuning, the ISPVA method is performed by applying voltage sweeps from 0.5 V to 2 V in 100 mV steps to the top electrode with a pulse width of 1 μs, verified by a Read-out operation of 0.2 V amplitude while the voltage applied to the gate is 1.3 V. Gate voltage adjustments are finely defined to hit targeted six different conductance levels, which are equidistant LRSs ranging from 10 μA to 60 μA.
To first illustrate the capabilities of the technology under investigation, Fig. 2a depicts the DC current–voltage (I–V) characteristics measured at a sweep rate of 25 mV s−1 across four distinct groups of 50 reset-set cycles each, depending on the value of Icc. This parameter was enforced by modulating the voltage applied to the gate terminal of the transistor (VG), facilitating the demonstration of multi-level operation feasibility and the capacity of the device to achieve distinct resistance states. This experimental approach not only showcases the device's ability to operate across multiple levels but also underscores its robustness and reliability over successive cycles presenting a relatively low cycle-to-cycle variability.
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Fig. 2 (a) Current versus voltage DC curves measured for several values of Icc achieved by tuning the voltage applied to the gate terminal of the transistor. Inset: Calculated resistance at 0.2 V corresponding to the HRS and LRS states extracted from DC sweeps versus cycle number for the different levels of VG,41,42 (b) experimental read-out current CDFs for the obtained data from a sample set comprising 128 distinct 1T1R devices, covering eleven time steps: EA, 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, 1 h, 2 h, 5 h, 8 h, and 24 h for the 6 distinct LRSs programmed. |
In Fig. 2b, the experimental CDFs of the read-out current obtained from programming the six different levels in a sample set comprising of 128 individual 1T1R devices within the crossbar array are presented. The dataset encompasses eleven distinct time steps, spanning from EA (End of ISPVA Algorithm), 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, 1 h, 2 h, 5 h, 8 h, to 24 h capturing the temporal evolution of the electrical characteristics of the device in both really short-term and medium-term after programming. These measurements were performed on the six distinct LRSs, each targeting a specific read-out current level: 10 μA for LRS1, 20 μA for LRS2, 30 μA for LRS3, 40 μA for LRS4, 50 μA for LRS5, and 60 μA for LRS6. The voltages applied to the gate to achieve this are 0.70 V for LRS1, 0.80 V for LRS2, 0.85 V for LRS3, 0.95 V for LRS4, 1.05 V for LRS5 and 1.25 V for LRS6. This systematic approach enables us to analyze the distribution of read-out currents during different after-programming times and resistance states.
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The simulator can reproduce conventional current versus voltage curves obtained under the ramp voltage stress operation regime. For our study, we fix the device conductance to the experimental levels and then, deal with retention simulations extended to 24 hours. A low voltage (V = 0.2 V) is applied at the top electrode in order to obtain the read-out current.
In conventional kMC simulations, in the RRAM context, the typical time scale spans only a few seconds during quasi-static switching. However, the present experiment diverges significantly with simulations taking hours. The transition rates are crucial to compute the simulation time.10,43 These rates represent the inverse of the time needed for a specific process to take place. The time for at least one event to occur is calculated through a probabilistic approach shown in eqn (2) (ref. 44) where randm represents a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1.
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Lower transition rates correspond to higher time intervals for events to happen. In the analysis of conductance drift, we assume almost zero-field conditions, consequently, only temperature effects (in this study simulations are conducted at room temperature) would trigger events producing long simulation times (low transition rates). This would lead to reduced computational burden to reach long-time scales. Nevertheless, considering the times utilized here, the study needs a considerable computational demand.
The simulation tool was calibrated following a similar procedure depicted in10 to describe the technology presented in section 2. Based on experimental observations and previous models,45,46 we include a grain boundary (GB) region where vacancy generation is more favorable (1.18 eV)11,30,47 compared to outside the GB (3.8 eV).12,46,48,49 When a forming voltage is applied, vacancies are predominantly generated in the GB region until a percolation path (conductive filament) is formed, which grows until the device reaches the compliance current. In our study, we assumed a single grain boundary (GB) to simplify the model and reduce computational burden. However, incorporating multiple GBs could provide potential benefits and lead to the formation of larger filaments. The simulation domain and GB sizes were selected to be comparable to other reported filaments known as stable.50 Additionally, the activation energies assigned to the movement of oxygen interstitial (0.65 eV) and the recombination of oxygen ions and vacancies (0.33 eV) are consistent with previous studies. Oxygen ion and vacancy recombination are considered instantaneous28 or characterized by low activation energies (0.2–0.3 eV),36,51,52 making it effectively instantaneous compared to times linked to the diffusion barrier. We must highlight that results for thick filaments should be interpreted with care, as O interstitials have limited space to move away from the filament. Including periodic boundary conditions in the model may result in an equivalent behavior, potentially leading to an increase of oxygen-vacancy recombinations. Nevertheless, for thick filaments, this effect is not expected to have much influence.
The activation energy for oxygen migration on Hf-rich regions is considered higher than on HfO2 (0.8 eV). However, because the activation energy for recombination is much lower, these events rarely occur. To model the extraction of oxygen in the simulation domain, oxygen is removed upon crossing the top face. Injection is modeled by generating oxygen at the interface with an activation barrier (1.5 eV). Table 1 provides a summary of the activation energies used in the model. Note that the Ti/TiOx layer is not directly included in the simulation. To prevent the issue of infinite oxygen generation in the model, restrictions can be implemented to limit the quantity of generated oxygen to the amount of previously stored oxygen. In the data retention simulations conducted at 300 K, however, the generated oxygens are significantly lower than the number of formed oxygen vacancies, representing only about 10% of the total number of oxygen vacancies in the best-case scenario. The generated oxygen can occupy an interstitial site or attempt to recombine with a vacancy. The amount of oxygen generated at the interface is controlled by the activation barrier height. This mechanism is the primary cause of filament degradation. The device current is assumed to be in the ohmic regime when a percolation path is formed in the simulation domain. In this situation, the model incorporates the ohmic conduction of the filament, Maxwell resistance and series resistance, all in series. To determine the ohmic conduction, we consider the individual contribution of vacancies belonging to the percolation path, plane by plane, as explained in the Appendix, with an electrical conductivity of σCF = 1.3 × 105 S m−1. When the filament is ruptured, we employ a Poole-Frenkel (PF) model with effective parameters that may also account for other dielectric tunneling conduction mechanisms, in particular I0 = 1.5 × 10−14 A m V−1 is the pre-exponential factor, ∅ = 0.895 V is the electron trap barrier height and εr = 200 is the relative high-frequency dielectric constant. In ref. 53, it is explained that in dielectric thin layers, according to Frenkel's derivation, the electrode metal affects the screening produced by the material surrounding the trap sites making the screening more effective and consequently leading to a higher dielectric constant. Therefore, our high value for εr is justified. In addition, according to ref. 8 and 54, the apparent PF conduction in thin films can be understood as a superposition of other conduction mechanisms that may be present. In this latter case, which we believe feasible, the use of a PF expression, accounting for different mechanisms, would need of effective parameter fitting.
Activation energy (eV) | Ref. | |
Oxygen interstitial migration in HfO2 | 0.65 | 55 |
Generation of vacancies in HfO2 | 3.8 | 12, 46, 48 and 49 |
Generation of vacancies in GB | 1.18 | 30 and 47 |
Generation of oxygen at the Ti/HfO2 interface | 1.5 | |
Oxygen migration in Hf-rich and HfOX regions | 0.8 | 11 |
Recombination of oxygen and oxygen vacancy | 0.33 | 36, 51 and 52 |
Oxygen crossing the Ti/HfO2 interface from HfO2 | 0.65 | |
Oxygen crossing the Ti/HfO2 interface from a vacancy | 0.8 |
Slight variations of the electrical conductivity were employed (<15%) to tune some of the LRS levels with the simulator due to the difficulty to exactly form a CF that corresponds to the device conductance levels fixed with the ISPVA methodology. Once the LRS conductance levels were fit, each individual device underwent a simulation period of 24 hours as it was the case in the experimental procedure. An illustration of the results for a device in the LRS3, exhibiting the CF evolution at all time points experimentally considered (0 min, 10 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, 1 h, 2 h, 5 h, 8 h, 24 h), is presented in Fig. 4. Minimal variations are observed along the simulation time, indicating the robustness of the filament structure which aligns with the experimental results. Additionally, Fig. 4l depicts the current versus time plot, demonstrating a stable current level throughout the simulation period.
It is worth emphasizing that the read-out voltage is maintained at a low level (0.2 V), ensuring minimal influence on the device conductance and, therefore, on the CF shape. The experimental measurements and the simulation analysis describe a scenario with two competing thermally-driven phenomena:34 generation of new oxygen vacancy-ion pairs and the injection of oxygen ions from the Ti layer into the dielectric, also taking into account subsequent oxygen ion diffusion and their potential recombination with existing oxygen vacancies. Although titanium shows a high affinity for oxygen,17 oxygen ions can be released back into the dielectric layer. When the injection of oxygen ions into the dielectric predominates, then the CF degradation process takes place and its progressive rupture occurs. This may lead to a transition from the programmed LRS to a less conductive LRS.
Fig. 5 provides a comparative illustration of the cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of the read-out current calculated for the 128 devices, specifically for the LRS4. The graph showcases panels a to k, representing the experimental and simulated data across all distinct temporal points. Simulated data reproduce reasonably well the experimental measurements, taking into consideration the stochasticity in the experimental data. Furthermore, Fig. 5l shows the plot of all the temporal CDFs considered for a complete analysis.
Fig. 6 shows the comparisons of the CDFs representing the read-out current for both the experimental and simulated data across LRS1 to LRS6. The observed drift of the curves towards lower currents, at longer times, corresponds to a CF degradation that could mean an operational failure, which is determined when the read-out current falls below the predefined current target levels of LRS1–LRS6, respectively. It is clear from the experimental data, and well represented by the simulations, that the larger is the conductivity of the LRS the lower the degradation suffered by the device, in agreement with previous retention studies.26,56
Fig. 7 illustrates the CDF of the percentages of devices showing failure over time in both experiments and simulations. A failure is determined when the read-out current measured in one device goes below the threshold employed to define a certain LRS level during programming. Noting that, despite discrepancies arising from the potential misrepresentation of the simulated filament relative to the real scenario, devices with larger CF radii exhibit fewer instances of failure, indicating slower CF degradation. These CDFs are supposed to present positive growth over time, however, occasional drops are observed within the curves, despite the overall increasing trend. These fluctuations are attributed to the interplay between CF degradation and regeneration mechanisms which impacts the stability and conductance over time, as outlined previously.
To gain a deeper understanding on the morphological properties of the different LRSs, some specific parameters have been extracted from the simulation. To quantify the CF compactness evolution, we follow an approach that detects two-dimensional (2D) percolation paths within the 3D structure. This is performed by a plane-by-plane analysis along the X and Y axes, within the simulation domain (the Z coordinate corresponds to the direction perpendicular to the dielectric/electrode interface). The determination of percolation paths is facilitated by adapting the Hoshen–Kopelman algorithm57 to work in 2D within these planes. The values are employed to characterize the compactness of the CF and facilitate comparisons between 3D and 2D simulation methodologies.34 It is worth noting that even in the absence of 2D percolation paths, it is still possible that a 3D percolation path may exist as consequence to lateral connections between distinct planes. A lower amount of 2D percolation paths indicates less CF compactness, and, therefore, CF instability. The evolution of the number of 2D percolation paths throughout the simulation time is shown in Fig. 8. Notice that for higher CF radii, the number of 2D percolation paths exhibits greater stability over time.58
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Fig. 8 Number of two-dimensional percolation paths within the CF structure for the 6 distinct LRSs employed in our study: (a) LRS1, (b) LRS2, (c) LRS3, (d) LRS4, (e) LRS5, and (f) LRS6. |
Furthermore, the amount of oxygen vacancies surrounded by a specific number of neighboring vacancies is depicted in Fig. 9. In our analysis, the maximum number of neighbors is assumed to be six, excluding diagonal connections.10,34 Consequently, classical cluster considerations, which only account for neighbors in the vertical and horizontal direction are applied.
A higher occurrence of five and six neighboring vacancies corresponds to a high CF compactness (consequently, a low CF ohmic resistance for the same CF volume). As the CF radius rises, corresponding to a higher conductance level, the frequency of five and six neighbor occurrences increases (i.e., a higher CF compactness).
The examination of the CF density yields intriguing insights, see Fig. 10a. To assess this parameter, we utilize ellipses that best encapsulate the CF within each layer of the simulation domain, spanning from the bottom to the top electrode. The focal points of these ellipses are determined by using a clustering algorithm. By obtaining an ellipse for each layer, it is possible to assess the volume of the CF and, therefore, the density. See also that Fig. 10a sheds light on the interpretation of the device conductance degradation over time. This degradation is also evident in the reduction of the number of 2D percolated layers, as illustrated in some panels of Fig. 8. In general, these findings indicate a decrease in the CF compactness and a corresponding increase in its ohmic resistance. This degradation occurs due to oxygen injection coming from the top electrode into the simulation domain and the subsequent recombination with vacancies. Non-relevant short-term increases observed in the figure result from the generation of new Anti-Frenkel pairs.
The observed discrepancy in density between LRS1 and LRS2, compared to LRS3, LRS4, LRS5, and LRS6, can be attributed to variations in the formation and structural characteristics of the CF across different device conductance levels. During the initial stages of CF formation in LRS1 and LRS2, the CFs exhibit relatively lower densities due to the limited growth. As the device undergoes further writing operations, the CFs in LRS3, LRS4, LRS5, and LRS6 experience additional growth and stabilization, leading to denser CFs. This phenomenon explains Fig. 7, where a CF degradation is expected and the consequent failure rate increases (mostly at LRS1 and LRS2); occasionally a failure rate decrease is also observed (due to the inherent stochasticity of the RS). Regarding this, it is important to refer to Fig. 6, where the target currents for each LRS are shown which are the following: 10 μA for LRS1, 20 μA for LRS2, 30 μA for LRS3, 40 μA for LRS4, 50 μA for LRS5, and 60 μA for LRS6. These values are critical in defining the different LRS and understanding the stability and reliability of the CFs in each state. The higher target currents for LRS4, LRS5, and LRS6 correspond to the more stable and denser CFs, which explains the lower failure rates observed in these states compared to LRS1 and LRS2.
See also Fig. 10b, where it is shown the variation of current values for LRS1 to LRS6 as a function of time. Note that the higher current levels for filaments with similar densities result from the larger sizes of the filaments. Notably, the depicted currents exhibit remarkable stability over time, with only a slight decrease observed across the duration of the simulation. This consistent current behavior underscores the robustness and reliability of the devices under investigation. See a higher current reduction with time for LRS1 and LRS2, which corresponds to less compact CFs as expected (Fig. 10a).
Notice that the kMC simulator is useful to shed light on our devices RS features. In addition, the simulation tool can be of great value if non-homogeneous dielectrics are employed, e.g. using multilayers, doped oxides, etc. The CF compactness can be employed to monitor conductance drift features and the accuracy of multilevel strategies for device operation on the neuromorphic computing arena.
To calculate the ohmic conduction in the filament, we first divide the conductive filament cluster into layers along the z-axis (the direction of the current). For each plane, we account for the number of oxygen vacancies (nv0) within the cluster. The resistance of each plane is then calculated using the following equation:
• ρ is the electrical resistivity.
• Splane and SVo are the transverse section of the cluster in that plane and per oxygen vacancy respectively.
• h is the separation between planes.
• αT = 0.022 K−1 is the temperature coefficient of the conductivity.
• T0 is the reference temperature.
• Tm is the mean temperature of the plane.
The total resistance of the conductive filament (CF) can then be calculated by summing the resistances of all planes:
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |