Lais F. A. M. Oliveiraa,
Lais V. A. T. da Silvaa,
Artur F. Sonsina,
Meclycia S. Alvesa,
Cristiane V. Costaa,
Jeane C. S. Meloa,
Nicholas Rossb,
Paul T. Wadyc,
Thomas Zinnc,
Ticiano G. do Nascimentoa,
Eduardo J. S. Fonsecaa,
Alexandro M. L. de Assisade,
A. Robert Hillman*b and
Adriana S. Ribeiro*a
aFederal University of Alagoas, Campus A. C. Simões, 57072-970, Maceió, AL, Brazil. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK. E-mail:
cDiamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0DE, UK
dTechnical and Scientific Section of Alagoas, Federal Police, 57025-080, Maceió, AL, Brazil
eNational Institute of Criminalistics, Federal Police, 70610-902, Brasília-DF, Brazil
First published on 17th July 2024
A nanostructured hybrid material based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MCM-41) functionalized with chitosan and a fluorescent dye (dansylglycine), designated MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly, was synthesized and characterized with a view to its application for the visualization of latent fingerprints. These nanoparticles were applied as latent fingerprint developers for marks on surfaces of diverse chemical composition, topography, optical characteristics, and spatially variant nature, typical of forensically challenging evidence. For quality assessment of the enhanced fingermarks, the developed images were analyzed holistically using the UK Home Office scale, forensic protocols and, in terms of their constituent features (minutiae), using forensic software. Across a substantive collection of marks deposited on chemically diverse surfaces and subject to complex environmental and temporal histories, 94% of the enhanced images presented sufficient minutiae for comparison with model dactyloscopy images. This novel nanomaterial presents enhanced performance with significant promise for superior exploitation by forensic practitioners in the acquisition and analysis of crime scene evidence.
Recently, innovative methodologies based on mass spectrometry,7 spectroscopy,8 electrochemistry,9–17 and nanoparticles18–20 have enhanced the performance of latent fingerprint development.21 These reagents and technologies hold the promise of efficient development of latent fingerprints with improved contrast, sensitivity, and selectivity, as well as low reagent toxicity.11,22 Amongst these, the facility to tune nanomaterial characteristics motivates further improvements in sensitivity and selectivity for visualizing both fresh and aged latent fingerprints.20–28
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) have attracted special attention following discovery of a new family of molecular sieves designated M41S; this includes MCM-41, MCM-48 and SBA-15. They are highly attractive as drug carriers, and for diagnostics, catalysis, separation and sensing,29–31 as a consequence of their unique combination of attributes. These include controlled particle size, porosity (pore size ranging from 2–10 nm), morphology (2D-hexagonal and 3D-cubic structures), high specific surface area, high chemical stability, and ease of surface functionalization. Here we exploit these desirable characteristics – notably high surface area and surface modification – for the case of MCM-41 to enhance the interaction between the development reagent and fingerprint residue.
Notwithstanding the above attractive attributes, MSNs still have shortcomings, since it is difficult to achieve monodisperse particles of controllable size. This is because the surface of the MSNs contains a large number of hydroxyl groups and presents a high energy surface, making them prone to agglomeration and difficult to re-disperse. Modification of the nanoparticles is a convenient way to reduce their surface energy and facilitate their dispersion.32 Polymers are the preferred materials for this purpose, since they offer structural diversity and a range of chemical functionalities. Consequently, significant effort has been invested in fabricating versatile MSN surfaces by coating them with polymers such as alginate, chitosan, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and Pluronic P123.30,31,33
The strategy we pursue here employs chitosan as the MCM-41 derivatizing agent. This choice is based on successful application of chitosan modified nanoparticles in drug delivery systems and gene therapy (in the pharmaceutical area),32,34,35 and for stabilization of food-grade emulsions.36 More recently, forensic application of chitosan modified microparticles has exploited their polycationic nature and ability to bind to fingerprint lipid residues by both electrostatic and lipophilic interactions.37,38 Hejjaji et al.37 have prepared chitosan microparticles modified with tripolyphosphate for visualization of latent fingerprints and Vučković et al.38 improved the fingerprint development process by adding L-lysine to the system. However, there are few studies employing chitosan for detection and enhancement of latent fingerprints and, to the best of our knowledge, no reports of the use of hierarchically structured MSNs modified with chitosan (MSN@Ch) for such applications – the strategy here.
We have synthesized and characterized a series of modified chitosan derivatives based on red propolis,39 silver nanoparticles,40 polyaniline/clay composites41,42 and dansyl fluorophores43,44 as materials for exploitation in pharmaceutical, biological, electrochromic device and fluorescence sensing applications. Amongst these, dansyl derivatives aroused considerable interest as materials for latent fingerprint development,45,46 since they exhibit intense absorption bands in the near UV region and strong fluorescence in the visible region with high emission quantum yields; the synthetic versatility of the sulfonyl group is an additional attraction.47 Our materials fabrication strategy also recognizes the common requirement of fluorescent small organic molecules (typified by dansyl derivatives) to be incorporated into another matrix to address their low biocompatibility, low water solubility, and toxicity.5,20,48
In previous work on the visualization of latent fingermarks,45 we have made use of the dansylglycine fluorophore, delivered via the vehicle of electrospun fluorescent polycaprolactone (PCL)/dansylglycine nanofibers. The present work delivering the same fluorophore, but via MCM-41@chitosan@dansylglycine nanoparticles, offers two significant practical advantages. First, the nanofiber approach requires a laboratory infrastructure (including a fume hood for safety reasons, and a high potential source (∼20–30 kV)), while the nanoparticles require no such facilities and can thus be applied at a crime scene. Second, the effectiveness of the nanofiber material was found to be restricted to latent fingermarks on metallic surfaces (typified by knife blades and bullet cartridge cases) while the MCM-41-based nanoparticles are effective on a wider range of surfaces, illustrated here by glass, plastic, cartridge cases, and polymer banknotes.
The overarching aim of the present study is a versatile and effective latent fingerprint visualization material based on MSNs, chitosan and dansyl derivatives. The strategy for accomplishing this (shown in Scheme 1) builds on and extends previous knowledge on the synthesis of chitosan-based dansyl materials.43,44 Specific objectives en route to this are (i) structural characterization of MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly (DnsGly = dansylglycine) nanoparticles; (ii) fluorescence characteristics of the dansyl-functionalized NPs; (iii) exploitation of the NP fluorescence characteristics in the visualization of latent fingerprints on metal, polymer (simplistically, “plastic”) and glass substrates; and (iv) a means of evaluating the quality of developed images based on a forensic protocol for fingerprint examinations including observation at whole mark (first level, pattern type) and individual features (second level, minutiae, detail).
Scheme 1 Modification of the MCM-41 NPs with chitosan, followed by surface modification of MCM-41@Ch with DnsGly through interaction between the hydroxyl groups of chitosan and carboxylic acid groups of dansylglycine (see Scheme S1, ESI†). |
Fig. 1 FTIR spectra for MCM-41 (—), MCM-41@Ch () and MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly (). See main text for commentary on marked features. |
The MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly absorption spectra present a similar feature to that observed in the MCM-41@Ch spectrum. The absorption bands attributed to the –OH and –NH2 stretching vibrations are broader, suggesting the formation of hydrogen bonds between the chitosan and dansylglycine moieties.54 However, the bands related to the DnsGly are not clear due to the prevalence of MCM-41@Ch with respect to the amount of the DnsGly (5%) in the sample.
XRD data for MCM-41, MCM-41@Ch and MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly (see Fig. S1a, ESI†) are very similar in the region 2θ > 10°. The broad feature seen in each case indicates that the dansylglycine-chitosan-modified and unmodified NPs are amorphous. For 2θ < 10°, the responses for the modified MCM-41 nanoparticles are distinctly different to that for the unmodified material. For greater insight into this, we turn to SAXS data, in which MCM-41 exhibited one well-resolved peak and other two broad peaks, indexed as (100), (110) and (200) reflections, respectively, corresponding to an ordered 2D hexagonal system. The scattering intensities of MCM-41, MCM-41@Ch and MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly are reported as a function of the scattering vector Q (Fig. S1b, ESI†). The SAXS peaks of MCM-41 show an intense (100) peak at 0.19 Å−1, and two low intensity reflections at 0.29 Å−1 and 0.36 Å−1 that are characteristic of hexagonal structures, consistent with values reported in the literature.55,56 After modification with chitosan, the ordered structure of nanocomposites was changed, since the SAXS analysis revealed a shift and an apparent decrease in intensity of the (100) diffraction peaks for MCM-41@chitosan and MCM-41@chitosan@DnsGly, besides the disappearance of the (110) and (200) reflection peaks. This structural disorder may be explained by the partial filling of the MCM-41 pores with the chitosan.
The morphologies and microstructures of the as-prepared and modified MCM-41 NPs were determined using TEM (see Fig. 2). The TEM image of the as-prepared MCM-41 (Fig. 2a) shows a highly ordered mesoporous network with a hexagonal array. After functionalization with chitosan, it is possible to observe in the MCM-41@Ch NPs TEM image (Fig. 2b) a slight modification in the ordered pattern of MCM-41, suggesting that chitosan may have partially filled the mesoporous channels of the MCM-41. Further, it is possible to observe in Fig. 2c that the dansylglycine entirely covers the MCM-41@Ch NPs.
The TEM images of unmodified MCM-41 and the surface modified nanoparticles (MCM-41@Ch and MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly) show spherical shapes, with average particle size (diameter) of 68, 82 and 113 nm, respectively (see Fig. 3). The size of Ch and Ch@DnsGly modified MCM-41 NPs was larger than unmodified MCM-41 NPs and they did not vary considerably as shown by the size distribution histograms (Fig. 3). While bearing in mind the nature of the TEM sample preparation (deposition on a grid), we find no evidence for significant agglomeration of particles after surface modification.
Fig. 3 TEM images of (a) MCM-41, (b) MCM-41@Ch and (c) MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly and their particle size distribution histograms. |
Fig. 4 Fluorescence spectra for (a) MCM-41 (___), MCM-41@Ch (), DnsGly (), and MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly () with λex = 360 nm, and (b) MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly illuminated at different excitation wavelengths (λex). |
The fluorescence behaviour of the MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NPs as a function of excitation wavelength (λex) is shown in Fig. 4b. λem = 515 nm, independent of λex, but the PL intensity is maximum when λex = 360 nm. This implication of this characteristic in the forensic context is discussed in the next section, with regard to optimizing optical contrast between the developed fingermark and substrate, and minimizing background fluorescence from the substrate (particularly in the cases of plastic and paper).
Among the variables that can affect the quality of developed fingerprint images, the residue age and composition are of primary forensic significance, since most conventional methods involve physical or chemical interaction between the developing agent and one or more components of the fingermark residue. Evaporation from the mark of water and the residual mixture of organic and inorganic compounds ultimately results in accumulation of the less volatile components into a waxy layer.57–59 With some variation according to the environment (notably temperature and humidity), the most significant compositional changes occur within the first few days. The outcome is that the fingerprint ridges become thinner and extent of fine detail diminishes; essentially the fidelity of the available image degrades. Thus, visualization of aged latent fingerprints based on adhesion/interaction of the developing agent with the sweat and sebaceous residues can become challenging for conventional materials.59
Additionally, dansyl derivatives are known as fluorescent probes for determination of certain human proteins, free amino acids, and biologically generated halogenated compounds,60,61 making this class of fluorophores able to effectively interact with the fingermark residue.45 As shown in Fig. 6, delivery to the surface by the NPs of a high population of fluorophores, combined with their high PL intensity offers the potential to overcome this ageing effect. From SEM analysis it was possible to observe that the MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NPs bind preferentially to latent fingermark ridges, allowing the enhancement of latent fingermarks with high contrast images and clear visualization of fingermark patterns, even on aged (30 days) fingermarked surfaces, Fig. 6 (see also Fig. S2, ESI†).
Fingerprint detection and enhancement is commonly performed using excitation from a suitable forensic light source, with direct image capture onto a high sensitivity charge-coupled device camera. For luminescent marks, a suitable barrier filter is required to block the reflected excitation light and selectively transmit the developed fingermark emission; use of filters spanning a wide spectral range permits optimization of image contrast.62 The developed fingermarks were illuminated with light in the wavelength range from 365 to 640 nm and observed via filters of longer wavelength than the excitation light (since emission is at longer wavelengths than absorption). Observations using all available illumination sources and viewing filters were analyzed to yield the optimum illumination/filter combination (see Fig. S3, ESI†). Representative data are shown in Fig. 7 for a fingermark on glass visualized with MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NPs, illuminated at 365 nm (see Fig. 5) and viewed using filters from 435 to 624 nm.
Fig. 7 Images for a fingermark deposited on glass, enhanced with MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NPs, illuminated at 365 nm and viewed with different filters (as indicated). |
One of the main applications for multispectral imaging and monochromatic illumination is for improvement of developed fingerprints on surfaces presenting topographically, optically, and chemically complex backgrounds. The patterned and/or multicolored backgrounds used as security features on banknotes are a prime example. As an example, UK banknotes show fluorescent patterns, microprinting, transparent areas, holographic foil and raised sections, all of which contribute to the challenge of visualising latent fingerprints. The capability of MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NPs to generate strong enhancement of latent fingermarks selectively contrasted against background interference in these areas is illustrated in Fig. 8. The only substantive limitation is associated with the holographic foil, from which reflectance results in some glare; this could be overcome by the correct application of viewing filters.
The efficacy of the fluorescent NPs in the latent fingerprint enhancement was evaluated by the analysis of the images of all samples of developed fingerprints, including the different donors (1 male and 4 female), surfaces (stainless steel, glass, plastic, unfired brass cartridge cases and banknotes) and ages of the fingermark residue (fresh, 1, 7, 15 and 30 days), by using the UK Home Office scale and a forensic software that enables the identification of the main details of the fingermark, such as characteristic minutiae and pores. A total of 66 images were graded according to the UK Home Office five-point scale running from 0 (no development) to 4 (full development), depending upon the quantity of clear ridge detail taking into account the continuous ridge flow (see Table S1, ESI†).1,63,64 Although this scale is designed for research rather than legal application, it is broadly accepted that images of grades 3 and 4 would provide unequivocal identification.63 In the present study, 94% of the samples satisfied this “whole image” based criterion.
Moving to the details of the friction ridge skin features, these can be classified into three levels: level 1 provides the pattern information (arches, loops, whorls) of the fingerprint; level 2 describes the minutiae, including core, bifurcation, delta, bridge, enclosure, termination, island, short ridge, and hook; and level 3 refers to ridge shape, and the number and location of sweat pores.65 With suitable magnification and image analysis using the forensic software, levels 1, 2 and 3 detail could be easily observed in the MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NP enhanced latent fingermarks (see Fig. 9).
From the forensic software analysis in representative images, it was possible to identify between 14–38 minutiae, depending on the surface on which the fingermark was present (see Fig. 9 and S4, ESI†). Flat surfaces, such as stainless steel plates (38 minutiae), glass (24 minutiae), plastic (30 minutiae) and banknotes (37 minutiae) allow the interpretation of the whole image by the software to find a great number of minutiae, whilst the cylindrical surface of the cartridge case makes image analysis more difficult, as commonly observed in forensic practice. This is particularly true for the minutiae present at the edges, since the software analyses a two dimensional image registered from a three dimension object and is thus vulnerable to distortion. Even so, at least 14 minutiae could be found in the analysis of the developed fingermarks on cartridge cases by the forensic software. We conclude that combination of visual inspection (Home Office grading system) and image treatment using forensic software is a powerful means of identifying ridge patterns, fingerprint class distinction and minutiae of the MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NP developed fingerprints. These twin approaches address issues of quantity and quality (94% at grade 3 or 4; and >24 minutiae) that satisfy criteria for safe and robust forensic comparison examination with reference dactyloscopy images to provide unambiguous identification of an individual.
Nanostructured MCM-41@chitosan@dansylglycine particles have been demonstrated to provide high quality images of latent fingerprints for substrates with spatially varying topography, composition and colour; the portfolio of holographic and other security features on polymer banknotes exemplifies the point. The fundamental capability, and the ability to realize it without laboratory facilities (i.e. at a crime scene), represents a substantive advance over the performance of other dansylglycine materials, such as the electrospun PCL/dansylglycine nanofibers described previously in ref. 45.
Developed image quality has been assessed by the UK Home Office grading scheme: 94% of the nanoparticle enhanced images were grade 3 or 4 (carrying the expectation of a successful identification). The smaller features (second and third level detail) whose unique spatial relationship is the basis of identification of an individual, were readily recognized using forensic software. The experimental evidence unequivocally shows that MCM-41@Ch@DnsGly NPs allow the acquisition of images of identification standard; the protocol generating such images is straightforward, rapid, reliable and consistent with the legal identification of an individual (including ethical compliance). Preliminary application in the forensic environment indicates that this concept offers substantive near term future promise for latent fingermark development and identification in forensic investigations.
For the development process, MCM-41@ChS@DnsGly NPs were gently spread on the fingermark, then the surface was tilted and carefully tapped to remove unattached particles. This procedure was carried out over a watch glass to collect non-adherent particles. The as-developed fingerprints were photographed with a Nikon D5500 professional camera under visible and UV light sources or a modified Nikon D6 camera with 20.8 million effective pixels and the DCS5 imaging system (Foster & Freeman, Evesham, UK). Fingermarks were illuminated and viewed using a Crime-lite 8X4 MK2 (Foster & Freeman), consisting of 32 high intensity LEDs with illumination at 7 different wavelengths (365–640 nm) and 12 slot-in fluorescence viewing filters ranging from 435 to 624 nm. The images obtained from the developed fingerprints were analyzed by applying forensic protocols, including the UK Home Office grading scale64 (at whole image level) and the Griaule® Forensic Fingerprint v.1.1 software, through scientific collaboration with the National Criminalistics Institute of the Federal Police of Brazil (to identify individual minutiae).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD and SAXS results, images of developed fingerprints. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |