Themed collection Highlights from Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts in 2024

20 items
Open Access Critical Review

An introduction to machine learning tools for the analysis of microplastics in complex matrices

This work introduces the reader to machine learning principles and highlights its usage in examining microplastics in soil samples.

Graphical abstract: An introduction to machine learning tools for the analysis of microplastics in complex matrices
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Finding non-fluorinated alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants

The critical review scrutinizes some of the public statements on fluorinated gases and gives a detailed overview of the available alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants.

Graphical abstract: Finding non-fluorinated alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Critical review of fluorescence and absorbance measurements as surrogates for the molecular weight and aromaticity of dissolved organic matter

Optical surrogates are used to characterize dissolved organic matter composition like aromaticity and molecular weight. We both review the genesis of surrogate-composition relationships and critically evaluate additional supporting evidence.

Graphical abstract: Critical review of fluorescence and absorbance measurements as surrogates for the molecular weight and aromaticity of dissolved organic matter
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Communication

PFAS occurrence and distribution in yard waste compost indicate potential volatile loss, downward migration, and transformation

This novel investigation revealed substantial PFAS contamination and plastic-PFAS co-occurrence in yard waste compost. Insights gained from the distribution of PFAS in compost are valuable for improving its management and application.

Graphical abstract: PFAS occurrence and distribution in yard waste compost indicate potential volatile loss, downward migration, and transformation
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Modelling indoor radical chemistry during the HOMEChem campaign

Measurements from the HOMEChem campaign have been constrained and modelled, identifying how cooking and cleaning affect indoor radical reactivities and concentrations.

Graphical abstract: Modelling indoor radical chemistry during the HOMEChem campaign
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Tracing nitrate contamination sources and dynamics in an unconfined alluvial aquifer system (Velika Gorica well field, Croatia)

The use of multi-method approaches provides a unique way of understanding nitrate contamination and its impact on groundwater quality.

Graphical abstract: Tracing nitrate contamination sources and dynamics in an unconfined alluvial aquifer system (Velika Gorica well field, Croatia)
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Benzo[a]pyrene and phenanthrene hemoglobin adducts as biomarkers of longer-term air pollution exposure

PAH-hemoglobin adduct levels were associated with cumulative PM2.5 exposure over the lifespan of red blood cells, demonstrating their utility as biomarkers for longer-term exposure.

Graphical abstract: Benzo[a]pyrene and phenanthrene hemoglobin adducts as biomarkers of longer-term air pollution exposure
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Low molecular weight organic acids stabilise siderite against oxidation and influence the composition of iron (oxyhydr)oxide oxidation products

Siderite is stabilised against oxidation in the presence of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids (LMWOAs) with implications for iron mineral transformations and therefore contaminant and nutrient cycling.

Graphical abstract: Low molecular weight organic acids stabilise siderite against oxidation and influence the composition of iron (oxyhydr)oxide oxidation products
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Emerging investigator series: open dumping and burning: an overlooked source of terrestrial microplastics in underserved communities

Open dumping and burning of solid waste are widely practiced in underserved communities lacking access to solid waste management facilities. The generation of microplastics from these sites has been overlooked.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: open dumping and burning: an overlooked source of terrestrial microplastics in underserved communities
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Domestic groundwater wells in Appalachia show evidence of low-dose, complex mixtures of legacy pollutants

Private groundwater wells in communities co-located with historically contaminated sites and ongoing industrial activity contain complex mixtures of low-dose organic chemicals.

Graphical abstract: Domestic groundwater wells in Appalachia show evidence of low-dose, complex mixtures of legacy pollutants
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Leachability of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances from contaminated concrete

This study examines PFAS leaching behavior from concrete contaminated by the historical use of aqueous film-forming foams at an Australian Defence site, highlighting the long-term environmental implications of contaminated infrastructure.

Graphical abstract: Leachability of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances from contaminated concrete
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Polyethylene microplastics affect behavioural, oxidative stress, and molecular responses in the Drosophila model

The study highlights the negative effects of PE MPs on motor functions, oxidative stress, and cellular stress responses in Drosophila, emphasizing the broader ecological risks associated with microplastic pollution.

Graphical abstract: Polyethylene microplastics affect behavioural, oxidative stress, and molecular responses in the Drosophila model
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Combining sequential extractions with bulk and micro X-ray spectroscopy to elucidate iron and phosphorus speciation in sediments of an iron-treated peat lake

Nanoscale mixed inorganic–organic Fe–Ca–P-OM co-precipitates formed in sediments of eutrophic peat lake after Fe treatment increase seasonal internal P loading.

Graphical abstract: Combining sequential extractions with bulk and micro X-ray spectroscopy to elucidate iron and phosphorus speciation in sediments of an iron-treated peat lake
Open Access Paper

Storms mobilize organophosphate esters, bisphenols, PFASs, and vehicle-derived contaminants to San Francisco Bay watersheds

We evaluated the occurrence of 154 organic contaminants from multiple chemical/use classes in San Francisco Bay watersheds during storm events, revealing complex mixtures and high concentrations transported to receiving waters.

Graphical abstract: Storms mobilize organophosphate esters, bisphenols, PFASs, and vehicle-derived contaminants to San Francisco Bay watersheds
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Emerging investigator series: in-depth chemical profiling of tire and artificial turf crumb rubber: aging, transformation products, and transport pathways

Chemical profiling of artificial turf crumb rubber reveals time-based trends in transformation products and transport pathways.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: in-depth chemical profiling of tire and artificial turf crumb rubber: aging, transformation products, and transport pathways
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

The chemical assessment of surfaces and air (CASA) study: using chemical and physical perturbations in a test house to investigate indoor processes

The Chemical Assessment of Surfaces and Air (CASA) study investigated how chemicals transform in the indoor environment using perturbations (e.g., cooking, cleaning) and additions of indoor and outdoor pollutants in a test house.

Graphical abstract: The chemical assessment of surfaces and air (CASA) study: using chemical and physical perturbations in a test house to investigate indoor processes
From the themed collection: Indoor Chemistry
Open Access Paper

Characteristics and adsorption behavior of typical microplastics in long-term accelerated weathering simulation

Adsorption of different organic pollutants by three microplastics before and after weathering.

Graphical abstract: Characteristics and adsorption behavior of typical microplastics in long-term accelerated weathering simulation
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Does green mean clean? Volatile organic emissions from regular versus green cleaning products

Cleaning products emit a range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including some which are hazardous or can undergo chemical transformations to generate harmful secondary pollutants.

Graphical abstract: Does green mean clean? Volatile organic emissions from regular versus green cleaning products
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Characterization and dermal bioaccessibility of residual- and listed PFAS ingredients in cosmetic products

Estimation of dermal bioaccessibility and characterization of listed-ingredient and residual per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in cosmetic products.

Graphical abstract: Characterization and dermal bioaccessibility of residual- and listed PFAS ingredients in cosmetic products
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Emission inventory of PFASs and other fluorinated organic substances for the fluoropolymer production industry in Europe

This study assesses the environmental impact of the fluoropolymer industry in Europe by making an inventory of their emissions of PFASs and other fluorinated organic substances.

Graphical abstract: Emission inventory of PFASs and other fluorinated organic substances for the fluoropolymer production industry in Europe
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
20 items

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Explore this selection of popular articles in Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts published in 2024

