Themed collection Soft Matter Electrified

15 items
Open Access Review Article

Liquid slide electrification: advances and open questions

This review is about drops of a liquid with high dielectric permittivity that slide over a solid surface with high electrical resistivity.

Graphical abstract: Liquid slide electrification: advances and open questions
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Recent Review Articles, 2024

Mechanisms of electrostatic interactions between two charged dielectric spheres inside a polarizable medium: an effective-dipole analysis

Like charges repel and opposite charges attract? Not always! Due to polarization effects, two like-charged particles in a vacuum might attract each other, and two oppositely-charged particles in a solvent might repel each other.

Graphical abstract: Mechanisms of electrostatic interactions between two charged dielectric spheres inside a polarizable medium: an effective-dipole analysis
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Faraday cup measurements of triboelectrically charged granular material: a modular interpretation methodology

Here we outline a novel modular approach to separating charge contributions for a better understanding of triboelectric charge measurements.

Graphical abstract: Faraday cup measurements of triboelectrically charged granular material: a modular interpretation methodology
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Deep-learning-enhanced modeling of electrosprayed particle assembly on non-spherical droplet surfaces

Combining Brownian dynamics, artificial neural networks, and Bayesian optimization, this study elucidates the effects of electrostatic interactions and thermal motion on electrosprayed particle assembly on triangular droplet surfaces.

Graphical abstract: Deep-learning-enhanced modeling of electrosprayed particle assembly on non-spherical droplet surfaces
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Size dependent polarities in tribocharged dust aggregates

It is long known that particles of the same material but with different sizes charge with different polarities in mutual collisions. This also holds for dust aggregates.

Graphical abstract: Size dependent polarities in tribocharged dust aggregates
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Tribocharged granular assembly of polystyrene beads confined between plates using acoustic vibrations

We report the transition from an amorphous to a crystalline state in a 2D system of polystyrene beads between fixed and mobile plates vertical vibration, finding that top plate motion promotes crystallisation, stabilized by triboelectric charging.

Graphical abstract: Tribocharged granular assembly of polystyrene beads confined between plates using acoustic vibrations
From the themed collection: Soft Matter 20th Anniversary Collection
Open Access Paper

Solvent-free confinement of ordered microparticle monolayers: effect of host substrate and pattern symmetry

We report a solvent-free assembly method where microspheres align on fluorocarbon patterns without rigid boundaries, creating tunable crystal patterns. Our findings highlight the impact of tribocharging and substrate elasticity on particle ordering.

Graphical abstract: Solvent-free confinement of ordered microparticle monolayers: effect of host substrate and pattern symmetry
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified

Tribocharging of granular materials flowing in grounded inclined tubes

Numerical simulations using the patch model and the method of image charges, validated against experiments, show that tribocharging in granular materials within inclined grounded tubes depends on the tube's tilt angle and length.

Graphical abstract: Tribocharging of granular materials flowing in grounded inclined tubes
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified

Electrowetting hysteresis on a deformable dielectric film

Electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) involves actuating surfactant-laden droplets through electrical stimulus while the droplets lie on a deformable dielectric layer that covers the electrode.

Graphical abstract: Electrowetting hysteresis on a deformable dielectric film
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Features of heterogeneously charged systems at their liquid–liquid critical point

Globular units with heterogeneous surface charge distributions display a liquid–liquid phase separation. The location of the critical point and their ability to bond depend on the interplay between surface pattern and net charge.

Graphical abstract: Features of heterogeneously charged systems at their liquid–liquid critical point
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified

Torque about electrostatically charged spheres makes them more attractive

We show the surprising emergence of non-uniform charge distributions on shaken insulating spheres. The resulting inter-particle torques, coupled with the orientation dependent force, can substantially increase attraction.

Graphical abstract: Torque about electrostatically charged spheres makes them more attractive
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Effects of structural variation in electrospray systems on spray characteristics

Electrospraying is a method of atomizing fluids using a high voltage potential difference.

Graphical abstract: Effects of structural variation in electrospray systems on spray characteristics
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Charge transport in electrospinning of polyelectrolyte solutions

This study elucidates the electrical charge transport during electrospinning of weak polyelectrolyte (poly(acrylic acid) (PAA)) solutions by employing current emission measurements.

Graphical abstract: Charge transport in electrospinning of polyelectrolyte solutions
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified

Electrically mediated self-assembly and manipulation of drops at an interface

Water drops floating at an interface can be self-assembled and controlled using electrostatic effects. Uncharged drops can be moved around as desired, while charged drops exhibit spontaneous directed motion.

Graphical abstract: Electrically mediated self-assembly and manipulation of drops at an interface
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
Open Access Paper

Surface charge density and induced currents by self-charging sliding drops

Sliding drops induce a bipolar current in subsurface electrodes beneath a hydrophobic substrate. We show how it depends on substrate properties and how it can be optimized for energy harvesting.

Graphical abstract: Surface charge density and induced currents by self-charging sliding drops
From the themed collection: Soft Matter Electrified
15 items

About this collection

From tribocharging to Taylor cones to biological electro sensing, soft materials exhibit extraordinary physics when electrified. This themed collection focuses on topics as diverse as contact electrification (triboelectrification), granular matter, separation of plastics, electrospinning/spraying, electric propulsion, electrophoretic active matter, electroporation, electrowetting, energy harvesting, electrohydrodynamics, electro sensing. Researchers in these areas share many of the same concerns/tools/challenges but often work from very different angles and with little contact. By uniting the expertise of the communities in a themed collection, we aim to identify overlaps, opportunities and challenges.

Guest Edited by Ignaas Jimidar (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / University of Twente, The Netherlands; 0000-0001-9653-1938), Saurabh Nath (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; 0000-0002-7587-3020), Jonathan Singer (Rutgers University, USA; 0000-0002-5934-8795) and Scott Waitukaitis (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria; 0000-0002-2299-3176).

