Themed collection Most popular 2023 polymer and supramolecular chemistry articles

Sustainable formulation polymers for home, beauty and personal care: challenges and opportunities
As researchers, industries and consumers move towards more sustainable products there is a clear need to define what sustainability means in fast moving consumer goods and how it can be considered at the design stage.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 12926-12940

Picking the lock of coordination cage catalysis
We provide an overview of coordination cage catalysis, highlighting how mechanistic understanding can help address the challenges in this area leading to new opportunities in non-covalent reactivity.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 11300-11331

Magnetically controlled assembly: a new approach to organic integrated photonics
This perspective focuses on the development of organic hierarchical nanostructures based on magnetically controlled assembly methods, which are guided by the requirements of organic integrated photonics.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 8723-8742

Fluorescence-readout as a powerful macromolecular characterisation tool
We discuss the current state-of-the-art in exploiting fluorescence-based techniques for analysing polymer systems and soft matter materials, as well as provide an outlook on future opportunities and challenges.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 12815-12849

Recent advances in permeable polymersomes: fabrication, responsiveness, and applications
This work reviewed recent advances in the design, fabrication, and responsiveness of permeable polymersomes, and their diverse applications in the fields of biomimetic nanoreactors, artificial cells and organelles, as well as nanomedicine were highlighted.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 7411-7437

Circularity in polymers: addressing performance and sustainability challenges using dynamic covalent chemistries
This review provides a multidisciplinary overview of the challenges and opportunities for dynamic covalent chemistry-based macromolecules towards the design of new, sustainable, and recyclable materials for a circular economy.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 5243-5265

Pathway complexity in fibre assembly: from liquid crystals to hyper-helical gelmorphs
Pathway complexity results in unique materials from the same components according to the assembly conditions.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 11389-11401

Water-soluble polyphosphonate-based bottlebrush copolymers via aqueous ring-opening metathesis polymerization
Water-soluble and biodegradable polyphosphoester polymer bottlebrush copolymers and amphiphilic assemblies prepared by a combination of anionic ring-opening and metathesis polymerization.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 11273-11282

A visible-light-driven molecular motor based on barbituric acid
Yeehaw! The rotation of a visible-light-driven molecular motor based on barbituric acid is tamed by a hydrogen bonding “lasso” mechanism between its serendipitously-formed tertiary hydroxy stereocentre and its lower half carbonyl groups.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 8458-8465

Exploiting reduced-symmetry ligands with pyridyl and imidazole donors to construct a second-generation stimuli-responsive heterobimetallic [PdPtL4]4+ cage
A new method for the assembly of a heterobimetallic [PdPtL4]4+ cage which can interact with anionic guest molecules in a specific, selective host–guest orientation is described.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 8615-8623

Tetrahomo corona[4]arene-based spirophanes: synthesis, structure, and properties
Racemic and enantiopure spirophanes and bispirophanes consisting of orthogonally configured tetrahomo corona[4]arene and i-corona[4]arene macrocycles were obtained and they displayed interesting tetrathiafulvalene binding and chiroptical properties.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 8393-8400

Programmed guest confinement via hierarchical cage to cage transformations
A novel methodology based on the use of phenanthrenequinone is applied to selectively change the subcomponent of TPMA-based cages, thus controlling inclusion ratio of competing guests differing in size or chirality.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 8147-8151

Establishing PQ-ERA photoclick reactions with unprecedented efficiency by engineering of the nature of the phenanthraquinone triplet state
Thiophene substitution at the 3-position of PQ enhances its reactivity in PQ-ERA photoclick reactions, resulting in increased efficiency, yields, rate constants, and oxygen tolerance, offering prospects for efficient photoclick transformations.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 7465-7474

Dynamic covalent self-assembly and self-sorting processes in the formation of imine-based macrocycles and macrobicyclic cages
The self-assembly of imine-based dynamic covalent architectures involves component selection and self-correction processes to generate homo-self-sorted outputs, even in dynamic constitutional networks of high complexity.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 6631-6642

Sequence-defined antibody-recruiting macromolecules
Sequence-defined antibody recruiting macromolecules containing dinitrophenol as antibody-binding motif and biotin as terminal moiety, have been prepared and show sequence-dependent binding avidity to anti-DNP antibodies.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 6572-6578

Modulation of supramolecular chirality by stepwise axial coordination in a nano-size trizinc(II)porphyrin trimer
The work demonstrates unique chiral guest’s triggered spring-like contraction and extension motions coupled with unidirectional twisting upon successive coordination to a flexible and ‘nano-size’ achiral trizinc(II)porphyrin trimer.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 6032-6038

A data-driven sequencer that unveils latent “codons” in synthetic copolymers
Codons in synthetic copolymers—sequence-specific short segments encoding synthetic copolymer properties—became quantifiable via thermal fragmentation and virtual reconstruction based on unsupervised learning of pyrolysis mass-spectra.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 5619-5626

Rational design and topochemical synthesis of polymorphs of a polymer
We demonstrate the scope of combining polymorphism and topochemistry for the designed synthesis of polymorphs of a polymer. Polymorphs of a designed monomer underwent topochemical polymerization to polymer–polymorphs.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 5132-5140

Easily processable spin filters: exploring the chiral induced spin selectivity of bowl-shaped chiral subphthalocyanines
Herein a new class of spin filters based on subphthalocyanines is reported. We measure the CISS effect by means of magnetic conductive probe atomic force microscopy (mc-AFM). Remarkably, the resulting devices show spin polarizations (SPs) as high as ca. 50%.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 4273-4277

Lemniscular carbon nanohoops with contiguous conjugation from planar chiral [2.2]paracyclophane: influence of the regioselective synthesis on topological chirality
We report herein two lemniscular carbon nanohoops bis-po-CC and bis-pm-TC with contiguous conjugation from planar chiral [2.2]paracyclophane, and elucidate the influence of the regioselective synthesis on their topological chirality.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 4426-4433

Degradable polyisoprene by radical ring-opening polymerization and application to polymer prodrug nanoparticles
Radical ring-opening copolymerization of isoprene and dibenzo[c,e]oxepane-5-thione via free-radical and controlled radical polymerizations led to degradable polyisoprene under basic, oxidative and physiological conditions with application to prodrug nanoparticles.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 3311-3325

Experimental and theoretical elucidation of SPAAC kinetics for strained alkyne-containing cycloparaphenylenes
Strained alkyne-containing cycloparaphenylenes unite curved carbon nanomaterials with tunable reactivity via physical organic chemistry. Herein we describe the rational design and synthesis of new derivatives with heightened SPAAC reactivity.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2839-2848

Acceptor engineering of metallacycles with high phototoxicity indices for safe and effective photodynamic therapy
Acceptor engineered supramolecular photosensitizers with a proming phototoxicity index (PI) for effective and safe photodynamic therapy in vivo.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2901-2909

A folded π-system with supramolecularly oriented dipoles: single-component piezoelectric relaxor with NLO activity
We have shown that organic folded structures can be utilized to elicit piezo-, ferroelectric and efficient second harmonic generation – all within a single component, macroscopically dipole active system.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2547-2552

Maximized axial helicity in a Pd2L4 cage: inverse guest size-dependent compression and mesocate isomerism
The extreme axial twist of a Pd2L4 cage facilitates tight encapsulation of mono-anions through prolate-oblate cavity adaptation. In the absence of a suitable guest, the helical cage exists in equilibrium with an ‘unwound’ mesocate isomer.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 1524-1531

Construction of multiphasic membraneless organelles towards spontaneous spatial segregation and directional flow of biochemical reactions
The bottom-up construction of multiphase droplets with structural and functional mimicry of intracellular organelles, capable of spatiotemporal confinement and coordination of complex reaction networks.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 801-811

Individually separated supramolecular polymer chains toward solution-processable supramolecular polymeric materials
Herein, we present a simple design concept for a monomer that affords individually separated supramolecular polymer chains.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 822-826

Chiral adaptive recognition with sequence specificity of aromatic dipeptides in aqueous solution by an achiral cage
An achiral TPE-based cage with the dynamic rotational conformation exhibits chiral adaptive recognition with sequence specificity for aromatic L-/D-dipeptides to achieve adaptive CD and CPL responses in aqueous solution.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 833-842

Inherently chiral calixarenes by a catalytic enantioselective desymmetrizing cross-dehydrogenative coupling
Reported here is the catalytic enantioselective desymmetrization of calixarene skeletons for the construction of inherently chiral calixarenes through a transannular arene–arene dehydrogenative coupling reaction.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 827-832

Xanthate-supported photo-iniferter (XPI)-RAFT polymerization: facile and rapid access to complex macromolecules
The addition of small amounts of xanthate can turn conventional RAFT polymerizations into rapid photo-activated reactions with high livingness, oxygen tolerance and versatility enabling straightforward multiblock synthesis or well plate screening.
Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 593-603
About this collection
This specially curated collection pulls together some of the most popular articles from 2023 in the fields of polymers and supramolecular chemistry. The collection presents some outstanding contributions to the field, including sequence-defined antibody-recruiting macromolecules and tetrahomo corona[4]arene-based spirophanes. As with all Chemical Science articles, this collection is completely free to access and read. We hope you enjoy browsing through this collection.
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