*e and
aCentre de RMN à Hauts Champs de Lyon, UMR 5082, Université de Lyon (CNRS/ENS Lyon/UCBL), 5 rue de la Doua, Villeurbanne, 69100, France. E-mail: anne.lesage@ens-lyon.fr
bCenter of Magnetic Resonance (CERM), University of Florence, 50019, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
cDepartment of Chemistry ‘Ugo Schiff’, University of Florence, Via della Lastruccia 13, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy
dConsorzio Interuniversitario Risonanze Magnetiche Metalloproteine Paramagnetiche (CIRMMP), Via Luigi Sacconi 6, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy. E-mail: moreno.lelli@unifi.it
eAix Marseille Uni, CNRS, ICR, 13013 Marseille, France. E-mail: olivier.ouari@univ-amu.fr
fDepartment of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
gBruker Biospin, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany
hLaboratory of Magnetic Resonance, Institut des Sciences et Ingénierie Chimiques, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
iNational High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA
First published on 12th September 2024
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) can significantly enhance the sensitivity of solid-state NMR. In DNP, microwave irradiation induces polarization transfer from unpaired electron spins to 1H nuclear spins via hyperfine couplings and spin-diffusion. The structure of the polarizing agents that host the electron spins is key for DNP efficiency. Currently, only a handful of structures perform well at very high magnetic fields (≥18.8 T), and enhancements are significantly lower than those obtained at lower fields. Here, we introduce a new series of water-soluble nitroxide biradicals with a scaffold augmented by dihydroxypropyl antenna chains that perform significantly better than previous dinitroxides at 18.8 T. The new radical M-TinyPol(OH)4 yields enhancement factors of ∼220 at 18.8 T and 60 kHz MAS, which is a nearly factor 2 larger than for the previous best performing dinitroxides. The performance is understood through 2H ESEEM measurements to probe solvent accessibility, supported by Molecular Dynamics simulations, and by experiments on deuterated samples. We find that the deuterated glycerol molecules in the matrix are located mainly in the second solvation shell of the NO bond, limiting access for protonated water molecules, and restricting spin diffusion pathways. This provides a rational understanding of why the dihydroxypropyl chains present in the best-performing structures are essential to deliver the polarization to the bulk solution.
Today, a large library of PAs with different molecular scaffolds have been introduced, with the objective of both increasing DNP efficiency and versatility.26–54 These range from hybrid molecular structures coupling a narrow electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) line radical, such as tetrathiatriarylmethyl-based trityls or BDPA, with a nitroxide,34,40,42,44,47,51 to metal ion complexes,41,43,49 mixed-valence compounds,37,48 or biradicals based on two tethered nitroxides.26–33,35,36,38,39,45,46,50,52,54 These latter PAs rely on the cross-effect (CE) mechanism to transfer polarization.55,56 This transfer scheme is effective when the so-called CE matching condition is satisfied, i.e. when the difference between the Larmor frequencies of two unpaired electron spins matches the Larmor frequency of the target nucleus,57–60 which for dinitroxides is achieved as a result of their wide EPR line, that is inhomogeneously broadened by the anisotropy of the g-tensors. The efficiency of the CE mechanism depends on the strength of hyperfine coupling between the nucleus and one of the two electrons as well as dipolar and exchange couplings between the two electrons. Under MAS conditions, the magnetic field dependence of CE DNP becomes quite complex due to the interplay between adiabatic crossing events.58 The efficiency decreases following a trend between B0−1 and B0−3, depending on the specific parameters of the radical.61 Following the introduction of the first generation of dinitroxides,26–28 TEKPol30 and AMUPol32 were introduced based on key design concepts in the early 2010s. Under standard MAS DNP conditions at 9.4 T and sample temperatures of 100 K they yield more than 200-fold proton NMR signal enhancements (εH) in frozen glassy solutions, (and up to a factor 350 with optimized instrumentation62). In the following years, attention has been dedicated to further improving the overall sensitivity gain63–65 in MAS DNP experiments through a detailed understanding of the parameters that drive PA efficiency. In 2016, Kubicki et al. compared a collection of more than 30 dinitroxides derived from a variety of molecular scaffolds, including bTurea, PyPol, and bTbk.35 In another systematic study, Sauvée et al. focused on 18 water-soluble bTurea derivatives, functionalized with a range of bulky groups around the N–O moiety or with various substituents on the linker so as to drive design principles.33 AsymPol radicals featuring a short tether and a conjugated carbon–carbon double bond in a five-membered ring nitroxide, were later introduced.39 These investigations, backed up with numerical studies66–70 established that sizeable electron–electron couplings, near-orthogonal g-tensors, as well as long electron relaxation times can constructively add up to improve the DNP performance of dinitroxides. Lately, the local geometry around the unpaired electrons has been identified as an additional parameter that governs the efficiency of the DNP process.45 New AMUPOL-based radicals with an ‘open’-ring conformation in the vicinity of the nitroxide groups were proposed, including HydrOPol that yields enhancements as high as 330 at 9.4 T and 100 K. These principles were then shown to transfer to the AsymPol family with the introduction of cAsymPol-POK and cAsymPol-TEK.50,54 Finally, it was recently shown that strong electron-nuclear hyperfine couplings and a proton-dense environment provide spin-diffusion pathways to rapidly transport hyperpolarization away from the biradical molecule into the bulk of the sample, leading to the development of the high-performance TEKPol derivative NaphPol.52 Venkatesh et al. reported a systematic evaluation of the overall sensitivity gains provided by a series of 18 dinitroxides at 9.4 T, concluding that a glass ceiling in DNP performance for CE dinitroxide biradicals might have been reached at this magnetic field.71 Most of these studies were carried in a relatively slow MAS regime (typically at 10 kHz) where depolarization losses58,65,72 are modest and the overall benefit in sensitivity for CE DNP73 remains high.
Despite this progress, transposing these developments from 9.4 T to the highest fields and fastest MAS frequencies available today is still a bottleneck. The electron-to-nucleus polarization transfer occurs through a series of adiabatic rotation-induced energy level crossings, the efficiency of which is sensitive to the magnetic field and the MAS frequency.58,65 Thus, as the breadth of the EPR profile of PAs scales with the magnetic field, the saturation of electron spin transitions by the microwave irradiation becomes less effective, and the CE event has a lower probability. In addition, depolarization losses58,65,72 increase at fast MAS for dinitroxides having medium-sized intramolecular magnetic couplings.74
Hybrid biradicals such as TEMtriPols,34,51 HyTEKs,40 NATriPols,44 SNAPols47 or PyrroTriPol51 recently appeared as promising PAs for DNP at high magnetic fields (≥18.8 T) and fast MAS. The narrow EPR line of one of the two radical units facilitates the saturation of the corresponding electron. In the case of HyTEK2, this combines with a strong electron–electron hyperfine coupling, giving a DNP efficiency that increases with the magnetic field increase.40,75 In parallel, efforts have also been devoted to refining the structure of dinitroxides so as to make them efficient at high-field and fast spinning, mostly by tailoring the strength of the intramolecular magnetic couplings. This led to the recently introduced TinyPol46 families of water-soluble dinitroxides, designed to have a relatively short linker and therefore sizeable electron–electron dipolar and J-exchange interactions. However, these radicals provide DNP efficiencies at 18.8 T that are still significantly lower than their analogs at 9.4 T.
Here, capitalizing on key design principles established for dinitroxides at intermediate magnetic fields, we introduce a new series of water-soluble dinitroxide biradicals with scaffolds augmented by dihydroxypropyl antenna chains that perform significantly better than previous dinitroxides at 18.8 T. We find that the new radical M-TinyPol(OH)4 yields enhancement factors of ∼220 at 18.8 T and 60 kHz MAS. The radicals are designed to improve the transfer of polarization away from the molecule and into the bulk, and this is validated by 2H ESEEM measurements to probe solvent accessibility supported by Molecular Dynamics simulations and by experiments on deuterated samples. This provides a rational understanding of why the dihydroxypropyl chains present in the best-performing structures are essential to deliver the polarization to the bulk solution.
Radical | Structure | DNP performance, 18.8 T, 40 kHz MAS | EPR parameters | ||||||
ε H | T B,ON (s) | ε DEPO | T ir (μs) | T m (μs) | Π(D2O) | 〈∣J∣〉 (MHz) | |||
a This value is from ref. 39. | |||||||||
TinyPol-NH |
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71 ± 4 | 25.4 ± 1 | 14.1 | n.d. | 306 ± 14 | 6.8 ± 0.4 | 0.37 ± 0.04 | 14.1 |
O-TinyPol |
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110 ± 5 | 9.3 ± 0.5 | 36.1 | n.d. | 284 ± 14 | 3.3 ± 0.4 | 0.37 ± 0.04 | 27.7 |
TinyPol(OH)4 |
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130 ± 6 | 8.9 ± 0.5 | 43.0 | n.d. | 250 ± 13 | 6.9 ± 0.4 | 0.34 ± 0.03 | 29.2 |
O-TinyPol(OH)4 |
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159 ± 6 | 8.3 ± 0.5 | 55.0 | 0.68 | 258 ± 13 | 2.8 ± 0.1 | 0.35 ± 0.03 | 27.1 |
M-TinyPol |
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124 ± 6 | 16.8 ± 1 | 30.2 | 0.86 | 256 ± 14 | 1.9 ± 0.2 | 0.3 ± 0.04 | 25.3 |
M-TinyPol(OH)4, (M-TinyPol(OH)4)-d10) |
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138 ± 7, (103 ± 5) | 7.5 ± 0.5, (8.6 ± 0.4) | 50.4, (35.1) | 0.68 | 251 ± 13 | 2.9 ± 0.1 | 0.32 ± 0.03 | 27.5 |
AsymPol-POK |
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75 ± 7 | 4.4 ± 0.2 | 37.6 | 0.66 | 199 ± 10 | <2.00 | 0.43 ± 0.04 | 80.5a |
TinyPol-NH, O-TinyPol, TinyPol(OH)4 and O-TinyPol(OH)4 are based on the TinyPol scaffold while M-TinyPol(OH)4 is derived from M-TinyPol. The functionalization of the spirocyclohexyl rings with aliphatic chains bearing hydroxyl groups increases the molecular weight of TinyPol(OH)4, O-TinyPol(OH)4 and M-TinyPol(OH)4 structures as well as the hydrogen bonding interactions with the frozen matrix. This is first expected to lengthen the electron spin relaxation times, which is beneficial for their DNP performance. This design principle is well established since the development of bCTbK31 and TEKPol30 derivatives and is now embedded in most contemporary dinitroxide PAs.50,52,54,71 The local density of protons around the unpaired electron was also suggested to be a key parameter that modulates the DNP performance of dinitroxides at 9.4 T. Using a series of deuterated compounds, Venkatesh et al. recently demonstrated that the PA protons located beyond the cyclohexyl groups in TEKPoL play a key role in the DNP process,52 relaying the hyperpolarization outside of the spin diffusion barrier,77 as postulated by Perras et al. from simulations.78 Here, the chains decorating the cyclohexyl rings are potentially expected to play a similar role.
The local structure around the nitroxide, with open (O-) or closed (C-) conformations for the tetrahydropyran groups was also shown to significantly affect the efficiency of the DNP process in AMUPol, PyPol and PyTol derivatives,45 and this was tentatively correlated to the accessibility of solvent molecules to unpaired electrons. Fully open conformers were shown to outperform nitroxides with closed conformations. Locking the conformation of the tetrahydropyran rings in the O-form was achieved by introducing stereo-controlled cis-2,6 dimethyl groups.
This effect was then exploited in cAsymPolTEK where the “open” forms were again found to be significantly more efficient.54 Here, M-TinyPol and M-TinyPol(OH)4 have fully open conformations on one side of the molecule, as is the case for O-TinyPol(OH)4 which is the open (O-) conformer of TinyPol(OH)4.
In unsubstituted tetrahydropyran rings, various conformations including the O- and C- conformations co-exist. This is the case for the left side of TinyPol-NH and TinyPol(OH)4 molecules in Table 1. The functionalization of the cyclohexanol rings with the dihydroxylpropyl chains has no impact on the stereochemical constraints, and thus half-open and half-closed conformations are maintained.
We find such conformations in TinyPol(OH)4, O-TinyPol(OH)4, M-TinyPol and M-TinyPol(OH)4 in the right side of the structures according to schemes of Table 1. The DFT optimized structures of the six structures in the series are reported in Fig. S16.†
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out to probe the conformational space of the PAs investigated here. Fig. 1(a) and (b) report respectively the distribution of angles between the two nitroxide planes and electron–electron distances. All TinyPols show one main e–e distance, between 10.4 and 10.8 Å, corresponding to an e–e dipolar coupling of ∼45 MHz. These dipolar couplings D, together with the exchange J-couplings drive the DNP cross-effect mechanism. MD trajectories highlight two main angles with broad distributions, at around 20° and 110–130° for O-TinyPol, TinyPol(OH)4 and O-TinyPol(OH)4, and three angles at around 50–60°, 80–100° and 120–160° for TinyPol-NH, M-TinyPol and M-TinyPol(OH)4. Individual plots are displayed in Fig. S17 and S18† for 5 MD runs.
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Fig. 1 (a) and (b) Angle and distance distribution between the two unpaired electrons obtained from MD simulations. The distance was calculated by setting the position of the electron at the middle of the NO bond. The angle is between the two nitroxide planes. For each TinyPol structure, the results of 5 MD runs are reported separately in the ESI (Fig. S17 and S18†). |
Electron relaxation times were also measured for AsymPol-POK.39 Values significantly shorter than those of TinyPols were obtained as reported in Table 1, in line with expectations.31
We also report in Table 1 the sensitivity factor which is a more relevant reporter of the overall DNP efficiency than εH alone,63,65,73 as short polarization build-up times can compensate for lower enhancements, and vice versa. Depolarization values are reported in Table S7† for some of the structures. We first observe that TinyPol-NH yields a relatively modest enhancement of ∼70, despite its large saturation factor as well as long polarization build-up time (>25 s). O-TinyPol, which is the open form of TinyPol, yields to a sizeable 110-fold enhancement factor. A further increase of εH is observed upon addition of dihydroxypropyl chains to the spirocyclohexyl groups, on one side of the radical, in place of the NH or OH groups for TinyPol(OH)4 and its open version O-TinyPol(OH)4. The build-up times for these three polarizing agents are significantly shorter than those of TinyPol-NH, reflecting a much faster polarization transfer rate to the bulk solution.77 In particular O-TinyPol(OH)4 has a relatively short DNP build-up time, which combined with εH ∼160 maximizes
Similarly, the addition of the dihydroxypropyl chains to the M-TinyPol scaffold leads to a higher enhancement factor. Thus, M-TinyPol(OH)4 reaches almost 140-fold enhancement factors at 40 kHz MAS. M-TinyPol(OH)4 also displays a significantly shorter TB,ON than M-TinyPol. Both effects combine to yield a high
In Fig. 3, overall sensitivity gains are calculated for O- and M-TinyPol(OH)4, and compared with the values measured for the reference M-TinyPol and AsymPol-POK radicals under similar experimental conditions. They were calculated from the proton enhancement εH, scaled by the depolarization factor, and considering the gain of a shorter build-up time TB,ON with respect to the pure solvent T1 (see ESI† for the detailed calculation of Σ′). M-TinyPol(OH)4 yields a gain of ca. 75% at 10 kHz MAS and 40% at 40 kHz MAS with respect to M-TinyPol. O-TinyPol(OH)4 also yields excellent performance at fast spinning frequencies.
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Fig. 3 Overall sensitivity factors of 10 mM M-TinyPol, AsymPol-POK, M-TinyPol(OH)4 and O-TinyPol(OH)4 solutions in d8-glycerol/D2O/H2O 60/30/10 (v/v/v) acquired at 18.8 T in 1.3 mm zirconia rotors at 10 or 40 kHz MAS frequencies. The sample temperature was ∼110 K. The overall sensitivity factor is calculated as the product of εH, the depolarization factor, and the square root of the ratio between the pure solvent T1 and the polarization build-up time TB,ON, as described in the ESI.† Notably, in this calculation, the paramagnetic quenching factor was not considered, while signal losses due to depolarization, as well as the value of TB,ON, were taken into account. Enhancement factors εH are indicated in italic. |
While the superior performance of M-TinyPol(OH)4 over M-TinyPol could be tentatively ascribed to a higher saturation factor (or in other words to a better saturation of the electron spin transition due to a significantly longer Tm, as shown in Fig. 2), such an argument does not explain the higher DNP efficiency of O-TinyPol(OH)4 with respect to TinyPol(OH)4. This suggests that the DNP performance of these dinitroxides is not only governed by their electron spin relaxation behavior, and that other parameters must be considered.
The relative orientation of the electron g-tensors could be one of these factors. Due to the flexibility of the linker, all TinyPol radicals investigated here display 2 to 3 main conformations, with distributions in the relative orientations of the nitroxide planes as reported by the MD simulations (Fig. 1(a)). Notably, only a small fraction of those distributions displays an optimal orientation with the two g-tensors in orthogonal planes.28,66,79 However, no correlation could be established between the distribution of conformations probed by MD at ambient temperature and the DNP performance. In contrast, we observe that M- and O-TinyPol(OH)4 have different distribution of g-tensor orientations but similar sensitivity factors Thus, while at cryogenic temperatures the distributions of conformations might be different, disparities in the relative orientation of the g-tensors does not appear to explain the differences observed in DNP performance within the TinyPol series.
The εH and TB,ON values reported in Table 1 were measured in non-degassed solutions. However, paramagnetic oxygen (O2) dissolved within the DNP matrix, even at low concentration, is expected to act as effective relaxation sinks that will decrease the 1H polarization build-up time constant and in turn lead to a less efficient propagation of the hyperpolarization from the dinitroxides. Griffin and co-workers have recently showed that solid-effect enhancement of the water-soluble NMe3-BDPA radical in DNP juice, where build-up times were on the order of 60 s, could be improved by almost a factor 2 by degassing the sample.80 To evaluate if this effect is still observable for shorter build-up times, measurements were carried out for 10 mM O-TinyPol(OH)4 in both degassed and non-degassed solutions. The results (Fig. S21†) show only a moderated increase in the enhancement factors and polarization build-up times, leading to an increase in overall sensitivity of between 5 and 15%.
In the light of recent work done by Griffin and co-workers,82 Bennati and co-workers83 as well as Stoll and co-workers,84 ESEEM experiments were conducted on solutions of M-TinyPol and TinyPol(OH)4, in either h8-glycerol/D2O 60/40 (v/v) or d5-glycerol/H2O 60/40 (v/v). Both of these solutions have ca. 40% 2H content, but with a different distribution, as almost all the deuterium atoms are on the water molecules in the first case while sitting on the non-exchangeable positions of glycerol in the second case. The results of these experiments are summarized in Fig. 4(a) and Table S4.†
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Fig. 4 (a) Solvent accessibility parameters measured by X-band ESEEM experiments in 200 μM solutions of M-TinyPol and M-TinyPol(OH)4 in differently deuterated glycerol/water mixtures at 50 K. (b) Radial proton density distribution in a spherical range of 0 to 15 Å from the oxygen atom of the nitroxide group, calculated from MD simulations run in a glycerol/water 60/40 (v/v) mixture at 293 K as detailed in the ESI:† water protons (blue), glycerol protons (green), protons belonging to the biradical itself (grey). |
We observed that the modulation depth and accessibility parameter are similar for M-TinyPol and TinyPol(OH)4 for all the three deuterated matrices tested, i.e. are independent on the biradical structure. However, both biradicals yield significantly different accessibility parameters using solvent mixtures with different deuterium distribution. More specifically, the 2H accessibility value almost doubles in d5-glycerol/H2O 60/40 compared to h8-glycerol/D2O 60/40 (v/v) (Fig. 4(a)). The enhanced modulation of the echo decay of the electrons, driven by distance-dependent hyperfine couplings, in d5-glycerol/H2O 60/40 (v/v) implies that there are more deuterons at a distance of 3 to 6 Å from the unpaired electrons in this solvent mixture. Similar observations were made for O-TinyPol(OH)4 (Fig. S12†). As deuterons are located only on glycerol (at non-exchangeable sites), this result points towards the predominance of glycerol deuterons at this 3 to 6 Å range, which matches roughly the size of the spin diffusion barrier.77,82,85,86 As expected, the solvent accessibility parameter is even higher when the d8-glycerol/D2O/H2O 60/30/10 (v/v/v) composition, the so-called “DNP juice”, is used, where glycerol molecules are fully deuterated, although susceptible to exchange with the 10% protonated water molecules. Overall, these data suggest that the shell volume surrounding the unpaired electrons, between 3 and 6 Å, is mostly occupied by deuterons from glycerol molecules, and this distribution is substantially similar for all TinyPol-like radicals.
To further interpret these results, the radial proton density in a sphere of 15 Å from the oxygen atom of the nitroxide group was calculated from 8001 snapshots from MD trajectories carried out in a glycerol/water 60/40 (v/v) mixture at 293 K. Calculations were done on both sides of the PA and average values were computed (as detailed in the ESI†). Fig. 4(b) shows the result of these calculations for M-TinyPol and TinyPol(OH)4. The plots for the other TinyPols in the series are presented in Fig. S20.† In both cases, these calculations indicate that, while the first solvation shell around the NO bond is mostly occupied by hydrogen-bonded water molecules with protons at about 2 Å distance from the oxygen atom, glycerol protons are predominant beyond this distance. Notably the glycerol molecules around the nitroxide yield a significant 1H density from 3 to 6 Å. This corroborates the ESEEM data.
Other recent investigations pointed out the key role of protons in the vicinity of the unpaired electrons, not only to allow an efficient CE DNP transfer through strong hyperfine couplings, but also to carry the hyperpolarization across the spin diffusion barrier away from the PA.
Notably, it was postulated78 and then demonstrated in TEKPoL that phenyl protons located in a 6 to 9.5 Å range from the unpaired electrons, are essential to transport the polarization into the bulk.52 Here, the ESEEM EPR data and the MD simulations show that deuterons from glycerol molecules, which unlike protons, cannot convey the 1H hyperpolarization across the spin diffusion barrier, are predominant in the second solvation shell of the nitroxide at a 2 to 4 Å range distance from the unpaired electron. Their presence may partly hinder the propagation of the hyperpolarization. In this regard, we hypothesize here that the hydroxypropyl chains in TinyPol(OH)4, O-TinyPol(OH)4 and M-TinyPol(OH)4 create pathways to relay the polarization to the bulk sample by proton spin-diffusion, in analogy to the aromatic antenna groups in NaphPol.52 Note that it was recently shown by simulations that in AsymPol series, radical protons in the vicinity of the unpaired electrons may not be necessary to relay the polarization.87
To validate this hypothesis, a deuterated version of M-TinyPol(OH)4 was prepared, in which the protons of the hydroxypropyl chains were replaced by deuterons. Fig. 5 compares the enhancement and build-up times in protonated and deuterated M-TinyPol(OH)4 as a function of the spinning frequency. Deuteration of the side chains leads to lower enhancement factors and longer build-up times. This observation is in line with what was observed for a series of deuterated TEKPoL PAs, where 1H DNP enhancements were shown to decrease with higher biradical deuteration levels while the DNP build-up times concomitantly increased, almost all the deuterated forms having lower εH and longer TB,ON than the protonated radical.52 This also confirms that the protons in the chains provide new channels to propagate the hyperpolarization to the bulk, resulting in superior overall DNP performance, i.e. shorter polarization build-up time or higher polarization transfer coefficient at the spin diffusion barrier interface kDNP, according to the model of Prisco and co-workers.77
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Fig. 5 (a) Enhancement factors and (b) polarization build-up times of protonated and deuterated M-TinyPol(OH)4 at a 10 mM concentration in bulk solutions of d8-glycerol/D2O/H2O 60/30/10 (v/v/v), as a function of MAS frequency. Enhancements values were measured at 18.8 T from proton NMR spectra in 1.3 mm zirconia rotors at a sample temperature of 110 ± 5 K. Experimental details are given in the ESI.† The position of the deuterons are indicated by pale red circles in the molecular structure of M-TinyPol(OH)4. |
We note that the factor drops from 50 to 35 upon deuteration, i.e. the overall sensitivity of deuterated M-TinyPol(OH)4 almost returns to that of M-TinyPol (Table 1), which differs from M-TinyPol(OH)4 only by the absence of the hydroxypropyl chains.
We find that deuteration of the hydroxypropyl chains decreases enhancement factors while increasing build-up times, suggesting that protons located in the chains (i.e. close to but not in the immediate vicinity of the electrons) are key to transporting polarization across the spin diffusion barrier into the bulk.52,77 This analysis is supported with 2H ESEEM measurements and MD simulations that suggest that the deuterated glycerol molecules of the DNP matrix are located mainly in the second solvation shell of the NO bond, limiting access to protonated water molecules. Overall, this provides a rational framework for why protons in the chains are important to delivering the polarization to the bulk solution, and provides a clear guideline for the future developments of new polarizing agents but also of optimized formulations.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: All experimental details such as detailed synthetic procedures, dynamics nuclear polarization NMR spectroscopy, EPR data and MD protocols. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4sc04473h |
‡ L. N., G. C. and G. M. contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |