Thaipurayil Madanan
Valeria J.
David A.
ab and
aInstitut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), CNRS UMR 7006, University of Strasbourg, 8 Allée Gaspard Monge, 67000 Strasbourg, France. E-mail:
bDepartment of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, CB2 1GA Cambridge, UK
First published on 29th October 2024
Biological membranes are composed exclusively of phospholipids comprising glycerol-1-phosphate or glycerol-3-phosphate. By contrast, primitive membranes would have likely been composed of heterogeneous mixtures of phospholipids, including non-natural analogues comprising glycerol-2-phosphate, as delivered by prebiotic synthesis. Thus, it is not clear how the selection of natural phospholipids could have come about. Here we show how differences in supramolecular properties, but not molecular properties, could have driven the selection of natural phosphatidic acids in primitive membranes. First, we demonstrate that at the molecular level it is unlikely that any prebiotic synthesis or hydrolysis pathway would have enabled the selection of natural phosphatidic acids. Second, we report that at the supramolecular level, natural phospholipids display a greater tendency to self-assemble in more packed and rigid membranes than non-natural analogues of the same chain length. Finally, taking advantage of these differences, we highlight that Mg2+, but not Na+, K+, Ca2+ or Zn2+, drives the selective precipitation of non-natural phosphatidic acids from heterogeneous mixtures obtained by prebiotic synthesis, leaving membranes proportionally enriched in natural phosphatidic acids. Our findings delineate a plausible pathway by which the transition towards biological membranes could have occurred under conditions compatible with prebiotic metal-driven processes, such as non-enzymatic RNA polymerization.
Prebiotic chemists have sought to identify mechanisms by which many of the natural building blocks of life could have been selected. Yet, investigations have focused almost exclusively on nucleosides and peptides. Canonical RNA and DNA nucleosides could have arisen by selective prebiotic synthesis3–5 or because of their greater hydrolytic and photochemical stability relative to non-canonical isomers.6–8 Selection could also have resulted from the increased stability of duplexes comprising natural oligonucleotides, compared to non-natural analogues.9 Similarly, the canonical amino acids could have resulted from selective synthesis,10 the preferential incorporation of natural over non-natural amino acids into peptides,11 or by retention due to the enhanced foldability of oligopeptides containing natural amino acids compared to those containing non-natural analogues.12 The idea that selection processes could have operated at both the molecular and supramolecular levels is central to every scheme.
Two recent reports have begun to address the selection of natural phospholipids. In work on the emergence of amino alcohol bearing phospholipids, our group13 described a general prebiotic synthesis and hydrolysis scheme that is selective for natural phospholipid headgroups comprising G1P over those comprising G2P. Then, in work advancing the prebiotic chemistry of cyclophospholipids, Krishnamurthy and co-workers14 showed that liposomes formed of glycerol monodecanoate and phospholipid comprising G1P are more tolerant of pH changes and metal ions, such as those required for prebiotic RNA chemistry,15 than those formed of phospholipid comprising G2P.
These studies raise further questions, particularly in light of the systems chemistry approach in which mixtures of reactants and products must be considered and their properties compared. First, it is not clear if prebiotic synthesis and hydrolysis processes could have led to the selection of natural over non-natural diacyl phospholipids. Prebiotic acylation reactions of individual glycerol phosphates have been reported,16,17 but no direct comparison has been made of the reactivity of G1P and G2P with activated fatty acids, nor of the hydrolytic stability of the corresponding phospholipids. Second, it is not clear if differences in membrane properties could have led to the selection of natural phospholipids from heterogeneous mixtures containing both natural and non-natural forms. Hybrid liposomes often behave differently from those made of individual lipids and so their behavior is difficult to predict.
Here we explore processes operating at the molecular and supramolecular levels that could have led to the selection of natural phosphatidic acids from heterogeneous mixtures on early Earth. We show that hydrolytically stable natural and non-natural phosphatidic acids could have formed on prebiotic acylation of mixtures of glycerol phosphates under a variety of conditions, together with a range of amphiphilic coproducts. We then highlight that natural phosphatidic acids have a greater propensity to self-assemble, compared to their non-natural isomers, and that their liposomes display enhanced rigidity and stability towards changes in pH and metal ion concentrations. Finally, harnessing these differences, we demonstrate that on exposure to Mg2+, but not Na+, K+, Ca2+ or Zn2+, natural phosphatidic acids could have been selected from liposomes composed of heterogeneous mixtures. Overall, our findings offer a plausible rationale for the selection of natural phospholipids, taking advantage of differences in properties that manifest only at the supramolecular level.
Note: throughout our discussion we treat G1P and G3P as synonymous and for simplicity refer to them with the acronym G1P. The stereospecific numbering (sn) scheme for glycerophospholipids is used only where appropriate.
To probe the acylation of glycerol phosphates in solution, each glycerol phosphate was dissolved in water and the pH of each solution was adjusted to 7.4. A solution of N-decanoyl imidazole (NDI) in acetonitrile was then added,16 and each homogeneous mixture was stirred for 8 days at room temperature (Fig. 1a, b and S1†). The progress of each reaction was followed by 31P NMR and by TLC.27 In the reaction of G1P, 3(2)-monodecanoyl-glycerol-1-phosphatidic acid (MDG1PA, 1.68 and 1.59 ppm) were obtained alongside 2,3-didecanoyl-glycerol-1-phosphatidic acid (DDG1PA, 0.89 ppm) in yields of 20% and 4%, respectively (Fig. 1a, b and S1†). By contrast, in the reaction of G2P, 1-monodecanoyl-glycerol-2-phosphatidic acid (MDG2PA, 1.05 ppm), and 1,3,-didecanoyl-glycerol-2-phosphatidic acid (DDG2PA, 0.47 ppm) were obtained in yields of 43% and 44%, respectively (Fig. 1a, b and S2†).
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Fig. 1 Prebiotic synthesis of phosphatidic acids. (a) Reactions of G1P (10 mM), G2P (10 mM), or both (5 mM each) with NDI (100 mM) in solution, or ammonium decanoate (100 mM), cyanamide (100 mM), and imidazole (100 mM) in the dry state, afford natural G1PAs and non-natural G2PAs. (b) Yields of G1PAs and G2PAs formed from G1P, G2P, or both. (c) 31P{1H} NMR spectra showing the signals for the G1PAs and G2PAs obtained in reactions described in entries 3 (pH ∼7) and 6 (pH ∼4 after extraction) of (b). Yields were determined by 31P NMR based on conversion of the respective glycerol phosphate (or sum total glycerol phosphates). The chemical shift of each phosphatidic acid is pH and concentration dependent. *The major positional isomer26 of MDG1PA is shown in (a) and combined yields of both isomers of MDG1PA are given in (b). See the ESI† for details. |
Since the acylation of G2P proceeds to a greater extent than the acylation of G1P, we wondered if, in a reaction starting from a mixture of glycerol phosphates, G2P would outcompete G1P for NDI and thus suppress the formation of G1PAs. However, in the event, acylation of a 1:
1 mixture of glycerol phosphates gave G1PAs and G2PAs in combined yields of 13% and 42%, respectively, or approximately half the yields obtained in experiments starting from G1P or G2P (Fig. 1a–c and S3†). This result shows that in solution G1P and G2P undergo acylation independently of one another. Nevertheless, as the yield of DDG2PA is approximately 10 times that of DDG1PA under our conditions, we infer DDG1PA would only have been produced as the major phosphatidic acid if the initial ratio of G1P
G2P exceeded 10
1. The literature on prebiotic phosphorylation of glycerol21–25 suggests that this requirement would rarely have been met, however, especially when hydrolysis of glycerol cyclic phosphate is taken into account.13,20,28
The acylation of glycerol phosphates in solution occurs by a two-step phosphate-assisted mechanism in which intermolecular formation of a mixed anhydride intermediate precedes intramolecular transfer of the acyl group to a neighboring hydroxyl group (Fig. S4†).16 Acyl transfer to the proximal primary hydroxyl group of G2P is more efficient than acyl transfer to either the proximal secondary hydroxyl group or the distal primary hydroxyl group of G1P. Thus, given the preferential formation of G2PAs in these reactions in solution, we sought to determine whether acylation reactions in the dry state are subject to the same bias.
It is difficult to be certain of the mechanism of the acylation reaction in the dry state, but it is possible it involves direct attack of the acylating agent on the hydroxyl groups of each glycerol phosphate. This proposal would account for the comparable yields of phosphatidic acids obtained on acylation of each glycerol phosphate in the dry state. To test this idea, we subjected sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (G3PC)30 to acylation in the dry state and in solution. This substrate was chosen as its phosphodiester group is not expected to participate in the reaction. On reaction of G3PC with ammonium decanoate, cyanamide, and imidazole in the dry state, 1(2)-monodecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (MDG3PC, −0.20 and −0.38 ppm) and 1,2-didecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DDG3PC, −0.68 ppm) were obtained in a yields of 10% and 11%, respectively, together with glycero-2-phosphocholine (5%), and traces (<1%, combined) of MDG>P and G>P (Fig. S8†). By contrast, the reaction of G3PC with NDI in solution produced only MDG3PC in 4% yield (Fig. S9†). These results show that a free phosphate group is not required for acylation in the dry state, but is required for efficient acylation in solution.
Mechanism aside, our data show that dry state acylation reactions of G1P and G2P proceed without bias and afford G1PAs and G2PAs in yields proportional to the amount of each glycerol phosphate present. This result is significant as under certain conditions21,22G1P is the major product obtained on prebiotic phosphorylation of glycerol. Moreover, acylation in the dry state occurs under arguably more realistic early Earth conditions (the activated fatty acid is generated in situ and the reaction requires no organic solvent). However, even in a best-case scenario where only G1P was available, prebiotic acylation of glycerol phosphates in the dry state would have produced both natural G1PAs and non-natural G2PAs.
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Fig. 2 Self-assembly and supramolecular properties of G1PAs and G2PAs in pure or mixed systems. (a) Fluorescence microscopy images show that DDG1PA and DDG2PA (25 mM, containing 1 mol% NBD-PE) form liposomes of similar size and lamellarity. The scale bar represents 10 μm. (b) DPH fluorescence anisotropy (polarization) of DDG1PA and DDG2PA membranes compared with those of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPG3PC) and MA. Measurements were made at 25 °C. (c) Laurdan generalized polarization (GP) of DDG1PA and DDG2PA membranes compared with those of DPG3PC and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOG3PC). Measurements were made at 25 °C. (d) Structural and conformational differences between DDG1PA and DDG2PA in membranes. (e) CACs of G1PAs and G2PAs of different chain length. (f) CACs of mixtures of DDG1PA or DDG2PA and other C10-amphiphiles. Data show the mean ± SEM, n ≥ 2. See the ESI† for details. |
To determine whether natural phosphatidic acids exhibit a greater propensity to self-assemble compared to their non-natural analogues, we synthesized the C8-lipids, 2,3-dicapryloyl-glycerol-1-phosphatidic acid (DCG1PA) and 1,3-dicapryloyl-glycerol-2-phosphatidic acid (DCG2PA), and the C12-lipids, 2,3-dilauroyl-glycerol-1-phosphatidic acid (DLG1PA) and 1,3-dilauroyl-glycerol-2-phosphatidic acid (DLG2PA) (Fig. S12–S17†).31 With this series of isomeric phospholipids of different chain length in hand, we measured the critical aggregation concentration (CAC) of each species, i.e. the minimal concentration of lipid needed to form supramolecular aggregates (e.g. liposomes). Liposomes composed of G1PA or G2PA were prepared by lipid film rehydration in phosphate buffer at pH 7.5, and absorbance spectra were recorded at different lipid concentrations using the solvatochromic probe merocyanine 540, as described previously.33 Interestingly, we found that without exception the CAC of each natural G1PA is lower than that of each non-natural G2PA of the same chain length (Fig. 2e). This trend was conserved when G1PA and G2PA liposomes were prepared in other buffers or pure water at different pH values (Fig. S18†). Furthermore, the CACs of mixtures containing DDG1PA and other prebiotic amphiphiles, specifically decanoic acid (DA), decanol (DOH), and 3-monodecanoyl-glycerol-1,2-cyclic phosphate (MDG>P), are consistently lower than those of analogous mixtures containing DDG2PA (Fig. 2f). Finally, to see if CACs of natural phospholipids of other types are also lower than those of their non-natural isomers, we measured the CACs of 2,3-didecanoyl-rac-glycerol-1-phosphocholine (DDG1PC) and 1,3-didecanoyl-glycerol-2-phosphocholine (DDG2PC). These lipids were prepared from their respective phosphatidic acid precursors (Fig. S19 and S20†).37 In line with our observations for phosphatidic acids, we found that DDG1PC has a CAC approximately half that of DDG2PC (38 ± 5 μm vs. 71 ± 2 μm, respectively) (Fig. S21†). Taken together, these results suggest that the tendency of natural phospholipids to self-assemble at lower concentrations than non-natural analogues of the same chain length is conserved across different headgroup types.
To establish the relative Mg2+-tolerance of the isomeric phosphatidic acids, liposomes made of 5 mM DDG1PA or DDG2PA were assembled in 50 mM phosphate buffer and titrated with MgCl2. Our data show that DDG2PA liposomes are particularly sensitive to Mg2+ and precipitation of the lipid was quantified by 31P NMR (99% loss after addition of 5 mM Mg2+) (Fig. S25†). By contrast, DDG1PA liposomes are largely unaffected by Mg2+ (16% loss after addition of 5 mM Mg2+) (Fig. S26†). Similar observations were made by epifluorescence microscopy using a higher lipid concentration (25 mM), where precipitation of DDG2PA was observed at 7.5 mM MgCl2 (Fig. 3a). The concentration of Mg2+ required to induce precipitation is proportional to the concentration of the lipid. Analogously, DDG2PA liposomes were more susceptible to precipitation by CaCl2 and ZnCl2 than DDG1PA liposomes (Fig. S27–S30†). Finally, by comparison, neither lipid was susceptible to precipitation on addition of up to 100 mM NaCl or KCl, as expected for monovalent cations.43
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Fig. 3 Mg2+-driven selection of natural G1PAs over non-natural G2PAs. (a) Microscopy images showing the relative Mg2+-tolerance of DDG1PA and DDG2PA liposomes (25 mM). The scale bar represents 10 μm. DDG1PA liposomes remain intact while DDG2PA liposomes disassemble following aggregation and precipitation of the lipid. The concentration of Mg2+ required to induce precipitation is proportional to the concentration of the lipid. (b) 31P{1H} NMR spectra showing the change in composition of mixed liposomes prepared from DDG1PA and DDG2PA (1![]() ![]() |
To probe the greater tolerance of DDG1PA over DDG2PA to Mg2+, we measured the change in membrane ζ-potential of liposomes made of DDG1PA or DDG2PA (5 mM each) on titration with MgCl2. In the absence of Mg2+, the ζ-potentials of DDG1PA and DDG2PA liposomes were −56 mV and −74 mV, respectively (Fig. S31†). The more negative surface potential of DDG2PA suggests that its phosphate group is less hydrated and hence forms weaker hydrogen bonding interactions in the headgroup space of the bilayer compared to DDG1PA. Further, it is possible that the phosphate group of DDG2PA is more exposed to the bulk medium than that of DDG1PA, as might be expected since DDG2PA forms less rigid and less well packed membranes than DDG1PA (Fig. 2c). On addition of Mg2+ to liposomes composed of each lipid, we observed a gradual increase in ζ-potential, demonstrating the electrostatic interactions of Mg2+ with the anionic headgroups and its charge shielding effect (Fig. S31†).43
Intrigued by the lower tolerance of DDG2PA over DDG1PA to divalent cations, we tested the stability of mixed liposomes made of DDG1PA and DDG2PA (1:
1, 5 mM each, prepared in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.5) in the presence of 5 mM Mg2+. In the event, the sample remained turbid despite the immediate formation of a precipitate.
To determine the composition of the remaining liposomes, the precipitate was removed by filtration, the liposomes were dissolved by addition of 0.2 M Triton X-100,44 and the resulting solution was analyzed by 31P NMR (Fig. 3b and S32†). DDG1PA was found to be four times more abundant than DDG2PA in the filtrate, demonstrating that selective precipitation of the non-natural DDG2PA occurred on addition of Mg2+. This finding suggests that a Mg2+-driven selection process could have led to the enrichment of natural phosphatidic acids in mixed liposomes. Moreover, Mg2+ appears unique among the metal ions studied as selective precipitation of DDG2PA from mixed liposomes could not be effected by titration with Ca2+, Zn2+ (Fig. S33 and S34†), Na+ or K+ (data not shown).
The mechanism that underpins the Mg2+-induced selection from mixed membranes can be understood in terms of the electrostatic interactions between Mg2+ and the anionic surface of the membrane and the differential binding of the isomeric lipids. By analogy with the effect of Ca2+ on natural phospholipids,45 Mg2+ binding to phosphatidic acids would liberate water of hydration from the membrane, leading to tighter packing of the lipids and ultimately precipitation. Our data show that DDG2PA membranes have a more negative surface charge than those of DDG1PA and suggest that the headgroups of DDG2PA are less well hydrated and so more prone to disruption on dehydration. It is also possible that the binding affinity of Mg2+ for DDG2PA is greater than that for DDG1PA and the difference in binding affinities is enough to enable the selective precipitation of DDG2PA in the presence of DDG1PA, in contrast to the other metal ions tested. Whether the selective precipitation of DDG2PA from mixed membranes suggests that phase separation into isomeric lipid domains occurs prior to precipitation remains an intriguing possibility.
Finally, to demonstrate the plausibility of the Mg2+-driven selection process on lipid mixtures obtained by prebiotic synthesis, we prepared a mixture of G1PAs and G2PAs by acylation of G1P and G2P with NDI, as described above (Fig. 1). The mixture of phospholipids obtained after 8 days (MDG1PA, MDG2PA, DDG1PA, and DDG2PA) was lyophilized, then gently hydrated with water at pH 7.0 to give liposomes. The imidazole released on reaction of NDI served as the buffer. On titration with MgCl2, DDG2PA precipitated and the surviving liposomes became proportionally enriched in DDG1PA (31P NMR, Fig. 3c and Fig. S35–S37†). Interestingly, the lysophospholipids MDG1PA and MDG2PA were unaffected by Mg2+ up to a concentration of 5 mM, yet these species could undergo further acylation and thus Mg2+-induced precipitation.
Overall, these results highlight the unique role of Mg2+ in driving the selection of G1PAs from heterogeneous mixtures of phospholipids under conditions compatible with key metal-driven prebiotic processes like non-enzymatic RNA polymerisation.15
First, we show that acylation of mixtures of glycerol phosphates in solution affords non-natural G2PAs in higher yields than natural G1PAs, but acylation in the dry state provides G1PAs and G2PAs in similar yields. These isomeric phospholipids are comparably stable to hydrolysis. Second, we highlight that natural G1PAs possess a greater propensity to self-assemble and to pack in ordered bilayers, compared to non-natural G2PAs, and that they form liposomes of enhanced rigidity and broader tolerance to pH and metal ions. Finally, we demonstrate that Mg2+ drives the selective precipitation of G2PAs and, thus, the accumulation of G1PAs in liposomes composed of mixtures of phospholipids obtained by prebiotic synthesis. The effect of Mg2+ is unique among the metal ions tested. Taken together, our results suggest that properties that manifest at the supramolecular level can be harnessed for the selection of natural phospholipids, while processes that operate at the molecular level (synthesis and hydrolysis) probably cannot.
In summary, our work outlines prebiotic synthesis and selection pathways that could have driven the transition towards biological phospholipid membranes on early Earth. The phosphatidic acids focused on here are minor constituents of biological membranes but serve as important biosynthetic intermediates in pathways leading to complex lipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylcholines. Since the transformation of G1PAs into both of these lipids under early Earth conditions has already been described,46,47 our study renders these foundational investigations all the more relevant. Importantly, the requirements of Mg2+-driven non-enzymatic RNA replication and the need for Mg2+-stable biological phospholipid liposomes can be harmonized. In fact, Mg2+ is essential in driving the selection of metal ion-resistant natural phospholipids. Beyond, the interactions between Mg2+ ions and membranes enriched in natural phosphatidic acids could have led to the co-localization of RNA on the membrane and enabled synergistic effects in prebiotic RNA chemistry48 as well as RNA-driven recognition and fusion of primitive liposomes.49
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |