Themed collection Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

127 items - Showing page 1 of 2

Chemistry of organometallic nucleic acid components: personal perspectives and prospects for the future

Article summarizes over 12 years of studies on organometallic nucleic acid components in our laboratory. It outlines synthetic chemistry, redox, photophysical and biological properties alike. It also shows directions for future development.

Graphical abstract: Chemistry of organometallic nucleic acid components: personal perspectives and prospects for the future
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Perspective

Revitalisation of group IV metal-oxo clusters: synthetic approaches, structural motifs and applications

Group (IV) metal oxo clusters is a unique family of molecular species utilized in applications ranging from catalysis and materials chemistry to electronics, and sensors.

Graphical abstract: Revitalisation of group IV metal-oxo clusters: synthetic approaches, structural motifs and applications
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Electrochemically driven physical properties of solid-state materials: action mechanisms and control schemes

Various physical properties reversibly driven by solid-state electrochemical reactions are comprehensively reviewed, and their mechanisms are mentioned thoroughly.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemically driven physical properties of solid-state materials: action mechanisms and control schemes
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Perspective

Exploring the persistence of the fluorinated thiolate 2,3,5,6-S(C6F4H-4) motif to establish πF–πF stacking in metal complexes: a crystal engineering perspective

The relevance of the fluorinated thiolate 2,3,5,6-S(C6F4H-4) to serve as a reliable motif for the construction of πF–πF stacking interactions in a series of metal complexes in the solid state for its application in crystal engineering is Illustrated.

Graphical abstract: Exploring the persistence of the fluorinated thiolate 2,3,5,6-S(C6F4H-4) motif to establish πF–πF stacking in metal complexes: a crystal engineering perspective
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Perspective

Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy

Herein, we present a general overview of the design of intercalation layered compounds (ILCs) and their applications devoted to the field of energy.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy

Alpha-metalated N,N-dimethylbenzylamine rare-earth metal complexes and their catalytic applications

Alpha-metalated N,N-dimethylbenzylamine rare-earth metal complexes have proven highly versatile for phosphine addition and dehydrogenative coupling reactions.

Graphical abstract: Alpha-metalated N,N-dimethylbenzylamine rare-earth metal complexes and their catalytic applications
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Review on synthetic approaches and PEC activity performance of bismuth binary and mixed-anion compounds for potential applications in marine engineering

Bismuth-based semiconductors possess promising optical and electrical properties, making them suitable for photoelectrochemical applications in marine engineering.

Graphical abstract: Review on synthetic approaches and PEC activity performance of bismuth binary and mixed-anion compounds for potential applications in marine engineering
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Hybridization of layered double hydroxides with functional particles

The preparation, heterostructure and application of hybrids containing layered double hydroxides as the main component are overviewed.

Graphical abstract: Hybridization of layered double hydroxides with functional particles
From the themed collection: Intercalation compounds

Diversity of oxidation state in copper complexes with phenolate ligands

The Cu-phenolate complexes show various electronic structures, such as phenoxyl radical binding CuI complexes and CuIV–phenolate species in the formal oxidation state, which give rise to characteristic properties and reactivities of the complexes.

Graphical abstract: Diversity of oxidation state in copper complexes with phenolate ligands
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Ye Olde supramolecular chemistry, its modern rebranding and overarching trends in chemistry

Herein we contrast the growingly endorsed naming of supramolecular interactions according to the electrophilic atom with deeper and long-lasting discussion about fundamental aspects of bonding. The new nomenclature as a whole is put in question.

Graphical abstract: Ye Olde supramolecular chemistry, its modern rebranding and overarching trends in chemistry
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Frontier

Molecular Fe(II)–Ln(III) dyads for luminescence reading of spin-state equilibria at the molecular level

Efficient and easy lanthanide(III)-based luminescence reading of iron(II) spin-state equilibria presents an attractive challenge, owing to the delicate combination of the primogenic effect and the Fermi golden rule.

Graphical abstract: Molecular Fe(ii)–Ln(iii) dyads for luminescence reading of spin-state equilibria at the molecular level
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Frontier

Overview and perspectives on metalloid tin cluster chemistry

The largest metalloid tin cluster exhibits 20 tin atoms, showing a unique structure build-up of smaller principal units. Herein, we present recent advances in this area as well as perspective and outlook for extending this fascinating research field.

Graphical abstract: Overview and perspectives on metalloid tin cluster chemistry
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Frontier

Exploring the impact of various reducing agents on Cu nanocluster synthesis

Exploring the influence of different reducing agents and their corresponding reaction conditions on the synthesis of copper nanoclusters, this study aims to provide valuable insights that can steer future research efforts in this field.

Graphical abstract: Exploring the impact of various reducing agents on Cu nanocluster synthesis
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Recent developments in piezo-photocatalytic CO2 reduction: concepts, mechanism, and advances

A more significant percentage of reactive radicals are produced via piezo-photocatalysis associated with vibrational energy for CO2 reduction than those produced by photocatalysis.

Graphical abstract: Recent developments in piezo-photocatalytic CO2 reduction: concepts, mechanism, and advances
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Fluoro-bridged rare-earth metal–organic frameworks

Rare-earth (RE) metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) offer unique optical, electronic, and magnetic properties.

Graphical abstract: Fluoro-bridged rare-earth metal–organic frameworks
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Fluorescence sensing and device fabrication with luminescent metal–organic frameworks

Recent progress in luminescent metal–organic frameworks for detecting ions, volatile organic compounds, biomolecules and environmental toxins and device fabrication has been reviewed.

Graphical abstract: Fluorescence sensing and device fabrication with luminescent metal–organic frameworks
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

A twist on a classic scaffold: rational design of a new bimetallic platform

A new family of binucleating ligands is prepared and shown to successfully coordinate the first-row transition metals titanium and vanadium.

Graphical abstract: A twist on a classic scaffold: rational design of a new bimetallic platform

Activation of carbon disulfide by a hypersilyl germylene

In this work, the insertion of CS2 into the Ge–Si bond of PhC(NtBu)2Ge–Si(SiMe3)3 (1) has been investigated, resulting in the formation of PhC(NtBu)2Ge–C([double bond, length as m-dash]S)–S–Si(SiMe3)3 (2).

Graphical abstract: Activation of carbon disulfide by a hypersilyl germylene
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Communication

Soma–Iwamoto-type SCO complex Fe(quinazoline)2[Au(CN)2]2 using the quinazoline-type ligand

We have synthesized Fe(quinazoline)2[Au(CN)2]2 (1). Complex 1 shows the Soma–Iwamoto-type bilayer and a spin-crossover (SCO) phenomenon. Mononuclear complex with a hydrogen-bonding network Fe(H2O)2(quinazoline)2[Au(CN)2]2 has also been obtained.

Graphical abstract: Soma–Iwamoto-type SCO complex Fe(quinazoline)2[Au(CN)2]2 using the quinazoline-type ligand
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Molybdenum-maltolate as a molybdopterin mimic for bioinspired oxidation reaction

A novel, non-toxic cis-dioxomolybdenum-maltolate was synthesized as a model molybdopterin mimic for bioinspired oxidation reactions, which shows potential as a micronutrient supplement for molybdenum.

Graphical abstract: Molybdenum-maltolate as a molybdopterin mimic for bioinspired oxidation reaction
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Formation of N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine via coupling of the two charge reversed C–N bonds of Me3NO in the presence of an Eu(II) bis(trimethylsilyl)amide complex

An N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine (TMEDA) complex of Eu(II) was synthesized via an unprecedented self-aminomethylation reaction of Me3NO in the presence of Eu[N(SiMe3)2]2(THF)2, during which charge reversal of Me3NO is involved.

Graphical abstract: Formation of N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine via coupling of the two charge reversed C–N bonds of Me3NO in the presence of an Eu(ii) bis(trimethylsilyl)amide complex
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Communication

Synthesis of N-heterocyclic carbene gold(I) complexes from the marine betaine 1,3-dimethylimidazolium-4-carboxylate

The marine natural product norzooanemonin has been used to prepare a series of carboxyl-functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) gold(I) complexes with cytotoxic and antibacterial activity.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of N-heterocyclic carbene gold(i) complexes from the marine betaine 1,3-dimethylimidazolium-4-carboxylate

Reduction-induced hapticity increase in a silacycle-bridged biaryl-based ligand coordinated to an iron center

A six-membered silacycle-based ligand originally coordinated to an Fe(II) center in an η1(C) mode undergoes a hapticity increase upon reduction to afford an Fe(I) complex with the silacycle-based ligand that coordinates in an η5 fashion.

Graphical abstract: Reduction-induced hapticity increase in a silacycle-bridged biaryl-based ligand coordinated to an iron center
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Communication

An effective visible-light driven fumarate production from gaseous CO2 and pyruvate by the cationic zinc porphyrin-based photocatalytic system with dual biocatalysts

An effective visible-light driven fumarate production from pyruvate and gaseous CO2 by cationic water-soluble zinc porphyrin based-photocatalytic system with malate dehydrogenase and fumarase was developed.

Graphical abstract: An effective visible-light driven fumarate production from gaseous CO2 and pyruvate by the cationic zinc porphyrin-based photocatalytic system with dual biocatalysts

Rhenium(I) and technetium(I) complexes with megazol derivatives: towards the development of a theranostic platform for Chagas disease

This study suggests that megazol derivatives and their complexes with Re(CO)3+ are potent trypanocidal agents having TcOYE as a possible biological target. The labelling of megazol with 99mTc also indicates this system for theranostic applications.

Graphical abstract: Rhenium(i) and technetium(i) complexes with megazol derivatives: towards the development of a theranostic platform for Chagas disease
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Electroanalytical characterization of Np(VI)/Np(V) redox in a pentadentate ligand environment and stabilization of [NpVO2]+ by hydrogen bonding

Np(VI/V) redox in a molecular complex was probed in protic and aprotic organic media with electroanalytical, spectroscopic, and structural work. Insights into the reversible electron transfer to interconvert Np(VI) and Np(V) have been obtained.

Graphical abstract: Electroanalytical characterization of Np(vi)/Np(v) redox in a pentadentate ligand environment and stabilization of [NpVO2]+ by hydrogen bonding

Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of plutonium tetrafluoride

Fundamental vibrational and electronic properties of plutonium tetrafluoride are explored with multiple techniques such as infrared, diffuse reflectance and Raman.

Graphical abstract: Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of plutonium tetrafluoride
From the themed collection: Dalton Transactions HOT Articles
Open Access Paper

Al(III) and Ga(III) triflate complexes as solvate ionic liquids: speciation and application as soluble and recyclable Lewis acidic catalysts

This first report of solvate ionic liquids (SILs) based on aluminium(III) or gallium(III) triflate and triglyme (G3) gives insight into their speciation, Lewis acidity and catalytic activity in [3 + 3] cycloaddition.

Graphical abstract: Al(iii) and Ga(iii) triflate complexes as solvate ionic liquids: speciation and application as soluble and recyclable Lewis acidic catalysts
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Synthesis and reduction of [(C5H4SiMe3)2Ln(μ-OR)]2 (Ln = La, Ce) complexes: structural effects of bridging alkoxides

Alcoholysis of (C5H4SiMe)3Ln results in bimetallic complexes with unexpected decreases in Ln⋯Ln distances as bridging alkoxides become bulkier. These complexes were characterized by DOSY NMR, CV, DPV, and a LaII species was observed by EPR.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and reduction of [(C5H4SiMe3)2Ln(μ-OR)]2 (Ln = La, Ce) complexes: structural effects of bridging alkoxides
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Ru(II)–arene azole complexes as anti-amyloid-β agents

Ru(II)–arene azole complexes demonstrated that decreased affinity to serum albumin led to an increase in preventing amyloid-β aggregation and cytotoxicity.

Graphical abstract: Ru(ii)–arene azole complexes as anti-amyloid-β agents
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Cation induced changes to the structure of cryptophane cages

Ion mobility captures key processes underpinning encapsulation in cryptophane cages, including surprising structures not observed before using traditional analysis.

Graphical abstract: Cation induced changes to the structure of cryptophane cages
Open Access Paper

Energetic derivatives substituted with trinitrophenyl: improving the sensitivity of explosives

Excellent mechanical sensitivity: incorporating trinitrophenyl into azo-1,3,4-oxadiazole compounds results in a heat-resistant explosive with excellent impact and friction sensitivity, along with good thermal stability.

Graphical abstract: Energetic derivatives substituted with trinitrophenyl: improving the sensitivity of explosives
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Enhanced electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia with nanostructured Mo2C on carbon nanotube-reduced graphene oxide hybrid support

Mo2C nanoparticles dispersed on CNT-RGO hybrid support (Mo2C/CNT-RGO) serve as an effective electrocatalyst for NO3RR, showing high performance due to the synergistic interaction between the active Mo2C sites and the CNT-RGO hybrid support.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia with nanostructured Mo2C on carbon nanotube-reduced graphene oxide hybrid support
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Exploring the reductive CO2 fixation with amines and hydrosilanes using readily available Cu(II) NHC–phenolate catalyst precursors

Readily available Cu(II) organometallic catalyst precursors allow the N-methylation of amines with CO2 and hydrosilanes to be efficiently performed.

Graphical abstract: Exploring the reductive CO2 fixation with amines and hydrosilanes using readily available Cu(ii) NHC–phenolate catalyst precursors
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Ferroelectricity in CsPb2Nb3O10 and exfoliated 2D nanosheets

A new Pb-based perovskite ferroelectric (CsPb2Nb3O10) provides a novel platform for investigating ferroelectric properties in 3D and 2D forms.

Graphical abstract: Ferroelectricity in CsPb2Nb3O10 and exfoliated 2D nanosheets
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

A grain-like cerium oxide nanostructure: synthesis and uric acid sensing application

Hydrothermally prepared grain-like CeO2 nanostructures were useful for creating a high-performance and non-enzymatic sensor for uric acid detection.

Graphical abstract: A grain-like cerium oxide nanostructure: synthesis and uric acid sensing application
Open Access Paper

Effect of mono- and dinuclear thiosemicarbazone platinacycles in the proliferation of a colorectal carcinoma cell line

The study of the antiproliferative activity of thiosemicarbazone platinacycles puts forward their high selectivity and low IC50 values.

Graphical abstract: Effect of mono- and dinuclear thiosemicarbazone platinacycles in the proliferation of a colorectal carcinoma cell line
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Rationally designed porous self-assembled nanoparticles for combinational chemo-photodynamic therapy

Zinc-coordinated quercetin-based self-assembled nanoparticles (ZnQ NPs) further loaded with Ce6 enhance cancer treatment efficacy through combined chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy.

Graphical abstract: Rationally designed porous self-assembled nanoparticles for combinational chemo-photodynamic therapy

Ligand-triggered antenna effect and dual emissions in Eu(III) MOF and its application in multi-mode sensing of 1,4-dioxane

A new set of metal–organic frameworks was designed by functionalizing g-C3N4 with benzoic acid and using them as structure-directing ligands during the metal–organic framework (MOF) formation.

Graphical abstract: Ligand-triggered antenna effect and dual emissions in Eu(iii) MOF and its application in multi-mode sensing of 1,4-dioxane
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Plasma-assisted fabrication of ultra-dispersed copper oxides in and on C-rich carbon nitride as functional composites for the oxygen evolution reaction

Amorphous carbon nitride functionalized with ultra-dispersed copper oxides through a plasma-assisted route holds promise as an electrocatalyst for water splitting applications.

Graphical abstract: Plasma-assisted fabrication of ultra-dispersed copper oxides in and on C-rich carbon nitride as functional composites for the oxygen evolution reaction

N-Methylene-C-linked nitropyrazoles and 1,2,4-triazol-3-one: thermally stable energetic materials with reduced sensitivity

A family of new asymmetric N-methylene-C linked nitropyrazoles and 1,2,4-triazol-3-one based thermally stable energetic materials with reduced sensitivity has been synthesized. Background image via Canva.

Graphical abstract: N-Methylene-C-linked nitropyrazoles and 1,2,4-triazol-3-one: thermally stable energetic materials with reduced sensitivity
Open Access Paper

Activation of uranyl peroxides by ionizing radiation prior to uranyl carbonate formation

He2+-beam irradiation of the uranyl peroxide cage cluster Li–U28 to high doses leads to breakdown of the cage cluster and ultimately to the formation of uranyl carbonate species.

Graphical abstract: Activation of uranyl peroxides by ionizing radiation prior to uranyl carbonate formation
Open Access Paper

Homoleptic hexa- and penta-coordinated gallium(I) amide complexes of ruthenium and molybdenum

The all gallium(I)-amide coordinated [Ru(GaTMP)5] and [Mo(GaTMP)6] complexes were isolated and DFT calculations unveil competing π-interaction between the transition metal center and the amido substituent.

Graphical abstract: Homoleptic hexa- and penta-coordinated gallium(i) amide complexes of ruthenium and molybdenum
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Grignard reagents as simple precatalysts for the dehydrocoupling of amines and silanes

Grignard reagents are simple, accessible catalysts for the dehydrocoupling of amines and silanes that increases selectivity of these reactions over other commercially available catalysts for Si–N bond formation.

Graphical abstract: Grignard reagents as simple precatalysts for the dehydrocoupling of amines and silanes

Electronic, optical and charge transport properties of Zn–porphyrin–C60 MOFs: a combined periodic and cluster modeling

MOFs@C60 exhibit low band gap energy and high electrical conductivity. The conductance and current increase with the incorporation of C60.

Graphical abstract: Electronic, optical and charge transport properties of Zn–porphyrin–C60 MOFs: a combined periodic and cluster modeling

Substituted fullerenes as a promising capping ligand towards stabilization of exohedral Dy(III) based single-ion magnets: a theoretical study

Using state-of-the-art computational methods, we have thoroughly investigated the coordination ability of substituted fullerene {C55X5} (X = CCH3/B/N) towards stabilizing novel Dy(III) exohedral complexes showcasing giant barrier height >2200 K.

Graphical abstract: Substituted fullerenes as a promising capping ligand towards stabilization of exohedral Dy(iii) based single-ion magnets: a theoretical study
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Dinuclear tricarbonylrhenium(I) complexes: impact of regioisomerism on the photoluminescence properties

Mechanoresponsive luminescence (MRL) is the prerogative of dinuclear complexes. Regioisomerism strongly influences the photoluminescence efficiency, the amplitude of the MRL effect, and the aggregation-induced emission (AIE) properties.

Graphical abstract: Dinuclear tricarbonylrhenium(i) complexes: impact of regioisomerism on the photoluminescence properties
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Exo- or endo-1H-pyrazole metal coordination modulated by the polyamine chain length in [1 + 1] condensation azamacrocycles. Binuclear complexes with remarkable SOD activity

Increasing the polyamine chain length changes the binding mode of pyrazole from exo to endo in Cu2+ complexes of pyrazolacyclophanes, leading to outstanding SOD activity.

Graphical abstract: Exo- or endo-1H-pyrazole metal coordination modulated by the polyamine chain length in [1 + 1] condensation azamacrocycles. Binuclear complexes with remarkable SOD activity
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Synthesis and catalytic activity of heterobimetallic Au/M (M = RhIII, IrIII) complexes with ditopic mono- and triphosphane ligands

Universal ligand frameworks for designing heterobimetallic catalysts are described. Au/M (M = RhIII, IrIII) complexes were prepared with a ditopic mono- or triphosphane ligand. Gold(I) is only catalytically active when coordinated by a monophosphane.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and catalytic activity of heterobimetallic Au/M (M = RhIII, IrIII) complexes with ditopic mono- and triphosphane ligands
Open Access Paper

Nickel(II) complexes with 14-membered bis-thiosemicarbazide and bis-isothiosemicarbazide ligands: synthesis, characterization and catalysis of oxygen evolution reaction

The Ni(II) complexes reported in this work show high performance for OER and are suggested as promising candidates for alkaline water electrolysis.

Graphical abstract: Nickel(ii) complexes with 14-membered bis-thiosemicarbazide and bis-isothiosemicarbazide ligands: synthesis, characterization and catalysis of oxygen evolution reaction
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Taming 2,2′-biimidazole ligands in trivalent chromium complexes

Moving from homoleptic [Cr(biimidazole)3]3+ toward heteroleptic [Cr(phen)2(biimidazole)]3+ restores solubility, stability and pH-dependent near infrared phosphorescence at the molecular level.

Graphical abstract: Taming 2,2′-biimidazole ligands in trivalent chromium complexes
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

MIL-101(Cr)/aminoclay nanocomposites for conversion of CO2 into cyclic carbonates

We present the use of an amine functionalized 2D aminoclay (AC), in MOF chemistry to prepare MIL-101(Cr)/AC composites, which are exploited as catalysts for efficient conversion of CO2 into cyclic carbonates at ambient reaction conditions.

Graphical abstract: MIL-101(Cr)/aminoclay nanocomposites for conversion of CO2 into cyclic carbonates
Open Access Paper

Reducing hybrid ligand-based alane and chasing aluminium(I): dialane and unusual transient dialumene

The alane [DNIAlH2] (1) was reduced by Jones's Mg(I) and Roesky's Al(I) to give the dialane [{DNI(H)Al}2] (2). 1 with [DippBDIAl:] gives intramolecular C(sp2)–H bond-activated 3. [DNINa] with [(Cp*Al)4] gives C–N activated 5 with an Al2CN ring.

Graphical abstract: Reducing hybrid ligand-based alane and chasing aluminium(i): dialane and unusual transient dialumene
Open Access Paper

A sustainable CVD approach for ZrN as a potential catalyst for nitrogen reduction reaction

A versatile CVD process for growing facetted ZrN layers as a potential catalyst for electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia.

Graphical abstract: A sustainable CVD approach for ZrN as a potential catalyst for nitrogen reduction reaction
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

C–H bond activation at antimony(III): synthesis and reactivity of Sb(III)–oxyaryl species

The antimony(III)-oxyaryl [{NCNMe4}Sb(C6H2-tBu2-3,5-O-4)] forms upon C–H activation, with charged species and heterolytic bond cleaving and forming steps. The reactivity of the complex, which exhibits zwitterionic and quinoidal features, was probed.

Graphical abstract: C–H bond activation at antimony(iii): synthesis and reactivity of Sb(iii)–oxyaryl species
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Temperature-dependent photoluminescence down to 77 K of organotin molecular rotors: eco-friendly synthesis, photophysical characterization, X-ray structures, and DFT studies

Herein, we describe high quantum yields of organotin complexes in Me-THF at 77 K (ΦF 37 and 67%) due to the rotational fixation of a terephthalohydrazide bridge. PET bottle waste was used as raw material to synthesize ligand and tin complexes.

Graphical abstract: Temperature-dependent photoluminescence down to 77 K of organotin molecular rotors: eco-friendly synthesis, photophysical characterization, X-ray structures, and DFT studies
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Photoluminescence and magnetic properties of isostructural europium(III), gadolinium(III) and terbium(III) oxamate-based coordination polymers

In this contribution, we present a series of new lanthanide–oxamate coordination polymers as suitable candidates for light conversion molecular devices and molecular qubits for quantum computing.

Graphical abstract: Photoluminescence and magnetic properties of isostructural europium(iii), gadolinium(iii) and terbium(iii) oxamate-based coordination polymers
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Synthesis of a series of octaalkoxy-substituted cage silsesquioxanes catalyzed by zinc acetate

Octaalkoxy-substituted POSS (8RO-POSS) was synthesized using octahydrido-POSS and zinc acetate. The structure and properties of 8RO-POSS depended on the alkoxyl groups.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of a series of octaalkoxy-substituted cage silsesquioxanes catalyzed by zinc acetate
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Tuning the spin-crossover properties of [Fe2] metal–organic cages

Electronic structure calculations on dinuclear Fe(II) spin-crossover systems unravel the effects that guest molecules have on tuning the transition temperature and the single or two-step behavior transition in such systems.

Graphical abstract: Tuning the spin-crossover properties of [Fe2] metal–organic cages
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Ligand exchange induced crystal structure and morphology evolution of copper–tin–sulfur binary and ternary compounds

Crystal structure and morphology evolution from Cu1.94S/Cu4SnS4 to Cu7S4/Cu3SnS4 has been observed via a ligand exchange process.

Graphical abstract: Ligand exchange induced crystal structure and morphology evolution of copper–tin–sulfur binary and ternary compounds
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

A novel borate phosphor Lu5Ba6B9O27:Ce3+ codoped with Sr2+/Tb3+ for NUV-white light emitting diode application

By doping Sr2+ in Lu5Ba6B9O27:Ce3+, the luminescence intensity can be enhanced, whereas doping Tb3+ can improve the thermal stability of luminescence.

Graphical abstract: A novel borate phosphor Lu5Ba6B9O27:Ce3+ codoped with Sr2+/Tb3+ for NUV-white light emitting diode application
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Octacalcium phosphate with incorporated terephthalate ion derivatives: novel guest molecules and unique fluorescence properties

We successfully synthesised octacalcium phosphate with terephthalate ion derivatives and demonstrated that these materials exhibited unique fluorescence.

Graphical abstract: Octacalcium phosphate with incorporated terephthalate ion derivatives: novel guest molecules and unique fluorescence properties
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Spin crossover of a Fe(II) mononuclear complex induced by intermolecular factors involving chloride and solvent ordering

Spin transition induced by chloride in a mononuclear tripodal Fe(II) complex.

Graphical abstract: Spin crossover of a Fe(ii) mononuclear complex induced by intermolecular factors involving chloride and solvent ordering
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

The role of stereochemistry in the anticancer activity of Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes

A series of enantiopure Re(I) dinuclear complexes were synthesised and their anticancer activity was investigated, revealing distinct activities among stereoisomers.

Graphical abstract: The role of stereochemistry in the anticancer activity of Re(i) tricarbonyl complexes

Stabilisation of molecular TiO4 species on the pore surface of mesoporous silica for photocatalytic H2 evolution

Molecular TiO4 species stabilised onto the pore surface of mesoporous silica were prepared by the grafting of TiO(acac)2 and subsequent chemical etching, which was experimentally proved to have potential photocatalytic activity for H2 evolution.

Graphical abstract: Stabilisation of molecular TiO4 species on the pore surface of mesoporous silica for photocatalytic H2 evolution
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Novel ternary AgIICoIIIF5 fluoride: synthesis, structure and magnetic characteristics

As Ag2+ is such a powerful oxidizer, not many open-shell transition metal cations can resist its neighborhood. Here we introduce AgCoF5, a rare representative of the transition metal–Ag2+ fluoride family.

Graphical abstract: Novel ternary AgIICoIIIF5 fluoride: synthesis, structure and magnetic characteristics
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers

Mechanistic study on the reductive elimination of (aryl)(fluoroaryl)palladium complexes: a key step in regiospecific dehydrogenative cross-coupling

The regioselectivity for the C–H functionalisation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is determined not by the C–H cleavage step but by the subsequent reductive elimination step.

Graphical abstract: Mechanistic study on the reductive elimination of (aryl)(fluoroaryl)palladium complexes: a key step in regiospecific dehydrogenative cross-coupling
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Influence of oxygen distribution on the Li-ion conductivity in oxy-sulfide glasses – taking a closer look

Li3POxS4-x is synthesised using different sets of precursors, followed by a detailed structural analysis to establish links between the atomic structure and Li-ion conductivity of the materials.

Graphical abstract: Influence of oxygen distribution on the Li-ion conductivity in oxy-sulfide glasses – taking a closer look
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
Open Access Paper

Hydrogen production by a fully de novo enzyme

Artificial hydrogenases based on designed protein-inorganic hybrids are a promising venue to improve catalysis for sustainable fuel production.

Graphical abstract: Hydrogen production by a fully de novo enzyme

Structural subtleties and catalytic activity of sodium aminophenolate complexes in polylactide degradation: towards sustainable waste management solutions

This study provides insights into how sodium aminophenolate complexes, through structural manipulation and ligand design, catalyze the efficient and environmentally friendly degradation of polylactide (PLA).

Graphical abstract: Structural subtleties and catalytic activity of sodium aminophenolate complexes in polylactide degradation: towards sustainable waste management solutions
From the themed collection: Articles behind our 2024 journal covers
127 items - Showing page 1 of 2

About this collection

This collection brings together all of the research and review-type articles behind our 2024 journal covers, showcasing the wide range of research found in the journal. If your article has been accepted for publication, and you are interested in highlighting your research on one of our covers, please do contact the Editorial Team for further information.

