Arvind H.
Alan C.
Gaurav M.
Harsharaj S.
Jeong Gil
Department of Energy Science and Technology, Energy and Environment Fusion Technology Center, Myongji University, Myongji-ro 116, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 449-728, Republic of Korea. E-mail:; Fax: +82-31-336-6336
First published on 17th March 2016
Magnesium oxide (MgO) is one of the auspicious metal oxides which attracts much attention because of its superior performance in scientific applications. Controlled facial arrangement of MgO nanostructures with tailored properties is highly important in nanotechnology and nanoscience. Here, various MgO nanostructures were obtained via one-pot microwave (MW)-assisted synthesis in various structural directing ionic liquids (ILs). These selected ILs are based on monocationic and dicationic moieties which consist of N-methyl imidazolium and 3-methyl pyridinium cations with various halide anions. Different designer solvents with respect to their counter anions produced various nanostructures, varying from nanoflakes, interconnected nanoparticles, hexagonal nanoparticles, irregular nanoparticles and nanocapsules. In this method, green solvent ILs not only act as solvent but also act as structural directing agents. In addition, a plausible mechanism of nanomaterial formation under MW irradiation in the presence of ILs was also determined. Formation of hydrogen bonding with favorable π–π interactions by simply tailoring the IL structures by means of MW conditions is the key factor for the development of different morphology. To define the catalytic activity of the prepared nanostructures, a Claisen condensation reaction was performed. The results showed that all the nanostructures have efficient catalytic activity due to their tailored structure, basicity, and surface area. Particularly, a catalytic amount of hexagonal morphology MgO obtained from dicationic [C4(mIm)2Cl2] IL showed 100% conversion and a remarkable 95% selective yield of the respective product. The proposed approach for nanomaterial preparation does not require an additional template and harsh reaction conditions which establishes this as a simple method to reduce the cost of production using environmentally benign solvents.
Of the several approaches used today for construction of nanomaterials, microwave (MW) irradiation as a non-classical energy source has become increasingly popular in science fields.13–15 This approach helps to eliminate complex and time consuming non-green processes and requires minimum investment in equipment, since it can be performed in a domestic MW oven. Similarly, nowadays the use of this method in nanomaterial preparation is also increasing drastically.16 MW in-core flash heating in dramatically reducing overall processing time is the main benefit associated with this method. In addition, higher reaction rate, rapid volumetric uniform heating, and selective high yield of products are some secondary benefits of this processes.14,15 Transformation of electromagnetic radiation in to heat energy in MW heating is based on two main factors: conduction and the dipolar polarization phenomenon.14,15 Absorption of MW irradiation by a conduction mechanism is more effective and reaction media must produce a high dielectric constant and high polar nature for MW absorption.14 Indeed, polar solvents such as ILs are the best candidates for absorption of MW irradiation which leads to the production of conductive and a high polar nature for reaction media.17
ILs are generally salts accumulated with organic bulky cations and inorganic anions. Recently ILs have attracted much attention as reaction media or catalysts because of their exceptional properties. They have a wide liquid range, negligible vapor pressure, good stability at high temperature and good dissolving ability with high ionic conductivity.18 The opportunity to vary the cation and anion combination gives a number of ways to enhance IL properties.17,19,20 Additionally, being solvents ILs can also act as a reactant or catalyst in a reaction and as a template or designer agent in the synthesis of inorganic materials.21–24 In recent times, by combining the advantages of ILs and MW heating, there are very few methods report for the synthesis of inorganic materials.15,25 By using these approaches, different morphologies of inorganic nanomaterials have been produced. The results of these methods show a synergetic effect of ILs with MW irradiation, obtaining significant selective morphology, and a high yield in a short reaction time. However, there is no report which could show different controlled MgO morphologies by means of MW irradiation in different ILs as designer solvents. Therefore, it is essential to study non-conventional techniques which open up the prospect of realizing fast synthesis of nanomaterials in a green solvent system such as ILs, which make the process faster and eco-friendly, as well as cheap economically.
Herein, different perfect morphologies of MgO nanostructures were obtained in one-pot using a MW irradiation process in numerous structural directing ILs. The synthesized well accumulated designer solvents such as monocationic and dicationic ILs with counter anions controlled various MgO morphologies. Aside from a variation of IL structures, the influences of various cations and anions on morphology development were also investigated. The results revealed that ILs acted as solvent as well as a structural directing agent in the presence of MW irradiation. The obtained results of the MW-assisted synthesis were compared with those of other conventional methods. This work provides a versatile approach to synthesize various MgO crystals of different morphology by varying structural directing agents (ILs). A plausible mechanism for the formation of a different morphology of MgO in ILs is also discovered. We show here that slight structural modification of the ILs is highly responsible for achieving selective crystal growth in MW irradiation conditions. In addition, the catalytic activities of these morphologies were also determined.
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Fig. 1 Various monocationic and dicationic ILs used for the preparation of controlled MgO nanostructures in the presence of MW irradiation. |
Hydrophilic ILs containing traditional anions, such as chloride (Cl−) and bromide (Br−), can be produced easily using simple methods. Previous studies report that coordination of these kinds of anions has a direct impact on particle construction as well as morphology growth with respect to the cations.29 On the basis of structural features of ILs, organization of ILs can be tailored (cations and anions) and interaction energies of ILs can be modified.30 On the other hand, MgO nanocrystals are composed of positively charged Mg layers and negatively charged O layers. Various different cationic and anionic structures of ILs possibly formed different interactions with MgO crystals which led to the development of different morphology. This factor is highly responsible for a diverse mechanism, including the formation of self-assembly, hydrogen bonds, electrostatic attractions, and π–π stacking interactions.29 The special constructed structure of ILs with respect to the fascinating properties of large cations and anions of ILs allows them to act as self-assembling templates. The pre-organized solvent structure causes nanocrystals to experience self-organization for the development of well-defined nanostructures in the presence of MW irradiation.29 Different cations such as imidazolium and pyridinium were selected by considering the following characteristics: imidazolium-based ILs are among the most frequently used species because of their outstanding physicochemical properties and biodegradability.30 Monocationic, butyl methyl imidazolium [C4(mIm)] contains a bulky organic moiety, which can contribute to the π–π interactions and hydrogen bonding.29 Attachment of a butyl chain with an aromatic ring is supposed to control the agglomeration and size distribution of the nanostructure dispersion. Meanwhile, the same counter imidazolium dication core with a short alkyl chain as a spacer between two imidazolium cations possesses two-fold π–π interactions and hydrogen bonding and enhanced other properties.19 Previous reports show that, as compared to monocationic ILs, their dicationic counter ILs possess high thermal stability, polarity, and conductivity.19,30 These enhanced properties in dicationic ILs lead to the development of different morphology and significant effects on the MgO nanostructure. Other types of ILs were selected as pyridinium-based monocationic and dicationic ILs with Cl− as counter anions. These ILs do not have any characteristic acidic protons like imidazolium-based cations have, but have an aromatic group with their effective interactions still existing which could elaborate in to π–π interactions and can produce variation in morphology.29 These five different types of ILs showed significant influence on the MgO nanostructure development. The obtained morphology of MgO in these ILs are from now on designated as MgON-1, MgON-2, MgON-3, MgON-4, and MgON-5, and they are schematically represented in Scheme 1.
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Scheme 1 Schematic representation of various controlled MgO morphologies achieved from different ILs using MW irradiation. |
XRD peaks of the calcined products of MgON acquired from different ILs are shown in Fig. 2. After annealing, all samples showed reflections corresponding to MgO as a highly pure spinal phase. Diffraction peaks at 2θ values of 36.94°, 42.80°, 62.30°, 74.67°, and 78.61° were assigned to the (111), (200), (220), (311), and (222) planes of cubic MgO nanoparticles. These obtained XRD patterns clearly confirmed the presence of a highly pure MgO cubic phase. The resulting diffraction peaks matched well with the standard XRD pattern of MgO (JCPDS 45-0946), indicating the formation of a pure MgO compound in various ILs. MgON-1 produced in IL-1 showed the highest intensity of diffraction peaks, followed by the gradually decreasing MgON-2, 3, 4, and 5, which are obtained from IL-2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively. However, the intensities of all the MgON nanostructures have comparable heights. Average particle sizes were calculated from the peak width at half height by means of the Scherrer equation for MgON-1–5.31 The calculated average sizes were obtained in the range of 10–60 nm, which closely resembles their FE-SEM and FE-TEM images.
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Fig. 3 FE-SEM (a and b) and FE-TEM (c, d, and e) images, and SAED pattern (f) of MgON-1 nanoflakes obtained in [C4(mIm)Cl]. |
These particles are dense and well interconnected with each other. Calcination does not show any effect on the shape and size of MgON-1 but some cracks and lines were observed. In the calcination process, H2O molecules were lost between two adjacent layers which leads to periclase assembly with irregular inter-crystallite networks which produce mesopores. These results can be also confirmed by the FE-TEM images shown in Fig. 3(c)–(e). Some of these nanoflakes look to be fused with each other and transparent structures suggest that the nanoflakes are very thin. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of MgON-1 shown in Fig. 3(f) indicates that the MgO nanoflakes are polycrystalline in nature. Single nanoflakes show three noticeable diffraction rings consistent with XRD peaks, indicating the formation of polycrystalline MgO with a cubic structure.
Fig. 4 shows FE-SEM, FE-TEM, and the SAED pattern of MgON-2 nanostructures obtained at 90 °C from monocationic IL [C4(mIm)Br] which has bromide (Br−) as an anionic moiety. From the FE-SEM images (Fig. 4(a)–(c)) it can be clearly seen that the monocationic [C4(mIm)Br] IL successfully achieved a different morphology to that produced by the IL [C4(mIm)Cl]. We believe that an approximately similar type of mechanism and interactions formed with [C4(mIm)Br] in the presence of MW irradiation, except the larger inorganic cation (Br−) with an alkyl chain is responsible for producing variation in the morphology. The [C4(mIm)Br] IL produced an interconnected capsules morphology of 20–50 nm in length and 20–25 nm in width. These capsules are formed by combination of MgO nanoparticles as a building block element. After calcination, the surface of the nanocapsules became rough and developed mesopores due to evaporation of the hydroxyl molecules. In addition, Fig. 4(d) and (e) show FE-TEM images of representative interconnected nanocapsules which further support the results obtained by the SEM images. Clear pictures of finger-like projections due to interconnected nanocapsules are seen very clearly in the TEM images. The SAED image pattern of the morphology is displayed in Fig. 4(f), which represents that the nanocapsules are well-crystallized polycrystals, which is in strong agreement with the XRD pattern of MgON-2 showing the characteristic three circular rings.
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Fig. 4 FE-SEM (a, b, and c) and FE-TEM (d and e) images, and SAED pattern (f) of MgON-2 interconnected nanocapsules obtained in [C4(mIm)Br]. |
Another dicationic type of IL [C4(mIm)2Cl2] was applied for the construction of a MgO nanomorphology with MW irradiation at 90 °C. In this case, organic imidazolium-based bulky dications and inorganic chloride dianions were used. These di-ions are separated by a butyl alkyl chain bridging moiety. By using [C4(mIm)2Cl2], hexagonal disc-like structures were developed. Compared with other ILs, the obtained hexagonal MgO morphology in dicationic hydrophilic [C4(mIm)2Cl2] was found to be very small in size. A high viscosity of [C4(mIm)2Cl2] is key to develop such small shaped hexagonal disc-like structures. A high nucleation rate and two-fold property as well as interactions in [C4(mIm)2Cl2] produced such a marvellous morphology. It is reported that, in dicationic ILs, the acidity as well as hydrogen bonding and interactions were two-fold as compared to monocationic ILs. In the case of the [C4(mIm)2Cl2] IL, imidazolium dications showed a major impact on the hexagonal morphology. Imidazolium cations with smaller alkyl chains between these rings associated with Cl− anions obstruct the growth of nanostructures to develop in a hexagonal shape due to steric hindrance effects. In addition, the developed two-fold acidity, hydrogen bonding, and π–π interactions are some other causes for fabrication of the hexagonal morphology.29Fig. 5(a)–(c) represent the FE-SEM images of a calcined sample of MgON-3. The results reveal a high quality hexagonal morphology developed throughout the sample. Hexagonal structures are 40–60 nm in range and 10–20 nm in thickness, which is consistent with the result calculated from the Scherrer equation. In addition, to determine the effect of increased time and reaction temperature on the hexagon morphology, the same reaction was conducted with a two-fold reaction time (10–11 MW cycles of 4–5 min duration) and increased temperature (150 °C), and showed over-growth in hexagons (Fig. S2†). Increasing the reaction temperature above 150 °C resulted in decomposition in the IL structure in MW conditions.
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Fig. 5 FE-SEM (a, b, and c) and FE-TEM (d and e) images, and SAED pattern (f) of MgON-3 nanohexagons obtained in [C4(mIm)2Cl2]. |
Moreover, hexagons were composed of MgO nanoparticles. After calcination mesopores and some cracks were produced in hexagons due to water evolution. However, the morphology was the same before and after calcination. Fig. 5(d) and (e) show the FE-TEM images of hexagons. MgON-3 shows a perfect hexagonal structure with a transparent nature. The transparent nature of the hexagons indicates that these nanostructures are very thin and porous. It can clearly be observed in TEM images that the hexagons are composed of granular MgO nanoparticles. The edges of the hexagons are approximately equal in nature. The SAED pattern shown in Fig. 5(f) indicates that nanohexagons are polycrystalline in nature and these results are in line with the XRD pattern of MgON-3. Furthermore, another group of ILs, monocationic pyridinium-based ILs [C4(mPy)2Cl2], which has chloride (Cl−) as the anion was applied for the development of morphology with MW irradiation. The results of these observations fail to give any selective morphology with the [C4(mPy)2Cl2] IL with MW irradiation.
Fig. 6(a) and (b) illustrate the FE-SEM images of the MgON-4 nanostructure, in which a specific morphology could not be found. Circular nanoparticles, capsules, a hexagonal structure, and trigonal morphology as well as nanoplates were observed throughout the sample at 120 °C. The IL [C4(mPy)2Cl2] was composed of a methyl group at a subsidiary chain of pyridinium cations with Cl− anions separated by a butyl bridging moiety. The dicationic [C4(mPy)2Cl2] IL does not have any acidic protons and it fails to do efficient hydrogen bonding with the precursor.18 The interaction between the formed MgO nuclei and ILs is too weak to serve effectively for nucleation and growth of morphology.19,29 Simple weaker π–π interactions are present due to pyridinium anions for the development of morphology. In addition, these interactions are not flexible due to the dicationic nature of ILs. Therefore, a selective morphology fails to develop under MW irradiation. The obtained morphologies are in the range of 40–50 nm in size. Calcination does not show any effect and persevered the original morphology after calcination. Some cracks and wounds were observed on these morphologies by formation of mesopores in annealing treatment. FE-TEM (Fig. 6(c)–(e)) images also supported the FE-SEM analysis. The TEM images of MgON-4 show nanodiscs, trigonal structures, particles and capsules throughout the sample. The size of the nanostructures is 40–50 nm with a 10–20 nm thickness. The bumpy surface of the nanostructure indicates that it is composed of many primary MgO nanoparticles. The SAED pattern (Fig. 6(f)) obtained by focusing an electron beam on an individual nanostructure shows a polycrystalline nature with a face-centered cubic structure.
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Fig. 6 FE-SEM (a and b) and FE-TEM (c, d, and e) images, and SAED pattern (f) of MgON-4 irregular nanostructures obtained in [C4(mPy)2Cl2]. |
FE-SEM images of MgON-5 are shown in Fig. 7(a)–(c). These nanostructures were fabricated in pyridinium-based monocationic IL [C4(mPy)Cl], composed of pyridinium cations with Cl− anions at 90 °C. This pyridinium-based IL produced a nanocapsule morphology of MgO. The speciality of this IL is that it does not have any acidic protons but has many flexible π–π interactions between IL molecules and the precursor.29,32 The butyl alkyl chain with a pyridinium cation produces π–π interactions and allows the MgO crystal to grow in a longer fashion which leads to formation of nanocapsules. Due to the absence of acidic protons, less hydrogen bonding occurs and simple flexible π–π interactions are responsible for the morphology development.29,32 From the obtained SEM results, it is observed that after calcination, the parental morphology remained in the sample.
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Fig. 7 FE-SEM (a, b, and c) and FE-TEM (d and e) images, and SAED pattern (f) of MgON-5 nanocapsules obtained in [C4(mPy)Cl]. |
However, some clefts and lines are observed compared with the as-synthesized precursor due to H2O evaporation during sintering, which leads to formation of mesopores. Nanocapsules are 50–60 nm in length and 10–20 nm in width. The FE-TEM images in Fig. 7(d) and (e) also support the SEM analysis, and it can be clearly seen that MgO nanocapsules are composed of nanoparticles. The SAED patterns of the calcined materials (Fig. 7(f)) show circled rings, an indication of the polycrystalline nature of the sample which is in good agreement with the XRD analysis of MgON-5.
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Fig. 8 (a) FT-IR analysis, and (b) Raman spectroscopy analysis of different MgO nanostructures prepared in ILs. |
Furthermore, the microcrystalline nature of the morphologically controlled MgON nanostructures was also studied using Raman spectroscopy. Fig. 8(b) shows representative room temperature Raman spectra of different MgO nanostructures. The results indicate the presence of characteristic highly intense bands at 290 and 448 cm−1 in all of the prepared MgON nanostructures. A Raman intense peak at 448 cm−1 may resemble two projecting peaks in Chen’s methodology corresponding with the MgO microcrystalline structure.37,38 Consequently, it is hypothetical that the 290 cm−1 peak is accompanied by a TA (transverse acoustic) phonon at the microcrystalline nanostructure boundary, whereas the 448 cm−1 line is accompanied by a TO (transverse optic) phonon at the microcrystalline nanostructure center.38 The observed experimental Raman peaks closely resemble the previously reported results. Additionally, the observed peaks in the Raman spectrum validate the presence of the nanocrystalline phase, whereas such peaks are generally absent in bulk MgO materials.
Fig. S-4† shows UV-vis spectra of the MgON nanostructures. Intense peaks were found at 278 nm and 296 nm, which can be attributed to excitation of electrons present at four-coordinated anions on the edges and three-coordinated surface anions on corners, as exhibited in the crystal structure of MgO in Fig. S-5.†45 The calculated bandgap value from the UV-vis spectra was 4.3 eV and the results are displayed in Fig. S-6.† Lower bandgaps of the MgON nanostructures are due to the occurrence of anions which are four-coordinated at the surface of edges in MgON, while the bulk material holds a bandgap of 7.8 eV due to the existence of six-coordinated surface anions.45
Nanostructure | Morphology | Surface area (m2 g−1) | Total pore volume (cm3 g−1) | Average pore diameter (nm) | Basicitya (mmol g−1) |
a Total basicity determined by CO2 TPD. | |||||
MgON-1 | Nanoflakes | 48.2 | 0.49 | 24.2 | 0.73 |
MgON-2 | Interconnected nanocapsules | 61.2 | 0.91 | 31.6 | 0.86 |
MgON-3 | Hexagonal nanostructures | 74.3 | 0.82 | 26.6 | 1.68 |
MgON-4 | Irregular nanoparticles | 49.6 | 0.69 | 36.2 | 1.32 |
MgON-5 | Nanocapsules | 56.2 | 0.88 | 25.5 | 0.92 |
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Fig. 9 N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of MgO nanostructures prepared in ILs (a–e), and pore diameters of the various morphologies of MgO (f). |
The porosity of the nanostructures is an important physical property of materials which strongly affects the adsorption properties, catalytic activity, toughness, permeability, material mechanical strength, etc. The pore size distributions of these materials are revealed in Fig. 9(f). Isotherms acquired for the MgON nanostructures indicate that the pores in all the MgON samples belong to the mesoporous category and the size range of the mesopores was found to be in between 5 and 35 nm. The pore volume of MgON did not show any trend with respect to the different ILs used in the preparation methods. The average pore diameter of MgON was in the 0.50–1.0 cm3 g−1 range. From these observations it can be concluded that the surface area and pore volume of MgON nanostructures was affected by both the cations as well as the anions present in the ILs. In addition, the basicity of MgON was also determined by the CO2 TPD method. The results reveal that the basicity was also affected tremendously with respectively different ILs. The total basicity was found to be in the range of 0.75–1.70 mmol g−1. However, detailed investigation of the effect of different ILs on basicity is in process.
In addition, a functional aspect of the reaction media (ILs) in the reaction system of the nanoparticle synthesis is to control the rate of nucleation and growth of particles, like the surfactant does in conventional methods.31 Especially, different interactions between the ILs and metal oxide structure developed at the time of morphology construction in the presence of MW irradiation, which lead to a plausible mechanism for the development of various morphologies. Fig. 10 shows the possible interactions between ILs and metal oxide particles. In continuation of the discussion, on the basis of the nature and structure of the ILs, interactions between the ILs and metal oxide can be developed and vary.29–31
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Fig. 10 Schematic representation of interactions between ILs with MgO crystals in the presence of MW irradiation. |
The aromatic moiety of the ILs can contribute in π–π interactions. It serves as a highly electron-accepting section and it is also probably responsible for electrostatic attraction with the surface of metal particles with polar moieties.29 The acidic proton present in between two nitrogen atoms of the imidazolium ring structure can act as a bridging moiety at the time of formation of hydrogen bonding. It is also reported that both the electrostatic and coordination effect of the imidazolium cations contribute to the nanoparticle morphology stabilization in the presence of ILs.29,32 Depending on the different ILs with different components of cations with respect to anions, different interactions including electrostatic attraction, π–π stacking interaction and hydrogen bonding, as well as self-assembly, can be expected to occur between the ILs and precursor. These interactions of reaction components lead to MgO unit growth projecting to the development rate in a specific morphology.32
While performing the reaction in MW irradiation conditions, MW irradiation also plays a very vital role in nanostructure construction. MW irradiation supports efficient internal in-core heating and the reaction temperature was raised consistently throughout the whole IL media by direct accepting of MW energy to molecules that are present in the reaction mixture.29 MW irradiation triggers heating by two main factors, namely dipolar polarization and ionic conduction.46 Whereas, dipoles in the reaction mixture produced by the ILs are created by the dipolar polarization effect, and contribute in ionic conduction. When exposed to MW irradiation, dipoles in the reaction mixture align in the direction of the applied electric field (Fig. 11). As the electric field oscillates, molecular dipoles accordingly attempt to re-align themselves along the alternating electric field, and in such a process energy is removed in the form of heat through molecular collisions.46,47 The amount of heat released by this course is directly associated with the ability of dipoles to align with the frequency of the applied field.47 If a dipole does not have sufficient time to rearrange or re-orients too quickly with the applied field, no heating will occur at a molecular level.29,46–51 We believe that at this stage of morphology development, conventional heating methods fail to supply an applied field at a molecular level.
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Fig. 11 Plausible mechanism and schematic representation of the formation of MgO nanostructures in ILs using MW irradiation. |
Whereas in-core flash heating raised steadily throughout the whole IL media. This is the main cause for the formation of the obtained MgO nanostructures by means of MW irradiation in ILs. Moreover our experimental results also verified this hypothesis by comparison of conventional and microwave heating experimental results for MgO morphology development in various other solvents.
Sr. No | Catalyst | MgON (equiv.) | Temp. (°C) | Time (h) | Yieldb (%) |
a All reactions were carried out on a 1.0 mmol scale of substrate with 0.1 equiv. catalyst in 4.0 mL of ethanol. b Yield refers to the isolated product by 1H NMR. | |||||
1 | — | — | 120 | 72 | 0 |
2 | MgON-1 | 0.1 | 120 | 12 | 76 |
3 | MgON-2 | 0.1 | 120 | 12 | 83 |
4 | MgON-3 | 0.1 | 120 | 12 | 95 |
5 | MgON-4 | 0.1 | 120 | 12 | 72 |
6 | MgON-5 | 0.1 | 120 | 12 | 81 |
7 | Pure MgO | 0.1 | 120 | 24 | 21 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ra02980a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |