Matthew E.
Evangeline B.
Nienke L.
Johannes D.
Lisa J.
Stephen M.
Petra E.
de Jongh
Bart D.
f and
aUK CatalysisHub, Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, OX11 0FA, UK. E-mail:
bChemistry Department, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AJ, UK
cSchool of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
dMaterials Chemistry and Catalysis, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG, Utrecht, The Netherlands
eISIS Neutron and Muon Source, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0QX, UK
fTotalEnergies, OneTech Belgium, Zone Industrielle Feluy C, B-7181 Seneffe, Belgium
First published on 8th August 2024
Microporous solid acid catalysts offer a vast amount of control over chemical processes. However, their coveted smaller pores also have several drawbacks, including a limited substrate scope, faster deactivation, and pore blockage. As such, there are significant advantages to introducing mesopores alongside the microporous framework, to create hierarchically porous frameworks. This work explores the influence of adapting our microporous synthetic procedure for silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO-5) to include different shaped carbon nanotemplates. The differing size of the mesopores formed is explored using nitrogen physisorption, transmission electron microscopy and small angle neutron scattering. In this work, we uniquely use small angle neutron scattering for probing hierarchical silicoaluminophosphates synthesised with hard templating methods. Here small angle neutron scattering was able to probe the shape and size of the mesopores and link their accessibility to their catalytic performance.
Aluminophosphates (AlPOs) are similar to zeolites, and often form identical frameworks. Unlike zeolites AlPOs are constructed from alternating AlO4 and PO4 tetrahedra, joined through Al–O–P bonds.12 AlPOs themselves are comparatively inactive species, even though the surface is decorated with defect Al–OH and P–OH species, which are incredibly weak acid sites. By substituting heteroatoms into the framework, in the place of Al or P atoms, a variety of active sites can be created.13–15 While many different heteroatoms have been incorporated into AlPOs, the most common dopant is Si, forming a silicon-doped aluminophosphate (SAPO), leading to the creation of a Brønsted acid site (BAS).16 Substituting a framework P5+ site for a Si4+ dopant, creates a charge imbalance, which is countered by a proton binding to an oxygen, adjacent to the Si4+ dopant, forming a BAS.17 Many studies have shown that while the choice of framework influences the reaction pathway (as previously discussed), it also influences the acidic properties of the BAS formed in SAPOs,13,16,18 making it important to carefully control the framework topology.
Whilst microporous materials offer significant advantages, their smaller pores can bring several disadvantages. Their molecular sieve properties are highly beneficial for smaller molecules, but this greatly limits the substrate scope for these catalysts. This is particularly unfortunate considering the growing interest in lignin, sugars and other biomass-based feedstocks.19,20 Another issue is pore diffusion. Several studies have shown that the pores are often not uniformly filled across the whole particle.21–23 Instead, only pores close to the surfaces are filled, lowering the efficiency of the catalyst. Finally smaller pores are more susceptible to blockage, which limits access to the active sites, reducing the catalysts activity, leading to deactivation.24–26 This is particularly challenging in processes which go via bulkier intermediates, such as the methanol-to-olefin (MTO) process, where bulky aromatics are a vital component of the reaction pathway.24–26 As such there is significant interest in introducing larger pores into SAPO frameworks, to improve pore diffusion and negate these issues.
Adding either mesopores or macropores (pore sizes of 20 to 500 Å, or >500 Å respectively) into a microporous system leads to the formation of hierarchically porous (HP) systems. HP-zeolites are regularly formed by “etching” under acidic or basic conditions.27–29 This approach has previously been followed using electron tomography30 to visualise the mesopores within hierarchical zeolites, and their linkage to the systems micropores, by combining multiple images of the mesopore network. Despite focussing on a small volume of sample, it is possible to both visualise and quantify the degree of accessibility of different mesopores, and relate this to catalytic activity, something previously analysed in zeolite Y for hydrocracking.31,32 AlPOs and SAPOs are not as resilient to changes in pH as zeolites,33 so often use a “dual template” approach to form HP systems. Here the framework forms around a mesopore template, as the microporous framework forms around the amine or ammonium micropore template.34,35 Mesopore templates are either “hard” or “soft”. A hard template is rigid and pre-formed, examples of which are polystyrene spheres, biological materials, and carbon particles.34,35 In contrast soft templates self-assemble into a particular shape during the synthesis.
Interest in hard-templated SAPOs has mainly focussed on incorporating mesopores into SAPO-34 (a chabazite system; framework code CHA), to improve its lifetime and performance for the commercial MTO process.36–41 Typically the inclusion of mesopores was found to lower the total surface area of the system, whilst increasing the total pore volume, due to a significant increase in the mesopore volume.40–42 The inclusion of mesopores rarely increases the number of BAS, though shows improved catalytic lifetime over conventional SAPO-34 species.40–42 Investigations have also considered multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT),41,43 pearls,44 carbon nanofibers40 and graphene oxide.37,40 Graphene oxide in particular has been shown to be effective at forming mesopores within SAPO systems, as the more hydrophilic, oxidic surface interacts more strongly with the synthesis components than less oxidic carbon systems.37,40 Schmidt et al. were among the first to investigate the use of carbon templates to improve MTO lifetime for SAPO-34, and notably demonstrated the difference between including carbon nanoparticles (CNP) and carbon nanotubes (CNT).36 Despite greatly increasing the pore volume from 0.26 to 0.35 cm3 g−1, the inclusion of CNP did not improve the catalytic performance. This is attributed to the mesopores being strictly inside the catalyst particle, and as such not providing an extra surface for coke to form on.36 In contrast the CNT synthesised SAPO-34 greatly increased the external surface, extending the lifetime from 150 to 300 minutes.36 This suggests it is important to consider not just the size of the mesopores in HP systems, but also their shape, location, and composition.
The dehydration of bio-based ethanol to ethylene can offer a sustainable route to a vital plastic precursor. As such there is great interest in understanding the factors that dictate the activity of ethanol dehydration, such as pore-size, acid site strength and mesoporosity. Previous work has shown that SAPO-5 and SAPO-34 can readily activate ethanol and form diethyl ether, whereas ethylene formation requires stronger acid sites.18,45,46 Therefore, both the conversion and selectivity of this reaction are excellent indicators of solid-acid properties. In this case SAPO-5 was chosen to explore the versatility of hard-templating approaches to a wider range of SAPO systems, beyond the previously investigated SAPO-34 (ref. 33, 36, 38–40 and 42) and SAPO-11 systems.47–49 In this work, we will compare the activity for ethanol dehydration of a conventional microporous SAPO-5 (MP-SAPO-5) with similar HP-SAPO-5 systems synthesised with carbon nanoparticles (CNP-SAPO-5) and with carbon nanotubes (CNT-SAPO-5). Uniquely in this study, we will use a combination of small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to understand hard templated SAPOs. Our findings will be correlated with catalytic activity measurements to understand the influence of mesoporosity on our systems.
Q = (4π/λ)sin![]() |
Each ‘raw’ 2D data set was then corrected for the detector efficiencies and spatial linearity, sample transmission and background scattering, and reduced to 1D differential scattering cross-section data (∂Σ/∂Ω vs. Q) using the MantidWorkbench framework (version 6.3.0).54,55 These data were then placed on an absolute scale (cm−1) by comparison with the scattering from a standard sample (a solid blend of hydrogenous and perdeuterated polystyrene of known molecular weight) measured under the same instrument configuration in accordance with established procedures.56 In common with the accepted convention in SANS, we shall henceforth refer to (∂Σ/∂Ω) as ‘intensity’, I(Q). To derive meaningful structural information from the reduced data, as opposed to a fully quantitative structural refinement, optimised model-fitting was conducted using the SasView program (version 5.0.5).57 Further details of this are provided in the ESI.†
Molar quantities of all observed molecules; ethanol, ethylene and diethyl ether, were calculated using calibrations with the heptane standard. Conversions and Yields were calculated using the equations below:
As these metrics are calculated with respect to the initial moles of ethanol, then the maximum expected product yield for diethyl ether is 50 mol%, given the reaction is: 2 ethanol → diethyl ether + H2O. This is done to allow simple comparisons of diethyl ether and ethylene on a molar basis.
Detailed experimental notes on X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen physisorption (BET), solid state NMR (ssNMR), inductively coupled plasma (ICP), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and elemental analysis (CHN) are given in the ESI.†
The chemical composition of the three systems was determined using a combination of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and elemental analysis (CHN). The Al and P loadings are consistent between the three samples, with the MP-SAPO-5 having slightly higher loadings of both (Table S1†).
In contrast the inclusion of the mesopore template into the synthesis has improved the Si uptake in the framework, with MP-SAPO-5 having 2.33 wt% Si, compared to 3.84 and 3.82 wt% Si in CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 respectively. This phenomenon has previously been reported in other HP-SAPO systems.41,48 In all cases there is no nitrogen present, confirming the complete removal of the microporous triethylamine template. There is minimal carbon remaining in all three systems (<1 wt%) however this is notably higher in the CNT-SAPO-5 system (0.5 wt%) than in the other two species, suggesting some of the CNT may not have been completely removed. Higher temperatures could be used to quantitatively remove the carbon; however, this may destabilise the framework. However, comparing the carbon content before and after calcination shows most of the carbon has been removed in all cases (Table S1†). We note that the values for elemental composition differ from our previous work, with the current MP-SAPO-5 having a greater amount of Si present (Table S1†).
Nitrogen physisorption was used to probe the porosity of the calcined samples (Fig. 2). The conventional MP-SAPO-5 presents a typical type-I isotherm (Fig. 2A), suggesting the system is microporous, as expected. Both CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 additionally show a type-IV hysteresis at relative pressures >0.7, associated with mesoporosity.48 Analysing the pore-distribution (Fig. 2B) of the systems confirms no significant mesoporosity was present in the MP-SAPO-5 system, whereas both CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 show features between 50–400 Å. CNP-SAPO-5 shows a differential pore volume increasing with pore size, beyond 350 Å. The CNP used were 200 Å in diameter, suggesting these mesoporous features could be induced by agglomerates of these primary particles. The CNT-SAPO-5 species shows a maximum value at a pore size of 210 Å, whereas the CNT used had a diameter of 95 Å, again possibly explained by clustering of the carbon template. Thus, the physisorption confirms that introducing carbon templates does indeed lead to mesoporosity. Comparing the surface areas and pore volumes (Table S2†) shows that the surface areas (262 to 274 m2 g−1) and micropore volumes (0.12 to 0.13 cm3 g−1) are similar for all three samples, and in good agreement with literature values of SAPO-5.18 However, the addition of carbon templates slightly increases the mesopore volume from 0.02 cm3 g−1 to 0.06 and 0.09 cm3 g−1 (MP-SAPO-5, to CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 respectively), again confirming that the inclusion of these carbon templates has induced mesoporosity.
Solid state NMR (ssNMR; Fig. S1†) was used to again confirm the integrity of the systems (27Al and 31P), and to probe the Si incorporation mechanism (29Si and 1H). The 27Al spectra (Fig. S1A†) shows all three systems have just one peak between 35 and 37 ppm, commonly attributed to the expected tetrahedral Al(III)O4 species.45,46,50 Similarly, in the 31P spectra (Fig. S1B†) all three species show a single signal at −30 ppm, attributed to expected tetrahedral P(V)O4 species.45,46,50 The 29Si NMR (Fig. S1C†) can be used to probe the different silicon substitution methods into the AlPO backbone of the SAPO. In all cases the SAPO's primarily show a signal at either −94 or −97 ppm, attributed to silicon; Si(OAl)3(OSi) on the periphery of silicon islands.45,46,50 In all cases there is a slight signal at −91 ppm, attributed to isolated Si(OAl)4.45,46,50 The 1H NMR (Fig. S1D†) directly looks at the acid sites, with MP-SAPO-5 having a dominant signal at 4.6 ppm, attributed to Si(OH)Al species, with a smaller signal at 1.9 ppm due to silanol species.59–61 There is also a subtle signal at 3.6 ppm, attributed to Si(OH)Al protons in large unconfined channels or pores. The CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 species both show a greater quantity of silanol sites (1.0 ppm), and unconfined protons (3.6 ppm) than MP-SAPO-5.59–61 Likely the presence of mesopores leads to less confinement, and more surface defect sites. The CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 show different dominant signals with CNP-SAPO-5 presenting at 5.5 ppm, and CNT-SAPO-5 showing at 4.6 ppm. Both of these have previously been attributed to Si(OH)Al species.59–61 Overall ssNMR shows subtle differences between the nature of the silicon and proton sites.
Ammonia-temperature programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) probed the influence of the different carbon templates on acidity (Fig. S2 and Table S3†). CNP-SAPO-5 has a lower total acidity to MP-SAPO-5 (29400 and 35
400 mV s g−1, respectively), whilst also having far fewer stronger acid sites (550 to 600 °C; 19 and 8%, respectively). In comparison, CNT-SAPO-5 has more acid sites than both CNP-SAPO-5 and MP-SAPO-5 with 42
100 mV s g−1. Comparing the distribution of acid sites shows that despite CNT-SAPO-5 having more acid sites than MP-SAPO-5, the acid site strength distribution is quite similar (Table S3†).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) explored the particle size, shape, and uniformity of the three samples (Fig. S3†). MP-SAPO-5 is composed of aggregates of small (1 × 2 μm) hexagonal crystals, as previously observed, and in good agreement with its crystallographic space group (Fig. S3A–D†).62 The CNP-SAPO-5 forms particles of similar size and shape (Fig. S3E–H†) to MP-SAPO-5. In contrast the CNT-SAPO-5 shows some hexagonal crystals (Fig. S3I–L†), however these are highly aggregated, and less uniform than the other two SAPO species.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis was performed to visualize the three SAPO-5 samples. Using ultramicrotomy, slices of 70 nm were cut, which were imaged in the microscope. This enhanced the visibility of the three SAPO-5 materials to determine the presence of mesopores within the crystals (Fig. 3 and S4†). Both the uncalcined and calcined systems were analysed, to locate the carbon templates. The MP-SAPO-5 species (Fig. S4†) is highly crystalline both uncalcined (Fig. S4A†) and calcined (Fig. S4D†). We note the cracks in the sample are due to the microtoming sample preparation. The uncalcined system appears very smooth (Fig. S4B†), with increased roughness on calcination (Fig. S4E†). We noticed the presence of small 1–2 nm nanoparticles in both the uncalcined (Fig. S4C†) and calcined (Fig. S4F†) sample, although their nature was not identified these most likely consisted of very small quantities of more densely packed silica or alumina, as no metals were observed with ICP analysis. For MP-SAPO-5, there were no obvious signs of higher-level porosity, in good agreement with the BET data (Fig. 1 and Table S2†). TEM images of uncalcined CNP-SAPO-5 clearly show the presence of the ∼20 nm diameter CNP spheres within the smooth SAPO particles, indicated with arrows in Fig. 3A. These did not appear to be uniformly distributed throughout the sample. Some seemed to aggregate, whereas in other locations of the SAPO-5 the CNP were absent. On calcination of the CNP-SAPO-5, some lighter regions were observed in the TEM images (Fig. 3B and C). Although it is impossible to fully exclude the formation of artifacts due to the preparation of the SAPO-5 structure, causing this observation, these regions were approximately 18–25 nm in size and similar in shape to the CNP. This suggests that these could be mesopores formed due to the removal of either single (Fig. 3B) or aggregated (Fig. 3C) CNP during calcination. Although tomography could be used to further study if these were indeed mesopores, this was beyond the scope of the current study. The uncalcined CNT-SAPO-5 system (Fig. 3D) clearly shows the presence of the CNT running through the sample, however from the TEM analysis it is not possible to establish if this is within the framework, or simply on the external surface. Less magnified Images of CNT-SAPO-5 (Fig. S5†) show that the CNT SAPO-5 does not break in a similar fashion as the SAPO-5 during ultramicrotomy, suggesting the CNT is likely affecting the external surface, as seen by CNT spanning voids between SAPO-5 crystals (Fig. S5†). On calcination, the surface of the particles appears smoother, with, contrary to the removal of CNP, barely any indication of the formation of mesopores due to the removal of CNT (Fig. 3E). There was some (Fig. 3F), but overall, very limited evidence the CNT remaining. This matched the elemental analysis, that most carbon was removed from CNT-SAPO-5 during calcination. This suggests that whilst CNT leads to external porosity in CNT-SAPO-5, it may not form internal mesopores within the CNT-SAPO-5 particle, and that the differences in porosity may be due to other factors, such as the mere inclusion of CNT in the synthesis, or surface roughness.
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 SANS data from the 3 SAPO-5 systems (solid lines) with their final fits (yellow dashed lines). The data for MP-SAPO-5 and CNP-SAPO-5 are displaced by factors of 100 and 10, respectively, for clarity. Derived structural parameters are summarised in Tables 1 and S5.† Fitting residuals are shown in Fig. S8.† For a description of the fitting model see the main text. |
Parameter | MP-SAPO-5 | CNP-SAPO-5 | CNT-SAPO-5 |
a Based on scale factors reported in Tables S5 and S6.† Power law (A)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Relative component weightingsa | 1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Relative micropore weightingsb | 1.0 | 2.3 | 1.2 |
1.0 | 2.3 | 1.1 | |
Relative mesopore weightingsb | 1.0 | 1.9 | 2.6 |
1.0 | 1.7 | 3.9 | |
Fractal dimension | 3.0 | 2.9 | 2.9 |
3.0 | 2.9 | 2.9 | |
Ave. micropore width (Å)c | 3.8 | 2.8 | 5.8 |
2.2 | 2.0 | 6.1 | |
Ave. mesopore width (Å)c | 60 | 204 | 148 |
24 | 160 | 36 |
The final fitting model comprised a power law, a fractal aggregate of spherical objects (to account for the micropores), a spherical form factor (to account for the mesopores), a Gaussian peak function, and a flat background.
As the elemental analysis data (Table S1†) shows that the carbon from the templates has been almost completely removed we did not try to account for it.
During the fitting the neutron scattering length density (SLD) of the pores and the matrix were fixed at their calculated values of 0 (air) and 4.1 × 10−6 Å−2, respectively. And, guided by our previous work, the spherical building blocks in the fractal component were ascribed some size dispersity. To demonstrate the sensitivity of this approach, Table S4 and Fig. S7† show the results of fitting the model without the spherical form factor component which represents mesopores. As expected, a reasonable fit was achieved for MP-SAPO-5, whereas this model was not able to describe the CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 systems anywhere near as successfully (shown most clearly in Fig. S7D†). This illustrates that other structural components are required to better describe the hard-templated systems.
Table S5 and Fig. S8† demonstrate the impact of including the spherical form factor component (with no-polydispersity, representing variations in size) to represent mesoporosity. All both the CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 fits are dramatically improved (with the fitting for MP-SAPO-5 included for completeness). Whilst it is tempting to simply assign this to the inclusion of two additional adjustable parameters in the model, the minimisation of χ2 during the fitting optimisation takes this into account (i.e., it uses a reduced-χ2). Thus, the reduction in observed χ2 (CNP-SAPO-5: 211 → 48; CNT-SAPO-5: 99 → 35) is statistically significant. This model is still not perfect, however, with some notable discrepancies at low-Q, where variations in particle size, roughness, etc., are a factor.
Table 1 shows a summary of the key structural parameters derived from the SANS data. The individual component contributions to each fit are shown in Fig. S9.† The fractal dimensions confirm the porous nature of all three systems, and there is more porosity in the hard-templated systems, supporting the BET measurements. Allowing the width of the spherical component to vary (introducing polydispersity) shows a slight variation in the CNP-SAPO-5 pore width (204 to 160 Å), but a significant change in CNT-SAPO-5 pore width (148 to 36 Å). The minimal variation in the CNP-SAPO-5 pore width suggests these mesopores are genuinely present inside the system, as seen through TEM. However, the significant change in CNT-SAPO-5 suggests that this model is not well suited to explaining the mesoporosity in this system, further emphasising that CNT were not as successful as incorporating into the system, and therefore did not result in defined mesopores. Similarly, this data also supports the finding that CNP-SAPO-5 has larger mesopores than CNT-SAPO-5 as per the physisorption values (Fig. 2). Quantitative agreement is not to be expected due to differences in how the two techniques account for the precise pore-size distributions, and because SANS will measure closed porosity too; nonetheless, the figures reported here and in Fig. 2B are within a factor of two. There are some subtle differences in the parameters depending on how pore size dispersity is accounted for, but the trends are the same. We also note a reasonable correlation between the relative mesopore weightings above and the relative mesopore volumes in Table S2† (respectively, 0.02, 0.06, and 0.09 cm3 g−1; a ratio of 1:
4.5), which is also seen in the contributions from the sphere model (Fig. S9†). To conclude, we note that our findings on CNT-SAPO-5, and the findings of others, have suggested that more complex mesoporous structures are formed using CNT-templated systems than the interpretation here allows for.18 However CNP-SAPO-5 has formed defined mesopores.
Both CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 show improved ethylene yields, at all WHSV, compared to the conventional MP-SAPO-5 (Fig. 5 and Table S7†). As the WHSV increases from 0.5 to 2.0 h−1 the ethylene yield (and selectivity) decreases for both systems, whilst the diethyl ether yield (and selectivity) increases. This suggests that either minimising contact time, or maximising ethanol concentration, favours ether formation over the alkene, in line with previous work,18,45,46 which suggested ethylene forms from a diethyl ether intermediate, and not directly from ethanol.
At a WHSV of 0.5 h−1 MP-SAPO-5 achieved an ethylene yield of 46.7 mol%, whereas the CNP-SAPO-5 and CNT-SAPO-5 systems achieved 78.2 and 65.8 mol%, respectively, under identical conditions; a notable improvement for the hierarchical systems over the conventional system. This improvement cannot be attributed to acidity, as CNP-SAPO-5 has slightly fewer and weaker acid sites than MP-SAPO-5. Instead, the most likely cause of this improvement is the added mesoporosity. This could be the result of the mesopores improving pore diffusion, allowing diethyl ether to encounter a greater number of acid sites.40–42 In both cases, the likelihood of an interaction between diethyl ether and an acid site is maximised. Our recent theoretical work explored the possibility of ethylene being formed either directly from ethanol, or through an alkoxy site.18 If this pathway were playing a notable role, then improved pore diffusion would result in ethanol being spread more evenly throughout a catalyst particle, reducing ethanol–ethanol interactions, and therefore favouring a monomolecular route to ethylene, and not diethyl ether. In CNT-SAPO-5 species, the number of acid sites is higher than MP-SAPO-5, which is likely a factor in the improved ethylene yields of CNT-SAPO-5 compared to MP-SAPO-5. Similarly, we note that the pore diameters, as determined by both BET (Fig. 2) and SANS (Fig. 4, Tables 1 and S5 and S6†) followed the trend of CNP-SAPO-5 > CNT-SAPO-5 > MP-SAPO-5, which correlates with the trend in ethylene yield we see here (Fig. 5 and Table S7†). As such combining this data allows us to conclude that the addition of mesoporosity strongly correlates to the improved catalytic activity of SAPO-5 for ethanol dehydration. We note that the catalytic findings in this work, using carbon templates as a hard template to form a HP-SAPO-5, differ significantly from previous work on using DMOD (dimethyloctadecyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride) as a soft template to form a HP-SAPO-5.50 Further, the findings here, of CNT improving catalyst yield of SAPO-5, are in contrast to other works, where adding CNT to SAPO-34 did not improve catalytic activity.36 This is not surprising as different SAPO materials will have different synthetic protocols, gel ratios, pH etc. As such modifications to one material, may prompt different effects in other materials.
In this work, we have chosen carbon as a hard-template, which has resulted in HP-SAPO-5 systems with improved ethanol conversion and improved ethylene yields. The carbon template, as shown from elemental analysis (Table S1†) left minimal residue in the mesopores, allowing them to be free, open and able to aid pore-diffusion, which has clearly benefitted the reactivity. This hypothesis, whilst clearly supported by our experimental findings, could be investigated further using spatially resolved spectroscopic techniques, such as infrared, like those performed on methanol-to-hydrocarbon systems,63,64 to observe the ingress and egress of the reaction components throughout the MP-SAPO-5, and different HP-SAPO-5 systems. Overall, this finding highlights the importance of careful selection of mesopore template for forming hierarchical solid acid catalysts, and how one can induce different catalytic behaviours with different templates.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Including further characterisation data analysis, microscopy images, small angle neutron scattering data and catalytic data. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |